A Hero's Soul Is Dark (DS/TNYNN)

[X]Hang On - The powers of theGods were related to the strength of the Flames. If that First Flamewas rekindled then their strength would return. In that case, therewas a possibility that they couldbring back Hatsune.
[X]Hang On - The powers of theGods were related to the strength of the Flames. If that First Flamewas rekindled then their strength would return. In that case, therewas a possibility that they couldbring back Hatsune.
[X]Hang On - The powers of theGods were related to the strength of the Flames. If that First Flamewas rekindled then their strength would return. In that case, therewas a possibility that they couldbring back Hatsune.
I have a feeling there are no right answers here.
But, ignoring things like DS past, what we have here is a paragon/renegade choice. To either pursue our selfish goal at the expense of all else, or to let go of our past and bury it in the present.

Thing is, both choices suck. The renegade choice may end with us sacrificing some people so we can light the fire, while the paragon choice will probably end with us having a nervous breakdown in some lonely ditch.

But dammitall, he died a hero. And I'm gonna respect that, so when he does meet his sister, he can be proud of it. Afterlife or otherwise.

[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?

Damn you Shin. Damn you for making me feel this bad. Damnit.
[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?
[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?
[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?

She said she couldn't do it. If she'd meant "I can't do it unless the fires are lit" she would have said that instead.
Hmmm, true:

[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?
[X]Hang On - The powers of theGodswere related to the strength of the Flames. If that First Flamewasrekindled then their strength would return. In that case, therewas a possibility that they couldbring back Hatsune.
[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?
In DS lore having a set goal that you will not give up on no matter what helps you preserve your humanity. Hanging on seem to be more beneficial in this case.
[X] Let Go - That's enough. Though you felt some regret about Hatsune's death, it wasn't a past that you should dwell in. Rather, the reason you had become a doctor, wasn't it to help people in the present?
In DS lore having a set goal that you will not give up on no matter what helps you preserve your humanity. Hanging on seem to be more beneficial in this case.
Sure - but we should pick a goal that's not dependent on us being delusional. Pick an actual goal for actual reasons. By our history, we're fully capable of dedicating ourselves to a task.