Bet some people will want to Waifu her. Along with the usual waifu's to try to make this a harem. whether this is a harem or mono?
Even before the reasons @DeadmanwalkingXI brought up, she's like, twice Izuku's age.

If we want to pursue Izuku actually dating, that seems fine...but can we keep to age appropriate targets, please?

Personally speaking, I'd rather let the dice decide if and/or when Izuku starts on the dating scene.

It isn't something we need to worry about for the next in universe year, at the very least, and I'd rather this didn't end up becoming a shipping war. Let's let Izuku find his own romance, at his own pace.

I don't want to minmax our romantic life; that's what Endeavor did.
Even before the reasons @DeadmanwalkingXI brought up, she's like, twice Izuku's age.

She's apparently only 24. Her being 10 years older is only an issue do to Izuku being, y'know, 14. If he were 20 and she were 30, the age difference wouldn't matter too much. But, well, he is indeed 14 so it super does.

Personally speaking, I'd rather let the dice decide if and/or when Izuku starts on the dating scene.

It isn't something we need to worry about for the next in universe year, at the very least, and I'd rather this didn't end up becoming a shipping war. Let's let Izuku find his own romance, at his own pace.

Here I don't agree entirely. I do think we should wait and see what develops in terms of possibilities, but I absolutely despise the degree of 'not talking about our feelings' that occurs in media and in many people's real lives and if given the opportunity to vote for Izuku to actually ask someone out rather than quietly pine for them I will do so in a heartbeat.

I don't want to minmax our romantic life; that's what Endeavor did.

No, he tried to minmax his children's powers...very different. Minmaxing his relationship would not necessarily be good, but it'd look wildly different from what happened there.
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Wow. Miss Matsuri is a Babeosaurus Rex, with a once in 65 million years smile.

Now that I've got that out of my system, I say we tell people the truth, including how potentially fatal everything is. Really grind in what their asking for if they try to get a quirk this way, and then step back and let Natural Selection do what it does best. Not the most considerate approach but the other option is lying and some idiot who wants it to be true bad enough tries it on themselves anyway. If only their had been a quirk option where Izuku had a quirk all along. Then we could avoid this delicate issue for the most part?

[X][Counseling] Light

Sensory shit seems interesting. Izuku is all about turning his observations into weapons against his enemies, so making use of his special vision to help people feels appropriate.
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No, he tried to minmax his children's powers...very different. Minmaxing his relationship would not necessarily be good, but it'd look wildly different from what happened there.

IIRC, wasn't it revealed that he wasn't even the one who set that? Sure he agreed to the arranged marriage, but it wasn't initially his idea?

I vaguely remember that being a thing.
if given the opportunity to vote for Izuku to actually ask someone out rather than quietly pine for them I will do so in a heartbeat.
Yeah, this is what I want, too. I don't want to vote on who Izuku wants to date, but voting on when/if he asks is fine. If he falls for Tsuyu, awesome. Uraraka? Cool beans. Himiko? Momo? Iida? All wonderful, but I don't want to have a vote that could devolve into a flame war over who Best Waifu is. Once Midoriya/the Dice/the QM has decided on his paramour, I'm all for jumping aboard and shipping it next day delivery. But only after the initial choice has been made, because there are really only two characters I wouldn't vote for—Bakugo and Mineta.
I wonder if MLA will double-check facts and uncover that our doctor was a cover identity of supervillain asshole.

Rumors of secret quirk thief conspiracy will be quite in their wheelhouse, no?
[X][Counseling] Light
[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

Studying your own quirk is necessarily separate and unique from studying that of others. You have much more capacity to test the specific limits and interactions, along with autonomic instincts that can be felt. You know whats the quirk and whats a learned skill.

You'd need a whole book to yourself. More as you develop techniques that aren't just the quirk.
[X][Counseling] Gravity

I think we should get rid off izuku's problem of the room tumbling while he moves, who knows how this will affect the rest of his training, might be a good idea to solve it as quickly as possible.
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[X][Counseling] Gravity

[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1

Just caught up with this quest; I adore MHA quests so I'm excited to see how this goes! And I think Gravity is the thing we should figure out first, lots of travel options.
i was thinking for when we eventually pick our hero name.A good epithet would be the
The Starborn(e) hero because getting the quirk changes our life drastically so we are essentially borne again and our eyes are stars.
I'm gonna come down firmly against this for a wide variety of ethical reasons that should be obvious (starting with Izuku being a child, going on to her being the equivalent of his physical therapist/career counselor, and continuing from there). And, frankly, am pretty sure that she would feel exactly the same way (Izuku might well too, honestly).

