A New Dawn (Ex-Papergeist) - A Worm/Naruto Crossover

Better to have multiple layers of protection. If she wore a mask, if something happened or if someone Tinkered a face modelling program or something like that, no one will think that it's not her face since if it wasn't, why would she need a mask?
I don't usually care about portmanteau names, especially if there is a spelling overlap or an alternate spelling with similar phonetics instead of just jamming syllables together, but man... "Taynon" is just bad. How to you stick "Taylor" and "Konan" together and get "Taynon?" Alternating letters from each name?

Anyway, dumb nicknames aside, I'm happy to see this getting a rewrite. The different mindset makes for a fresh take on things.

As for Armsmaster's animosity, it's probably best to scale that up with time, starting with annoyance that she's independent and then growing when she shows that she has done legal research that confirms that she plans on staying that way. He views the heroes vs villains thing as a war, so independents are basically just hobbyists screwing around instead of actually helping by joining the Protectorate like they ought to. Going without a mask suggests that she's acting outside the usual paradigm, and her knowledge of relevant parahuman law strongly suggests that this is not an accident.

The thing with Hookwolf retracting his blades is kind of iffy, since they're basically just slashing all over the place all the time. For purposes of the scene, you could accomplish the same purpose of delaying him for shock seals by just having him take a little time to cut through the paper. Konan's paper is durable enough to make weapons out of, so it works.

Now that I think about it, Armsmaster's view of hero/villain conflict as a war isn't entirely dissimilar from Vista's view of herself as something of a child soldier. He cut off his personal life to focus on heroing, while Vista spends more time as a hero as a means of avoiding her fighting parents. If she wasn't chafing at the restrictions and disrespect (as she sees it) that come with being a young Ward, they'd probably get along great.
She'd better be that Changer/Stranger since *someone* is always going to check.
I never said no one would check. Hell, the quickest way to figure out if you were dealing with a Changer would be to check, so why wouldn't you.

I'm just saying that in a world where people are known to look like other people, or make you think they're other people, or make you ignore what they look like I wouldn't experience any sort of psychological effect from seeing her wandering around without a mask until I looked into it, at which point in this case you'd figure out she doesn't exist (or, if you did find her, that she's not the person you're looking for. Or is now a corpse).

There's little reason to get worried about a cape because they might possibly be strong enough to walk around unmasked when you've got the more pressing concern of them being right there where you can see their face, and they're busy punching yours.
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Going without a mask suggests that she's acting outside the usual paradigm, and her knowledge of relevant parahuman law strongly suggests that this is not an accident.
Keep in mind that knowing the laws and legal precedents is a very different beast from understanding the culture.
Research may tell you about the unwritten rules, but it wouldn't tell you exactly how those actually play out in practice, or how much the local capes abide by them.

Regarding the whole changer/stranger thing, I think you guys are putting waay too much faith in the ability to track someone by face in Bet by the authorities, let alone by the gangs who don't have anywhere near the resources a government has.
You have a system rigged to favor keeping parahumans around, a shitty world likely causing a lot more crazy government-distrusting survivalists and illegal immigration (we can probably accurately guess that Lung, for example, doesn't have all his paperwork in order), gangs depredating areas into utter poverty, an untraceable underground banking system, regular disasters in the form of either parahumans or endbringers making it likely that a lot of records get lost and for a lot of people to find themselves in legal limbo, groups like the Elite having near-national coverage, possible travel between earths, likely a long list of individuals who could fuck with things, be it for their own benefit, profit, or just for shits and giggles, and who the heck knows what else.

Whatever databases the PRT could possibly have for facial recognition, they likely have holes big enough to drive a whole fleet of Squealer's trucks through any of them, and it doesn't help that many of these holes are exactly the things that would make triggers more likely.
From what we read the PRT won´t really care who her real identity besides putting her in a simple face recognition program, but I´ll doubt they´ll put much effort in finding who she is than what her power and rating will be. The only ones that will try to put some resources on who ¨Tenshi¨ is are Coil and ABB since Coil is obvious and the ABB would try to bring an ¨asian¨ into the fold, since Armsmaster describes her as ¨asian.¨
From what we read the PRT won´t really care who her real identity besides putting her in a simple face recognition program, but I´ll doubt they´ll put much effort in finding who she is than what her power and rating will be. The only ones that will try to put some resources on who ¨Tenshi¨ is are Coil and ABB since Coil is obvious and the ABB would try to bring an ¨asian¨ into the fold, since Armsmaster describes her as ¨asian.¨
The ABB would be running more on HUMINT rather than other methods, and while that's half-decent for finding someone within their community, it's pretty worthless outside that, so they wouldn't think anything special is going on if they don't find her other than the fact that she doesn't live in their neighborhoods or visits their shops.

Coil's ornization's ability to gather intel by itself is pretty poor, since it relies on keeping a small footprint to be ignored. What he has going for him in this area are spies and Lisa.
Now, his spies can't tell him anything the other organizations don't know, and while he can collect and compare these to reduce holes, he doesn't get the full picture of what these organizations know, and he can't, say, call WATCHDOG and make them prioritize this case for thinker support.

