Like, surviving and winning is important. But I want Hunger to be able to live with himself without being constantly reminded that he consigned a civilization to oblivion.
It is 10 million people. Our task for the Geass is to conquer the Human Sphere and that is thousand of worlds. Even if one thousand people from each world fight us (pretty sure there will be more) the casualties from our conquest will be greater. We need to our resolve to be like steel and internalise part of the famous quote from Stalin - 'million is a statistic' because otherwise we would never be able to conquer the Human Sphere.
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[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare

We unleashed the OmakeStorm for Crimson Flare.

As the guy who kept writing shit about Promises, this is the only reason why I'm not voting for ADS.
[X] Crimson Flare

Note that it only costs 24 Arete(only.. geez), so if you are part of not dying gang you don't need to worry as we can always snap-buy a Stance.

And while it doesn't win Temple as hard, it helps with ton of other shit(healing, empire building etc) instead. I kinda don't want to overcommit to beating Temple at this point, and we can always get Stances if it turns out that we are being greedy.
It is 10 million people. Our task for the Geass is to conquer the Human Sphere and that is thousand of worlds. Even if one thousand people from each world fight us (pretty sure there will be more) the casualties from our conquest will be greater. We need to our resolve to be like steel and internalise part of the famous quote from Stalin - 'million is a statistic' because otherwise we wound never be able to conquer the Human Sphere.
...Not sure how I should comment this. Except that we aren't at the point where we need to be hard men making hard decisions?
[X] Renaissance Woman

At first I read All defeating stance and I was like holy shit what could possibly compete with this. Then I saw Gisena's advancement option.

Rolls an EFB into itself as one third of it's power! Gives us second stage nullifcation for all our curses that grows in strength over time! Makes Gisena a social goddess with which to steamroll the inner temple! Gives her so many stats she actually outstats us! It even replicates Retinue!

This is all the Gisena buffs I could ever want rolled into one package and the fluff is great too! Gisena just figures out how to achieve maidenhood all on her own!

I need this.
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Don't think of it as locking us out of Trinity, it's putting us two-thirds of the way to something just as good.
I mean, probably, technically, but what if one would rather get two-thirds of the way towards something they actually wanted instead?
1.) Would it count as _us_ ruling the Voyaging Realm if Gisena has all the power?
I believe it does, technically.

The question then becomes, is this satisfying to read?
By the way, those who want Crimson Flare but would be fine with Renaissance Woman, you should actually approval vote for the latter to put pressure on Stance Voters to switch to Flare. Thaaaat's politics!
1.) Would it count as _us_ ruling the Voyaging Realm if Gisena has all the power?
2.) There are likely to be people with superhuman persuasion as well on their side, and it makes sense to have some form of force to back up that persuasion. It's better to be stronger and less persuasive than weaker and more persuasive.
3.) Primacy gains STRONG AF, progress too fast to catch up to the time limit-- diplomacy might genuinely take too long given how large the Human Sphere is
I think we can outscale Gisena again in 2500 years, and even we could as long as she's the ruler but obeys us we would rule the Human Sphere in truth, which is what counts.
But Gisena becomes as strong as Hunger though! That's a lot of power.
Remember, conquest can be like a snowball; the more you have , the more people you can take on! It's almost geometric growth in that sense.
It is 10 million people. Our task for the Geass is to conquer the Human Sphere and that is thousand of worlds. Even if one thousand people from each world fight us (pretty sure there will be more) the casualties from our conquest will be greater. We need to steel our resolve and internalise part of the famous quote from Stalin - 'million is a statistic' because otherwise we wound never be able to conquer the Human Sphere.
I want us to make sacrifices when it would be necessary, not when it would be convenient; and just leaving these people to die is certainly that latter. Every life is precious; we don't want to waste them, but use them, oerhaps even pay with them; but never throw them away.
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I want to win and gain strength before apocryphal curse active again.

