We could just get Refinement of Place, costly as it may be.

Although, perhaps getting Elixir and developing teleportation Grace might prove possible too.
The utility of Sky Veil should not be underestimated! Not only has it headed off a problem that may have caused Hunger psychological issues, it unlocks disguise-based Advancements that can be used in lieu of pure stealth!
Offers Tyrant and Inheritor mitigation does it? Charisma is the least of the reasons Hunger is shit at disguise. Hell, with crazy high charisma at least a barefaced lie about being a completely different mythic hero would be believed.
I can only speak for myself, but since this snipe transparently seems aimed at me I'll respond to it. You're ascribing some kind of principled stance to my objections to Imperia's effects on Arthur, but no such thing has ever existed. When it comes to the well-being of protagonists I'm invested in, there's no benefit in keeping to a deontological framework of meta-rules across multiple quests other than my own preferences, that would just limit our stable of stories. It's precisely because I have such a healthy respect for the motivation-distorting powers of Unnatural Mental Influence that I want Hunger to be able to command them. Beauty is an attack, and Hunger should have the sharpest metaphorical swords the thread can forge for him.

And then of course there were narrative considerations: how power distances its wielder from the very people he fights for, how expectations could become a prison for the Imprisoner, how the idealized version of a person can diverge from the actuality...
If you were really moved about the narrative potential of the option, you should have argued so in the original vote; it likely would have been more effective then a pure practicality argument.

But nevertheless, I would remain unmoved by such things because for a Progression-type this isn't a dilemma at all. If we'd care to solve it we'd solve it, as we did. This distancing from the normal folk is far from a inevitability, so trying to milk tragedy points when we were in fact offered convenient solutions in the past about this issue makes it ring hollow. You could say it would have been a tragedy of his own making, but a tragedy because we didn't buy something for 7 Arete? Please, let's have something a bit more natural and not completely forced. Have this spring from his previous character at the very least.
Some quick reminders:
Lightspeed from East coast USA to West coast is about .15 miliseonds
The moon is 1.3 light seconds away.
The sun is roughly 8 minutes away.
Pluto is roughly 5 hours.
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star, is 4.24 light-years away.
The closest black hole to Earth is 1,000 light-years away
The Milky Way is about 100,000 light years in diameter.

Originally I'd thought the Voyaging realm was made of billions of worlds. It would seem this is not the case. It would seem that actually, the Voyaging realm is much, much bigger.

Light can travel around the earth 7 times a second. There are 31622400 seconds in a year. Let's assume that the Voyaging realm is 10,000 lightyears in diameter, since that's a nice round number. (10000*31622400*7)^2 tells us that the surface area of the Voyaging Realm is roughly the size of 4,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planet Earths stitched together. That's 4.9 sextilion times the size of Earth.

And if you assume that the Voyaging Realm has a surface area roughly equivalent to the area of the Milky Way galaxy then just throw in a couple more zero's at the end there, not like anyone would notice the difference.

Meanwhile, in the human sphere the Empire has all of 2,700 inhabited systems.
Nah; you see, this rabbit hole goes deeper. When asked about the reliability of Nullity is this new setting:

She doesn't know yet, she's only used it in 1.01 universes so far!

Since obviously Gisena used Nullity on her original universe, this implies that the Voyaging Realm is either:
  • 1% percent the size of the universe
  • 1% the mass of universe
  • 1% the "ontological importance" of a universe
Of course, the latter is basically impossible to judge, so let's talk about the former two.

The first is by far the most crazy in terms of implications. A quick google seems to give that the latest estimates put the universe around 93 billion light years in diameter. If we take this comment about this place being 0.01 of the universe seriously, then the Voyaging Realm is 930 million light-years in diameter itself. And since all of it that we have seen so far is made to reproduce a single "world", with earth, air, animals etc; it's filled with matter from top to bottom. Since only about 4.2 sextillionths of the universe has matter in it, this would mean that the Voyaging Realm has over ten quintillion times more mass than the universe. That's an insane number.

