A Hikkikomori NEET Quest

I have a question. How big is dog. Does it go outside on walks? Maybe we could start doing it.

Dogs no matter the size need to have free space to run around or go on walks if you live in a flat. Otherwise they may get aggresive and start ruining furniture inside or they may end up being stressed and stress can in the long run kill that dog.

If someone says that dog doesn't need to outside on walks then they lie or they admit that they abuse a dog.

Ok, mini-rant over (apologies). Yeah, walking a dog may work. In fact there are jobs related to like dog whisperer, veterinarian, etc. This may be a start for being a dog trainer, which doesn't sound impressive at first, but some people are willing to pay alot for this if you are good enough, so why not?

Also I'm really tempted to report that mother at least for being neglectful.

Personally I'm not sure if coding idea is something I would keep doing because honestly with him being hikkikomori we shouldn't encourage any job that makes someone spend lots of time locked inside buildings, their room, etc. because this may encourage him to go back to his old habits.

He needs to get out and dog may be a good way to train your body and do it with a dog, which is great companion to spend time with if you train this dog right.
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[x] Take your dog on a walk around your block; it's light exercise and good for the dog.
-[x] Take some plastic grocery bags or doggy bags to clean up after your dog.
I have a question. How big is dog. Does it go outside on walks? Maybe we could start doing it.
Whoops I never mentioned that, did I?
You walk your small dog an average of twice a day, something so routine over the last decade its not even really thought about anymore. You did fail to do so yesterday, but hopefully that could be forgiven due to the circumstances. Your mother actually cares for the dog, at least more than she does you, and walks him too when she feels like it.
That said,
[x] Take your dog on a walk around your block; it's light exercise and good for the dog.
-[x] Take some plastic grocery bags or doggy bags to clean up after your dog.
Done, as usual
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The end?
As of the 9th of April, Hideaki will no longer be a NEET, and as such this quest will come to an end. Or at least the title would become a lie. I had an interesting experience attempting to write something for the first time, among other things, and my thanks to all who participated in this quest.
[ ] Is there anything you would like to do before the quest ends for good?

Do you have any suggestions about how I should improve my writing or writing style in any possible future work?
[ ] Write-in

Would you be interested in continuing to follow and guide the journey of Hideaki's non-NEET life, even if the quest can only be updated on occasional weekends?
[ ] No, I came for the title and that would be a scam
[ ] No, this quest is too boring and simplistic and would rather not see this anymore
[ ] Maybe, but only if there is something interesting
[ ] Maybe, but learn how to write and how to be a decent QM first
[ ] Maybe, but
-[ ] write-in
[ ] Yes, this interests me, and I would be willing to read and participate, even if the tone and frequency changes
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[X] Yes, this interests me, and I would be willing to read and participate, even if the tone and frequency changes
[X] Yes, this interests me, and I would be willing to read and participate, even if the tone and frequency changes
[X] Yes, this interests me, and I would be willing to read and participate, even if the tone and frequency changes
Okay, I realised that perhaps a vote to gauge audience engagement might not give the most unbiased results...

Anyway, I still need to know what you guys want to do for the last day of your NEET life and freedom.

In other news, apparently Akari had been trying to avoid telling you that she had gotten into a relationship, but now that you know, it seems like she is no longer a possible option to pursue.
[X] Rest up and watch some fun movies with snacks.

If this is our last day of NEETness, we should rest and relax for whatever job/training we're going to do tomorrow.
Ok guys, I'm back and writing down a new post, which will hopefully be out as soon as possible. Making this one partially to inform ou guys, but also to motivate myself to actually get a post out instead of procrastinating it because im so tired.
Note that any and all information that Hideaki is privy to but is under legal obligation not to divulge would not be available to readers, and that some of his opinions on various subject matters may not be revealed, and it would be up to the readers to intepret and discuss among themselves. However, despite his thoughts potentially being censored or withheld, you may generally assume that there will not intentionally be false statements as to his state of mind. This may also indicate that short posts, ironically, may cover far more content, just that the specifics of which cannot be revealed, and are again for the readers to discuss. I will be extremely careful about information, and when in doubt, I will err on the side of caution.