Now Lisa might guess a few things, but keep in mind Lisa works far, far better when she can see things in person rather than through documents and videos. In person, she can even analyze Endbringers to a degree, at a distance, she routinely misses things that bite her in the ass.
She also runs into the problem that she could very well go into one aspect of things and miss the rest, for example, she could get stuck trying to get 'Konan' and make what she deduces fit what she knows of the world, and entirely miss 'Taylor', or focus on her powers, and pay minimal attention to the personality(ies) involved.
The moment, she as a ninja uses the disguise jutsu, or the replacement jutsu, or even uses a different genjitsu, they will see her as a changer with a higher rating.
(She is already a changer, that changes into 'paper'.... So it even fits into her 'theme')

Now, i don't think they will care that much on whether the face she is showing is her original face, or if her civilian identity is the disguise.

Both will probably have happened for other capes.
Genjutsus doesnt work on people who do not have chakra in the first place. So all that branch of ninja arts are useless unless Taylor figure out a way to send information to the brain of others without using chakra as a mediun.

And yeah, i also think Amsy was a little bit... confrontational... considerating it was just the first meeting they had. I would have understood that Amsy got a little annoyed after talking a bit but since the beginning he was talking/thinking like that.

Btw Taylor is more like a Breaker/Changer than just plain Changer. Turning yourself into living super-paper that can completely separate itself without having any kind of main body or core doesnt strike me as pure Changer.
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Genjutsus doesnt work on people who do not have chakra in the first place. So all that branch of ninja arts are useless unless Taylor figure out a way to send information to the brain of others without using chakra as a mediun.
That's not quite correct. In order to use Genjutsu at all, she needs to get her chakra into the bodies of her enemies, usually using one of the senses as a channel for it, and then manipulate things there to alter their perceptions.

So the issue is not about getting information into the brains of others without chakra, it's whether or not she can get the chakra she can already get into her foe's body to move to the brain and do it's thing. Keep in mind we've seen Chakra flowing through and doing things to a plethora of materials including dead flesh, with little issue whatsoever.

Or it could be explained as everyone having chakra while not having it developed or perhaps not having a network, like any random civilian in Narutoverse is. That's one way to handle the crossover element of metaphysics.

Btw Taylor is more like a Breaker/Changer than just plain Changer. Turning yourself into living super-paper that can completely separate itself without having any kind of main body or core doesnt strike me as pure Changer.
Breaker tends to be about the body acting weird to physics and regular attacks. SS turns into a smoky figure that passes through walls but it's magically affected by electricity, so she's a breaker. Hookwolf, meanwhile, while being all hooks, behaves like what a ball of pointy and edgy things should when punched/shot.

Now, Konan's paper is super tough, but beyond that, what she has shown doesn't behave weirdly when shot/stabbed/punched, so she's closer to hookwolf than Shadow Stalker.

Her ability to create random effects, from unconsciousness to explosions (tho they may attribute this to mundane explosives hidden by the paper) to lightning, that is weird, but it's striker or shaker weird. Which of the two would depend on how much area control they see her using. The clones, on the other hand, fall under Master, like, say, Crusader.

Now, this is turning into a mouthful, particularly when you toss in the obvious Mover, too many categories is ruining it's use as a quick briefing and solution-suggesting tool, so they are likely to par it down to what they see as the most relevant like they've done with many parahumans: Assault is only a Striker despite using his power to be of a Mover (even as Madcap he was only classified as a Striker), Dauntless doesn't have a classification for his ability to fly, tanking, or blasting with his spear, etc, so they may roll up a large chunk of things on her Changer rating.

...Or just throw their hands in the air and call her a Trump, particularly if they see her pulling new weird shit every encounter.
Hasn't she shown that she can turn herself into paper, split apart, and fly away?
Which goes in line with Changer.

Hookwolf, for example, can turn himself into a living blender, harmlessly split parts of himself (tho he can't animate them anymore), and while he can't fly away, he can turn into a hookwolf and run away. The difference could be argued to sub-ratings, things they think they can do due to their changering (mover & master vs just brute), which may or may not be omitted from the ratings of a parahuman (we have cases for both).

Now, thinking more on it and looking for other examples, a case could be made about Breaker using Fog as an example, the most recent relevant WoG about it would be this one, where it was originally Breaker, then Wildbow changed his mind for what Breaker is and changed his mind to Changer... or Breaker, depending, depending on what is not specified, so there's wiggle room there.
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That sounds like it shouldn't be a problem. Isn't the whole point of chakra that it's part of life and everything in existence has it?

There's nature chakra, which exists in the world as a whole, but when it comes to personal chakra and chakra networks, actually no.

Prior to Kaguya eating the Chakra fruit absolutely no humans had chakra. Even post-that only people who actually descend from Kaguya possess chakra. It's even entirely possible there are humans outside the elemental nations who never interbred with chakra humans and thus don't possess chakra. (And consequently any of those humans, if they existed, wouldn't have been absorbed by the God Tree as the real purpose of the Infinite Tsukuyomi was to reclaim all chakra.)

