A Lost Soul (Warhammer 40k/Isekai)

[X] Plan Prepared Spelunking
-[X] Read through the Commissar's Regiment Report now that you have it unlocked.
-[X] Read through some of the Notes - Classified on the datapad.
-[X] Since the solar charger works, might be worth getting some more ammo.
--[X] Rifle Charge Packs

-[X] Spend some time messing around with whatever the hell that thing with a compass is, surely the way to turn it on is simple enough. Fill any spare time with investigating the microbead.

If we're lucky the microbead will get us into contact with other human survivors.
Prologue, 13 - Overheating an Argument, and the Acolyte's Notes
[X] Plan Prepared Spelunking
-[X] Read through the Commissar's Regiment Report now that you have it unlocked.
-[X] Read through some of the Notes - Classified on the datapad.
-[X] Since the solar charger works, might be worth getting some more ammo.
--[X] Rifle Charge Packs

-[X] Spend some time messing around with whatever the hell that thing with a compass is, surely the way to turn it on is simple enough. Fill any spare time with investigating the microbead.

[X] Since the solar charger works, might be worth getting some more ammo.
-[X] Rifle Charge Packs
[X] Spend some time messing around with whatever the hell that thing with a compass is, surely the way to turn it on is simple enough. Fill any spare time with investigating the microbead.

It is this morning that you find yourself sitting on a piece of stone with a book in one hand and a ration bar in the other, a few random pieces of Guard equipment laid out on a blanket in front of you. Deftly thumbing through the pages with one hand as you take another chunk out of a meal that actually has a hint of taste to it, an off-putting herbal taste with a faint undertone of meat.

"Heightened senses are paying off already with this."

You mutter quietly to yourself as you skip past a page detailing the rites for activation of certain types of doors before landing on a page that is actually helpful.

Munitorum Manual said:
The Microbead is a Guardsman's life line, the blessed instrument through which the orders of your superior can be heard and coordination can be maintained in the depths of defeating His many enemies. It is a precious peice of equipment that must be cared for with great cautiousness, the Rites of Cleansing to be performed every four days without fail.

In order to use this sacred piece of technology one must first intone the Rite of Activation written below before pressing down on the activator shown in the picture below.


Before deployment all microbeads are to be tuned to appropriate channels under the hand of Regimental Logistics and Maintenance. For in the field adjustments one must speak the Rite of Appeasement and adjust the Tuning Switch as shown below, your superiors will tell the required adjustments.


Use of the Microbead outside of mandatory regimental interactions will bring an appropriate punishment: We recommend ten lashes to ensure the disrupting spirit is truly purged from any transgressor. Loss or destruction of the Microbead will also result in appropriate punishment: We recommend summary execution in front of the regiment to ensure proper care for vital equipment.

Placing the manual aside, you pick up the wireframe headset from the ground while muttering to yourself once more,

"Looks like one of those like ten dollar headsets you get when you're out of options that winds up breaking halfway through your first use. Is a dollar store running Imperial manufacturing?"

Roll: 79

In the end you still follow the described instructions, minus any of the absurd Rites, before placing the microbead onto your freshly bared head. It's quite a snug fit, particularly uncomfortable with the metal frame, and currently casting a faint sound of static into your ear. You deftly start tuning the headset's channel, one blast of static after another replacing each other until you've nearly cycled through the thing's entire range.

{"Barry, what in the thr-*CRZZZHK*"}

Hastily changing the channel back, you listen intently to the static laced audio which seems to be the first evidence of nearby humans.

{"You know damn well what we're out here doing Eis, can't stay in Nortrain no more with everything going on. Every last one of us would rather look for a way back to the Central Region than wait to be buried in that tomb.

What? Wanna go back, let Rockkrumpah bury that monster of an axe in your spine like everyone else?"}

A low voice bearing the distinctive tone of someone who had smoked too much in their life greets you. Listening intently, doing your best to discern it all through the strange static interference, you are greeted by an argument.

