All right, tactics for interacting with adventurers:
Pressure manipulation to find compatible groups and bringing Gisena along seem like the obvious things to do. She verges on being tolerable when her wiles are pointed downrange and is way better than Hunger when it comes to manipulation. Pitfall-wise, I can see people trying to kill us for our ring. If the Call's a widely known phenomenon, anything that clarifies it or makes it tolerable's going to be worth more than its weight in gold. That it wouldn't work for them doesn't stop them from trying. But unlike the Ring of Truth it doesn't advertise its existence, so being circumspect about its function and covering the ring up (if this doesn't impede Pressure use, Hunger should exercise his judgment there) ought to be enough.
The Tyrant's Doom is the other big pain in the ass. Gisena can do most of the talking, acting as the carrot to Hunger's silently scowling stick, but he should take a moment to consider his own values and likely triggers. Slavery, an excess of aristocratic privilege, that sort of thing. Parameterize Pressure so we find people without, like, baggage trains of serfs. We haven't had a proc yet or interacted with civilizations in the VR (what a suspicious acronym; might be linked to Bearic's worldview?), but I think we should be able to anticipate some hot button issues and steer the conversation away from them. Indirect mitigation's the best we can manage, until Gisena finds inspiration or we can spare the Arete.