Given this is earth Bet, not Naruto Earth, Taylor is the only person on the planet with chakra.

So yeah, most genjustsu is totally useless. Not that she can't do similar things via other means. I mean, Konan made a fake lake made entirely out of explosive tags.
That sounds like it shouldn't be a problem. Isn't the whole point of chakra that it's part of life and everything in existence has it?

@deadcrystal beat me to it since I was at work(just got off), but no. You're forgetting this is Earth Bet, not Earth Naruto, so there's not Nature Chakra here.

And even then, Nature Chakra is entirely different from (human) chakra in the chakra system. The chakra system that humans in the Narutoverse have is what allows them to interact with Nature Chakra, but without it, they'd never notice or be affected by it like they were pre-Kaguya and the civilians post-Kaguya. And people with a chakra system can only be affected by it if they know of it and try to reach for it(AKA becoming a Sage).

Without the Tree prior to Kaguya, Eath Bet would never develop Nature Chakra. And without someone to do what Kaguya did and eat the Fruit and then do what the Sage did and grant chakra to the world, Bet!humans would never develop chakra systems which are what allow genjutsus to work - by sending out your chakra to interact with another's chakra system and then alter their perceptions to your liking.

Taynon having a chakra system wouldn't affect the Bet world unless she was to have a kid/a bunch of kids and could somehow pass on the chakra system to her descendents. It's not like, "Oh, one person has chakra so through her, the entire world will (near) instantly gain chakra(and everything that affects it, whether beneficial or negative) too."

Tl;dr: Nature Chakra doesn't affect people without chakra systems and people with chakra systems can only be affected if they try to become a Sage. Genjutsus only work if the other person has a chakra system. Since Taynon is the only one with it, genjutsus are made irrelevant.
Nature chakra can affect people not reaching out to it if concentrated enough, as seen in Yugo.
This could likely extend to those without chakra, since there is nothing that suggests it's needed for it to mutate/kill people.

Regarding Genjutsu, while most (there are a few weird outliers still classified as genjutsu, tho none relevant for this fic) they manipulate the host's system to do their work, there is nothing stopping the use of chakra to directly affect a foe. We haveN after all, seen chakra do as it pleases to pretty much anything.
Nature chakra can affect people not reaching out to it if concentrated enough, as seen in Yugo.
This could likely extend to those without chakra, since there is nothing that suggests it's needed for it to mutate/kill people.

Regarding Genjutsu, while most (there are a few weird outliers still classified as genjutsu, tho none relevant for this fic) they manipulate the host's system to do their work, there is nothing stopping the use of chakra to directly affect a foe. We haveN after all, seen chakra do as it pleases to pretty much anything.

Jugo had a bloodline for that, which was only possible through a chakra system. And he was the only one shown to have it and be affected by it, meaning unless you had that specific bloodline, Nature Chakra did not affect individuals. And again, you're ignoring that Earth Bet has no Nature Chakra and also that Konan was never a Sage.

Yes, Taynon could perhaps Genjutsu herself, but what's the point? To turn off her pain receptors? Bad idea, not to mention she can just draw on Konan's memories of fighting in a civil war where she bled but fought through it time and time again. To speed up her perception of time? What use is that, what Taynon is already as fast as or has ways to avoid all but the fastest of Movers? And the use of of chakra directly stopping a foe is goddamn Ninjutsu. Especially a foe without a chakra system.
That's not quite correct. In order to use Genjutsu at all, she needs to get her chakra into the bodies of her enemies, usually using one of the senses as a channel for it, and then manipulate things there to alter their perceptions.

So the issue is not about getting information into the brains of others without chakra, it's whether or not she can get the chakra she can already get into her foe's body to move to the brain and do it's thing. Keep in mind we've seen Chakra flowing through and doing things to a plethora of materials including dead flesh, with little issue whatsoever.

Or it could be explained as everyone having chakra while not having it developed or perhaps not having a network, like any random civilian in Narutoverse is. That's one way to handle the crossover element of metaphysics.

Breaker tends to be about the body acting weird to physics and regular attacks. SS turns into a smoky figure that passes through walls but it's magically affected by electricity, so she's a breaker. Hookwolf, meanwhile, while being all hooks, behaves like what a ball of pointy and edgy things should when punched/shot.

Now, Konan's paper is super tough, but beyond that, what she has shown doesn't behave weirdly when shot/stabbed/punched, so she's closer to hookwolf than Shadow Stalker.

Her ability to create random effects, from unconsciousness to explosions (tho they may attribute this to mundane explosives hidden by the paper) to lightning, that is weird, but it's striker or shaker weird. Which of the two would depend on how much area control they see her using. The clones, on the other hand, fall under Master, like, say, Crusader.

Now, this is turning into a mouthful, particularly when you toss in the obvious Mover, too many categories is ruining it's use as a quick briefing and solution-suggesting tool, so they are likely to par it down to what they see as the most relevant like they've done with many parahumans: Assault is only a Striker despite using his power to be of a Mover (even as Madcap he was only classified as a Striker), Dauntless doesn't have a classification for his ability to fly, tanking, or blasting with his spear, etc, so they may roll up a large chunk of things on her Changer rating.