{"I get that we need to leave man, but do we really have to go .... There? You know what they say, place is haunted by daemons and angry ghosts. No point getting back to Central if our souls get eaten."}

The original voice replies only to be answered by a new one, a more high pitched voice laced with apparent anger.

{"Daemons and Ghosts my ass, Eis you Throne damned coward. Ain't no daemons or frakin' ghosts. We're in real space, Fields are up from here to the Core to the Inner Gates. Nothing but Emperor hated greenies and the Broods."}

The second voice cuts in before either of the other two can get too carried way,

{"None of that matters, none of us are walking through that tunnel anyway. Our goal is maintenance tunnels near the elevator, we're going up to the higher levels and back down the Line. Frak Nortrain, frak Rowena, and frak these greenies. Now, but the chatter before another patrol passes by and we get the lady herself breathing down our necks."}

A chorus of affirmations come in response, nearly a dozen or more of your ears are hearing right, before static is all that remains. Caught up in your thoughts, you check on the solar charger.

"People using military channels, some place called Nortrain, Central, the Line, Core... How many people are there on this hulk? Further confirmation that orks are a problem, but they mentioned Broods... 'Nids? Likely, should assume they are here regardless."

Sighing, you turn your focus to the machine with a built in compass that the manual seems to describe as a multicompass. It goes to great lengths mentioning the importance of it, reportedly valued beyond even a regiment as the entire force could be punished for its loss.

Pressing against the triangular shape in the corner of its screen brings the he machine to life, a fully colorized screen flashing to life. A progress bar appears on screen as a mechanical voice calls out,

"Unidentified planetary object detected. Beginning preliminary scans."

Before you can even process what's happening the screen throws up a projection of the chamber you're in and the tunnels attached, sketching out a three dimensional map of the immediate area.

"Interference detected, more locational data required for full mapping. Initiating local mapping, radius of a quarter mile. Marking external locations for optimal locations data, head there to ensure accurate mapping."

Far beyond the areas mapped on the device you find four bright blue symbols floating in darkness, an issue to be dealt with at a later date. Ignoring them, you focus on the areas beyond your cavern.

Beyond the closed doorway the tunnel seems to head off into the distance with several similar areas branching off to either side at regular intervals. As for the open one, not far along the tunnel seems to open into a web of tunnels and caves though you do notice a structure similar to the other tunnels branching off from it.


[X] Read through the Commissar's Regiment Report now that you have it unlocked.
[X] Read through some of the Notes - Classified on the datapad.

You spend the rest of your day reading through the newly unlocked entries in the Commissar's datapad with great interest. All the lore you could recall was less valuable than actual, reality based information after all.

Regiment Report said:
Between personal interactions, Munitorum files, and my sources I have finally put together a comprehensive report on the 332nd Galdirian Infantry. Listed below is my understanding of their full strength, competency, persons of interest, and apparent ties to other recently raised forces.

As it stands the 332nd is a full-size regiment formed half by volunteers and half by those pressed into service by wealthy Galdirian families to avoid their children entering the Tithe. Suggest investigation of those families upon submission of my report, no heretical elements suspected merely treasonous.

Ten thousand soldiers from the entirety of the regiment, fresh from basic training and seen to by the arranged Ecclesiarchy members. As a fighting force they would likely be bled dry within half a year of campaigning, but for our given task they are as good as we can expect.

Of note among them are relatively few figures, namely three.

1) Xander, a twitchy stick of a person who is treated like a kind of lucky charm by her squad due to rumors of being blessed by the Emperor. In truth, I suspect her to be a psyker with latent preventative abilities though nothing points towards them being particularly powerful. Suspected Assignment Level: Lambda

2) Warren. Suspected member of the Officio Assassinorum given how I awoke one night to a blade against my throat and their questioning. Without Lord Kysnaros' personal deal I would likely be dead.