If we want to pursue Izuku actually dating, that seems fine...but can we keep to age appropriate targets, please?

Yeah, she's cute and all but she's an adult and Izuku is a teenager, even putting that aside, this way lies trouble.

And besides, there's perfectly cute people in his year group too! Uraraka is very cute, and Izuku should be able to see Tohru as well given how his perception works, so that's a viable approach as well.

(Though it would cause incredible awkwardness when she decides to start running around in the buff because that's how she becomes Completely Invisible, but this also breeds Funnies which is the most important thing)
Yeah, she's cute and all but she's an adult and Izuku is a teenager, even putting that aside, this way lies trouble.

And besides, there's perfectly cute people in his year group too! Uraraka is very cute, and Izuku should be able to see Tohru as well given how his perception works, so that's a viable approach as well.

Honestly, almost all the students at UA are pretty cool and would make interesting relationship material, depending on how things go.

(Though it would cause incredible awkwardness when she decides to start running around in the buff because that's how she becomes Completely Invisible, but this also breeds Funnies which is the most important thing)

This sounds hilarious. Her power (given that it can do things like blind people and redirect lasers) should eventually allow her to be invisible even to Izuku's enhanced senses with some effort...but not at its starting level, so we should get the opportunity for embarrassment/hilarity before she learns to do that.
That mentally damaged, delusional, blood thirsty yandere? No thanks.

She's an interesting character, and while I'd be against dating her now, as she's currently too much like Bakugou (minus the personal connection to Izuku), if she ended up as a good friend and—most importantly, sane—ally, I wouldn't be opposed. Just like I wouldn't be opposed to Iida, Todoroki, Pony, Kinoko, or anyone, so long as Izuku choosing them is more natural than us voting between two, ten, or fifty characters.

Honestly, almost all the students at UA are pretty cool and would make interesting relationship material, depending on how things go.
Yes, exactly this.

I'm asexual, dammit, but that doesn't mean I don't turn to mush over a good romance scene!
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light
Well, you're not wrong in that regard. The HPSC is supposed to be about protecting the public. Whether or not they actually do so is something else entirely.
You know what's a threat to public safety? A shadowy conspiracy in the guise of a government agency killing people for the sake of their own power and to hide evidence that heroism isn't what they want people to believe it is.
You know what's a threat to public safety? A shadowy conspiracy in the guise of a government agency killing people for the sake of their own power and to hide evidence that heroism isn't what they want people to believe it is.
Of course, this backfired immensely on them because they cultivated an atmosphere in Japan where the populace will turn on a Hero at the slightest thing.

To paraphrase a post I saw a while back.

"Heroes trained to fight common crooks, some villains, rescue people from disasters not see countless of their comrades die while the country begs them for help they honestly can't give because there already trying their best.

And after fighting for their life, seeing friends and allies die. The populace then goes your best wasn't good enough and is angry."

Angry to the point that even heroes who didn't retire post society collapsing are being verbally abused and attacked for the great crime of…trying and succeeding in saving a life.

Fact of the matter is that Heroes with side jobs aren't doing anything wrong, everyone needs to live and running agencies is hardly cheap. If say people like Jiro want to pursue a career in music or be a Quirk Counselor or anything else while being a Hero? Then their's nothing wrong with it.

However, it is telling that even when society collapsed, while some retired, many others still kept up on the job for no gain other than helping people, and yet their still attacked by the public.

HSPC has cultivated a profoundly unhealthy view of Heroes, which is really the only reason Stain managed to be popular to any degree.
Yeah, no. We've spent all of one update dealing with a single employee of the HPSC and I already want to tear it to the ground.
Definitely, I definitely got the feeling that the HPSC is a spook organization, like the CIA or Homeland Security. Don't trust them as far as I could throw them.

Can we all take a moment to admire the quirkless receptionist for going out of her way to get the loudest keyboard she could so that people can't just ignore her existence in a brilliant show of passive aggressiveness?
She's got that clicky mechanical keyboard with the loud keycaps. So satisfyingly clicky-clacky! "I'm just a little quirky (not capital Q) in that I really like clicky keyboards. If you have a problem with that, deal with it."

If we ever get to choose a theme song, I vote for "Legends Never Die" or "Burn it All Down". First one is for what defines a True Hero, someone who runs towards the flames and damn the consequences. The latter for if we decide to feel some kinda way about the abuse quirkless people endure "You all used to think me and people like me were useless wastes of space, let me show you how bright we can burn!"

For current votes

[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
[X][Counseling] Gravity