A Kammanist Uprising: Fantasy Communist Revolution Quest

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You are a Kammanist. You believe in equality and liberty, in rights for the oppressed workers and mages of the world. And you are leading an uprising against the Avandian Empire. The aristocracy are divided, the army is exhausted, the people are on your side. Victory is inevitable.

Given the nature of the quest, some discussion of politics or ideology may come up. Please be civil, even if you disagree.

Furthermore, given the nature of the quest, some uncomfortable topics including but not limited to:

Child death
Period-appropriate racism/sexism

may come up. I will do my best to handle these as carefully as possible.
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The Uprising
Kammanism is a pernicious and dangerous philosophy peddled by rebels, anarchists, and foreign agitators. It claims that the distribution of wealth is unfair, and Kammamasts attempt to rally support for their vile agenda by agitating the lower classes. This vile agenda is the destruction of the pillars of human order: religion, law, the mage's guilds, and the family, to name a few. Kammanasts can be identified by excessive use of the color red...
-Pamphlet distributed by the Avandis Imperial Police

What is Kammanism? It is the simple argument that those who labor and provide Aether should have a share in the profit of their labor. It is an argument for equality and justice, and it is an inevitability of history...
-Pamphlet distributed by the Avandian Kammanist Front

The Great War was the most devastating in the history of humanity. Hundreds of thousands died in battles that raged across five continents and dozens of countries, large and small. The aftermath left victor and vanquished broken and exhausted. On the fields of Serges, at the climatic and final desperate offense into the teeth of a trench line, the corpses were piled ten high for miles, some burned to ash, some turned to stone, some melted by acid or shattered into thousands of pieces. And while the poor spent their blood, the wealthy and powerful only grew more so, from loans to the warring powers, from selling war machines or operating crystal mines or from a thousand other ways, and every gold coin they made was dyed red in the blood of labor.

And people have had enough. In some nations, victory was enough to assuage the sting of so much death for so little gain. In others, the exhaustion and malaise of defeat prevented any resistance. But in many, people rose up and fought.

You and others like you have been fighting for a long time. One uprising was put down with the iron fist and the velvet glove, others were strangled before they could even begin. You still resisted. You were banished to the wilds of your home, forced to labor in grueling mines, flogged and beaten and left to die. You were exiled. You were called an outlaw, a bandit, and a thousand other more insulting names. But now you have returned to the land of your birth, to the Avandian Empire to take part in another, greater uprising.

You believe in every word of the Kammanist doctrine: equality, justice, freedom. From the end of the mage's guilds to the open elections, you want to see it all implemented across the world. You know you may need to compromise - there will be no elections until the state is secure, for instance - but you have faith in your case.

Of course, you still have to win the fight.

The Avandian Empire is a behemoth, but one that had been dying for hundreds of years. Dozens of ethnic groups and dozens of religions are ruled by it, most of whom hate each other. Though rich in natural resources, most of it is gathered only inefficiently, and corruption and crime are both rampant. There is little industry. Most of the population is poor and backward. Many are never even tested for magical ability.

The "victory" and the debts incurred in the attempt to earn it were the last straw. Nobles began to hoard grain in preparation for new taxes, literally stealing it from the hands of starving peasants and workers, and when the Emperor tried to stop them, he was overthrown and executed. The nobles promptly began to feud over who would fight, and that was when you declared your uprising.

You have control over the capital city, and allied uprisings have taken place in many others, but vast swathes of land will need to be conquered or won. And plenty of pro-aristocratic forces are out there. They will fight to the end. That's not even getting into different groups, with different goals or methods you will have to deal with. And though all the nearby nations are also wracked with revolutions, there is still the possibility of foreign intervention.

You do have some advantages though...

(Choose at least 1. For each extra you take, choose a Liability. Assets and Liabilities which are opposites cancel each other out, I trust you will know which are those. You can double up on a specific asset or liability, doing so will cost or gain exponentially. Taking the same asset twice would cost three total liabilities, taking it three times would cost seven. Vote in plan format.)