3) Pete. A quiet youth that remains distant from almost all members of his regiment, not entirely on purpose as most avoid or ignore him due to his unsettling personality. Has trouble showing emotion causing issues with interpersonal interactions, considering taking him on as my assistant.

When it comes to existing regimental ties I have found little evidence to prove outside influence other than aforementioned wealthy families sidestepping the Tithe. Colonel Wells appears to have established close ties with her regiment and general Vanderhorn, one deemed to hold little risk of effecting his orders from Lord Kysnaros.

Further sections to the report delve into the distribution of equipment in the regiment, apparent tests of faith enacted in the soldiers by Arcadius himself, and a number of other measures aimed at gauging their loyalty... And complacency. Implications are clear to be seen about how the fleet was not intended to assist Armageddon's forces but rather to replace them.

It is particularly from those areas Commis- No, Acolyte Arcadius, truly delves into in great detail.

It wasn't a mishap that the crates ended up in this empty hold, by design this place has been prepared for a Lord Inquistor's agents to test the genetic purity of all troops on-board. A secret lab is mentioned briefly in the report, only accessible by those carrying the Lord Inquisitor's seal.

"You were quite highly trusted by the Lord Inquisitor, Arcadius, so.... Why did you lie in the report? You knew Pete was a Blank, a resource any Inquisitor, regardless of rank, would greatly desire.

Of course, more importantly: What was it about Armageddon that was making a Lord Inquisitor to go to such lengths? Even Sisters were brought into the plan to strengthen the soldier's faith, or purge those unfitting."

You fall silent as you root through year old memories of your Warhammer obsession, looking for some clue to explain it all.

Roll (Difficulty 40): 44

"Armageddon, Inquisitor Kysanoras... Year 444, the 41st Millenium. The First War of Armageddon, the revelation of Primarch Angron's fall and the reality of the Ruinous Powers revealed to the masses. The Months of Shame..."

Pieces click together with ease as you remember an evening spent marveling at the bravery of the Space Wolves, and the madness which the Inquisition can stoop to in their war against Chaos.

"Fuck, they were meant to take over the planets Kysanoras exterminated. Maybe even take part in it all..."

Scowling, you close the report and open the classified section of Arcadius' notes, hoping for something useful and less dark.

Notes - Classified said:
Forty five years I've served the Lord Inquisitor and over those long years I have been granted knowledge and experienced things no human should ever witness. Now I carry on with my task for a single reason, I'll see that promise through...

Remember, Arcadius, I have to remember.

When ignorance no longer works then only faith remains, wield it as your sword but do not do so blindly.

The opening lays out the coherence of it's contents quite well, an absolute mess with no organization likely as much to mislead others into believing it the ramblings of a lunatic than to save some effort. Absurd stories and legends are interweaved with factual records that seem to be in the field reports of Arcadius' encounters with Chaos.

He deftly sidesteps any reference to the four gods true names and even the true purpose of many acts the cultists undertook. Dissecting and separating truth from fiction looks to be an astronomical task of referencing diary entries to check their validity, a project requiring time you don't have.

However, near the end of it all you see that the Commissar had grown sloppy with his work, maybe even weary, as the facades are thrown aside.

Notes - Classified said:
Before the Lord Inquisitor reassigned me I was brought into a chamber hidden deep beneath one of his compounds. A stone cavern lined with banners bearing heraldry I had never seen, many of them damaged beyond recognition.

Some were burnt, others torn apart by claw or blade, and even more simply stained black by blood. It was there that I met one of them for the first time.

A hulking figure that towered above me stood upright at the heart of the room. Close in armor almost entirely grey, an angel of death stared down at me through the visor of his helmet. In the moment I felt awe beyond anything I had ever experienced, a closeness to the God Emperor unlike any other.

It was shattered in an instant as the emotionless voice made its way through whatever systems lay in his helmet.

"You will fail. Your promise cannot be kept, and those you will stand beside will die to the man. However, there is glory in death. Take the blade, the Lord Inquisitor says you will gladly give your life for the cause."