The second is a bit less jaw-dropping to say the least. Letrizia says the Human Sphere has ten thousand inhabited systems and twenty thousand uninhabited ones. Using a naive calculation where I assume all the inhabited planets are the size of Earth and all the uninhabited ones are the size of Jupiter, and put that shit in Wolfram Alpha; the result is around 3.8 x 10^31 kg of mass. By comparison, the whole universe is estimated to have around 10^53 kg in mass; one percent of that is of course 10^51 kg. So it's about a difference of 10^20 kg in mass; which does put the Human Sphere about a sextillionth the size of the Voyaging Realm; close to your estimate above.

Whether they would have created this mass ex nihilo or physically gathered 1% of the mass of the universe to put in the Voyaging Realm remains to be seen.
Since obviously Gisena used Nullity on her original universe, this implies that the Voyaging Realm is either:
  • 1% percent the size of the universe
  • 1% the mass of universe
  • 1% the "ontological importance" of a universe
Of course, the latter is basically impossible to judge, so let's talk about the former two.
We know that the Voyaging Realm is bigger on the inside. On the outside it is the size of Jupiter but inside they are talking about thousand light years. There is only one possible explanation - the Voyaging Realm is alive and fooling the measuring instruments to appear bigger. I presume VR to be a male and insecure one at that because VR constantly lies about its size.
VR: I am millions of years long wide baby
Measuring tool: It says that you are about the size of a planet
VR:...nah, that is... uh I am a bit cold
Combat Tourism seems cool, probably has a good shot of finding some fishing info.

Quick question for all the entrench/save voters. Won't Entrench just cause us to spend Arete on praxis picks because there's some cool new technique that people want?
Combat Tourism seems cool, probably has a good shot of finding some fishing info.

Quick question for all the entrench/save voters. Won't Entrench just cause us to spend Arete on praxis picks because there's some cool new technique that people want?
I mean that's the plan. Praxis is fucking amazing, remember how Lucenthorn would have required investment in Praxis to face? It has conceptual punch that other things lack, An Praxis EFB is the goal, we are probably going to get new ones that has synergy with Rank, perhaps something like Refinement of Rank/Pressure? maybe Exactly what we need to overcome these people.
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[ ] The Direct Route - With the powers of disguise afforded by the Sky Veil, perhaps speed and audacity will suffice where methodical diligence will be outdone. Make for the Tower aggressively with your presence suppressed and the Evening Sky dimmed into an alternative form, then escape with a wholly different comportment after the deed is done. Your companions lack such powers of disguise and will not be able to directly assist you, but you can travel much faster alone anyway. It's a good thing Aobaru's Vigorflame augmentation lasts a full rising and setting of the sun. Aeira's shadowcord should also persist long enough to give you an edge.

*Simple and efficient. Cut Through.
*You don't know how long it'll take to bring down the Tower itself, or what foes you may provoke in the process
*Ignore political considerations in favor of a military / stealth victory
This seems pretty risky. Sure, their mooks aren't actually a threat to us, unless we have to fight against an overwhelming number of them, which is definitely a possibility, but we have no idea how much more powerful their elites are. It is the option that cost us the least time, though.
[ ] The Scenic Route - There is much of interest to be explored here, and a few days can be a small eternity to one of Hunger's speed and prowess. Best to gain an understanding of the various factions that may arise to the defense of Tyrant or Princess before venturing to the Tower itself. Perhaps you'll be able to discover some information on the nature of its construction as well, the sky-stone reminiscent of your own Evening Sky.

*Probably safer, but could cut it close if the Tower proves difficult to destroy. Still, you've some experience at destroying vast foes, and wield the Praxis itself...
*Maybe if you can get Princess (or Tyrant) on-side, any concerns of your decimating their populace can be accounted for without either side resorting to violence, which would surely be injurious to both.
*May defray or mitigate risks in combat by successfully playing politics.
*May potentially acquire powerful Artifacts or other potent magics. If so, +1 Arete to be spent only towards Artifacts or magics encountered in the Realm of Myth.
Information, powerful Artifacts and potent magics and probably safer, what's not to like? Well, there's the problem of potentially triggering the Doom and of spending all our precious Arete on random magic instead of getting OaF.
[ ] Entrench - The power of Progression is yours. Do not seek the easy path, for effort alone comprises the path of discipline, and the fruit of discipline is strength. New horizons of power are visible to you; ensure your sword is their match. Let they who would challenge the Forebear's Blade witness an echo of the Forebear's might, for even realms such as this would kneel to his like.

