Honestly, you did have some reason to be a hikkineet. Well, at least the NEET part. You had been conscripted into compulsory national service, and had known for quite a while that you would be. There wouldn't have been enough time to complete university before you were drafted, and you were too lazy to search for a job that you would have to leave soon after. As it became your turn to serve your country, you were chosen to be part of the Police Service, and your previously slack lifestyle quickly turned into a whiplash as you attempted to rapidly adapt to the stark difference in environment.
In camp, you are first immediately made aware of the emphasis on regimentation in various ways, and it immediately becomes apparent that you are no longer a civilian with your own thoughts and ideas. Each day is filled with drills, physical training, and most importantly, classes to educate you of police procedure and the law. With the rigorous training you have, and you understand why the police is so respected and trusted in your country, and why the city is consistently rated as one of the safest in the world. The food quality is surprisingly good, but there is nowhere near enough time to enjoy it, as you have to wolf it down and fall back in in minutes.
Your first squad is great, but due to certain logistics, you end up having to change to a differnt squad, and you are slightly less enamoured with the new one. Fortunately, you are still able to get along with your squadmates decently.
With parental emotional support still to be desired, having no girlfriend, and having no close friends in or out of camp, an emotional breakdown may be imminent in the forseeable future
[ ] How will you cope with the daily stress without breaking down eventually?
There will be a monthly physical test consisting of 60 seconds of push-ups, 60 seconds of sit-ups, and a 2.4km (~1.5miles) run at the end of the month for the next three months. Note that each push-up and sit-up must be perfect in form, with the body entirely straight and chest having to touch the floor each time for pushups, and elbows touching the top of knees for situps. Depending on your results, there will be different rewards after each test, and a penalty for failing. If all tests are failed, there will be a large penalty. To obtain the different levels of rewards, here are some possible configurations of scores:
S: <8:30 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps
A: <8:50 run, 59 pushups, 59 situps
B: <9:50 run, 56 pushups, 56 situps; <11:30 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps; <8:30 run, 35 pushups, 35 situps
C: <11:30 run, 42 pushups, 42 situps; <13:20 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps
D: <12:50 run, 34 pushups, 34 situps; <15:00 run, 60 pushups, 60 situps; <14:10 run, 44 pushups, 44 situps
F: any lower
To benchmark yourself, you gave it a shot and got around a 19:00 run, 45 pushups, and 45 situps
Due to certain logistical issues, you will not be allowed to run on weekdays until further notice.
[ ] How should you train?
As you return home this weekend, your father takes time out of his busy schedule to talk to you and even polish boots with you, and you are really grateful for that, and give him a hug.
Really tired still and not feeling very well, so i'll end post here and maybe try again tomorrow if i remeber the rest of what i wanted to type.