He held out to me a sword covered by the simplest of leather.

"Give your life for the Imperium, it shall bring an end to a great threat. So shall theirs."

I had never felt such disregard for life, even someone like me who has consigned so many to death... At least I stared them all in the face as I brought them to an end.

- - -

I am certain of it, this voyage is doomed to die. I looked at the sword, my eyes bled at the name carved on it. One of Kysanoras' agents damaged the Gellar Field Generator.

The lunatic, he has used five hundred thousand souls to set a trap for a daemon. I don't know how they found out the daemon would be here, I don't understand what the sword is, but I can't turn back. Tania, I will die here. My soul will be sacrifIced to slay a creature I can't even comprehend.

But I am certain of one thing, Pete is a Blank. His existence is anathema to the Warp, I can at least save him before falling to this Throne blasted scheme.

How long have you planned to throw us all aside Kysanoras? Loose ends to be tied up to the last, each of us involved in so many cleansing we long lost count.

"What the fuck?"

Far from elegant, but given the contents you can't come up with a more fitting response. You had in a sense seen the culmination of a decades long plot from an Inquisitor hellbent on fighting Chaos, perhaps to an extent that had begun to lose sight of the purpose for it all. Shutting the datapad off, you throw it back into a crate before settling in to eat dinner.

Your world view had been upended a dozen times over it seems, and even the joy of tasting something from your food at last is crushed. Annoying.

What do you do when the next day comes around?
(You have four Action Points to distribute. Please use Plan Voting for this. Injured penalty will be a -3.)
[] You've already searched the area, it seems as peaceful as you're liable to get on what is most likely a space hulk, time to plant the foundation stone.
- [] Write-in some general guidelines for where you place your first holding.
[] A cursory look through the doors revealed a dark tunnel filled with the destroyed remains of some kind of vehicle, perhaps you should explore that way.
(Takes two action points, possible mini-turns.)
[] Scavenge through the wreckage in the tunnel. (Triggers some mass loot rolls, no more special items to be gained. Can take multiple options at once, each sub-vote can only be chose once.)
- [] Focus on weapons.
- [] Focus on food.
[] Your first attempt at using a fire ended badly, but two of them didn't explode! Screw what the Mechanicus says, everyone could use more ammo.
- [] Laspistol Charge Packs
- [] Rifle Charge Packs
[] Since the solar charger works, might be worth getting some more ammo.
- [] Laspistol Charge Packs
- [] Rifle Charge
[] Begin sorting through the Notes - Classified on the datapad.
(Difficulty 50/75, Requires multiple success to fully finish the project, can be taken multiple times.)
[] Start stockpiling some more water, amasec is nice and all but not of too much value in a space hulk. (Fill two canteens with freshly boiled water giving you a two day's supply.)
[] Write-in. (Within reason, QM has the right to veto, and such.)

Name: ???
Age: 24
Race: Human (UDC Earth)

Domain Points: 0

Rank: Landless Peasant - The lowest of the low in the social ladder, a wanderer without home or wealth almost certainly destined to die.
Holdings: None
Landless Peasant's Bow - +5 Bonus to Ranged Combat Rolls. Quiver holds twenty arrows and generates a new arrow every minute. Can be improved when reaching higher Ranks.
Forgotten Soldier of the Mound's Lasgun - +8 to Ranged Combat rolls. +10 against unarmored biological targets. One hundred shots left. +3 to Stealth rolls when carrying. Weapon cannot be corrupted by most Chaos taint, provides some resistance to it's wielder.
Combat Knife - +3 to Melee Combat Rolls. One handed.

Krak Grenade - +20 to Roll when used to attack a target. +25 against heavily armored opponents/vehicles. Minimal/Nigh Non-existent Blast Radius. Anti-armor Explosive. Can be thrown. Can be mag-locked onto targets.

