"Oh boy," Letrizia said, skipping over to the copse. "Here it comes. Let me guess, the fishing speech?"

As a sidenote, I loved the fishing trip and I'm really hopeful about the advancements the Realm of Evening might provide Aeira. Can't believe we didn't think of it earlier: if we can incorporate her element into our cloak, perhaps we could so something similar in reverse with an Evening Gown-alike advancement.
Valid targets are Princess Regent Gisena I, Duchess Letrizia Artriez or Princess Adorie IX.
[ ] Human Sphere Armament Trading Company, est. Miren, Kingdom of Nilfel, Year 1 of the Reign of Queen Adorie I - Provides a not-really-legitimate cover for stealing and ransoming Armaments. +Association, +Aeira, +Stock Options (can sell or gift shares to align incentives towards your purposes).
Possible Typo: Adorie's titled as Princess Adorie IX previously, should it now be Queen Adorie IX?

[X] Adorie's Bodyguards
Adding Enemy Confusion into the mix would result in funny reactions and play well with any Age/Treachery ploys we attempt.

Pirates is the prime meme option, but it tarnishes Letrizia's reputation, attracts negative attention on Hunger's party, and foils any future political negotiation.

Also, it's Adorie's Bodyguards is the only option which doesn't explicitly have us acknowledge our objective of capturing Armaments, because 'Oh this is all just one big misunderstanding!'
Take shelter under audacity and misdirection, all that jazz.
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imagine being the first queen of your name

carefully avoided being called junior right there


[X] Adorie's Bodyguards

gisena pl0x
[X] Nilfellian Special Expeditionary Legion

This is probably the best from a practical standpoint, although Bodyguards is a decent secondary - the more Interesting we make our lives of our own volition, the less the Apocryphal adjusts things to threaten it. More or less. I think.
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[X] Nilfellian Special Expeditionary Legion

This is probably the best from a practical standpoint, although Bodyguards is a decent secondary - the more Interesting we make our lives of our own volition, the less the Apocryphal adjusts things to threaten it. More or less. I think.

What if the best way to mitigate apocrypha is to make interesting stupid decisions, instead of just stupid decisions. If we make our own problems we can run apocrypha out of a job. We can make Hungers life interesting all on our own thank you very much.
Get ready for some Pirate propaganda!

Who wants some background music??

Pirate Captain Hunger with his cabin boys Aobaru and Letrizia

credit Krystal Fabia

Captain Jack Sparrow Hunger vs Big Fish

This could be our PIRATE SHIP

... i really want this
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What if the best way to mitigate apocrypha is to make interesting stupid decisions, instead of just stupid decisions. If we make our own problems we can run apocrypha out of a job. We can make Hungers life interesting all on our own thank you very much.
Sounds like just making Apo-chan job easier for her, now all she needs to do is focus power on sending proper enemies that will exploit our bad decisions:V
[X] Elixir Royal Privateer Commission

"So, then this shirtless dude just came out of nowhere and basically defeated the Armament with a sword? I don't see how that's possible, but it happened.

He was screaming nonsense the whole time about "finding the One Piece" and "being the pirate king". I think he might have been doing a bit? It was hard to tell, because the moment he showed up we all keeled over in a cold sweat.

...I don't want to go back on Armament duty, sir. Please stop sending us back into that place."
Do we pick the sensible votes, taking into account all the factors and possible future troubles stemming from this choice? Or do we pick the funny votes?

What a silly question.

[X] Adorie's Bodyguards
He could deploy intermediaries to scope out your abilities, or simply tech up in his home dimension until he's functionally unassailable by you - in which case you'd need to proactively hunt him!
How high does he scale? Luthor never really gets stronger than Darkseid-tier, and Darkseid is almost certainly weaker than Fervenweirr, let alone stronger Armaments. Doctor Doom has more impressive feats - villain-on-villain is kind of Doom's thing, so of course he does - but about the strongest I could see Doom getting on native feats is Anti-Monitor tier.
I never got terribly far in They Called Me Mad, but if T9 Creations are Endbringer-tier, or even Endbringer/Death Star Hybrids, that's probably still below Titanic tier? Might be Stage One Titan, actually.
Basically, I'm wondering how hard one actually needs to scale for this.
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Doctor Doom has more impressive feats - villain-on-villain is kind of Doom's thing, so of course he does - but about the strongest I could see Doom getting on native feats is Anti-Monitor tier.

God King Doom in a few years, so like multiversal level. The default strat was something like Von Neumann swarms into Jupiter Brains into Galactic Conquest and so on. Presumably at some point he just turns his gathered resources into an ascension engine to attain godhood.

Which is to say, you gotta scale up pretty fast to you can gank him before he's got preptime because you almost certainly scale slower than him when he's actually trying.