[x] Armory of Night
[x] Least Foresleep

While Hunger is napping, Versh can carry us. Both in the sense that he'll be doing a great deal of the work needed conquering shit and in the sense that he will probably literally be transporting our slumbering selves. Also, we might end up with some of the Sleep of the Just advancements! That said, all of the options are really good, so I'm not super worried about what wins.
"If you were willing to surrender Letrizia, you would have done so," Procyon boomed. "The Plenary makes my intentions absolutely clear, so you could have prevented my assault on your walls by yielding to its implicit demand. I have no desire to negotiate with a man who slaughtered my allies unprovoked. Stop wasting my time."

And yet he had stopped to talk. Hunger smiled slightly. "It was your convoy that attacked our Walls unprovoked, which are critical to the ecology of the Realm within.
You know, something I wondered at the time.

That "slaughtered my allies unprovoked" bit seemed odd, from our perspective -- they did start hammering on the Walls of Myth first or, if referring to the scouting/commando squad that teleported in and tried to gank Letrizia, then... well that was a gank squad so... -- so what gives? (I mean, maybe those initial guys were out to capture rather than kill, but still.) But there's two confusing twists to this.

Doom of the Tyrant/Uttermost, and Inherit the World/Triumphal Gleam.

Doom of the Tyrant gives Hunger blindspots and makes him inflexible or uncompromising. And Inherit the World makes it so that "reality is naturally more forgiving of resorting to outrageous destruction and violence in otherwise unfitting situations" and "his failures are brushed over." And yet, Atven manages to object to that?

Either we were blind to something and Hunger's acts were unprovoked in some way, in which case this is a hint and unfortunate sign that we are having blindspots. Or, it wasn't unprovoked, but despite Inherit the World's reality-altering power, Atven still managed to lock onto that and see his way through that; or at least keep a poker face and bluff/lie his way through Inherit the World+Triumphal Gleam social-fu.

... Or, Atven was being totally unreasonable and bitching completely unreasonable. But, uh. He's not the one with Doom of the Tyrant, nor Inherit the World + Triumphal Gleam.

Maybe he was referring to something else? Some other incident Hunger and/or Letrizia are unaware of, but the Republic and Procyon thinks they're at fault for? I dunno.
Halve the social penalty from, and double the effective forgiveness for, escalating to violence in otherwise inappropriate situations.

Penitent would do nothing here; responding to someone attempting an assassination on an ally with lethal violence isn't escalation, it's self defense. I'm assuming this is just Atven taking an unreasonable position for an advantage in negotiations.
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I think those are more group/reality-oriented powers. Not brainwashing an individual into believing something, but affecting whole societies to view us in a more positive way. So they don't automatically make everyone forgive us or think we can do no wrong, they just make it more likely for people to believe that and groupthink does the rest.
Man, King of All Seasons is just pretty dang good.

Refinement of Purpose not only has an awesome blurb, it improves Praxis endurance by 50% while also tripling the value of all Willpower +s and essentially boosting Might and Agility by the same amount as a result of Cut Through, all while providing 20 Willpower +s (a rare enough stat as is). That's essentially a Form of Rage for physical stats! Or perhaps more akin to the return of Threefold?

Willpower was already something of a godstat due to the various bonuses and associated Advancements it offerred, but Refinement of Purpose even allows us to use Willpower for Praxis casting which is one of the few areas Willpower didn't apply in our build. That's amazing and would work extremely solidly with future Praxis development, which I hope we will embark on relatively soon given how essential the Praxis has been in our fights since our attainment of the Sword Praxis.

And to a certain extent, King of All Seasons works well with Conditions like Grievous Exertion or Least Foresleep. Since Hour of Reckoning allows us to get 4 (!) Ranks of martial power and 0.4 ISH tiers in the event we're attacked, it should provide enough power to temporarily offset the drop in Rank and RoP's boost to effective Praxis endurance might mitigate the worst of the -80% Praxis endurance side-effect from Exertion. Sword in the Stone would allow us to buff our territories greatly and would hopefully level the Nifellian populace enough for them to withstand any attack the Apocryphal can muster in the day before Pillars procs. And if we switch to a Rulership-based style for a while, the immediate effects of Slumber become less concerning since our companions and kingdoms should hopefully be able to take care of themselves in our periods of rest.