...Or just throw their hands in the air and call her a Trump, particularly if they see her pulling new weird shit every encounter.

I will admit it has been ages since last i saw Naruto but i was under the impresion you had to send your chakra inside the chakra flow of the target to put him/her into a ilusion of some kind.

Nah, that sounds like it would cause more problems than it would fix. Everyone and their mother have chakra in Naruto because the Sage or Kaguya after all that mess with the tree that later because the juubi.

I do not see any Divine Tree handing god-like powers in the shape of a fruit a la One Piece growing anywhere in Earth Bet.

Konan Bloodline limit allows her to separate her body completely, thing that Hookwolf cannot do(or any other changer as far i know, if you know of one then show it), thats the reason because i nominate her for Breaker. All the powers have some of Breaker on them and allowing you to separete yourself without leaving any obvious weak point or something sound like something to nominate her for Breaker.

Outside that, Kanon powerset allow Taylor to have a foot in all the other clasifications in a way or another. Her Bloodline alone would make her Breaker/Changer and Stranger.

Regarding Genjutsu, while most (there are a few weird outliers still classified as genjutsu, tho none relevant for this fic) they manipulate the host's system to do their work, there is nothing stopping the use of chakra to directly affect a foe. We haveN after all, seen chakra do as it pleases to pretty much anything.

Yes, but then Taylor would have to go out her way to try to create some genjutsu that can affect people who do not have chakra and that could be pretty time consuming and prone to not work on some parahumans due power fuckery messing with their bodies or mind.
Jugo had a bloodline for that
A bloodline they got through living in an area rich with sage chakra. That's how Orochimaru found the snakes in the first place.

Yes, Taynon could perhaps Genjutsu herself, but what's the point?
You are misunderstanding me. I have at no point said or implied that.

Genjutsu requires the ninja getting their chakra to the target, often through one of the senses, and then use it to toy with the target's chakra system and affect the senses, with me so far?

Even without a chakra system on the target, she can do the first step: getting her chakra into the target. From there, it's plausible to hit the senses directly, tho perhaps this way of doing things has some drawback that made it less practical than the alternative in the Naruto world.

As for arguing semantics on whether to call it Ninjutsu, the strict definition of Genjutsu?
That kinda went out of the window when they stuck Izanagi in that category.
Yes, but then Taylor would have to go out her way to try to create some genjutsu that can affect people who do not have chakra and that could be pretty time consuming and prone to not work on some parahumans due power fuckery messing with their bodies or mind.
(Replying to this here as to not jump topics back and forth in the post)
And yet undeniably a powerful tool of infiltration, stealth, and interrogation. This is an area where the rest of her skillset doesn't help much outside paper-made spies and transformation, but the former are a tad on the obvious side, the later could be broken by accident, and both could very well fail when faced with the wrong cape.

Konan Bloodline limit allows her to separate her body completely, thing that Hookwolf cannot do(or any other changer as far i know, if you know of one then show it), thats the reason because i nominate her for Breaker. All the powers have some of Breaker on them and allowing you to separete yourself without leaving any obvious weak point or something sound like something to nominate her for Breaker.
Err, what? That reasoning is weird. Separating parts that are animated? That's Master, it has nothing to do with Breaker at all.

Yes, there isn't a Changer that can split like that, there are no Breakers with that ability either. Closest things to that are Kuzdu, a Master who makes clones that have her self-duplicating power, and Echidna, who got Changer and Master (and Brute and Striker), but no Breaker.

The lack of a noticeable 'weak point' when splitting... eeh, the problem with that, apart from the lack of splitting capes, is that we are also lacking examples in that area, or rather, the examples we have are a couple that are 'weird breaker shit' (Wanton, Night Hag), followed by a bunch of Breaker/Changers, most have strong reasons to be Breakers except for Acidbath, but on the other hand there's Fog muddling things up further. I don't think this is an attribute you can use to define if someone is one or the other.


Now, there is a chunk of Breakers that rather than drastically changing how physics and attacks should apply to them (The Menjas and Velocities of the world) and having more of a slider bar in how things apply, they have one or more forms they switch into that have their own powers (ie: Brandish can go light morph ball). The problem with this is that Konan's powerset doesn't change when she goes partially or totally paper.

The other issue with that one is that there are Changers who do the exact same damn thing.
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I don't know why nobody else has mentioned this, but there were several massive problems with the writing in this new chapter. First is word usage. There were a number of times were it felt like words were dropped or strung together awkwardly. A related but much bigger problem is that most of your sentences were run-on sentences with commas tossed in anywhere and everywhere. I could barely get through the chapter as it is. I think I like the content of the chapter and the direction of the rewrite, but the technical issues need to be addressed.
I don't know why nobody else has mentioned this, but there were several massive problems with the writing in this new chapter. First is word usage. There were a number of times were it felt like words were dropped or strung together awkwardly. A related but much bigger problem is that most of your sentences were run-on sentences with commas tossed in anywhere and everywhere. I could barely get through the chapter as it is. I think I like the content of the chapter and the direction of the rewrite, but the technical issues need to be addressed.

