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A little more than a Month before Izuku Midoriya would have first met All Might, someone in his - Your - Class decides to get their hands on a vial of Ideo Trigger and use it on you. After all, Trigger makes Quirks stronger, and Ideo Trigger causes people to go on a rampage. Making the Quirkless loser go on a rampage seems hilarious.

That's not what is happening though.


Honestly, despite them getting you a Quirk, you aren't going to thank them.
First Post Part 1


Dual Aurora Wave
From the first moments that you are thrust into this world, the adults around you tell you so many things.

They tell you that justice is blind.

They tell you that everyone gets their fair share.

They tell that you can be anything that you want when you grow up.


They tell you that all men are created equal.

But they lied.

Because the sad truth of it all is that when you were only four years old, you learned the real way that the world worked.

And you had to learn it the hard way.

Even now, all these years later, you can remember laying there on the ground after Kacchan and his other friends made it clear that you didn't have what it took to stop them.

That day, you learned that all men are not created equally. That some people simply have more power than others.

You learned that for all your wants, there are simply some insurmountable barriers between people and their dreams.

You learned that might makes right, and only the strong get their fair share. And then some.

More importantly, you learned that justice is only for the strong.

...There are days where you wonder if the things that the adults kept telling you might have been true, long ago... Back before the world was forever changed.

Everything started in the year 2035, when the first recorded incident of a Metahuman ability manifested in Qing Qing City, of the Ānhuī province of China. For reasons that no one could understand, an extraordinary child was born, one who radiated light even as it laid there in the hospital crib. The child, whose name has been lost to history was only the first, and over the following two and half centuries more and more so called 'exceptional' individuals began to appear across the world. Each of these people manifesting their own special abilities until the modern day, when the 'extraordinary' has instead became the norm.

The ability to summon forth ice or flame, the power to manipulate objects from a distance, organic parts melding with machines, the power to replicate the abilities of animals large and small, each of these gifts have been seen as have many others. At this point in time, the year 2304, roughly eighty percent of the world's population consists of those superhuman people and the special abilities that they refer to as their 'Quirks'.

Much of the early years of our superhuman society were consumed by chaos and war, so perhaps it is because of that that so many adults are willing to lie to the children in their lives, over and over again. Telling them sweet fictions to cover the brutal truths of the world.

...Truths that you have been forced to learn all too well.

But those are the kinds of thoughts that you try to avoid. The kinds of thoughts that you only let yourself have the during the latest of nights, after studying until your eyes burn and even all the other night owls have long since turned in.

"I AM HERE! AS A MORNING MESSAGE TO WAKE YOU!" Your alarm clocks bellows, the deep voice of Japan's number one hero roaring out of the novelty clock that you keep by your bedside.

With a quiet groan, you force yourself to roll up into a sitting position. Your name is Izuku Midoriya, and you are fourteen years old.

Even as you start to yawn, you feel yourself shiver at the cold air in your room. It's only early March, which means that there are still several weeks of winter left, and it hasn't entirely released its icy grip on the air quite yet. But the cold has it's advantages, you note idly to yourself as you roll up and out of bed, making your way across the room and rubbing at one eye with the back of a hand. Because as you start to get ready for the day, you are already well awake.

You grab your Aldera Junior High school uniform as well as fresh underwear and socks before making your way to the bathroom for a quick shower. There... Isn't much that you can really say about your school life. You work hard and study hard, doing everything that you can to prove that you are just as good as all the other students.

And you've had some issues... The other kids in the class aren't always kind, but you aren't going to let that stop you from chasing your dreams.

And what a dream it is. For with the rise of superhuman abilities naturally came an explosion in the crime rate. This was the start of the chaos that stalled society, trapping it in chaos and wars as the nations of the world struggled to overhaul their legal systems to account for the differences. Of course, different parts of the world have handled those laws in all sorts of different ways, from how Japan set into place laws limiting where and how quirks could be used, while the United States of America instead worked to integrate the laws for using quirks into the other self defense laws that the nation so cheerfully boasts about.

But what really mattered is that as the crime rate exploded and the nations of the world found themselves paralyzed by their legislatures, the ordinary citizens of the world discovered that there was no one for them to turn to, no systems in place that could protect them from these superhuman acts of violence, destruction, and theft. Instead, it was up to the individuals to act on their own.

