Hm, in addition to physics, rigorous study of mathematics would also be crucial. After all, as the sequence goes, psychology is applied biology. Biology is applied chemistry. Chemistry is applied physics. Beyond them, mathematics is the foundation for all the hard sciences, and it would apply in no small part to the soft sciences as well via statistics.
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Rumbling Chest
-[X] Itching Arms
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Rumbling Chest
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Itching Arms
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Tumbling Room
-[X] Itching Arms
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Itching Arms
- [X] Bright Gaze

I feel like these two aspects have more utility then the other two and probably are the ones that will help the most if he get's a handle on them.
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Tumbling Room
-[X] Itching Arms
[X] Tumbling Room
-- Every step you take the room seems to tilt just a little, like you aren't sure that you know which way you are going to fall. What is going on...? It is a good thing that you spent a lot of time trying to understand quirks before. Time to try a few things. {Gravity}

[X] Itching Arms
-- The insides of your arms itch with something that you don't understand, and you just... You need to move.. You need to do something, and that will help. {Magnetic}
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Rumbling Chest
-[X] Itching Arms
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Rumbling Chest
-[X] Itching Arms

Opens up a conversation about Izuku's absentee father.
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Itching Arms

Feel like it may be more convenient to do the other 2 options first from a perspective of limiting collateral damage but screw that we're a star, other people can accommodate us until we get things under control.
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze

Focus on being able to walk and see without issues first.
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
- [X] Tumbling Room
- [X] Bright Gaze
[X][Quirk] Choose two. These two aspects of your quirk will start with a Moderate buff.
-[X] Rumbling Chest
-[X] Tumbling Room
Well, at least we don't have to worry about getting blamed for the property damage and hurting whats-his-name. Aldera's a shithole, yeah, but literally drugging someone with the intent of having them go on a rampage is so completely beyond even most fanon interpretations of Aldera that there's no way they'd try to blame Izuku for this, not when there were so many witnesses.

And hopefully, this will encourage Bakugo to think about his behavior if one of his hanger-ons thought this was a funny or clever thing to do. I doubt it, though. It took All Might retiring because of him before he actually started to confront his many, many issues.