That's why I'm looking for a beta. I'm pretty good at ideas, but my overall mechanics are not exactly the greatest. The issue is my previous beta from the first iteration is busy with life and has kinda burnt out on Worm that I'm left pretty much to my own devices.

On another note, likely bad news, but I'm not happy with the next chapter at all, both because of how I execute it, and just how...off it feels upon review. So unless I can get it worked over and someone can tell me what I did wrong, I will likely be discarding the entire chapter and working up a new one.

That and I'm stuck working all weekend for about 40 hours, and the chance of an update is pretty slim.
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Awakening 1.x Colin
I want to apologize. I know I said I had a bunch of material done up, and I did, but unfortunately, I did not feel secure in what I had, I had been hoping that I would get help on it, unfortunately it has disappeared, so I chose not to spend any further time on what I had. This was further complicated by the fact that I am pretty much the general manager of my store in all but name, which means I work almost every day, and when I do get supposed days off, I'm still called in.

What changed was honestly I'm just tired. I hate how I'm disappointing everyone, and frankly, I'm tired of second-guessing myself because I want the perfect product. So I decided to hell with it, and I'm just gonna post what I have, and not give a damn about the blowback.


Awakening 1.x - Colin

While he would have preferred to continue his patrol, it was due to who the detained were that his patrol for the evening was at an end. So it was with some irritation that found him back on The Rig and in Director Emily Piggot's office, providing his report.

Throughout his report, though, he noted that Piggot had remained oddly silent, instead choosing to read something on her computer, another un-Piggot-like activity as the woman was a consummate professional.

It was only after he finished, noting that Hookwolf would need medical observation for his injuries, that Piggot finally seemed to shift her attention to him. It was only years working with her that he could read irritation in her expression.

"What is your opinion on this Tenshi?"

Wasn't that a loaded question. It was one that needed careful thought despite his own personal considerations on the issue, though he would still offer them nonetheless.

"Professionally speaking, Director, you have read the same reports that I have. Tenshi is a ruthless and methodical parahuman, based upon the week's body of work that we have been provided. She has clearly shown that she respects most of protocols, and has refrained from any villainous activities as far as can be seen."


"However, Tenshi's brand of violence walks a very fine line that can easily become lethal force, if provoked. From all indications, she immediately resorts to inflicting maximum damage possible first and foremost, with little thought towards lesser measures. Furthermore, I have found her bearing and personality, from the exchange I had with her, to be more befitting a vigilante with a mercenary mindset."

It was no less than the truth. While Tenshi was not like Shadow Stalker before she was taken into the Wards, it was not hard to see the similarities in the two at least to him. Stalker had been in it for the personal glory and establishing that she was not weak, Tenshi seemed in it for the money. The fact that Tenshi appeared to be an adult worked against her because she was likely already set in her ways, unlike where Shadow Stalker could be taught to be better.

"Is Tenshi hostile towards the Protectorate?"

"I do not know, Director. It is worthwhile to note, that up until now, Tenshi has avoided direct contact with Protectorate or PRT in any form. When she did meet with me, she was evasive, and—I would not say combative, but there was a distinct lack of regard in her demeanor towards me. This may be some sort of anti-authoritarianism, or it may be something else. I would recommend caution in further dealings with her until we know which."

Silence met him for a few more moments, before Piggot looked to her computer again, this time frowning.

"I received an initial power classification for Tenshi before you arrived here, Armsmaster. I find myself concerned, as they have yet to pin down anything outside that it's possible that this Tenshi could classify as a Trump with as many as ten of the twelve power classifications of indeterminate strength. There are too many unknowns about this woman, and she continues to flaunt her identity as she picks a fight with all of the gangs. Sooner or later, this is going to come to a head."

He didn't answer her, because he could see the same thing as well. The three main gangs of Brockton Bay were not going to keep taking this, sooner or later there was going to be some blowback. He wasn't exactly sure how they would react, but they would react as a matter of pride now. The question he had was whether Tenshi was aware of this, and if she was, did she care at all?

He was leaning towards the latter.

"Since Tenshi feels that she doesn't need to hide her identity, we have no need to refrain from the unwritten rules. Armsmaster, I want you to start working on identifying her and tracking her down. Consider it a priority from here on. It's only a matter of time before one of the other gangs figure out who she is, so let's hope we can get to her first in order to limit the damage."

"Of course, Director. May I inquire as to if we are going to make an actual attempt to recruit her?"

"It would be better if she is on our side, unless you'd prefer another villain?"

"Of course not, ma'am."
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Awakening 1.02
Awakening 1.02

The next morning started like any other since I had embraced my triggering, I woke up before dawn to begin my morning run and exercise, then I showered before making breakfast for Dad.

