In Sol's Shadow, Part Second To Last
[X] 1 - Intergalactic Treaty Negotiations.
[X] 2 - Setting up a mutual ambassadorship.
[X] 3 - Other forms of help?
[X] 4 - Trade Deals.
[X] 5 - Galactic Political Information?
[X] 6 - Direct economic aid.
[X] Where rulers rulered: The White-House, Versailles, and other such monuments to now superseded or dysfunctional government are open for tours, and it would no doubt be quite informative on the political history of Sol, at least its more past history. They've always been fascinated with that sort of thing, and it'd make an excellent way to unwind, and might give them a few ideas.
[X] A Cultural Bonanza: Festivals, plays at the Globe Theatre, food all across the world, dancing, music and singing, this tour package promises to show the full range of Sol culture over a program of a week or three, and is apparently well-regarded. Yet another thing Kikkizit would be eager to do and explore, and it might give them an idea or two...or it might not.
The first matter at hand were the treaties. Slavery was a dark and vile abomination against the will of sentients and the sanctity of cloning technology not to be abused in horrific ways for the pleasure of abusive sentients. More than that, being part of the Intergalactic treaties seemed like it was a good start to any attempt to get involved in galactic affairs. And, Kikkizit reasoned further, sitting in a room for a few hours before yet another meeting, this time with a sub-functionary who was an assistant for the Sol Ambassador to one of the several intergalactic bodies.
[Roll: 1d100+28+30 (Priority #1)=88+59=146, hot damn.]
"I come here today because a vow of silence shall be ended, or so I hope," Kikkizit said, poetically.
"Silence?" the woman asked, looking at them for a moment.
"All sentients should have a peaceful voice in the affairs of the galaxy, to let their voices enter into the song and tumult of peace and spreading understanding. To learn not to sing off key, to know when a song must be the same and when it must change. Gazinitah has denied its citizens and itself this joy, and this duty. Its reasons are inscrutible, and they are not our own. Our own are those of all free sentients, longing at last to speak up. For ourselves and those who cannot speak."
"Those who--?"
"Slaves. The oppressed. The weak, the meek, whom some human books once said shall inherit the earth. I read it once, just a blurb in a class, and yet it and your own culture and all that you have done got me thinking. I kept on thinking and kept on raising my voice, and you can see where it got me. Jail, yes, it was the voices of the people raised in glorious song that overthrew a dynasty that had misruled for centuries. Slaves cannot, and often are programmed so that they will not, speak for themselves, and we share the guilt of Gazinitah, of not being part of that treaty. We wish, you understand, to make amends, not only for that but in all of the hundreds of ways we can."
"Then why," the woman asked, shuffling some papers, "Did you… uphold the prior treaties."
"Because at the time we trusted a government to keep its word, had hope that the former ruling dynasty had not bound us to elements so odious as it turned out they had. They lied to us, sang songs whose words were false. Now we come to you asking to share the burden, asking for the responsibilities and the privileges, that all sentients may someday know peace, prosperity, and diversity. There is little we can offer you, truly, we are no richer- and in many ways worse off- than other Xvorzit Hives, but we can offer you our voices, raised justly in righteous song, and we can offer our hands, turned at last towards just labor. Our legs marching towards the words of Sol's founder: "A world where none may fear and all may hope." All I ask is for a chance, a chance to sign onto the treaties, to join the organizations, that we may prove ourselves worthy of the great honor that is to be of service to all the galaxy."
The woman was looking at him strangely, and she nodded once. "And you need my help?"
"Yes, and all I can yet do is ask it, it is for you to decide," Kikkizit said, simply, lowing their arms slightly and dipping their legs in a polite bow before sitting.
"If only half of the people involved took it…" the woman muttered and said, "Come, we have much to speak of."
It was a long meeting, and Kikkizit was glad they had studied their whole case so thoroughly, as there was a lot they had to show, and where rhetoric fell away, legalistic analysis of the clauses and subclauses, the difficulties imposed by the treaties of the Iashec which might make any attempt to join into certain groups flounder were slowly chipped away at and then disposed of, and work continued over the next few days, devouring time and energy, and yet it was worth it. Ultimately the final say was Vorzhan's, despite the power granted to Kikkizit, but they could make the work easy and simple when the time came.