-[] Front Discipline - The Avandian Kammanist Front is highly unified. While your underlings may disagree with a course of action, as long as you can persuade the Central Committee they are certain to obey to the best of their ability. It will take severe defeats or compromises before they grow unruly enough to try and vote you out of your position or worse... (You start off with higher Front Support)

-[] Defectors From Decadence - Not all aristocrats are evil, and the proof stands by your side. Several nobles chose to side with you. They may not entirely be trusted, but they have brought you wealth and soldiers and warcasters. (If not taken, they will likely have died at the hands of fellow aristocrats or your own men. For this one, I will roll to see what you get)

-[] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)

-[] The Imperial Treasury - Though depleted, you have access to the Imperial Treasury, having managed to seize it before any noble or looter could. There's a great deal of coin there, as well as the Imperial Regalia. (Start with extra Wealth, and less legitimacy for all noble factions. If not taken, the treasury will be mostly looted and you will have no idea where the Regalia is.)

-[] Broad Support - Somehow, you have support among several religions, ethnic groups, and political factions. You have no idea how you managed to pull this off, but you and your front are now the head of a coalition, that while potentially fragile is still mighty. (You start off with increased opinion with many factions, and will gain special actions for dealing with them.)

-[] Foreign Support - The enemies of the empire are many. Though most are just as imperialistic and capitalistic as the Avandian Empire, they are happy to support you in the hopes that you will deal more damage to their foes. At least as long as it doesn't look like you are winning. (Foreign supporter who will give you support in various forms. This will dry up (or worse) if they get caught or think you are growing too strong...)

-[] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)

-[] Intact Libraries - A friendly mage was able to get you copies of all sorts of basic spells and Aether manipulation models, meaning you will better be able to teach casters and construct autocasters easier. (Start with bonuses to teaching and recruiting mages, better magical knowledge, and the ability to construct autocasters.)

-[] Peasant Inroads - Though dead, Comrade Zenus (Not his real name, but the name of a folk hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor) has given you a significant gift. Many among the peasantry know of both the legendary and the real one, and the fact that he supports you. It's given you greater support from the generally conservative peasantry than you otherwise would have. (Greater support outside cities.)


-[] Shattered Front - Many are suspicious of you, questioning your devotion after your long years in exile. Some even wonder if you are still a Kammanist. Though you were still given the position of Committee Chairman, your position is weak. (Start with lower Front Support.)

-[] No Army - Your forces were gutted in the first battles, you have a bare handful of soldiers left. You will need more, and fast. Because literally everyone else has a bigger one, and some of your soldiers are fighting with single-shot casters. (Start with a small and poorly-equipped army.)

-[] Internal Tensions - The Front was heavily infiltrated by members of the Emperor's secret police and foreign agencies. But no one realized how bad it was. Now everyone is suspicious of each other...and there really might be some left. (Start with a split front and potential subversion.)

-[] No Support - Propaganda about the Front and Kammanism have been spread for years among the middle classes, the priests, the peasants...everyone is suspicious of you, convinced you are demons from the Thousand Hells or literal baby-eating monsters or fronts for religious minorities plotting the destruction of all that's good in the world... (Start with penalties with other factions.)

-[] A Broken City - The uprising was brutal, lasting days, and giving the aristocrats and factory owners and mages guilds plenty of time to make your victory as pitiful as possible. Factories are ash, the guild libraries were empty of anything but traps, and the destruction left thousands dead or wounded and more homeless. And now you have to pick up the pieces. (Start with an unhappy populace, devastated cities, reduced ability to train mages or make autocasters, and a badly damaged industrial and infrastructural base.)

-[] No Money - The Treasury was gone when you got there, which you expected, but so were all the stockpiles of resources in the Aetherail yards and by the factories, stolen by aristocrats or looters or simply not having arrived thanks to a strike by Aetherail workers. Which generally you approve of, but not in these specific circumstances. Even the Aether crystals were gone (Start with no Resources, Wealth, or Aether.)

-[] Armed Bandits - You seemed to have upset some people in the process of the Uprising. Or maybe they are class traitors. You don't know, but you have people launching attacks on your members in the city, and it could easily escalate. (Start with an insurgency in the city.)

