A fair argument, but saying that we only dream of being his loyal brother and nothing more could come off as obsequious if we make even the slightest error. This way, Viserys comes across as idealistic, sure, and indeed maybe a tad naïve, but if we come off as fawning to a guy who's already unsure of us, he could just as easily consider us two-faced. This way, we're laying the whole truth before him, keeping no secrets.
It's not a question of being a flatterer, Aegon previously believed completely that Viserys would be on his side, I'm sure that he, like Vis himself, imagined his brother as the Hand, helping him to administer the Kingdom. Maybe he dreamed that the three of them together would act and overthrow Maegor and his mother, ensuring his reign in an epic story.
So suddenly the kind brother who had never been interested in the intrigues at Court before made a deal with Maegor, his bogeyman since he was a child, out of the blue without consulting either him or his sister (I'm sure he had a conversation with her later to see if it was some kind of plan created by the two of them just to come out empty).
Was this the most realistic plan to prevent the Kingdom's problems from blowing up in their family's faces and give them time to create solutions that don't require Maegor? Yes, and as a prince Aegon logically understands this. Could this, in the unlikely event, improve family relations and allow the family to face the storm with a united front? Most likely not, but there is always a chance.
Does he care about any of this?
Not at all, because his hurt feelings are clouding that. And it shows that his feelings for Viserys were deep if he is exploding like this.
Tell me how exactly is this choice resolving the root of Aegon's problem with us at this point, especially when Vis himself does not like Maegor and knows that it is inevitable that he and Aegon would fight for the throne, with only the method being different, since they both grew up thinking that it is theirs?
(Which makes this choice a lie in my eyes because Viserys himself knows that there is no way to reconcile the family at this point, both Aegon and Maegor want that throne and will not let it go, this is their line in the sand. The family
will fight and he has already chosen to side with his brother)
To me it seems like an excuse that at best can make Aegon think we were deceived and calm things down temporarily but make the wound not heal. So the method is not so good in the long run.
What I chose, combined with Viserys' high diplomatic skills and traits, low stress and Aegon's persistent love and affection, I sincerely believe, makes him realize that Viserys really still supports him with all his heart but seeing no way out for
his future situation decided to sacrifice himself by making a deal so that they have more time to improve Aegon's position as crown prince.
I think this will be much more effective because it won't be subversive in the eyes of Aegon and Vis (whose dream is still to be his brother's second) and will just be loyal and supportive.
Sorry if I'm being too verbose and not explaining my point well.