on the other hand, would taking some risks for a good reward, which is what the Quickest Route is AFAIK, improve our odds of being able to accomplish a successful Temple run?
I mean, by definition that depends. If the risks pay out, yes. If they don't, then no, it will make things worse. Thats what risk means. Greater risk means greater chance of undesirable results.
Since we don't know more than vague odds for what could happen with a highly dangerous monster, exceptionally dangerous monster, or epic monster, nor the odds of what awaits us at the Temple, you'll have to guess at what the risk descriptors really mean, and compare that to your own risk tolerance preferences.
What we do know:
Exceptionally dangerous: about as powerful as you, +/- 20%
Epically dangerous: overwhelmingly stronger than you
Exceptionally dangerous monsters aren't very likely to actually kill you, though moderate or major complications are very possible, as is the loss of companions. Epically dangerous monsters are likely to kill you. You may modify these odds with tactics, discussion etc, but the scale is heavy and there's ultimately a cap in what you can do without correct strategy.
So, putting that together suggests:
- 50% chance of moderately eventful journey (fighting monsters grants Experience worth 2 + 1 selections)
1 additional pick vs baseline scenic route; possibly less reward than the mystery box good rolls on scenic, possibly not.
20% chance of highly eventful journey (As above, but suffer a moderate complication)
As above, 1 extra pick, but also some additional problem which may or may not leave Hunger weaker than just having one less pick.
- 20% chance to be interrupted by a highly dangerous monster
2 extra picks vs baseline scenic, probably better rewards vs mystery box good rolls, but again, mystery box, who knows? Also, unknown chance of deleterious side effects. Possibly low odds of downside?
- 10% chance to be interrupted by an exceptionally dangerous monster
2 extra picks vs baseline scenic, and chance of 4 pick option, which theoretically could be about as strong as an exp option gets? Almost definitely better than best scenic result as far as gains go(but no guarantees, I guess), but also unknown chance of very severe downsides, including small but non zero chance of death and quest end, or larger but still unquantified chance of Gizena or Letriza dying. Or some other substantial penalty somewhere in that range of undesirability.
It all comes down to how well random chance will favor Hunger, in the end. So, how lucky do you feel?