And some did just that, taking up masks and colorful costumes to hide their identities and protect those around them from criminal retribution. Perhaps it was simply an accident, but all the same, these individuals found themselves stepping into the mantles of super heroes right out comic books and movies and shows.

With overflowing levels of public support, some of the most noteworthy heroes of the era reached out to their governments, working to gain official recognition and resources from their home nations. Because of that, becoming a Super Hero became a job. A real job for the real world, and depending on your performance it is possible to get fame and glory as a rising star in the hero industry.

That is your dream. Not for the fame, and not for the money, but being a hero. Saving other people and putting a smile on their faces, that is the thing that you want most in the world. You've only just started your last year at Aldera High, and that means that this is your chance. If you can do well this year, then you have the best possible chance of getting into one of the Hero High Schools across the country.

Above all the others, there is one that you want to go to more than any other.

Yuuei Academy, the best Hero school in the entire country. In fact, one of the top three Hero schools in the entire world. Accepting less than forty applicants into its hero program a year, it is going to take everything that you have to achieve your dream.

Particularly because... Well, the truth of the matter is that in this world of superhumans, where over eighty percent of the population has a power of their own...

You are a part of the twenty percent.

You are Quirkless.




...Or at the very least, that is what you were thinking this morning as you finished your routine. A shower, brushing your teeth, getting breakfast and kissing your mom on the cheek as you head out the door. You've done everything that you can to prepare yourself for the trials that you know that you are going to face. The same trials that you have to deal with each and every day. You are quirkless, and that means that you are the least populat kid in your entire class. Not just among the other students, but among the teachers as well. You've long since gotten used to be being dismissed and disrespected. It is just something that comes from being quirkless in this superhuman society.

You're used to the name calling, and the laughs at your expense. You're used to the way that for all that Quirks are not supposed to be used in school there is almost always someone who plays a little joke on you using their powers. The teachers always seem to turn a blind eye when something like that happens, it's...

These are just the trails that you have to deal with. Consequences of your birth. You are used to it, and you aren't going to let it stop you from chasing your dream. The only problem is that that isn't the trail that you find yourself dealing with today.

Instead, you find yourself having to deal with something else instead. The first half of the day passes the way that it always does. Homeroom, Math, English. Those are your morning classes, and each one is as normal as ever.

It is when Lunch comes around that things take a turn for the different.

You've only just sat down in the least busy corner of the cafeteria with your tray of food when you hear a series of steps come up from behind, before something cold and sharp presses against the side of your neck, as a voice that seems so distant starts to laugh.

"Let's show them all just what an animal you really are." The voice says, distant and warbling, but familiar... Even if you can't...

Your name is Izuku Midoriya, and you are - or perhaps more accurately Were - a Quirkless Junior High Student.

Today is March 3rd, 2304.

In another world, another Izuku would have encountered a Sludge Villain and learned the Number One Hero of Japan's greatest secret.

This is not that world. In this world, someone in Izuku's - In your class decided to push a joke a little further than they should have. They got their hands on a vial of Ideo Trigger, and thought that it would be funny to inject you with it. The intent was to make you go on a rampage.

That isn't quite what happens however.
Green Lightning is an Stockpile type quirk that seems to generate energy on it's own, and notably the more energy there is the faster the energy develops. In universe, no one has seen this energy before, but it is a known energy source on this side of the screen. Something called Getter Rays. This energy source seems to corrode metals that are exposed to it, with the metal melting away the thicker the rays it is being exposed to are. However, while it does corrode the metal, lower doses of the energy seems to make the metal function almost like an organic compound. The metals become flexible and can be molded by the energies themselves. Additionally, exposure to Getter rays can increase the strength and durability of a user, as well as heal them. Most of the time. There are various different life forms, notably those associated with dinosaurs that are allergic to Getter Rays. One known individual who was exposed to Getter Rays grew strong enough that he was able to kick clean off the head of an enemy.

Of course, if you aren't essentially designed to use Getter rays, extremely high doses will also corrode organic material the same that it does to metal. There are other, more advanced uses of Getter Rays beyond just manipulating metal and strengthening the body, but those are things that Izuku would have to experiment to learn how to use.