-[] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)
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Setting Details
The World

The world is an ancient place, steeped in a powerful force called Aether. This Aether is generated by everything and everyone, albeit in varying quantities. Since time immemorial, some have had the ability to manipulate Aether. They became the first mages. Though powerful and versatile, they were limited by the quality and quantity of the local Aether, although some found ways around this limit, such as blood sacrifices, carefully prepared rituals, or Aether-enriched reagents. More significant was the limit in numbers. There were simply never enough mages to perform all the roles that were needed, and alternate solutions were sought, such as the development of gunpowder for use in war and artificial fertilizer as a substitute for field rituals.

The development of the autocaster changed everything. These devices could manipulate Aether without requiring the input of a mage, so long as there was enough of the right type. The easiest way to ensure this was through Aether crystals, which could be mined or made. These autocasters grew in number, complexity, and variety, allowing an explosion in wealth and productivity which caused widespread upheaval.

This upheaval led to the concentration of many former farmers in the cities, the development of a powerful non-noble but wealthy class of mages and industrialists, and massive unrest. These former farmers were being literally sucked dry to fuel the industrial autocasters, or laboring for hours for minimal pay. Conditions were horrid. This inspired the mysterious Kamman to write their famed Manifesto, which laid out their ideology: That society was locked in an eternal struggle between the haves and the have-nots, that the products of industry and agriculture ought to be owned by all society and shared for the common good, that all were inherently equal, and that all workers should seek to make this a reality, through violent revolution if necessary. The publishing of this Manifesto sparked a widespread outcry, but many were inspired.

Other, less dramatic revolutions were also taking place, leading to the formation of several democratic governments and nationalist movements, but in the heart of the world, the old order of kings and emperors remained mostly intact. Revolts of every stripe were put down, suppression and bribery were used in equal measure, and life went on...until the Great War.

The Great War was fought by dozens of nations entangled in networks of alliances, which had the end result of most soldiers not knowing what they were fighting for and most workers not caring that they must labor more for the front. Discontent spread further and faster than ever before, and when the exhausted defeated surrendered to the shattered victors, no one walked away thinking the next years would be peaceful.

The Avlandian Empire, which although vast and rich in natural resources was extremely poor and backward, was ruined thanks to the heavy debts it had incurred, for all that it technically won, even regaining some long-lost territory consisting mostly of a bone-dry desert. Swathes of the army deserted in mass, nationalist and ethnic and religious revolts simmered, and the poor became poorer and far more desperate. And so when a fractious alliance of nobles deposed the Emperor and then began to turn on each other, the Kammanists struck.

Though successful, the Revolutionary Struggle is only beginning.


Magic is powerful, reliable, but also dangerous. It comes in the form of Aether, which is produced naturally and can be manipulated by some animals and plants, most famously the (possibly mythical) dragons. Some percentage of the population can also manipulate Aether. These are your mages. Theoretically, a mage can cast a spell to do anything they envision, but there are practical limitations, in the form of the amount of Aether required, the complexity of the spell, and the capacity of the mage. Each of the three can be mitigated to varying degrees through methods such as preparation, ritual, and cooperation.

The first limitation is generally the most important. Not only is the amount of Aether in any location limited, but it comes in different types, which are generally divided into one of five categories: undifferentiated, elemental, mystical, emotional, and pure. Undifferentiated is the most common, the weakest, and the safest. The next three categories are more powerful, but can be potentially dangerous if they are used for the wrong type of spell. Pure aether is very rare and volatile, but is also extremely powerful. All can be found in natural form drifting invisibly through the air, conjured through rituals, or mined in crystal form.

The autocaster was invented about two hundred years ago. It is a device that takes in Aether and casts the exact same spell in response to a mechanical impetus. They have been highly improved and modified over the centuries, used for everything from industry to transportation to war. They typically use Aether crystals as a power source, making them immensely valuable for any modern nation.

Comrade Stefan was kind enough to write down his thoughts about the many nations he had visited in his time abroad.