We have literally already outscaled the next attack of the apocryphal. I would really like to see something other than more blade after ruling ring got shifted to cut through. Blade stuff is great, but I find it the least interesting the read and learn about, I also vehemently object to the way it always seems to solve all our problems. I want the Trinity advancement as well and while I am certain what we get from triple blade is as valuable, I am really sold on some of the Trinity options, in particular the one that combines all our artifacts into one stronger artifact and frees up two accretion slots.

I fought against uttermost because it's downsides aside I knew it would encourage more blade picks, particularly blade EFBs, that was one of its stated benefits. I will fight this because if we take it we are locked into triple blade and the more we draw from this well the less need we will feel to take from others.

I would really like to avoid this simply becoming heavily sword focused as a quest and it is not only within our power to do so but it is not unreasonable to do it.
It is 10 million people. Our task for the Geass is to conquer the Human Sphere and that is thousand of worlds. Even if one thousand people from each world fight us (pretty sure there will be more) the casualties from our conquest will be greater. We need to our resolve to be like steel and internalise part of the famous quote from Stalin - 'million is a statistic' because otherwise we would never be able to conquer the Human Sphere.
Or you do it with slightly less edge, just beat up all their armaments and use All-Defeating's intimidation (which we'll probably get eventually either way) to just make everyone bend the knee.
When you're quoting Stalin, you're probably not being reasonable and we're a progression type Cirsebearer. We have all the options we'll need.
The first still seems geared to making an army to conquer and occupy large parts of the Human Sphere. Still conquest with tyrannical power.

The second seems to be pretty much becoming a tyrant.
Well, there is the matter of a certain Doom...

Jokes aside, the thread realistically does not have the heartlessness for any form of morally objectionable tyranny. Concerns about following the Forebear's path right off the slippery slope are moot, not only due to the massive amounts of Willpower Hunger has from his backstory and Uttermost, but because there's not a snowball's chance in hell it will win the vote.
But you see; then we'd have two Hunger-level combatants with us in the Inner temple! Isn't that a ton of immediate power!? She'd be able to Progress as well; it would improve our chances massively! We don't need to solo the Temple to win, especially with a memetic hazard on our side!
Two Hunger-level combatants, when Hunger as he is only avoids getting curbstomped by Avecarn because of Cut Through? I guarantee you they've got stronger warriors, other trump cards to deploy. And then there's the matter of the Council themselves, who aren't going to roll over and die for a pretty face after ruling for centuries. Nor do physical stats superior to Hunger's own necessarily make Gisena a combatant with his lethality. She doesn't have the Forebear's Blade, for one. All the options 'improve our chances massively', they're EFBs, that's what they do. But we can do better than blowing literally all our Arete on buffing her.

Also, consider how Gisena shining with ineffable radiance will compromise the banter people seem to enjoy so much. In this very update she comments on how charisma creates distance between party members. Aeira can barely speak to her as it is, the poor girl. How are we supposed to have family dinners when Letrizia's paralyzed with slack-jawed awe? Not only is beauty an attack, it's an indiscriminate one. Perhaps she can do as Skyveil did and invent a means of protecting viewers from herself, but we can just... not have this problem in the first place and preserve the current dynamic.
Or you do it with slightly less edge, just beat up all their armaments and use All-Defeating's intimidation (which we'll probably get eventually either way) to just make everyone bend the knee.
I would`t call it edge. The task is to be a conqueror or the power behind the conquest. You can call it "chains of commanding", "heavy is the head that wears the crown" or something else. You are right that we can force them to bend the knee but some of them will probably die fighting to protect their way of life.

We will destroy their way of life, I think this is something we cannot avoid. Hunger made a promise to release the Ring and I don`t know if we can find a peaceful solution
[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare - 25 Arete. (0 picks, but requires Chief Dominion)
This lets us fix the giant robot. As anyone knows, diplomacy is much easier when you have a massive god machine backing you up.
Btw, the Flare is the cheapest EFB atm (because it isn't a 0-pick Companion EFB or bought piecemeal), so we could likely afford to buy another 7-Arete option in an update or two. Maybe even soon enough for the reward of the Avecarn confrontation? Remember, the guy is a gardener. :V
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