It was at breakfast that I broke the script, instead choosing to wear different, more comfortable attire. Then again, I wasn't exactly the lanky flat-chested nerdy looking girl I had been thanks to exercise and my chakra network. Form-fitting black jeans that still had enough flexibility if things got dicey, and a black t-shirt to fit the ensemble. Dad noticed it immediately, but didn't choose to comment.

There was a tension between the two of us ever since Mom had died. While I know he didn't consciously blame me for her death, there was always that unconscious divide between the two of us. So when I told him I was going to be spending a lot more time out at night, there had been a modicum of resistance, but in the end it had shriveled quickly.

That wasn't to say that Danny Hebert was a pushover. Not in the least. But it was hard being a widower with a teenage daughter and working a job in an industry that was dying. Since the Endbringers, the shipping industry had dried up, and what remained had to diversify and subsist on what little scraps they could get. He was worn down, just as I had been.

I hoped that maybe starting here, we could start reconnecting again. At least without the admission that I was a parahuman. I feared at how he would react to that knowledge, let alone my own reaction to his.

"So Dad," I began, after a forkful of rolled egg, "you know how I've been gone until late at night, and I wouldn't tell you much about it, other than it wasn't anything illegal and it wasn't a boy."

He eyed me warily over his eggs, but put down his fork, "I will admit I've been curious, Taylor.'

Honestly, I had plotted out how this entire conversation was going to go out several nights ago, but here and now, seeing his worn expression, I knew that it wouldn't work. Then again, I honestly felt it was too stilted to begin with, but maybe this way it would be better.

So, it was with the sound of my heart thumping in my eardrums, that I retrieved a manila folder from my backpack and slid it across. I knew what was in it, of course. It was the culmination of a month and a half's worth of hard work.

"Taylor, what is this," he asked, looking at the manila folder, then back at me.

"Just, open it dad."

Taking one more look at me, he proceeded to open the envelope taking out a series of papers. They were entrance exam results for Arcadia.

I knew there was no way I was going to be able to get a transfer to Arcadia through any request at Winslow. The Trio had seen to that by poisoning Winslow against me, and there was always a waiting list through normal channels.

That left the only other means available, money and smarts. I was relatively smart, I just never applied myself anymore because it was pointless when all of my work was stolen or destroyed. That left money, which I never really had until now.

The only problem became sidestepping the wait list, which was what the exam did for me. It had caused some consternation by the test-takers, as my transcripts were horrible thanks to Winslow. However, suffice to say, I scored well enough to transfer in, despite it being the middle of the term.

It then became a matter of money. Which, thanks to the last month, and especially the last week, I had no worries over.

"Taylor...what is," he paused, not comprehending what he was seeing, "how...Arcadia? But you go to Winslow. Why? How?"

"Let me explain, Dad. But, I haven't exactly been truthful with you about Winslow. It's," I found myself looking for the right words to convey to him without breaking him. I knew he would take this as his failing if I didn't do it right, "I'm not happy at Winslow, Dad. I didn't want to tell you any of this because you are always so busy and I felt like I could handle it. But, I have no friends, and I'm bullied a lot."

"What about Emma?"

"Emma and I have—drifted apart," it was difficult to say that with a straight face, but I had to. I knew if Dad found out that Emma was one of the bullies, he would track down Alan Barnes, Emma's father, and make a scene, instead, I offered a shrug, "high school changes people."

That seemed to mollify him somewhat, as he seemed to settle somewhat, looking at the test results. However, I knew there was a different question pending, as soon as he got around to it. But it was one that I was well prepared for, and it was what I wanted him to ask.

"Wow. You, did well. Arcadia. But that costs money," he then rubbed his hand on his forehead, avoiding his glasses only slightly, "even the exam costs money. How did you afford this? How do you think we can afford Arcadia?"

Got him.

"It's what I've been doing the last month, Dad. I got a job in a new bookstore that is going in Downtown. The owner of the store, Jiraiya, I ran into him when he first came into the city and well, showed him around. He offered me a job, and when he found out about Winslow, well, he takes a vested interest in the personal and educational lives of his employees, and he offered to see if he could get me transferred out. Of course, I had to do all of the required work, but he would pay for it."

Of course, my father would be suspicious of that, but I knew he would. After all, an older man offering such things to a young, impressionable teenager like me would smell bad to any sane parent.


"I know. It seems strange, I was suspicious myself. But he felt like he owed me and wouldn't take no. It's not like I'm getting it for free either, Dad, I'm working my butt off getting the store ready and I find the work soothing. You know how Mom and I connected over books. I feel closer to her when I do this."

It was a dirty trick, I knew that even before he winced at the mention. But I had to sell him on this for it to succeed.

So he stared at me, obviously trying to see if I was deceiving him. I was. Just not in the way he was thinking. When he didn't find anything, he merely nodded very slowly.

"I'm not exactly happy you've been going behind my back on this Taylor, but you're too much like your mother for me to stop you," he then sighed, "I really don't like the idea of you working, you shouldn't have to worry about things like that."

He trailed off, obviously considering what to say to me. I knew I was not leaving him with a lot of options, here I was, fifteen years old, the things he would expect would be me seeing a boy behind his back. Not arranging a transfer to a school, working, and figuring out how to pay for it myself. It had to be a shock to him.