Also, about a certain part of Pierce Through:

Inheritance: Pierce Through

+++AGI, ++Might

Hunger may now perform the perfected version of Vanrier's Thrust technique: an unerring and inescapable lunge that pierces all forms of physical defense. Negates target inapplicability: if incorporeal, the thrust will damage their spirit; if physical harm is meaningless, it will strike their very essence. Does not commit Hunger into a continuous attack if it somehow fails. This is tiring to use, drawing from the same pool as Praxis Techniques - but see Oath of Winter above.

Integrates and upgrades the Artful Thorn: in exchange for limitations on form, the cost is now linear rather than exponential.

Hunger inheriting the perfect technique of Vanreir Amarlt, the power of the Unerring Blade in full, is thematic as all hell. Vanreir was the opponent to which Hunger felt the greatest degree of affinity and the man's philosophy of absolute commitment to a single goal was so powerful and similar to Hunger's character that it allowed him to acquire the power of Uttermost, probably the most aesthetically pleasing and interesting Advancement in the quest (given it resulted in Cut Through and Hunger's later characterization). That we completely integrate the Unerring Blade's skill following a fight won with Vanreir's Thrust seems extremely appropriate.

It's pretty funny that Artful Thorn's cost becomes linear if we use it as a thrusting technique (a linear attack) as well.

Also, the existence of Cut Through and Pierce Through makes me wonder if there is a third Advancement - Strike Through. After all, the nature of the Forebear's power was "sharpness: the power to pierce, to strike, to cut." Myth and Legend allows us to master 2 parts of that power and it makes me curious if there is another type of Trinity that can be pursued! We already have our hands full with the Feat Trinity and Artifact Nonity (or Novernity?) but hey, more blurbs to chase after is great.
[X] Myth and Legend
[X] Lessened

Lessened is a no brainer with MaL - even if for some unknown reason Adorie doesn't completely reduce it, almost all of it will be. Something like -2 Arete or -1 Pick is a much more fair trade than Exertion imo.
I remembered something. Double armament benefits unlocks Terraforming shenanigans.
*However, note that the Ereadhihr have considerable utility applications beyond their might in battle. A second Armament would open up enormous logistical and cosmic terraforming possibilities, to say nothing of its Curse-specific Ultimate!

Remember Fisher King's grail keeper ability? Wolfy had an insight about it a couple months ago that super terraforming actually ties into pretty great if we get Fisher King after we get an Armament.

Now, Grail Keeper allows us to mitigate Decimator within the borders of our kingdom by taking on two Afflictions and stopping food production and births. That still sounds like shitty fucking deal, which is why we sort of ignored it .. except, when you reword it, it does this: As long as borders of our kingdom are greater than the range of Decimator, and as long we solve the issue of births and food, we can just take two completely manageable conditions and pretty much perfectly mitigate Decimator!

.. what? That's actually completely fucking bonkers. Once we make our kingdom within the HS, we can just build its society from grounds up to account for this, and we will end up with pretty insane amount of mitigation for essentially free. Like, let's consider things we need to do:
  • Getting our kingdom to be greater than range of Decimator. This would be completely impossible if we were talking about having a kingdom on a single planet, but within HS we just need to conquer relevant populated solar systems and we are good. This might become an issue again once we grow in power, but hopefully we'll upgrade this mitigation by then
  • Food and babies. Another seemingly crucial issue that becomes vastly more manageable when you realize that Human Sphere is Star Trek lite. Between their tech, Gisena's genius and our power of rulership once we get SitS we can create magical or technological solutions to both creating nutrients from anything and having people make babies using their DNA. We need to put some effort in developing technologies and having our society actually adopt the practices, but it's eminently doable
  • Afflictions are somewhat annoying, but mostly doable. Mutilation can be mitigated with Gisena making us some cool prosthetics and Leprosy just means we let Gisena do public stuff, but it's something we can tank
And the best part is, we still have Hunger Sated too! The two mitigations work extremely well together - with Grail Keeper we only need Hunger Sated at certain times, so limited nature of Hunger Sated picks won't be an issue it would be if it was the only means of mitigation. On the other hand, if we need to fight or find Grail Keeper troubling in different way, we can just pop Hunger Sated and do what needs to be done before going back to Grail Keeper.

In other words, it's really fucking good, and for sure something to consider when we start our conquest of Human Sphere.
They'll do their best to reason with him or disable him nonlethally, but it's quite likely Vesch will simply have to eat the Armor and its unfortunate occupant.
Minor Typo: Vesch -> Versch

In an effort to make myself more on board with Armoury of Night, I tried to think up some cool shit it enables.