Pop is a Heteromorphic quirk called Origin. It completely reshapes the users body into Mew. While to start with the discovered abilities that Izuku will be able to access will be small, this quirk has an unparalleled level of versatility, as it appears that every single cell of Izuku's body is made of Quirk Factor. Of course, there are limitations that Izuku will struggle with for a time as much of Izuku's own personal identity will be in flux over the massive changes.

Blinding Bright is a very powerful quirk that seems to have simply stalled instead of properly coming into power as it should have when Izuku was young. for lack of a better description, this quirk could be registered as Star, as it allows the user to do everything that a star can. The first and most notable manifestation of that is that, at least at first, Down is in whatever direction that Izuku's feet are pointing. This quirk also has the ability to create light, a small degree of flames, and possibly even alter the gravity of other objects in the local vicinity. As stated, this is an extremely powerful quirk, but it is one that requires a lot of work to handle the extremely technical aspects of it's abilities. One thing that is something of a relief for Izuku would be the fact that the changes to your physiological structures means that unless someone were to stab you through the chest, the radiation that is naturally occurring in the nuclear fusion reactor that is in the center of your chest is contained. But you have a feeling that you might be able to access it if you worked for it.

[ ][Trigger] Emerald Lightning
- As you are injected with Ideo Trigger, your body starts to shake and convulse, limbs twitching as a shimmering emerald energy begins to billow out of your every pore. The chair and the table you sit out seem to rust and rot away under you, before you collapse to the ground unconscious.
-- It seems that the truth of the matter is that you were never quirkless. Instead you Quirk is a stockpile type. One that was forced to use every dreg of power it gathered to heal your wound and prevent you from getting burned. Were it not for Bakugou, you would have had your Quirk for years now.

[ ][Trigger] You pop!
- The moment that the Ideo Trigger finally makes its way into your bloodstream, you let loose a bone curling shriek, and then you pop. Your human shape giving way as you transform into something distinctly different.
-- Somehow, the Ideo Trigger has interacted with your body, changing your shape to something that looks similar to a kitten, if not exactly. Your new shape has a longer, triangular head and relatively short front limbs that have distinct fingers, while your back legs are more like a rabbits, longer and stronger. You've a long thin tail that ends in a slight bulb, and you hover there for a moment, before panic takes holds, and zoom through the air and out the window.

[ ][Trigger] Blinding Bright
- Injected full of Ideo Trigger, you start to shine, the light blindingly bright as it hits the whole of the Cafeteria. Whoever it was that injected you with Trigger finding their clothes smoking as the light bleaches the color and they start to smoke. The floor cracks as you rise from the seat, hanging there in the air for minutes as everything in the room feels a pull towards you.
-- Your Father can breath fire, and your mother can attract objects to her, and it seems that you never reached the point of biologically being able to handle your own quirk, so it stayed dormant to keep you safe. There is something inside of you, hot and bright that pulls at the world around you. Ignition has begun, and you can't stop it now.

Just a note: Each of these Quirks are on the same scale of power, if they are trained and used correctly. No one is any stronger than the others, even if they might seem so at a first glance. Also two of them are technically crossovers.

0 - Incompetent / Dead
4 - Distinctly Below Average/ Kindergarten
8 - Average High Schooler
12 - Average Adult
16 - Career level skill
18 - Olympic level skill
20 - 'Peak Human' Level
21+ - Superhuman Level
Finally, your starting stats are:

Diplomacy == 5
Martial == 5
Stewardship == 5
Intrigue == 5
Learning == 10
Prowess == 4

Which is notably below the Average for a stat of High Schooler score of 8. You have 16 points to spend at this time. However, Prowess may not be given more than 4 points to get it's total up to 8.

Importantly, over the next eleven months (Which are [with the exception of this first month] going to be covered in 2 month long turns) you must reach a score of 12 in every stat to be able to access the Yuuei Entrance Exam.