" The Lutsena-Maygrig Empire has perhaps the strangest history of any I have known, but that's not really relevant. What's more important is the fact that they lost the war, got splintered into seven separate nations, and each of those nations have a dozen nationalities in them trying to unite with their brethren."

"The Doytch had been the rising power of the continent for many years. They humbled Aquita thrice, conquered swathes of land from the Avlandian Empire, and ruled over many subject nations with an iron first and the Pruusi boot. But they set themselves against all the powers and lost, and they have nothing left. When I was last there, shortly after the war ended, the streets were full of hungry soldiers and unemployed workers. We may well soon have a brother revolution."

"The Ommati are collapsing. They were a power once, standing astride both the Black and White Straits and ruling over a great empire. But then ships grew powerful enough to sail around the coast, and their source of wealth vanished. Those they conquered rebelled, and during the Great War their former subjects cut into them. They fought well enough, until The Empire attacked them as well, reclaiming our desert territory. Though they still hold their heartland, they are practically fighting a civil war between those who desire to abandon their customs for the ways of the victors and those who do not."

"Brevadia is the youngest of the great powers, and they are all aware of it. They are also certainly the most powerful, especially since they profited the most from the Great War and spent the least. They are separated from most of the rest of the world by the Stormless Sea (whoever named it was being very ironic), and consider all other nations on their side of the ocean to be simple provinces, replacing foreign governments on a whim and oppressing their laborers even more heavily than they oppress their own. They are the epitome of what Kamman described as a third-stage society - a nominal democracy, with the system carefully designed to prevent any real change, all levers of power in the hands of capitalist bosses, reliant on nationalism for stability. They are wealthy and powerful and would make a terrible foe, but they are unlikely to stir from their usual prey in favor of a distant war."

"Hippon we may have to fear intervention from. We fought a war with them because they wanted to take sections of the northern coast. They are mostly sea people with a navy far stronger than their army. I do not expect them to send soldiers, but they may ship supplies to steppe bandits who desire independence and will give them a naval base."

"Aquita and Breton are the nations I would judge most likely to intervene, if only to see the debts the Emperor owes them paid. They were the nominal victors, stopping the Doytchic on sea and land, albeit at a terrible cost. On the other hand, they could have revolutions of their own, there nearly was a mass mutiny in Aquita some of our ideological allies had a hand in during the war."
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Current Status and Characters


32 Resources, +8 Resources per week
13 Aether, +1 Aether per week
5 Wealth

Food Situation: Semi-stable, will degrade if Silver Crescent supplies stop coming, trending upwards. Rumors of hoarding
Ammunition: Low-ish, amount is trending upwards
Personal Weapons: Moderate numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired. Small stockpile is being built up.
Heavy Weapons: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Artillery: Small numbers being produced, damaged ones can be repaired
Coal/Wood: Supplies are stable for current usage
Steel: Moderate shortage
Aether crystals: Somewhat severe shortage
Metals: Moderate shortage
Cloth: Excess



Hardliners: The Revolution must be spread to every corner of society.
-Mood: 70
-Power: 65
-Requests: Reject all Imperial debts, abolish religious laws

Softliners: We must fix society without causing undo harm.
-Mood: 60
-Power: 50
-Requests: Negotiate Imperial debts, begin legal reform, negotiated with the FLA

Democratic-Nationalists: We must preserve the people's right to self-determination.
-Mood: 65
-Power: 15
-Requests: Make contact with the Wloski, come to a peaceable agreement with Trokograd-Dedregard, minimize electoral interference

Overall Front Support: 70

Military Support: 95 from the Red Guards, 88 from the militias, 67 from the People's Army, 62 from the Farmer's Army, 90 from the People's Marines and Korvio Defenders
Popular Support: 86 from the urban workers, 40 from middle and upper classes in Avla, 67 from the peasants, 35 from towns


The Silver Crescent: 38
Anarchist-Syndicalist-Kammanist Ukortic Free State (Trokograd-Dedregard, more commonly): 65

Council Opinions: Punish outrages, more food and coal, stop the hoarding
Front Opinions: Stop the hoarding, begin propaganda efforts, integrate the FLA

Heads of the Committee:

Comrade Zenus - Chairman of the Central Committee of the United Kammanist Front. Idealist, likes the peasantry. Moderate softliner.
-Dramatic: Comrade Zenus likes taking bold, personal actions, making declarations that shake the world or personally intervening in the Revolution. Must take one action that features personal involvement or taking a dramatic position or he begins suffering penalties.
-A Good Reputation: Even the most moribund and corrupt aristocrats and magnates grew up on the stories of Clever Zenus, tricking the wicked princes and stealing from the dishonorable. And many of the poor benefited directly from Comrade Zenus's thefts, or from those of his imitators. +50 to relations with lower-class factions, +25 boost to relations with middle-class factions, +10 boost to relations with upper-class factions.
-Old-Timer: Comrade Zenus is one of the older members of the Front, few can remember him not being a member of it. That, combined with his reputation, gives him a strong base of support and greater opportunities to gain more, provided his spirits stay high. +15 boost to initial Front Support, additional actions to increase it, these bonuses will slowly go away if he fails to satisfy his urge for drama and action.

Comrade Stephan Workaski - Commissar of Diplomacy. Idealist, moderate. Strong softliner.
-Foreign Connections: He has contacts among other Kammanist parties who will be happy to support a Revolution, or to request support. Unlocks special actions.
-Broad and Quality Education: He has the education of a nobleman, supplemented by extensive knowledge of Kammanist theory. +10 to all dice rolled, additional +5 to dice involving math, science, or theology.
-Arrogant: He was born a noble, and carries the belief that he is better than others because of it on a level deeper than he can shed. His education being superior does not help. -5 Front Support whenever supporting another character or being supported.
-Aristocrat: He was a member of the peerage before having his title stripped for his privileges. +10 to diplomacy rolls with lower-class factions, +15 to diplomacy rolls with middle-class factions, -5 to diplomacy rolls with upper-class factions, +20 to diplomacy rolls with foreign factions.

Comrade Bejen Gullstin - Chief Commander of the People's Military. Pragmatist, religious Kammanist. Slight Softliner.
-Artillery Commander: He has personally commanded artillery batteries many times, and is highly familiar with how best to operate them. +10 to all artillery-based actions.
-Military Experience: He is an experienced officer who has fought and commanded in many battles, as well as having some experience with staff work. +10 to all military actions.
-Theological Education: While most familiar with his own faith, he has learned of many others in great detail. +5 to all theological actions, +10 to diplomacy actions with religious factions.

Comrade Kylis Durrana - Head Political Officer. Idealist, pro-labor and unions. Slight hardliner.
-No Education: He is almost entirely illiterate, making organizing anything difficult. -12 to all actions as long as he has an assistant. This trait can be mitigated or removed.
- Expert Orator: Despite his lack of formal education, the sheer intensity he can put into a speech makes him extremely convincing. +15 to all diplomacy actions.
-Popular: His charm and friendly nature makes everyone like him, along with his clear dedication to the cause. +10 Front Support, +15 to all internal diplomacy.
-Labor Organizer: He has practical experience running and organizing labor and mutual aid societies. +5 to all actions involving establishing or running unions and similar groups.

Comrade Delia Danveri - Chief Economic Commissar. Pragmatic, feminist, pro-labor. Slight hardliner.
-Educated: She is fully literate, and experienced with delegation and leadership. +5 to management actions.
-Labor Organizer: She has created and led labor organizations for many years, under many different circumstances. +10 to industrial actions featuring unions.
-Conciliatory: She has learned a smile and an apology can do more than threats and bluster. +5 to diplomacy actions where she takes a conciliatory stance.

Comrade Livia Kolchena - Assistant Secretary. Zealot, for the greater good. Strong hardliner.
-Shadow in the Night: She has spied and betrayed, been spied on and betrayed, hunted enemy agents and pretended to be one. +15 to all actions related to espionage or counter-espionage.
-Underworld Connections: Despite her dislike of the class traitors, she has worked with them willingly to further the cause, and is very familiar with several of the most powerful crime families. Access to actions involving the families.
- Partial Education: She can read or write only with some difficulty, and only knows the basics of math. -5 to all non-personal actions.