1. Basically ends the War before it can really get started

Man, the strength of four Armaments acting in concert is not something the powerbalance of the Human Sphere is capable of calculating. Taking out Procyon probably really screwed Republic pretty thoroughly. Even in their worst estimations, I don't think they would've believed that Procyon would fail to escape from Verschlengorge. If we can lure Fervenweirr into the VR and deal with him, even with whatever deal the Republic has with the Sovereigns, it's almost certainly not enough.

If that's not the case, we can always work on some kind of instant movement tech to pull a blitzkreig of the Republic Armaments. If taking out three of them isn't enough to knock the Republic out of the war, we've got bigger problems. Even if the Apocryphal props them up, that's effort its not spending on fucking with us directly and forcing the four Armaments to be within reinforcement range massively constrains their possibilities.

And four is if Letrzia is piloting it. If it's Hunger, that estimate is probably a fair bit higher, at least once we become accustomed to piloting. This is saying nothing about further improvements we could provide like Refinement of Battle or the potential effects a Praehihr pilot might have on the thing.

2. Automatically completes our conquest

With the support of Archduchess Letrizia and the fucking yawning maw of oblivion, I don't think anybody would really bother contesting Hunger assuming the Imperial Throne. We'll probably just foist the work off onto Adorie and Gisena in all honesty. The main problem is how we're relatively unprepared to actually keep the Throne in the face of whatever bullshit the Apocryphal will throw at us, either in terms of power (if we don't use the Empire as ablative armour) or experience (if we do). It would be a lot easier if we ended up grabbing Sword in the Stone beforehand; we need to get Fisher King anyway.

3. Allows Hunger to remain relatively out of the limelight.

If people are focusing on Verschlengorge's new and extremely bling form, they're not going to be paying as much attention to the mage her pilot picked up along the way, at least without divination or substantial reconnaissance. Even somewhat mitigating the public attention we'd otherwise receive would be fairly useful depending on what we're deciding to do.

4. Giant Robot

Fuck yeah.
1. This is vastly underestimating the Power Levels of the universe we're in. IIRC there are around 20ish Armaments in the Human Sphere, if the mere combined strength of 4 Armaments is enough to tilt the scales, it would make it trivial for a Progression-type Cursebearer to outscale simply through tactical elimination of the first few Armaments encountered.
However, let's say Upgraded Versch is sufficiently strong enough to dominate the Human Sphere and break the status quo. It wouldn't necessarily win the war because Armaments are strategic resources that cannot literally be everywhere at once.

2. Taking out Procyon evened out the scales, at best. The Empire lost Verschlengorge at the beginning of this Quest and it's been at least 2 months since then while this war's been slowly building up all the while. The Republic is also noted to have more advanced military technology, Mage extraction operations, alliance with at least 1 Astral Sovereign-class entity, a larger territory, and less scrupulous behavior than the Empire. I'd be willing to bet the Empire has been on the back-foot the entire time.

3. Losing contact with Procyon would likely spook whoever signed off on the operation to begin with, and I highly doubt anyone with common sense would send out the conventionally weakest Armament to investigate without knowing the Opponent's strength. Fervenweirr's pilot is also noted to be a coward and lacks proper combat skills, making them even more vulnerable and sending them out would be akin to sending bait.

4. The Human Sphere will have sophisticated communications technology for instant transmission, thus I doubt Hunger would be able to find a comparably flexible Instant-movement technique for intercepting Armaments, without us investing very Heavily into such a build. Such a build would frankly be very gimmicky and I'm not sure how appealing it'd be for the high effort.

5. On the contrary, a plan hinging on blitzkrieg tactics is vulnerable to Apocryphal intervention by simple fact that we're acting recklessly and within the spotlight of the entire Universe, so Apocryphal only needs to expend little effort to push literally anyone to pop up and stall our efforts. It's incredibly dangerous with little gain, since we'd be acting hastily without acclimating to the change in environment.

6. As soon as Hunger encounters any Armament, they'll immediately know he's a Praehir, revealing his unique status. Furthermore, Procyon was able to detect a connection between Versch & Hunger and who's to say that connection is only one-way? Versch running around battling everywhere could also expose that Versch is linked to a Cursebearer.