Forgotten Soldier of the Mound's Flak Armor - Decent resistance against conventional weaponry and excellent against explosions. +3 to Stealth Rolls while wearing. Armor cannot be corrupted by most Chaos taint, provides some resistance to the wearer. The Wearer of this armor may use 'The Forgotten Soldier' one time, upon use the armor shall break apart.
Commissar's Overcoat - Small resistance against conventional weaponry and explosions. Appear badass.
Commissar's Hat - A symbol of rank. A symbol of service to the God Emperor. Also, it's kind of badass. Hung at your waist.
Signet Ring of the Redeemed - +3 to Morale Rolls. This ring cannot be corrupted.
Tattered Guardsman Backpack - Can store things and assist in moving about with numerous items. Almost full. Contains: Seven Rifle Charge Packs (100 Shots), Two Rifle Charge Packs (20 Shots), Micro-bead, Multi-Compass, Magnoculars, Commissar's (and Acolyte's) Datapad, Three Canteens (Full, 1 Day of Water)

Starter's Foundation Stone - Can he buried in the ground to create a holding that covers a thirty meter diameter around it belonging to the User. Comes with complimentary tent.

Back at your temporary camp at the crate.

8 Laspistols - +5 to Ranged Combat rolls. +7 against unarmored biological targets. One handed. Empty.
4 Lascarbines - +6 to Ranged Combat rolls. +8 against unarmored biological targets. Empty.
31 Pistol Charge Packs - 20 drained, 5 with eight shots, and six with fifteen.
3 Rifle Charge Packs - One with six shots, Four with fourteen, Two with twenty two.
Small Pot
Skull Lighter
Several blankets and sleeping bags in rather questionable condition.
12 entrenching tools
Assorted maintenance equipment for weaponry
3 copies of the Munitorum Manual
2 Empty Rucksacks
3 Empty Backpacks
Empty canteens
2 Rechargeable Lamp Packs (Drained)
Portable Solar Charger
4 Imperial Guard Medi-kits
Boxes of Corpse Starch
(Enough food for nine days)
Partially Empty Bottle of Amasec
Four sealed bottles of Amasec
A Few Specks of Dust in the Vast Galaxy, Part One
You are currently the lowest of the low across the entire galaxy with no lands to call your own, no wealth to spend, no followers to speak the virtue of your name, and no achievements by which to claim glory. Alone, buried deep within a mass of land made from centuries of debris drifting through the void of space, how could one ever hope to rise through the ranks and become worthy of a crown? Surely there must be others here, the first followers with which to found your future kingdom.
Goal: Find and recruit ten others to follow you thus laying the foundation for your path to the throne.
Rewards: One Domain Point, Small Resource Pack

Even the Lowest Need a Home

Description: Even those with nothing to their name need a place to call their own, a shelter from the cruelties of the world beyond and a place to lay their head when they grow tired. Using the Starter Pack: Lay the Foundation of your first Holding, a place of safety and rest for you and yours.
Goal: Use the Starter Pack and found your first Holding.
Rewards: One Domain Point, Rank Upgrade, 7 Day Newbie Protection Scroll

To Wear the Crown, Part One
The User of the King's System should seek to stake their claim in the galaxy and the first true step on that road is to rise high enough to wield the right of Nation Founding. With a crown upon your brow and loyal followers at your back even the terrors of the galaxy will find some pause before you, walk proudly to the throne!
Goal: Reach the Baronet Rank and found your Nation.
Rewards: Ten Domain Points, Basic Nation Management Tools unlocked, Baronet's Crown
The Ruler's Domains
These Are My Lands
(Beginner): A King's rights are in a way divine and their lands are the inviolable territory they have sworn to protect. A true King bears a deep connection with their realm and all who set foot on it are subject to their gaze.
Cost: One Domain Point

All Hear the Lord's Call (Beginner): When a King speaks their subjects listen and no obstacle can stop their words as long as one stands within their realm.
Cost: One Domain Point