Comrade Zandi Delilia - Head of the Reform Commission. Zealot, without hesitation. Strong hardliner.
-Broad and Quality Education: From one of the wealthier Imperial Orphanges to the Mage's Guilds, she has been given a world-class education. +10 to all dice rolled, additional +5 to dice involving math, science, or theology.
-Skilled Mage: She has practiced enough magic to know the limits of a mage. +5 to all dice involving magic or Aether.
-Rigid: She is disinclined to compromise on what she feels the correct way to progress the Revolution is.

Other Characters

Comrade Leo Critie - Committee Member. Zealot, for one and all. Strong softliner.
-Popular: Well-liked and able to befriend anyone.
-Naval Experience: Has ably commanded ships in battle
-Educated: Has a good overall education

Comrade Jezry Ojpolta - Delegate from a Worker's Council. Idealist, for the freedom of all peoples. Strong democratic-nationalist.
-Educated: Has a good overall education
-Public Speaker: Experienced as an orator
-Spendthrift: Likes to spend more gold and silver than is strictly needed.
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Each turn, each of the main six will have Projects and dice. These Projects may cost Resources, Aether, or Wealth. You can assign dice to these Projects if it is in the correct category, with the Chair and the rest of the committee acting as "free dice". Each of the main six will provide a bonus, the committee die will not. Each die is actually 4d25. Getting two or more 1s or 25s on a die will result in a critical success or failure.

You may also have a committee member support another by spending one of their dice on another's project. Doing so risks Front Support. For instance, Comrade A has a bonus which would apply to an action Comrade B has. You can spend one of Comrade A's die on Comrade B's action, but doing so risks Front Support and possibly internal conflict. Certain traits may make this worse.

Some Projects have a DC or range of DCs, some will have progress, which may or may not decay.

Resources are raw industrial materials, Wealth is gold, jewels, and other valuables, Aether is Aether crystals and other sources of magical power.

In addition to material and military concerns, you will have to manage alliances, internal factions, popular support, and support from the Front. These will each be tracked on a scale from 0 to 100.

For the military, morale, training, and equipment are measured on a scale from 0 to 5. Military conflicts are resolved through (typically) multiple 1d5 die rolls, with bonuses or penalties based on circumstances. The numbers for morale, training, and equipment will be added to each side's roll as well.
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[X] Plan: Worker And Peasant and Soldier United!
-[] Peasant Inroads - Though dead, Comrade Zenus (Not his real name, but the name of a folk hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor) has given you a significant gift. Many among the peasantry know of both the legendary and the real one, and the fact that he supports you. It's given you greater support from the generally conservative peasantry than you otherwise would have. (Greater support outside cities.)
-[] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)
-[] Armed Bandits - You seemed to have upset some people in the process of the Uprising. Or maybe they are class traitors. You don't know, but you have people launching attacks on your members in the city, and it could easily escalate. (Start with an insurgency in the city.)
-[] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)
-[] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)

Here's my proposed plan. The armed bandits and enemy army are counteracted by the Army deserters to some degree, and the Intact Industry and inroad to peasants will help us keep our people fed and our industry churning out war material... plus, the peasants outnumber the city people, quite likely, so if we *do* eventually throw together an army... we need them unless they're going to wind up reluctant conscripts.
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[X] Plan Building a Guillotine
-[X] Assets:
--[X] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)
--[X] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)
--[X] The Imperial Treasury - Though depleted, you have access to the Imperial Treasury, having managed to seize it before any noble or looter could. There's a great deal of coin there, as well as the Imperial Regalia. (Start with extra Wealth, and less legitimacy for all noble factions. If not taken, the treasury will be mostly looted and you will have no idea where the Regalia is.)
-[X] Liabilities:
--[X] Shattered Front - Many are suspicious of you, questioning your devotion after your long years in exile. Some even wonder if you are still a Kammanist. Though you were still given the position of Committee Chairman, your position is weak. (Start with lower Front Support.)
--[X] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)