7. Last but not least, while sufficient Power can overcome political difficulties, I highly doubt the mere strength of 4 Armaments will make the Empire bow down and kneel for Hunger. After all, why should they trust this newcomer Tyrant demanding submission, with the support of the traitorous Duchess Letrizia in such a blatant power grab?

While Hunger is napping, Versh can carry us. Both in the sense that he'll be doing a great deal of the work needed conquering shit and in the sense that he will probably literally be transporting our slumbering selves. Also, we might end up with some of the Sleep of the Just advancements! That said, all of the options are really good, so I'm not super worried about what wins.
While Versch is very capable of taking up Hunger's combat duties, it also means Hunger is not advancing for the duration of sleep, meaning we'd be wasting precious time when the Apocryphal is a concern. We'd also likely see more narrative time-skips, so keep in mind there's likely to be a change of pace where the narrative is split between short & intense bursts of Hunger's waking period & catching up on sleep.
Um, just had a thought. @Rihaku, does the Special Advancement, Trinity, qualify as a choice for Heroic Upgrade...?

Because if we're talking about Advancements that took a lot to get, that was one. Time, circumstances, buildvote discipline, and Arete.
The winner was [X] Sovereignty with [X] Yes and [X] True Vigorflame. Aobaru is excited to travel alongside the mighty Reckoner himself!

You have attained the Special Advancement, Trinity -
Blade, Mantle, and Ring all assembled, their powers brought to the fore. But what was the product of their powers in unison, the trinity that arose from them, but was not of them, the promise of the prophecy at long last fulfilled?

[ ] Threefold - Triple the wielder's AGI, MIGHT, WITS, PROT and CHA. They automatically win contests of primacy involving their Artifacts, but may never expand their panoply beyond these three items of power. This does not stop them from integrating expansions into their items, such as Silver of Evening or Outer Sky.

[ ] A Promise Kept - The power of Fate rides besides you once more. It will twine the strings of destiny to bring about favorable and interesting outcomes for you, independent of Apocryphal activations. While it cannot directly negate the power of the Apocryphal Curse, it can grant serendipitous encounters, boons at least somewhat commensurate to the risks of Interesting Times. Boons offered are roughly half as potent as Apocryphal activations and are not guaranteed to occur concurrently with activations of the Curse. This in no way diminishes the danger of the Apocryphal Curse, but Hunger may enjoy at last the good alongside the bad, even if in limited degree.

[ ] Core Panoply - The treasures of a Tyrant may expand without limit; why then not the treasures of a hero? You may buy your next Defining Advancement piecemeal, placing Experience towards it even without an enemy of qualifying scope. By default, will buy Stranglethorn. +1 Defining Advancement Slot, +2 Accretion Panoply Slots, +.3 Rank (+.6 with modifiers).
*Assuming the enemy is Procyon, victory grants 5 picks, +1 Heroic Upgrade to an Advancement of Hunger's choice
You currently have 45.8 Arete. Choose one build option below, and one Condition. Choose wisely, as the structure of Hunger's advancement here could well determine his future path. We will choose your Heroic Advancement afterwards.
... I just realized.


"Trinity" was "a Special Advancement."

Does... does that mean it's qualified for a Heroic Upgrade, as a result?

Because, uh. To get it, required a shitload of time, 3 EFBs, unlocking and pre-requisites to those EFBs, a lot of picks, a lot of circumstances, not-breaking symmetry, and defeating an Apocryphal Proc...

And, uh. The name of the Advancement achieved wasn't 'Core Panoply.' It was Trinity.

So. We might be applying the Heroic Upgrade not just to Core Panoply alone, but to Trinity.

So the upgrade may come in the form of boosting Core Panoply's powers, sure, an expansion of depth. But it could also come in the form of an expansion of breadth. Getting us some of the benefits of Threefold and A Promise Kept.

(... Man. I want Myth and Legend even more now. It gets us one step closer to Triple Trinity: Blade, Mantle and Ring; Crown, Saber and Orb; and Shield, Symbol, and Sword.)
(What's that? Maybe Armor of Midnight might play a role in Feat: Shield? Or piloting Verschlengorge and shielding a place? Or the Walls of Myth again? And maybe Seraph's Favor will let us find a way to get Feat: Symbol, or the Tears of Winter will? Hmm, how convenient. :V)
It's been a while since the last one of these, here's a Goals Check-in:

1. Decimators Affliction management - Accursed Implement provides us with assistance here Via Fisher King. Apocrypha Armament route replaces our Decimator's Affliction with Verschlengorge's, though we are not without options to mitigate the damage it does to people(Heroic Blood Upgrades, Peaches of Immortality from Realm of Evening). Verschlengorge can satiate its Decimator's Affliction by eating enemies, assuming it's powerful enough to do so.