A Ruler's Air (Beginner): A King is more than one who sits upon a throne, more than one who safeguards their realm, more than a final voice in the direction of a nation. Your very existence is a light that can lead them through the darkest nights giving bravery to those who can no longer see hope. It is carried with you always for even beyond their lands a King is still a King.
Effect: All non-opposed sentient creatures feel somewhat in awe of your presence making interactions with them easier. Subjects and followers are inspired by your presence, any of their failed morale rolls are re-rolled once a battle.
Upgrade Cost: Two Domain Points

The Conqueror's Domains
Long Live the King
(Beginner): All through the history of Kings a common phrase can be heard resounding through throne rooms and halls, Long Live the King. So long as a King's nation remains their legacy will not easily end for a destined ruler dies with their nation.
Cost: One Domain Point

Sword of the Realm (Beginner): Where the King's sword points is where the nation's blades shall fall, the spirits of King and nation alike crying out for victory. All that awaits those beneath the sword is death.
Cost: One Domain Point

The Pioneer's Domains
Eyes on the Horizon
(Beginner): A nation should always look outwards for only by expanding can it gain the power to protect itself in the face of innumerable threats and thus a King's eyes look to the horizon. In time they will know what lies beyond and remember it well, calmly waiting for the day it would join the realm.
Cost: One Domain Point
War Ascension
Current Tokens of War: 1

Landless Peasant
Increased Strength:
Without home or land there is but one thing a peasant can rely on, strength of arm with which to work the lands and fight back against threads. From strength is a road built aiming for a better life, let those who deny it pave the road.
Cost: 10 Tokens of War

Increased Speed: Perhaps it is cowardice, but the desire for survival rests in all humans waiting to break out and give them strength. With swift feet can danger be avoided, and more so can quick feet lead to a home at last.
Cost: 10 Tokens of War

Heightened Senses: Without a place to rest their head the lowest of humans wander the wilds making a living by the weapons in their hand and the bounty waiting to be discovered.
Effect: +3 to Sense Rolls. Eyesight and Hearing are better than the average human. Slightly better sense of Smell, Touch, and Taste.
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-[X] A cursory look through the doors revealed a dark tunnel filled with the destroyed remains of some kind of vehicle, perhaps you should explore that way.
(Takes two action points, possible mini-turns.)
-[X] Scavenge through the wreckage in the tunnel. (Triggers some mass loot rolls, no more special items to be gained. Can take multiple options at once, each sub-vote can only be chose once.)
--[X] Focus on food.
-[X] Start stockpiling some more water, amasec is nice and all but not of too much value in a space hulk.
(Fill two canteens with freshly boiled water giving you a two day's supply.)

We gotta get on our boots now mate! Staying in one place is likely to have us devoured by Jean-Stealers! Also, making our base inside a fucking Space Hulk is likely to be a doomed venture! Best that we get on an Imperial Planet and make our way up the chain of command there!
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[] You've already searched the area, it seems as peaceful as you're liable to get on what is most likely a space hulk, time to plant the foundation stone.

We can get more of these later right, and what effects does this foundation stone have when placed?

Also people I have a feeling this is a rare place. Not only does it have water and an emergency food supply from the bugs. But the mass of glowing moss can work with our Solar Charger. I don't think we'll find a better place than here for a long while.

[] Begin sorting through the Notes - Classified on the datapad. (Difficulty 50/75, Requires multiple success to fully finish the project, can be taken multiple times.)

I don't suppose you can tell us if it has something as useful as Inquisitor Override Codes on it?

I have a feeling that sword is going to be bullshit tier OP if we can find it.
We can get more of these later right, and what effects does this foundation stone have when placed?

Also people I have a feeling this is a rare place. Not only does it have water and an emergency food supply from the bugs. But the mass of glowing moss can work with our Solar Charger. I don't think we'll find a better place than here for a long while.