So the idea behind this one is to start with lower front support and a existential threat, while having the tools to address both. A standing army combined with a lot of resources and industry means we have a lot of options to get our military up to speed to not only defeat the High Duke, but make the lives of the people better. By doing so, we'll hopefully be able to raise front support and increase our popularity with both the people and other factions. With the regalia and the imperial treasury in our hands, the nobility and the High Duke will have a harder time of subverting the population to their cause while we should have a easier time of winning the propaganda war.
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[x] Plan Popular Peoples Front

Avandian society is backwards and the Kammanists are faced with the task of carrying out a dual revolution against Feudalism and Capitalism. To that end the front has sought to bring together a broad coalition of anti-Feudal elements under its leadership to undertake this task. However, within the front there are those who question this strategy, with many viewing the compromises necessary to unite these forces as counter to Kammanist theory and praxis. United for now in the face of reactionary forces within and without the alliance holds. But for how much longer? Should we survive the immediate threat we will face many challenges. The road to victory is often winding and treacherous but no one said that revolution would be easy. Onward Comrades to Liberty or Death!


-[x] Defectors From Decadence - Not all aristocrats are evil, and the proof stands by your side. Several nobles chose to side with you. They may not entirely be trusted, but they have brought you wealth and soldiers and warcasters. (If not taken, they will likely have died at the hands of fellow aristocrats or your own men. For this one, I will roll to see what you get)

-[x] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)

-[x] Broad Support - Somehow, you have support among several religions, ethnic groups, and political factions. You have no idea how you managed to pull this off, but you and your front are now the head of a coalition, that while potentially fragile is still mighty. (You start off with increased opinion with many factions, and will gain special actions for dealing with them.)

-[x] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)

-[x] Peasant Inroads - Though dead, Comrade Zenus (Not his real name, but the name of a folk hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor) has given you a significant gift. Many among the peasantry know of both the legendary and the real one, and the fact that he supports you. It's given you greater support from the generally conservative peasantry than you otherwise would have. (Greater support outside cities.)


-[x] Shattered Front - Many are suspicious of you, questioning your devotion after your long years in exile. Some even wonder if you are still a Kammanist. Though you were still given the position of Committee Chairman, your position is weak. (Start with lower Front Support.)

-[x] Internal Tensions - The Front was heavily infiltrated by members of the Emperor's secret police and foreign agencies. But no one realized how bad it was. Now everyone is suspicious of each other...and there really might be some left. (Start with a split front and potential subversion.)

-[x] Armed Bandits - You seemed to have upset some people in the process of the Uprising. Or maybe they are class traitors. You don't know, but you have people launching attacks on your members in the city, and it could easily escalate. (Start with an insurgency in the city.)

-[x] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)
The thing is, the country is a majority peasant, since this is a clear Russia expy.

OTL-IRL version of this, to feed the cities the Bolsheviks were forced to, uh, plunder the countryside, which sure didn't help their fucking popularity. But if we start with bridges built, we can feed our people more easily, and recruit among peasants faster.
The thing is, the country is a majority peasant, since this is a clear Russia expy.

OTL-IRL version of this, to feed the cities the Bolsheviks were forced to, uh, plunder the countryside, which sure didn't help their fucking popularity. But if we start with bridges built, we can feed our people more easily, and recruit among peasants faster.
It's also a prison house of nations, which is why I'm also going for Broad Support. Defectors From Decadence will also help give us a stronger fighting position against the imminent threat.
It's also a prison house of nations, which is why I'm also going for Broad Support. Defectors From Decadence will also help give us a stronger fighting position against the imminent threat.

I don't think Broad Support and Defectors From Decadence are worth Shattered Front and Internal Divisions. I could imagine Broad Support with Internal Divisions, mind, but that four part combination... ehhh.
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I don't think Broad Support and Defectors From Decadence are worth Shattered Front and Internal Divisions. I could imagine Broad Support with Internal Divisions, mind, but that four part combination... ehhh.
I kind of want to go for a multiple factions thrown together against a mutual threat and then have to figure out the politics of what comes next after the shared threat is gone. Politicking and intrigues offer a lot of good gameplay and story potential.
I kind of want to go for a multiple factions thrown together against a mutual threat and then have to figure out the politics of what comes next after the shared threat is gone. Politicking and intrigues offer a lot of good gameplay and story potential.