"I don't like how you've been hiding your problems either," he finally said, "you know you can talk to me if you need something, right?"

"Of course," I lied.

He then picked up the papers, this time giving them a closer look. I knew the scores were quite good, I had spent weeks studying, not to mention I had some 'assistance' in some places. They had to be of course, to be able to get into Arcadia like this.

"You're set on this," he asked, not looking from the papers.

"I am. I've never felt comfortable at Winslow, Dad. Arcadia will be a breath of fresh air, and the classes will be good for a college application. I know it's a bit more costly, but I'll pay for it with the money I'm making, and maybe I'll actually make some friends."

I was met with silence again as he placed the papers down again, taking a sip of his coffee, his expression pensive. Obviously this was a bit more difficult for him to decide than I had figured, but then again, this was a significant decision at least from his perspective, and I was sort of tossing him straight into the inferno.

"I'll want to meet this Jiraiya, Taylor."

"I was planning to invite him over for dinner, Thursday, to celebrate my first day at Arcadia."

"They want you to start this Thursday?"

"If you sign the transfer paperwork. While I'm already a month behind on classes, they think I can get caught up within a week or two, along with staying up with my peers."

"This is a big deal, Taylor," he finally said after falling silent again, "you're putting a lot on your shoulders. I failed you with Winslow, it seems, I don't want you to get in over your head on this. Balancing work and school is a difficult thing to do. And I really don't want you to be indebted to this Jiraiya, regardless of his charity."

"It's fine, Dad. I know what I'm getting into. If it'll get me out of Winslow, then I want to take that chance. Winslow has not been good for me."

That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back of his resistance, as he sighed, before taking a pen out of his front pocket, and signed the forms. It took everything to keep the look of victory from my face, instead just feigning happiness. To me, this was nothing more than a means to an end. Arcadia was achievable within the timetable I had established, and I needed to get away from Winslow in order for my plans to work better.

"How about we get all of this paperwork out of the way, go to Winslow and get your stuff, then to Arcadia and turn in your paperwork, then you and I can just have a day off together? How does that sound?"

It was an olive branch, one that I was not going to turn down, so I smiled, "That sounds great, Dad."




I really did dislike Winslow. It wasn't just the people here, it was also the atmosphere. It was this atmosphere that had allowed the gangs to encroach into the school, slowly turning it into a recruiting ground. But it was also what had bred the apathy that allowed the likes of of Sophia, Emma, and Madison to prey on me, with teachers and staff looking the other way the entire time.

If not for my trigger event, I would have likely never graduated, so driven to despair that I'd have eventually cracked and left, or worse.

It was why I wished to be free of here. It was a chapter of my life I no longer wanted to be part of.

So as I strolled through the hallway one final time, as Dad was busy in the office submitting the paperwork for my transfer, I didn't spend any time meandering, waxing nostalgia. I just wanted this done and over with.

Coming to my locker, I paused long enough to glance around before placing my hand on the dial and channeling some of my chakra through it as I turned it. The chakra would connect with the security seal I had placed on the inside, disengaging the lock as I turned it. It was one of the first seals I had produced simply to protect my things after my locker my locker had been haphazardly ransacked again.

Not that I kept much in it anymore, but still it was easier than carrying all of my things everywhere all day.

The sound of the bell ringing drew me from my thoughts, eliciting a sigh from my lips as the hall began filling up with students. Closing my eyes, I focused upon the paper I had strewn through the school, before finding the one I was looking for.

It was how I avoided them so much in the last two months, steadily tracking them before they could find me. It was only during classes that they could torment me, but they had yet been able to ambush me outside of once or twice.

Now, I simply didn't need to care anymore, as this would be the last time.

Drawing on a little bit of her, I waited, knowing they wouldn't be able to resist the temptation. While I did, I busied myself on gathering up my textbooks, and accounting for everything else in my locker.

"Look who crawled out of the woodwork," the strident voice of my former friend filled my ears, as I finished packing away the last of what was in the locker, "where have you been hiding, Taylor. We've missed you."

I turned, coming around to face my former friend, Emma Barnes. Once upon a time, we had been inseparable, spending weekends at one another's home, sharing just about everything with one another. Then it had changed.

A part of me had wondered if this was who Emma had always been, hiding beneath her good looks and money: no more than a petty, petulant, little girl who used others for her own gain.

Now, I just no longer cared.

"Emma," I greeted, forcing a small smile on my face. One that I knew would drive my soon-to-be-former tormentor mad.




Sophia Hess was wary as she watched Taylor Hebert. And she had no understanding why, even as she tried her best to ascertain what it was that changed since the locker incident. And it grated upon her nerves.

She still hadn't figured out how Hebert, of all people, had been able to escape. Not even discounting how she showed up two days later as if nothing had happened.

Since then, the sixth sense she had depended upon for survival had urged her to give Hebert a wide berth. Such was the feeling that even when observing the girl at a distance, it nagged her to leave the issue alone.