2. Dealing with Aobaru's Terminator - Myth and Legend leaves us in good shape to be vigilant against the terminator due to lack of condition, Hero's Reward changes the Terminator's target to us. Least Foresleep costs us time we could be keeping an eye on Aobaru. Over-Refined with Armory of Night means we're best equipped to engage Aobaru's Terminator from the cockpit of the Apocryphal Armament, should we vote to create it. Lessened lowers or heightens the gap between us and the terminator. Grievous Exertion may lead to a Terminator interrupt for better or worse while we're weak(Though it may be Tolerable with A King for All Seasons). If we bring Myth and Legend Adorie with us, sacrificing her protection for the Apocryphal Curse for our Holdings, she can bodyguard Aobaru. If we use Armory of Night on Verschlengorge Letrezia can bodyguard Aobaru.

3. Getting Letrezia out of the Voyaging Realm - Nothing obviously helps with this subject. Least Foresleep would wreak havoc on our travel time though unless we do something like Scry on the Voyaging city then bring everybody gradually over a few days. Nightmare Flight can only carry so many people and it's once a day IIRC. A Hero's Reward, in the event of our death, turns this into a non-issue though, technically solving the problem but in a way nobody would like.

4. Getting ourself/Aeira/Aobaru out of the Voyaging Realm - Nothing obviously helps with this subject. Least Foresleep would wreak havoc on our travel time thoughunless we do something like Scry on the Voyaging city then bring everybody gradually over a few days. Nightmare Flight can only carry so many people and it's once a day IIRC. Double Armaments may improve our travel time. A Hero's Reward, in the event of our death, turns this into a non-issue though, technically solving the problem but in a way nobody would like.

5. Conquering the Human Sphere - King for All Seasons has Sword in the Stone(One of the Stages of Wolfy's Grail Keeper wombo combo and a useful rulership aid in its own right). Accursed Implement makes us smarter and gives us a stage of Wolfy's Grail Keeper Wombo Combo(The Other stage is Sword in the Stone or possible double armament terraforming). Armory of Night gives us Funky cosmic scale terraforming dual techniques with Letrezia that may be useful in an analogous manner to the Weather control sign if we make the Apocryhal Armament. Myth and Legend gives us enough power to engage more armaments under our own power, but so would A King for All Seasons. Also the rank boost from Accursed Implement and Myth and Legend may help us rule. Least Foresleep Deprives us of time. We're already a monster of sufficiently overwhelming power to threaten anything short of armaments in the Human Sphere.

6. Successful Odds of Vengeance/Avoiding Death by Epilogue - Accursed Implement gives Hunger more brainpower to upgrade his overall competence. King for All Seasons has the resurrection ability of Sword in the Stone that hasn't seen much discussion so far.

7. Ruling Well - Myth and Legend tempts us to bring Adorie with us, sacrificing the protection from Apocrypha she provides our holdings though she may be helpful as a political minion without it. A King for All Seasons gives us Sword in the Stone. Accursed Implement makes us smarter, there's the Grail Keeper Wombo Combo I keep talking about. Armory of Night has Hunger/Letrezia dual techniques. Least Foresleep damages our ability to politic for the foreseeable future due to sleeping.

8. Curse Mitigation - Accursed Implement provides Curse Mitigation. Nothing else does. Least Foresleep gives us a new unmitigatable curse making us need 16 hours of sleep a day for 1 year, and 12 hours a day for the next year.

Tangent: Everything but A Hero's Reward gets us a major upgrade for an advancement we have. We are getting the possibility of some level of Realm of Evening Training time very soon.
Tangent2: Depending on the Secret Cursebearer benefits for Armament piloting, if we were to ever step into the cockpit of upgraded verschlengorge, we could potentially do even better than engaging 4 peer level armaments simultaneously.
Tangent3: There's 365 Days in a year. A Lunar Month is somewhere from 27-29 Days. Let's average it at 28. Pillars of Creation Procs are 21 Days. How many cycles does it take for a full year to pass? Presumably least foresleep doesn't benefit from this.