Free Action next turn to join the intergalactic community. Increased chances of success, though not quite 100%. Sol's mighty impressed with you. +5 to all other negotiation rolls after this one.
[Roll 2: 1d100+28+20 (Priority #2)+5 (Crit Success (and not just because of bonuses))=102, crit success, very good. ]
After that, setting up an ambassadorship is pretty easy. There are a few difficulties, since the building that had been in use by the ambassador before as a secondary meeting area away from their official office had been sold, but another was found, and credentials were exchanged, the information sent, everything ready and needing only Vorzhan's stamp of approval, though only Kikkizit knew that it might be a while before the leader saw it.
Free Action next turn to set up embassies. The Good times continue to roll in terms of their overall opinions of Kikkizit.
[Roll 3: 1d100+28+10+5=115]
Compared to that, Kikkizit stepped a lot more cautiously in terms of actually asking for help directly. It felt like it could backfire, and their sense of the political pressures was incomplete, and thus he hesitated a long time before bringing it up in a message, just a hint that this was a direction they'd be willing to expand the talks towards. It was very subtle, and they weren't entirely sure whether it would bear fruit.
The professor was honestly a little startled by the strength of the response. And so they followed it up, for the moment focusing on education. Sol promised to send some educational advisors, and mentioned the potential of technology sharing, though they were careful not to promise too much. Certainly, though, any help at all would be appreciated, and their circumcision seemed to be respected, as did Kikkizit's focus on less material or obvious forms of aid.
+5 to the other 'Aid' rolls. +10 to all Learning rolls next turn. Increased chances for certain technological actions you already have unlocked. No new options at this time, maybe later.
[Roll 4: 1d100+28+0+5+5 (Other Aid Crit)=87, pretty good, of course.]
Trade, on the other hand, was far more complicated. As it turned out, there wasn't, as Kikkizit had feared, much for Gazinitah to offer Sol in terms of trade. However, there were things they could offer their immediate neighbors, and Sol could help to set up such trades. It was all rather complicated, and Kikkizit had to rely on programs and looking up information on the very day of each discussion in order to get any sense of things, and the trades were complex and multifaceted, careful deals that were perhaps a little too fragile, but would work at the moment. While for Sol these were small deals and small agreements, the amount of money involved staggered Kikkizit, and it'd certainly impress Vorzhan. And of course, diversifying the trade would make them less reliant on Iashec sources.
200 Wealth in trade income per turn. In 3-4 turns, if the economy doesn't pick up, the deals might fall through, however. But for the moment, it's golden.
[Roll 5: 1d100+28-10+5=48, huh, there we go.]
On the other hand, no matter how hard they tried, requests for information didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Perhaps Sol didn't want to admit whatever the situation was, but Kikkizit was getting rather tired of going to meetings with nothing more than platitudes, especially since it wasn't something Kikkizit was focused on. He had gotten back from another stage of his tour of landmarks when he'd made his big push, and all he'd gotten was a basic rundown of the various states in relation to Sol, and even that honestly felt a little deceptive. Or perhaps they were pressed by time, working with him around the clock and also having to deal with his desires- honestly his need considering how stressful the whole thing was- to play tourist.
Ultimately they got out what they put in, in terms of effort. Which, as it was, wasn't much.
+5 to Diplomacy Rolls involving non-Sol human powers next turn...yes, this is really specific, and limited.
[Roll 6: 1d100+28-20+5+5 (Other Aid Crit)=87, pretty good!]
The oddest blessings are those that aren't expected. They hadn't even asked about it, instead being offered by a dark-eyed man in a meeting, all of a sudden.
"Say again?" Kikkizit chittered, leaning forward.