In those two months, she had watched as Hebert had not only gained weight, filling in what had previously been an awkward and gangly teen, but had gained a quiet confidence that she couldn't figure out where it came from. If anything, Hebert should be cowering further, if not been sufficiently cowed to never return to school. It was what they weak did in the face of their betters.

Yet Hebert hadn't.

And now, as she quietly watched as Emma Barnes began to harass Hebert, she finally recognized just why it was that her sixth sense was warning her about the teenager.

It was the eyes. It wasn't hard to miss, but you had to know what you were looking for to realize just exactly what she was looking at. But they were the eyes that she saw every morning in the mirror. The eyes of someone quite willing to kill, and confident that they could do it.

No way. There's no way Hebert could do it, she wanted to scoff. But the proof was right there in front of her. And it was only further solidified when Hebert smiled. It was not a smile of happiness, but one that screamed assuredness.

"What's with the getup," Madison Clements, their little sycophant chirped, leering towards Hebert, "thinking that now you have something to brag about you're going to flaunt it."

If anything, the smile morphed more into a smirk, even as Hebert took the comment in stride. Previously, Hebert would have either stuttered something in response, or withdrawn herself. Definitely not now, though. No, Hebert simply acted like it didn't matter, which would only incensed their ringleader further.

"Nobody's going to want her," Emma snidely added, "she can change however she wants, but everyone knows what a loser she is."

"Are you done?"

That simple question, caused all three girls to blink. For Sophia, it was somewhat expected, but for the other two, the sudden spine being exhibited by Taylor was not. It was something Taylor took advantage of with ruthless efficiency.

"Well, I do have good news for you, Emma. You won't have to worry about me dirtying up Winslow after today."

This was enough for Emma to recover, as she smirked, "Oh? You finally decided to give up?"

No, Sophia thought, her fingers unconsciously curling as if she were holding her crossbow, she hasn't.

There was that smirk again, as Taylor seemed to find some amusement at some sort of joke.

"Well, yes. Actually. I have decided to give up on Winslow-"

"Good," Emma sneered.

"-And transfer to Arcadia."

This time, she was stunned like the rest of them. Even the gathering if sycophants seemed to be taken aback at the declaration.

"That's a good joke, Taylor. Arcadia would never accept a failure like you. It's only pity that Winslow hasn't tossed you out for your grades."

"Not for your lack of trying Emma, right," came the retort, followed by Taylor shaking her head, "Once upon a time, Emma, you were like a sister to me. I would have done anything for you. I used to stay up late at night wondering what had caused you to change. Now, I just don't care, and I'm happy I won't have to deal with you ever again."

When Emma reacted, she honestly hadn't expected it. But it seems that Hebert had, as the open-palmed slap was stopped inches away from Hebert's face. Yet, in that moment, her eyes weren't on Emma, but were firmly locked onto her, a challenge residing in their depths. A challenge that she found herself wilting in the face of.

It was infuriating. She never backed down in the face of anyone. But in the face of Hebert, she couldn't help it. She knew if she tried anything, Hebert would bury her. There was no doubt in her mind.

The hand tightened for a moment around the wrist, drawing a gasp from Emma, before Hebert let it go. Emma stepped away, cradling her wrist, fear lingering in her eyes. It was enough of a gap for Taylor to step past her, and Sophia's gaze followed after her, to catch Principal Blackwell, along with another man standing beside her, his expression pinched in fury. It was rather obvious, based upon the shared features, that he was Taylor's father.

"Goodbye, Emma," Taylor simply stated, before she was past the three of them, the gathering moving away as she strode through them.




As I settled into the seat of the truck, I couldn't help but glance towards my dad. I hadn't intended for him to witness any of that, but in a way, I think it worked out better than I could have possibly imagined. I felt guilty in some regards, because I had deliberately downplayed just what Emma had done, but in a sick, twisted, sort of way, it would appear that I had done it out of the friendship I used to have with Emma.

A friendship that was dead and buried now, with no hope of ever returning to anything that it had been.

"Was it always like this?"

I was drawn away from my thoughts as I looked towards him. His hands were wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, his jaw clenched in a trademark tell of the infamous Hebert anger.


His knuckles whitened further, as if he were strangling something, before he relaxed, a deep sigh escaping his lips while he closed his eyes.

"I wish you had told me sooner," he said, "but I understand why you didn't. How could I look Alan in the face with the knowledge of what his daughter does to you?"

"It's in the past Dad," I soothed, having a good idea on what to say and do in this case, "I got out and I'm going to Arcadia. It's a fresh start. No expectations and I'll be able to make friends on my own terms."

"I know," he sighed, "it's just when did you grow up so quickly?"

I couldn't offer him an answer to that. I couldn't tell him it almost took me dying for any of this to happen. That it took the memories, hopes, and dreams of a killer to mold me into who I am now. Nor did I want him to know just what that meant for the future.

And I hoped he would never find out.
Sorry to hear that things have been so rough.

I'm really curious about Jiraiya and the bookstore. I know she can get through the dinner with a disguised clone, but what if Danny tries to look up the shop or surprise her at work?

Thank you for sharing your story with us.