7.449 Cycles approximately
208.572 Days in Realspace(7.449*28)
156.429 Days in Realm of Evening(7.449*21)

Word Count: 839 Words
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Peaches of Immortality from Realm of Evening
not an option. We can't bring Evening-sourced items Out of the realm of evening, though any buffs we get from items consumed within will stick around, so we'd need to bring everyone in Nilfel into the realm of evening at once. Bringing someone into the Realm requires physical proximity (since we would've had trouble doing so while holding people hostage), so even if the theoretical limit is really high, practically we probably can't bring in more then a hundred.
not an option. We can't bring Evening-sourced items Out of the realm of evening, though any buffs we get from items consumed within will stick around, so we'd need to bring everyone in Nilfel into the realm of evening at once. Bringing someone into the Realm requires physical proximity (since we would've had trouble doing so while holding people hostage), so even if the theoretical limit is really high, practically we probably can't bring in more then a hundred.

They're an option for our party members though. We can heroic blood upgrade everyone else or make sure versch gets properly fed otherwise.
Wait if we take exertion and use heroic upgrade on Pillars maybe we'll be in Pillars for over a month 👀

though it does leave us vulnerable for the next few hours.
7. Ruling Well - Myth and Legend tempts us to bring Adorie with us, sacrificing the protection from Apocrypha she provides our holdings though she may be helpful as a political minion without it.
Honestly so long as we remain her Champion and 'Hunger's polities and general health doing well' remains in her interests, even leaving her behind has that sweet minus half a rank against everyone trying to do those things harm. It specifies that the penalty doesn't have to involve her directly. Assuming we get some long distance administration going she'll eventually be able to administer outside as well.
The wielder's kingdom is as a Camelot or Shangi-La
Minor Typo: Shangi-La -> Shangri-La

You can also write in if you'd prefer to buy Honing, Iridescence etc. Don't feel compelled to write in a custom vote if you choose to buy one of the one-pick options, Hunger will naturally fill in the blanks with an appropriate Advancement. For example, he might take Exalted Spirit alongside Elder Sign to enhance his effective Intelligence.
Forgotten Question: Has the 2nd Pick gained from defeating Augustine been used by Hunger already, and if so, what sort of Advancement did he pick? Since it wasn't brought up in the update, it might be safe to assume it's already been used up. I think it's somewhat relevant for Build decision-making to know what Hunger's IC priorities were when he used that Pick.
Tbh, surprised Sharkey hasn't chimed in yet to ask about this lol.

EDIT: Changing vote.
[X] A Hero's Reward
[X] Grievous Exertion
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Minor Typo: Shangi-La -> Shangri-La

Forgotten Question: Has the extra Pick gained from Spoils of the Tyrant been used by Hunger already, and if so, what sort of Advancement did he pick? Since it wasn't brought up in the latest update, it might be safe to assume it's already been utilized. I think it's somewhat relevant for Build decision-making to know what Hunger's priorities are when he used that Pick.
Tbh, surprised Sharkey hasn't chimed in yet to ask about this lol.

I could be wrong but I think it just vanished into the ether because we couldn't afford what we were voting for?

Edit: Rihaku said on the 17th in the discord general that at Best, it's Exalted Spirit or Opalescence.
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Minor Typo: Shangi-La -> Shangri-La

Forgotten Question: Has the 2nd Pick gained from defeating Augustine been used by Hunger already, and if so, what sort of Advancement did he pick? Since it wasn't brought up in the update, it might be safe to assume it's already been used up. I think it's somewhat relevant for Build decision-making to know what Hunger's IC priorities were when he used that Pick.
Tbh, surprised Sharkey hasn't chimed in yet to ask about this lol.
I could be wrong but I think it just vanished into the ether because we couldn't afford what we were voting for?

Rihaku said on the 17th in the discord general that at Best, it's Exalted Spirit or Opalescence.
From Discord:

are people really expecting the missing pick to be relevant

at best it's exalted spirit or opalescence

you were not in a position to purchase refinement of battle during the events of that pick

so why would it suddenly let you retcon into it

[7:27 PM]
I'm projecting an Opalescence or an Echo. Exalted spirit is too good for this world. Too pure.
[X] Armory of Night
[X] A King For All Seasons
[X] Myth and Legend
[X] Over-Refined

Edit: How do you copy the color of the options?
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