*Send your companions to gather information while you study the blade and Gisena works on Artifice. It doesn't matter if you go over time if you're powerful enough to solo this realm.
*Kind of a dick move, but whichever path safely mitigates the Decimator's Affliction is ultimately the best for all involved. Given your current strength its radius would precipitate an ecological disaster if unleashed for too long. A few extra days here is a small price to pay, and these people have more life to give than most.
*+Heartlessness, +Forebear Lore. Gisena may produce an Artifact.
*Praxis training point. New Praxis techniques will be available.
*+1 pick at next Experience spending point.
Highly problematic from a moral point of view, +Heartlessness is bad and there's a real risk of the Realm detecting our Decimation and dropping all their elites on us at once. And it's very unlikely that there'll be any Praxis EFB available which is better for us than OaF would be. It obviously also spend the most time of any of the options. Lore is always interesting and a Gisena's Artifact is always nice, but this really doesn't seem worth it.
[ ] Become All-Defeating - Power now secures not only safety, but a more comfortable vantage for reaching greater heights.
[ ] Save - S A V E
All-Defeating would make us immediately stronger, by a pretty large margin, but it's a lot worse for our build than OaF would be, so I'm pretty reluctant to actually go for ADS here.

[X] Aabcehmu
Hmm, just an idle thought, but if we go Entrench and manage to get 7 Praxis picks, it might be a good time to buy Cold Light of Vengeance. Not only is the technique very cool and aesthetically consistent with Hunger's themes, it allows us to inflict an absurd amount of damage from increasingly greater distances over the duration of the spell. If we manage to get into a good position for it, it might even possible for Hunger to Cut Through the Tower itself from far, far, far away, the line of his blade shearing cleanly through both the material and ontological substance of the structure as Cold Light ramps up in strength.

Of course, the technique does consume increasing amounts of willpower to employ the longer it is active, so it might be difficult for Hunger to build his strength up to the point he can effectively use such a tactic, but the idea is very cool in my opinion. It'd be a move out of nowhere as far as the Myth Lands' civilization is concerned, though the storm of cuts would probably also decimate anybody caught in the wake of the attack and inflict devastating casualties on the city, both military and civilian alike...

Cold Light of Vengeance is a super sick technique and picking it up does allow Hunger to finally acquire a proper 'finishing move', besides 'cut harder and faster' (though Cold Light is pretty much just Hunger cutting so hard and so fast, he generates a storm of cuts capable of cleaving through the conceptual... it seems a bit more structured than just attacking normally though). If we're not keen to pursue Praxis potential options like Imperial Refinement (still my preference), Cold Light could be a good hybrid power / potential balanced option. Plus it'd be an extremely powerful technique to include as part of our Panoply... imagine Hunger being able to just casually cut through entire universes with an endlessly increasing storm of cuts, his mastery over the techniques and its integration with Accretion minimizing its energy-costs, allowing him to spam an attack capable of annihilating entire ontological realms! It'd be the ultimate evolution of Uttermost, elevating Hunger's blade-winds to their final and most destructive form!
Uh... I don't think we'd want to use Cold Light on the Tower since it'd needlessly endanger the lives of civilians in the city.
The ideal would be to use Thorn or an evolution of it to destroy the tower and run off without anyone figuring out who did it.
By the way, I'd just like to thank @Callidus hugging my post on page 54 since it reminded me what I really care about.

