A Semi-Collaborative ISOT TL

In the year 2017 the WORD appears to every human on the planet and speaks of the LAW.. as a result every human automatically becomes healthier and hardier overnight with an additional 10 years added to their natural lifespan. A select few who were able to comprehend the WORD find their minds clearer and their spirits at peace ablto comprehend the mysteris of the universe, mentally thy are superior to any other human based on the degree they understand the word. Those who comprehend the LAW find their bodies growing stronger, healing faster with a pressure that makes them seam more solid, more real.

For those who are able to comprehend both realise the secrets of cultivation and are able to develop a method that combines both the WORD and the LAW crating a path for others to follow.

(Basically the wold gets cultivation) people who ahve similar comprehensions will ahther together to shear insite a improve thier understanding so they can grow in power.

The WORD tens to non physical concepts such as tthought, memory, speach, wrath and compasion, where as the LAW is pshical ad so deals with things like human, fire, rock, sword and pen.

Examples of similar concepts are:


Here's some.

200 Graphorns from Harry Potter, appear in Switzerland in 1670.

The Blemmyes also known as Headless Men, appears in India in AD 79.

The Rake appear in North America in 8304 BC.
Here's three.

Neverland appear near the coast of Peru in 1300.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza appear in Portugal in 1672.

Amaterasu from Okami appear in Japan in 8309 BC.