[X] Cut Through, [X] Study the Blade and [X] Hot Springs has won. Overexertion has torn your spirit and its bodily template. Suffer the effects of Punctured Soul with the penalties halved, and the physical penalty halved again due to Quickening. The Hot Springs has cured your Chill of the Grave and Lingering Paralysis conditions.
Finally, the EFB arrives! An amazing update.
Well, I suppose that we traded a bad roll for a good one, here? Disregarding our survival roll.
[X] Upgrade Letrizia's Magic (from 2 Arete-equivalent to 7-Arete equivalent)
[X] Forebear's Blade - Ruinous Valor (3 picks)
-[X] Zweihander
[X] Check up on Letrizia
The meme opportunity. It's here.
I think the upgrade far outclasses the other two options. A pick is good, but doesn't add as much as 5 free virtual arete, especially if Ruinous Valor is the pick. This might be a different story if we could take another 2 Pick, but there's only one worthwhile one here. A reroll is as good as it normally is, but again, less value. Especially if we aren't just fighting the Rotbeast next update. I picked Letrizia for check up, because I guess it's good to keep an eye out for her, if we're investing this much.
Ruinous Valor is both necessary to get the most out of Uttermost and good with Cut Through and other sword options. Martial Stances also open up some good options.
If you were going to take something else, I imagine that it would be Prime + a one pick, probably either The King Stands Alone, Dominion: War, or one of the blood advancements. I'm not a fan of Dreadnought here, especially since we're moving towards Ruling Ring next. Just seems inefficient, especially since people would prefer Rune King, giving up our eye for TSH, which I'm not interested in. And taking 3 1 Picks seems obviously foolish, due to how XP works.
I'm not a big fan of any of the 2 + 1 Pick suggestions, really. The King Stands alone is good for our build, and maybe rare, but strikes me as just a different flavor of Hero-Defeating Stance (though the +Willpower is nice). I'd rather save Arete for the next EFB in this time we've bought ourselves. Dominion: War is a step in the right direction, but taking it before taking Ruinous Valor is bad ordering, because it starts towards our next EFB without getting the thing we need to make our current one maximally viable (two arms). And taking Prime + an ordinary 1 pick that we can get at any time seems like a waste, when 3 pick options are theoretically much riskier to obtain.