[X] Entrench
[X] Save

I had lost my way. We have enough for a Praxis EFB, so we should obviously get it! All other considerations are moot in the face of this, but it's also the safest, so it's very good for us just from a pragmatic perspective as well! Really, when will we have such an opportunity to train the Praxis as this?
Now that the gap has shrunk to nothing, it's a good time to start selling my vote. By the way, currently voting for Scenic Route, which makes my swap to Entrench worth +2 in the tally. You could buy my betrayal for the low cost of a single vetoless vote marker.
I mean that's the plan. Praxis is fucking amazing, remember how Lucenthorn would have required investment in Praxis to face? It has conceptual punch that other things lack, An Praxis EFB is the goal, we are probably going to get new ones that has synergy with Rank, perhaps something like Refinement of Rank/Pressure? maybe Exactly what we need to overcome these people.

Fair enough, I just see all these people saying we can't get All defeating because we need OaF first lol. Too many good options!!
What if I called in a vote marker for supporting Combat Tourism as a training tactic? (Maybe a 1k analysis of it?)
If you call, I'll vote, but I don't really have the energy to put into an analysis right now unfortunately. I've lost control of my sleep schedule due to a crippling addiction to AI Dungeon, and need to catch up.
So if we're to study the blade, lets try and imagine some ways the Praxis can assist with our little tower issue. My thoughts also tie into our open Panoply slots and the idea we can fill in techniques.

If for instance we studied the blade and took Artful Thorn as a part of our panoply, I'd be curious how we could put our mark on it. While it may be a shortsighted choice, I do think it is an incredible 'Cut Through' equivalent that is at least very thematic with us. It may even be too on the nose really, but extending its reach from important areas like eyes and structure to critical locations like the heart and foundation could be quite the upgrade. It may not be doing anything new, but it would be unquestionably better at doing what we love.

I would also be interested if Thorn could be integrated with the power of ruin since it's a major component of our sword. Instead of just cutting through and damaging something, perhaps we could cut through and deliver a payload of ruin that acts like a virus, perpetuating itself on the creature or object in question unless cut out, removed, or what have you by a higher force.

Artful thorn as part of our panoply, and invested in additionally, could open up it's more esoteric features Rihaku sort of hinted at. The end of the blurb, sorry too lazy to go quote the post, says 'At this level, only works on coherent enemies'. I'm curious if this would allow it to eventually hit not only intangible foes, but eventually more interestingly vague concepts like 'X opponents political plan' or 'Bers training'. I would find it immensely amusing to one day be able to move beyond merely cutting through people, and begin cutting though everything else in the world that opposes us.

The virus one especially sounds crazy, but my understanding of the Praxis is that if you put in the time it doesn't really have barriers. That being the case I feel like one of its techniques would be perfect for our Panoply if such a thing is viable. Not sure if any of these types of effects would require the Imperial Praxis or if they would fall under the purview of the Royal.


On another note, I've noticed that several people reference Refinement of Place as a possible solution, or at least the start of one. I may have missed the explanation, but is the idea that we're moving the tower somewhere we can destroy it in peace, or moving ourselves somewhere on it? Or perhaps it is meant as a get away move if we just start hacking the thing down.
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Now that the gap has shrunk to nothing, it's a good time to start selling my vote. By the way, currently voting for Scenic Route, which makes my swap to Entrench worth +2 in the tally. You could buy my betrayal for the low cost of a single vetoless vote marker.

I see that you are trying to undercut my prices. I'm also a scenic route voter willing to betray for 1 vetoless marker, but my vote comes with 1000 words of analysis ;)
[X] HoratioVonBecker

Changing now just in case, since I'm going to take a nap and I don't want to accidentally leave a creditor out in the rain.
Haven't seen a vote bought in a couple updates now, almost seems like the vote market has lost interest from potential investors!

Most likely, as previously noted, because vote buying has proven to be (so far) largely unsuccessful.

Guess i'll try something new to insure vote markers don't become obsolete (and vote trading perhaps leading the future being a nightmare for me, since the players in that kind of game have already been established!)

Gonna sell a vetoless vote marker for another in trade! As in, we trade markers, such that we can call each other in to any vote we want!
Of course, to foster goodwill for this system, any marker gained from ME this way will supersede any markers i have over you!

So in the future, if i come to possess more (or any) of your markers, keeping it in reserve could come in handy! (functionally they would serve as an additional veto + vote for your option!)

This is (for now) a limited offer! Two deals max!