[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Tumbling Room
-[X] Itching Arms
Adhoc vote count started by TheWhiteClown on Feb 21, 2023 at 8:35 AM, finished with 170 posts and 74 votes.
once I consolidate a couple of improperly formatted votes, it's
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Feb 21, 2023 at 8:50 AM, finished with 172 posts and 75 votes.

gravity 65 votes.
magnetic 35 votes
light 34 votes
fire 16 votes.

6 minutes left for someone to change their mind :V
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Feb 20, 2023 at 1:47 AM, finished with 174 posts and 76 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Feb 21, 2023 at 9:02 AM, finished with 175 posts and 76 votes.

light and magnetic are actually even right now.
Light 1, Magnetic 2?

Or we can wait for someone to flip their vote, and this is in no way motivated by me having lost the coin toss. :V
Valmond threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Light 1, Magnetic 2? Total: 1
1 1
If I can give a tiebreaker...

[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
We shall be the light at the center of a Blackhole.

…was making a joke but I searched it up and apparently it's not. Welp. Pop Fiction lied to me.

Physicists have discovered that the ring of photons orbiting a black hole exhibits a special kind of symmetry, hinting at a deeper meaning. The photon ring, which glows orange in this visualization of light flowing around a black hole, contains a succession of images of the entire universe.

Plan "Replicating 13 & Super Nova" is a go.
I'm kinda happy that for once we are not a diplomatic monster.
Which is not to say that we should not try to talk down our enemies, or make friends as much as possible.
But being someone of middling social skills, and having to work at relationships is rather interesting change from Usagu Tsukino, walking talking always on charm person spell.
I'm not sure why it would be.
We are a star, with all the powers that entails, if less so.
We'll probably get some perception powers from all our powers simply because to manipulate a thing we need to perceive it.
So magnetism would allow us to perceive magnetic spectrum, gravity perceives mass, fire heat, and light, well, light.
We'll probably be able to do somekind of lidar at some point even if we don't start with one, and we can just produce light which definitely will help.

Maybe we'll be able to see in the dark because we need less light due being able to perceive light in some way other than just eyes, and always radiate some?
Question is can we do the pain walk and the other bs that he used the rinnegan to do.I mean we can influence gravity push and pull is simple no ?
So, interesting physics factoid - all starts are black. To be more precise, all stars are black bodies, that is the closest you get in real world to an idealized physics concept of a body that uniformly absorbs all light impacting it, without reflecting any. It also emits the highest possible amount of energy it's possible to emit at a given temperature. Not sure if this aspect of "be a star" would ever manifest in Izuku, but if it does, than to a normal human eye he would look like a black cutout in space. He would still be visible in far IR spectrum.
It's one of those things where physics has a very different meaning for the word than almost anyone who ever used the term.
Also if the light absorbing properties manifested in Izuku, i would assume that light producing effects would also, making him incredibly bring object instead of a black cutout.
Though it might be something we learn to do with practice, and we did start with a boost in light so might not be too far from us even if we do not start with it.