Since QM is entirely unrelated to Hideaki, this is for, uh, roleplay purposes only, and not because I will get charged in court or anything if i screw up, baka
Please do try to help me along and go with it, even if it may occasionally negatively affect the quest a great deal.
Honestly, you did have some reason to be a hikkineet. Well, at least the NEET part. You had been conscripted into compulsory national service, and had known for quite a while that you would be. There wouldn't have been enough time to complete university before you were drafted, and you were too lazy to search for a job that you would have to leave soon after. As it became your turn to serve your country, you were chosen to be part of the Police Service, and your previously slack lifestyle quickly turned into a whiplash as you attempted to rapidly adapt to the stark difference in environment.
In camp, you are first immediately made aware of the emphasis on regimentation in various ways, and it immediately becomes apparent that you are no longer a civilian with your own thoughts and ideas. Each day is filled with drills, physical training, and most importantly, classes to educate you of police procedure and the law. With the rigorous training you have, and you understand why the police is so respected and trusted in your country, and why the city is consistently rated as one of the safest in the world. The food quality is surprisingly good, but there is nowhere near enough time to enjoy it, as you have to wolf it down and fall back in in minutes.
Your first squad is great, but due to certain logistics, you end up having to change to a differnt squad, and you are slightly less enamoured with the new one. Fortunately, you are still able to get along with your squadmates decently.

With parental emotional support still to be desired, having no girlfriend, and having no close friends in or out of camp, an emotional breakdown may be imminent in the forseeable future
[ ] How will you cope with the daily stress without breaking down eventually?

There will be a monthly physical test consisting of 60 seconds of push-ups, 60 seconds of sit-ups, and a 2.4km (~1.5miles) run at the end of the month for the next three months. Note that each push-up and sit-up must be perfect in form, with the body entirely straight and chest having to touch the floor each time for pushups, and elbows touching the top of knees for situps. Depending on your results, there will be different rewards after each test, and a penalty for failing. If all tests are failed, there will be a large penalty. To obtain the different levels of rewards, here are some possible configurations of scores:
S: <8:30 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps
A: <8:50 run, 59 pushups, 59 situps
B: <9:50 run, 56 pushups, 56 situps; <11:30 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps; <8:30 run, 35 pushups, 35 situps
C: <11:30 run, 42 pushups, 42 situps; <13:20 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps
D: <12:50 run, 34 pushups, 34 situps; <15:00 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps; <14:10 run, 44 pushups, 44 situps
F: any lower
To benchmark yourself, you gave it a shot and got around a 19:00 run, 45 pushups, and 45 situps
Due to certain logistical issues, you will not be allowed to run on weekdays until further notice.
[ ] How should you train?

As you return home this weekend, your father takes time out of his busy schedule to talk to you and even polish boots with you, and you are really grateful for that, and give him a hug.

Really tired still and not feeling very well, so i'll end post here and maybe try again tomorrow if i remeber the rest of what i wanted to type.
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-[x] Find a girlfriend
-[x] find a hobby, like painting or airsoft games
-[x] meditate on how far you've come
-[x] if all else fails go break some stuff at a junkyard for relaxation

-[x] train everyday with 30 minute rest intervals for every hour of training
-[x] if you feel your muscles start to ache, do a stretching exercise for one hour before continuing.
-[x] if all else fails go break some stuff at a junkyard for relaxation

-[x] Find a girlfriend
-[x] find a hobby, like painting or airsoft games
-[x] meditate on how far you've come

-[x] train everyday with 30 minute rest intervals for every hour of training
-[x] if you feel your muscles start to ache, do a stretching exercise for one hour before continuing.
-[x] cuddle the dog
-[x] find a hobby, like painting
-[x] meditate on how far you've come

-[x] train everyday with 30 minute rest intervals for every hour of training
-[x] if you feel your muscles start to ache, do a stretching exercise for one hour before continuing.
-[x] Find a girlfriend
-[x] find a hobby, like painting or airsoft games
-[x] meditate on how far you've come
-[x] if all else fails, try to focus your attention on being the best of your squad, in giving 100% in everything you do. Hopefully, that will keep you busy enough so you do not have to think about your loneliness.