I don't suppose you can tell us if it has something as useful as Inquisitor Override Codes on it?

I have a feeling that sword is going to be bullshit tier OP if we can find it.
You'll be able to get quite a few of them, foundation stones are how you'll establish Holdings which is where the King's System works best. It'll work outside of them later on, but by and large they'll act as your major cities and outposts where you'll have the most control with the system.

As for the override codes, I can say that you need the Lord Inquisitor's seal to use them. Be it from where Arcadius died or some other agent he held in higher standings.
You'll be able to get quite a few of them, foundation stones are how you'll establish Holdings which is where the King's System works best. It'll work outside of them later on, but by and large they'll act as your major cities and outposts where you'll have the most control with the system.

For people that haven't played the games what does that mean? What does the system let us do?
It's more of a mix of games and novels ideas, starting out it'll be simpler territory management only. Automatically collecting taxes, help build structures, tracking how happy residents are with you, and stuff like that. Higher ends it'll assist with planetary or system scale management, help establish armies, remove the need for ships to transport resources between Holdings, etc.

Basically a suite of features and tools meant to allow a potentially interstellar empire to be run by a single person with relative ease.
It's more of a mix of games and novels ideas, starting out it'll be simpler territory management only. Automatically collecting taxes, help build structures, tracking how happy residents are with you, and stuff like that. Higher ends it'll assist with planetary or system scale management, help establish armies, remove the need for ships to transport resources between Holdings, etc.

Basically a suite of features and tools meant to allow a potentially interstellar empire to be run by a single person with relative ease.

So it could off the top of my head help us build a proper barricade so no more mushrooms could get through, or repair certain broken doors so we can open and close them at will?

Would it allow us to know how clean the water in our territory is, or give us an inventory system?

I fear until we know how the stone can help us at this moment we'll never put the damn thing down even if we get more stones later like you said. I don't know why it honestly doesn't make sense but that seems to be the direction we're going in.
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The specifics of what all it lets you do and what information it grants will be revealed when one is put down. I'll freely give a general outline of some of what the System and it's bits do, they've all been described so far to some extent anyway, but the specifics are setup to be explored as you encounter them. Only way to know the exact benefits a Holding grants you is to plant one.
We gotta get on our boots now mate! Staying in one place is likely to have us devoured by Jean-Stealers! Also, making our base inside a fucking Space Hulk is likely to be a doomed venture! Best that we get on an Imperial Planet and make our way up the chain of command there!

It would be one of many bases because getting off this space hulk isn't going to be quick or easy. Also in case you didn't see it we get more of those stones. More likely then not we're not getting off of the hulk without using those stones.

Did you consider that we may have to conquer this Hulk before we can use the stone to claim the entire thing and either repair the ship(s) that are a part of it. Or if the our power is bullshit enough transform the entire hulk into one giant ship.
You'll be able to get quite a few of them, foundation stones are how you'll establish Holdings which is where the King's System works best. It'll work outside of them later on, but by and large they'll act as your major cities and outposts where you'll have the most control with the system.

As for the override codes, I can say that you need the Lord Inquisitor's seal to use them. Be it from where Arcadius died or some other agent he held in higher standings.

i imagine they will work like farcry outpost system then

safe houses and strongholds inside your controlled territory
Did you consider that we may have to conquer this Hulk before we can use the stone to claim the entire thing and either repair the ship(s) that are a part of it. Or if the our power is bullshit enough transform the entire hulk into one giant ship.

Oh that is an interesting idea! Kind of like making it our Main Battleship in the late game! So can we get more stones to turn other places into bases or do we only get one? Ruling over a single planet is not fit for someone that can become an EMPEROR later on so I might say!
Oh that is an interesting idea! Kind of like making it our Main Battleship in the late game! So can we get more stones to turn other places into bases or do we only get one? Ruling over a single planet is not fit for someone that can become an EMPEROR later on so I might say!

yeah,conquering this space hulk seems like a good begginer base