A Hero's Soul Is Dark (DS/TNYNN)

[X] What Is Your Name?*=Mattius Nova
[X] What Is Your Appearance?*=Looks like Richard Rider
[X] Describe Yourself With Three Words*=Relaxed. Clever. Heroic.
[X] Final Moments*=Neck snapped by getting hit in the back of the head by a fish.
[X] Shield
[X] Yuzuru Otanashi
[X] Doctor to be

[X] Final Moments*
-[X] Bombs went off all over the city. You and several other's were trapped in a collapsed building. After not having eaten or drunk anything for several days, you managed to a bottle of water. You we're so thirsty, but the kids needed it more than you did...

[X] Shovel
[X] Shovel

I don't care about the rest. BUT WE WILL DIG DEEPER.
On one hand, I've seen Angel Beats, so I know Otonashi's character.

On the other hand, Otonashi spent a strong portion of his life working jobs to pay for his kid sister's medical expenses and also training to become a doctor, so I doubt he's had a lot of time playing video-games.
On one hand, I've seen Angel Beats, so I know Otonashi's character.

On the other hand, Otonashi spent a strong portion of his life working jobs to pay for his kid sister's medical expenses and also training to become a doctor, so I doubt he's had a lot of time playing video-games.
...so alt-verse it a touch, lighten his load a bit, and say he used games to blow off steam. Perhaps he was enough of a natural at medicine that he had some free time not taken up by schoolwork while he was training.

I personally have no idea about Angel Beats. I just liked the character as described.
Votes Locked!

[X] Shovel
No. of votes: 2
zero_traveler, Diomedon

[X] Handsome prodigious chef
[X] Choked on a piece of dried squid.
[X] Shovel
No. of votes: 1

[X] Mattius Nova
[X] Looks like Richard Rider
[X] Relaxed. Clever. Heroic.
[X] Neck snapped by getting hit in the back of the head by a fish.
[X] Shield
No. of votes: 1

[X] Yuzuru Otanashi
[X] Doctor to be
[X] Bombs went off all over the city. You and several others were trapped in a collapsed building. After not having eaten or drunk anything for several days, you managed to a bottle of water. You were so thirsty, but the kids needed it more than you did...
[X] Shovel
No. of votes: 7
Ridiculously Average Guy, Sirrocco, Troglodyte, AnonymousRabbit, Bladestar123, ILurk, Pensive Rumination

[X] Shovel Knight
[X] Pinnacle Of Shovelry!
[X] Champion of Shovelry
[X] Dug a hole too deep, it collapsed, buried alive.
[X] Shovel
No. of votes: 3
Enjou, Archshot, Belomor

You are a modern-day person with a love for video-games. But you aren't a filthy casual, nor are you a hardcore elitist; you're a moderate player.

[X] Your Name Is: Yuzuru Otonashi
[X] Your Appearance Is: This
[X] Describe Yourself With Three Words: Hardworking, Friendly, Independent

What you did in life isn't very important, what matters more is how you died. But, there's no need to mince words, so keep it simple and state the cause of your death in at-most one sentence.

[X] Final Moments: Bombs went off all over the city. You and several others were trapped in a collapsed building. After not having eaten or drunk anything for several days, you managed to a bottle of water. You were so thirsty, but the kids needed it more than you did...

And, finally, what sort of weapon do you like?

[X] Shovel


Using my Tyrannical Quest Master Powers, I made a few changes to the winning vote.

Such as making 'Yuzuru Otanashi' into 'Yuzuru Otonashi'.

And for anyone wondering what you would have gotten for leaving all of the optional-choices as blank...

[_] Your Name Is: Iris Kitall
[_] Your Appearance Is: Similar To A Certain Cluckcoolander Lovecraftian Moe Girl
[_] Describe Yourself With Three Words: Blunt, Weary, and Responsible
[_] Final Moments: You were waiting for the bus, chatting all the while with a certain annoying self-proclaimed rival, when suddenly — bang! — your head exploded!
-[_] Your Legendary Weapon seems to have unlocked some strangely familiar forms...


You are Yuzuru Otonashi, Japanese, Male, seventeen years old, five-foot-nine, with red hair and burgundy eyes.

When you were a middle-schooler, you had cared little for socializing or academics, preferring to be alone while playing video-games. You loved playing video-games but had little time for it.

When your younger sister — Hatsune — was diagnose with cancer, your family's monetary-troubles began. Being quite tall for your age and mature looking, your parents had used their connections to find you several part-time jobs. Most of the paychecks you earned were then spent on Hatsune's expenses. That was fine by you. Compared to your classmates or even your parents, you weren't very attached to them; but the moments you spent with Hatsune was far more precious to you.

As your younger sister's condition deteriorated, you had begun to wonder for what purpose you were living for...

When Hatsune passed away on Christmas, you eventually made the resolve to become a doctor.

One day, while studying at the city's library, you heard a explosion and the building then suddenly collapsed. Many were killed or injured and few were those with just scratches and bruises. But all were trapped. Gathering the survivors and managing the paltry supplies, you worked fervently to keep the remaining people alive.

You did the best you could, sharing a majority of your food and water, because you knew that you didn't have long to live. You were severely injured, too wounded to be saved with improvised knowledge and, and so kept your failing condition from everyone else.

Tensions were high for the first few days but that soon gave way to lethargy and despair as the week went on.

Several days into that week, hunger and thirst gone, sensation dull and numb, vision blurring and going in and out, you were certain that you weren't long for this world. Death was coming for you.

You gave away the rest of your rations — most of it to the children.

As you laid your back to the rubbled-wall, pleased by their brightened expressions, you wondered if there wasn't one last thing you could do, wondered whether this was all your life would amount to?

At that moment, you recalled a short conversation you once had with your younger sister.

With a smile, you unsteadily pulled out your life-insurance card and filled in the appropriate information for organ-donation.
"...Big-bro is coming..."
With this, there was meaning in your life, you wouldn't just disappear...
"..to meet you.."
Even if you died, you could live on, saving others..
Thank you, Yuzuru Otonashi.