You had been getting restless in garrison duty on Betar IV, finding that the Kriegsman who make up most of your forces make for better combat troops than glorified police. It had been just over 3 years after you crushed the heretic insurgency that you had been informed of your Governorship and new responsibilities. You have been informed that your assignment to Moran Secundus is part of a greater strategic push by the Imperium to strengthen its defences in the western border regions.
Colonel Oddo Fortebraccio approaches you with a set of orders in hand "General Silvanus, Sir, The transports have arrived to take us to our new home. We have word from the Munitorum that Krieg has sent settlers to join us, and we should expect them to arrive a few months after we do."
While you won't miss the boredom of garrison duty, even with the Krieg cult of sacrifice, it was nice for the men to have warm, dry shelter, beds to sleep in, hot water and 3 square meals a day, not to mention maintaining constant vigilance against guerilla attacks by the heretics...
It doesn't take long for the men to organize their equipment, load it and board the transports themselves, under the close eye of your Seneschal, Kruden-136. Rising from the lowest ranks of Deathkorps Quartermasters, he has proved invaluable for his ability to organize and track distribution of supplies and gear, always keeping the men combat effective, and the morale high for your non-Krieger troops.
The voyage takes just over 3 weeks, you and your men doing physical conditioning and marksmenship training in the cavernous holds of the transports, functioning like giant barracks and warehouses rolled into one....
You arrive in the Moran system and board a cutter to transfer to the small space station orbiting Moran Secundus, to formally transition control of the station and the system to your rule.
You are greeted by the commanding officer of the station, Lieutenant Kaminsky, and a few of his men.
"Lord Governor, Sir, welcome to Moran Secundus"
He goes on to explain that he and his men were assigned to the station from the local Imperial Navy outpost, to monitor the system and take care of it. As the space station is now under your jurisdiction as a peer Lord of the Imperial Realms, they are officially the first members of your Planetary Defense Force. They are only a skeleton crew, make up of Lieutenant Kaminsky, a few officers under him, and about 50 crewmen.
Unfortunately when the previous Governor was investigated for Heresy, it seems he based his pleasure cult on the station, turning it into a pleasure palace. The Inquisition gutted most of it, with flamer and plasma cutter and executed the staff of the previous Governor, meaning that you will need to hire servants and invest and work to get the station to be more than basically functional. With a single large docking bay for shuttles and cutters as well as several airlock bridges for docking with larger craft. It also has spartan but livable living quarters with several hundred bedrooms, as well as the previous Governors Chambers, a Cavernous room that requires a special elevator to get to.