A Hikkikomori NEET Quest

[X] Leave out the part where the gift comes from your first paycheck specifically just the clause just the clause.
- add in "So how's life there? Mine's been pretty hard right now, though I've found some common topics between some of my comrades and I found that talking to interdimensional voices in my head is very relaxing (joking about the voices part).

This fine or should I just edit my earlier reply?
[X] Leave out the part where the gift comes from your first paycheck specifically just the clause just the clause.
- add in "So how's life there? Mine's been pretty hard right now, though I've found some common topics between some of my comrades and I found that talking to interdimensional voices in my head is very relaxing (joking about the voices part).
[X] prepare even more notes (open book exam)
If it's open notes then you write it to get the topics in your head by writing it.
Final Week
It's the final week of basic training, before being posted out to learn on the job. No why must this happen.
You are looking forward to your new posting, and can't wait for the week to be over. No you arent you tried so hard and failed.
You will miss your squad after this, seeing as you will go different ways now. They have left a strong impression on you in this difficult and tiring time, and you cant bear to leave them. No you wont. They deserve to-
It is a joyous occasion, and you should be happy. WORTHLESS. FAILURE

What should you do? What can you do?
[ ] Do your best for the final week. What does that even mean you tried so hard already but to no avail
[ ] write-in You were better off as the hikkineet instead of this
[X] Do your best for the final week.
[X] Say goodbye to your teammates and make a promise to try and stay in intact with each other if possible.
[X] Do your best for the final week.
[X] Say goodbye to your teammates and make a promise to try and stay in intact with each other if possible.

The sun always rises
[X] Yes

I don't really mind using connections since I just look at them like tools, it's not using them that's the problem, it's how you use them.
Call a higher friend to help you get you paperwork done faster? Okay, that's fine.
Call a General to fuckover you're eleventh grade bully so that they are courtmartialed and put into jail for life due to a crime they didn't commit? We're gonna have problems then.
[X] Yes

Not everyone who works hard has succeeded, but everyone who has succeeded has worked hard!

... that was totally paraphrased from a manga, but the point still stands. You're on the right track, and if you need some help to get there, then so be it. Just don't go overboard (not that I'm too sure what 'connections' means in the first place).
Call a higher friend to help you get you paperwork done faster? Okay, that's fine.
Call a General to fuckover you're eleventh grade bully so that they are courtmartialed and put into jail for life due to a crime they didn't commit? We're gonna have problems then.

And perhaps if we were talking about an 8 on the scale where the former is a 1 and the latter is a 10?
[X] Use your connections if you are certain it won't cause severe harm to anyone. I'm using my 3 votes here, if that's allowed.
And perhaps if we were talking about an 8 on the scale where the former is a 1 and the latter is a 10?
Depends on hwat youre trying to achieve. If the person youre trying to fuckover is a real piece of work, I'd pretty much be onboard of it. But the moment youve started to run over those who dont deserve ti get run over I'd dusagree with that.
Though if were talking about jobs, ive got pretty good leeway on that. You can take the job but you have to be sure that you can actually handle it and deserve that position.
[X] Yes
-[X] if you are certain it won't cause severe harm to anyone.
[X] Use your connections if you are certain it won't cause severe harm to anyone. I'm using my 3 votes here, if that's allowed.
The 3 votes have been used, and the action will be taken. Note that if not for the usage of the triplevote, "[ ] No" would have won even with the majority of voters saying yes