-[x] train everyday with 30 minute rest intervals for every hour of training
-[x] if you feel your muscles start to ache, do a stretching exercise for one hour before continuing.
First weekend at home
-[x] Find a girlfriend
You certainly would like to, but easier said than done. Especially if you lack the time to really acquaint yourself with new people outside of camp

-[x] find a hobby, like painting or airsoft games
Your best attempt at a painting would probably come closer to modern art than anything else, and although you do have a heavily discounted rate at airsoft games, the problem here is finding people to do it with

-[x] cuddle the dog
Who's a good boy! *huggggggggggggs*

-[x] meditate on how far you've come
Just remembering all the training you have had so far tires you

-[x] if all else fails go break some stuff at a junkyard for relaxation
It would be awkward and slightly problematic if the police came if you get reported for suspicious behaviour or something

-[x] if all else fails, try to focus your attention on being the best of your squad, in giving 100% in everything you do. Hopefully, that will keep you busy enough so you do not have to think about your loneliness.
You will try your best. However, do take note that although pushing yourself might help your mental and physical condition, it also raises the probability of both giving out

-[x] train everyday with 30 minute rest intervals for every hour of training
-[x] if you feel your muscles start to ache, do a stretching exercise for one hour before continuing.
You dont have the freedom to do so on weekdays, but you could do so on your weekends out of camp. What are your concrete targets to aim for each week, though?

You will book back in with stats of:
Stress: 25
Physical condition: 70
Happiness: 35
Motivation: 65
Energy: 85
(open to suggestions of a better list of stat names and types to use instead)
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- find new friends during your free time
- try finding some decent people at an anime con, not all of them are basement trolls right? Plus you can bond over anime and other stuff
- bond with your squad, these people will be those who will watch your back while in or out of your job.
- buy or make a punching bag for training and stress venting
- continue painting, even if it's crap, atleast its crap you made yourself. Maybe you'll get to the point where you can sell it one day.

- start jogging, get your cardio up to the point where you can do 10km without getting out of breath.
- work on your pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. Your minimum reps must be 100 by the end of this month.
- take up swimming lessons or hit up a gym during your free time, ask gym instructor for help and try to make friends while you're at it.

is this fine or should I just edit my last vote?
- find new friends during your free time
- try finding some decent people at an anime con, not all of them are basement trolls right? Plus you can bond over anime and other stuff
- bond with your squad, these people will be those who will watch your back while in or out of your job.
- buy or make a punching bag for training and stress venting
- continue painting, even if it's crap, atleast its crap you made yourself. Maybe you'll get to the point where you can sell it one day.

- start jogging, get your cardio up to the point where you can do 10km without getting out of breath.
- work on your pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. Your minimum reps must be 100 by the end of this month.
- take up swimming lessons or hit up a gym during your free time, ask gym instructor for help and try to make friends while you're at it.

is this fine or should I just edit my last vote?
yeah its definitely fine, though since you are in camp again, and will be for the majority of your time, you are more interested in coping mechanisms that you can perform inside camp as opposed to outside
- find new friends during your free time
- try finding some decent people at an anime con, not all of them are basement trolls right? Plus you can bond over anime and other stuff
- bond with your squad, these people will be those who will watch your back while in or out of your job.
- buy or make a punching bag for training and stress venting
- continue painting, even if it's crap, atleast its crap you made yourself. Maybe you'll get to the point where you can sell it one day.

- start jogging, get your cardio up to the point where you can do 10km without getting out of breath.
- work on your pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. Your minimum reps must be 100 by the end of this month.
- take up swimming lessons or hit up a gym during your free time, ask gym instructor for help and try to make friends while you're at it.

I mean, I don't really know what to do, so I'll just go with this... I guess?