Shattered Front feels more frustrating than helpful? I'd rather do Broad Support and Internal Divisions, if I was compromising with you. Though right now the vote's remarkably close, since it's 3 for my plan, 3 for Hannz's plan, and 2 for yours. So it could go any way.
[X] Plan: Worker And Peasant and Soldier United!
Adhoc vote count started by notbirdofprey on Dec 23, 2020 at 8:31 PM, finished with 22 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Worker And Peasant and Soldier United!
    [X] Plan Building a Guillotine
    -[X] Assets:
    --[X] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)
    --[X] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)
    --[X] The Imperial Treasury - Though depleted, you have access to the Imperial Treasury, having managed to seize it before any noble or looter could. There's a great deal of coin there, as well as the Imperial Regalia. (Start with extra Wealth, and less legitimacy for all noble factions. If not taken, the treasury will be mostly looted and you will have no idea where the Regalia is.)
    -[X] Liabilities:
    --[X] Shattered Front - Many are suspicious of you, questioning your devotion after your long years in exile. Some even wonder if you are still a Kammanist. Though you were still given the position of Committee Chairman, your position is weak. (Start with lower Front Support.)
    --[X] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)
    [x] Plan Popular Peoples Front
    -[x] Defectors From Decadence - Not all aristocrats are evil, and the proof stands by your side. Several nobles chose to side with you. They may not entirely be trusted, but they have brought you wealth and soldiers and warcasters. (If not taken, they will likely have died at the hands of fellow aristocrats or your own men. For this one, I will roll to see what you get)
    -[x] Army Deserters - The army was called in to suppress the rebellion. The units already in the city defected in mass, killing their officers in the process. They are ragged and tired, but they are also experienced and disciplined troops, already equipped and trained with some of the best weapons the Avandian Imperial Army had. (If not taken, the units which defected were less experienced, trained, and equipped, and had less men.)
    -[x] Broad Support - Somehow, you have support among several religions, ethnic groups, and political factions. You have no idea how you managed to pull this off, but you and your front are now the head of a coalition, that while potentially fragile is still mighty. (You start off with increased opinion with many factions, and will gain special actions for dealing with them.)
    -[x] Intact Industry - The uprising you led was a short, sharp thing, over before it had really started in the streets. This means relatively few casualties among the workers or damaged factories. Even the Aetherails and the stockpiles nearby were barely damaged. (Start with bonuses to support among the workers, better infrastructure, more Resources, and an intact industrial base.)
    -[x] Peasant Inroads - Though dead, Comrade Zenus (Not his real name, but the name of a folk hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor) has given you a significant gift. Many among the peasantry know of both the legendary and the real one, and the fact that he supports you. It's given you greater support from the generally conservative peasantry than you otherwise would have. (Greater support outside cities.)
    -[x] Shattered Front - Many are suspicious of you, questioning your devotion after your long years in exile. Some even wonder if you are still a Kammanist. Though you were still given the position of Committee Chairman, your position is weak. (Start with lower Front Support.)
    -[x] Internal Tensions - The Front was heavily infiltrated by members of the Emperor's secret police and foreign agencies. But no one realized how bad it was. Now everyone is suspicious of each other...and there really might be some left. (Start with a split front and potential subversion.)
    -[x] Armed Bandits - You seemed to have upset some people in the process of the Uprising. Or maybe they are class traitors. You don't know, but you have people launching attacks on your members in the city, and it could easily escalate. (Start with an insurgency in the city.)
    -[x] They're Coming - High Duke Radmos Austerbach, one of the most infamous nobles and a callous but competent general, is approaching you. Which would be fine, except he has an army with him, a mixed multitude of Imperial troops, deserters, mercenaries, household men...and he's less than a month away. And he isn't planning on surrendering. (Start with a hostile army approaching. Not recommended if you take it with No Army.)

I'm not closing the vote for another half hour, but Plan: Worker And Peasant and Soldier United! does have a very solid lead right now.