"The Prime Minister is willing to offer direct economic aid to Gazinitah if you want it. It'll come from the aid we had sent Evlon 6 after the earthquake. It's small, a pittance," they said absently, "But it's all he can shake loose at the moment without agitating for it, and you've proven surprisingly undemanding in that regard, so he has decided not to use the political capital needed to expand it. But he still wishes to offer you what help he can, monetarily."
"We will be grateful for anything at all we recieve," Kikkizit said honestly.
"It's not much," the other ambassador said, absently, "Only [500 Wealth] a year, and it'll probably run out in four or five years unless we top up the funds."
Only? Kikkizit very carefully said, "We thank you for-"
"Well, there's a bit more. It can't be spent towards the security state, and it can't be spent on debt-servicing, and until...well, until your regime separates its police from its military, it cannot be earmarked towards those matters either. These restrictions will be upheld as best we can, and if you don't wish to accept them, that is perfectly fine.
I suspect I know the answer, but a vote is required: accept the deal? It'd be 250 Wealth a turn.
[] Yes.
[] No.
[Where Rulers Rulered: 1d100+27=93]
With all of this, it seemed incredible that they had time to galavant around the world, and yet they found the time. They made it. They were used to making time, to allowing their life to exist when it could be buried by studies and paperwork, and as it turned out, it was completely worth it.
Earth was beautiful up above, and down below, and everywhere in between, so vibrant and full of life, and at three places they learned something truly significant, and at many more they thought deeply and studied closely. The history of Sol was a history of systems of thought and control, progressing and changing and being overwhelmed, and yet bits and pieces of them surviving.
There was a place in Sol for Versailles, and the Kremlin, even though nobody had ruled from there in over six-hundred years. Kikkizit skittered about the opulent if strange wealth, identifying the painting styles from an online guide they'd gotten, taking notes for a colleague of theirs. In fact, a lot of what they were doing was just that: helping out their fellow faculty members, even now. He also had time to think about the palaces of the Ruler Caste. They shouldn't be destroyed, but should be preserved, as part of history, that much had occurred to them when looking at these buildings, now so much more important than any 'revenge' against the past. But that, similarly, the Ruler Caste couldn't be allowed to hold onto the public funds, they should be cut off in order to wither on the vine.
In muggy India they thought more about this and started to think about how these systems broke down. They worked for a time to a certain definition of working, and then they fell apart. Their systems oppressed, they enslaved, they changed and fell apart almost constantly. In that regard, over five hundred years of Ruler Caste rule, and of mostly the same dynasty at that, was far too much to expect to be any good. Systems which didn't allow for change or allowed them only violently; these systems were of great interest, if only for what didn't work, and Kikkizit would definitely need to talk to Vorzhan about perhaps setting up some method of succession. It would be too easy for things to get bad, otherwise. At least they didn't have children- though there was still time for that to potential change- to increase the risks of something like what was just eliminated creeping back in…
It was a lot to think of, and a lot of data, and then they'd seen the White House, and several other buildings, and he'd seen that there was an art to certain things. An art to knowing when to let go. There was no longer any President of the United States. No longer any United States, at least as a discrete governmental institution. But they hadn't lost, had they? Instead they had adapted themselves towards a better future, had understood that few governments last forever, and if the happiness of its citizens and the world was the goal, they'd won.
It was a lot for the professor to take in, honestly.
A few thoughts, ideas, and other things that will eventually (not for a while) become options. Potential other bonuses at end of Diplomacy turn.
[A Cultural Bonanza #1, Learning: 1d100+27=55]
Learning about human art forms could have gone better. They did pick up a little, and the styles of artwork, especially in the old monuments, all things that they could tell their friends who were studying such things. Helping out others was a gift in itself, and he couldn't say it wasn't a worthwhile time, even if he hadn't come across any great revelations in the world of art other than that human art was as varied as Xvorzit art, and as fascinating, if in a strange and unfamiliar way.
[A Cultural Bonanza #2: 1d100+28=67]
Making contacts, on the other hand, is rather easy. Meeting holonet stars and musicians, artists and game-makers of all sorts, and turning them into friends after only a meeting or two, even an incidental meeting… it's a talent that a sufficiently clever Xvorzit can use to great effect. While most Xvorzit were in earnest, that didn't mean they didn't know something about social psychology, and even with their official status obscured, kind words and careful hints allowed them to meet people who would normally avoid contact with the average bug… or human for that matter. The contacts would need to be followed up on, but it was something. Or perhaps it could be, with work.
And honestly, talking to actors and painters and other such people about their lives and works was worth it in the first place.
Potential gains, right now mostly just possibilities. Possibly something at the end of the Diplomacy turn.
Just as pressingly, a meeting with Prime Minister Ankit Mutumbo was approaching. It would be the end, the final step of the negotiations, the last chance to make a good impression or get more out of the meeting. A lot rode on this, and they were already trying to work out how best to go about it. And what to talk about.
What sort of meeting does Kikkizit push for?
[] Beer Summit?: An informal sort of meeting in which the two parties have a drink (though Xvorzit don't drink alcohol) and talk through a few things, it might be too informal, or it might be just right.
[] Bottled Poetry: On the other hand, you could go to a fancy restaurant or pushing for a formal state dinner, more time to talk but in a more formal setting
-[] Restaurant (Any preferences? Just know that all of the cuisines that existed now exist then, and more, complete with tons of new fusion options and intergalactic forms of eating.)
-[] Formal State Dinner
[] No fighting in the war room: A formal conference is best. Long tables, official times, schedules, this formality is a shield of sorts, and it makes one look less like a thief scurrying around in the night, perhaps.
[] He will see you now: On the other hand you could slip into the capitol building and talk to them in their office, between meetings and work. It'd be a little quick, but there is something to be said for the idea.
[] Other: Got an idea? Share it and I'll tell you if it's possible.
What are his priorities? To note, the higher a success already, the more a topic is already tapped out in terms of gains, though depending on the topic bringing it up might or might not give a bonus or penalty to other things, depending. Things that weren't a great success have a chance to be tried again via this. (Pick one Primary and one Secondary, this isn't a long meeting, after all!)
[] Setting up a mutual ambassadorship.
[] Direct economic aid.
[] Trade Deals.
[] Intergalactic Treaty Negotiations.
[] Other forms of help?
[] Intergalactic Political Situation?
Kikkizit has time, or has made time, for one final bit of leisure-activity before they must return to Gazinitah. Where do they go?
[] Nature in all its splendour: Parks and wilderness have their own beauty, and while Kikkizit isn't the most outgoing and outdoorsish, Earth is said to be very beautiful, parts of it still quite wild despite the population levels, and all of it available for round-the-planet tourism. Perhaps it might give Kikkizit something to think about involving parks, wilderness, and land-use.
[] Ancient bones and dank tombs: There are tour packages that instead go to the 'Middle East' and all around the world, to the ancient sites of human battles, life, love and death. It's all very fascinating stuff and is on Kikkizit's bucket list, if Xvorzit had that concept. Their fascination with ancient forms of Xvorzith culture extends in a similar way to human culture.
[] Walking the Streets: No need for a guide! Just explore some. Visit cities using a brochure or two for interesting places, walk, shop, see how people live. Where do they go? How often do they recharge their hovercars? What's it like to live on Sol? Something of anthropology, and something of aimless wandering and questioning, it could turn up something, or it might not, but it'd definitely be touristy.
[] You belong in a Museum!: Earth has thousands of fascinating museums, and Kikkizit could choose to go to some of them, whether by category or location. Perhaps they'd learn something important, or perhaps not, either way it'd certainly be a fun enough way to spend a few weeks. (Will vote on what sorts of places you go if this is selected.)
[] The News is where it is: Watch the news. Read the news. Feel the news. Be the news. Absorb all of the political, social, and other news you can find on Sol, about the galaxy at large, about the Solish perspective (at least the perspective of the newscasters) on things. It's not really that relaxing, more a bit of studying, but it could be useful. Or it could teach you nothing except what a Talking Head is. Or something in between. Who knows? This, like all of the options, could lead to something interesting...or nothing much at all.