[ ][Stats] Plan Name Go Here
- [ ] Diplomacy #
- [ ] Martial #
- [ ] Stewardship #
- [ ] Intrigue #
- [ ] Learning #
- [ ] Prowess #

So long story short, I have two Sailor Moon crossovers between this website and another, and I cannot keep putting an update of Bright between each one. That is too much of the one project at once, so I need something to fill out the swing process between my two Sailor Moon styled quests. I've had each of these three ideas bouncing around in my head so might as well just get them out here so that I can do one of them.
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Quirk Counseling Notebook #1
Izuku Midoriya
Real Name Izuku Midoriya
Gender Male Sex Male
Height 166 cm Weight 0 - 400 lbs. (Vrs.)
Unnamed Quirk Your quirk is exceedingly strange in the opinion of your Quirk Counselor, who is still uncertain as to the nature of your abilities. She has noticed several effects, but is having trouble trying to figure out how each of the different aspects tie together into a single cohesive theme.
Developed the Slow Fall Ability, and the Perfect Parkour Ability. Further abilities will develop over the course of further study.
Hero Analysis Notebook Over years of amateur study, Izuku Midoriya has watched what has worked and what hasn't for different heroes, giving him a leg up in taking those skills that worked and putting them into practice.
Prowess increased by (Lrn / 6)
Name Base Forumula Final
Diplomacy 7 Base 7
Martial 7 Base 7
Stewardship 8 Base 8
Intrigue 8 Base 8
Learning 12 Base 12
Prowess 9 Base +(Mar/4) +(Lrn/6) 12
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Diplomacy == 5
Martial == 5
Stewardship == 5
Intrigue == 5
Learning == 10
Prowess == 4

You have 16 points to spend at this time. However, Prowess may not be given more than 4 points to get it's total up to 8.

[X][Stats] Plan Fear The Average
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Martial 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Learning 10 + 0 = 10
- [X] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8

[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright
So, some sort of absorption(?)/decay(?) based healing power, turn into Mew, or possibly become a pseudo-planeswalker.

[X][Trigger] You pop!
I'm going with the Mew, because I've been on a Pokemon kick recently and it's probably the option where we can pull out fifty billion different abilities.

[][Stats] Balanced Beginning
- [] Diplomacy 8
- [] Martial 8
- [] Stewardship 8
- [] Intrigue 8
- [] Learning 10
- [] Prowess 8

[X][Stats] Plan Fear The Average

[ ][Stats] Fighter Man
- [ ] Diplomacy 6
- [ ] Martial 12
- [ ] Stewardship 7
- [ ] Intrigue 7
- [ ] Learning 10
- [ ] Prowess 8

[ ][Stats] Soft Power
- [ ] Diplomacy 11
- [ ] Martial 5
- [ ] Stewardship 8
- [ ] Intrigue 11
- [ ] Learning 10
- [ ] Prowess 5

A few different stat blocks, 'cause I'm never certain what's best with those, so I'm just going with one.

Edit: And someone else came up with the eights before me.
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[X][Trigger] You pop!

This is too adorable and life changing with a quirk that is constantly visible to not vote for!

[][Trigger] Emerald Lightning

And this has great canon look, with some good old built in reason to hate Bakugou and his way of thinking....also Izuku does have a habit of hurting himself.

[X][Stats] Learning Curve
-[x] Diplomacy 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Martial 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Learning 10 + 2 = 12
-[x] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8

We need 12s across the board to pass, so we should invest all we can in Prowess, bring Learning up by only 2 so we don't need to worry about it, and bring the other 4 up to or near average.
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Outside and on phone so can't post much but I figure it'd be a good idea to round down the number of stats we have to intensely train for in the next eleven months. Have a few at mark.

Choosing Thunder because I've always liked the imagery when Izuku uses All For One.

[X][Trigger] Emerald Lightning

[X][Stats] Plan Thunderous Soul
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 7 = 12.
- [X] Martial 5
- [X] Stewardship 5 + 7 = 12.
- [X] Intrigue 5
- [X] Learning 10 + 2 = 12.
- [X] Prowess 4.

16 - 7 - 7 - 2 = 0. So our focuses would be training Martial, Intrigue, and Prowess.

Approval Vote Edit
[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright

[X][Stats] Learning Curve
-[x] Diplomacy 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Martial 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Learning 10 + 2 = 12
-[x] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8

[X][Stats] Class Canon
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[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright

[X][Stats] Plan Thunderous Soul
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 7 = 12.
- [X] Martial 5
- [X] Stewardship 5 + 7 = 12.
- [X] Intrigue 5
- [X] Learning 10 + 2 = 12.
- [X] Prowess 4.
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Your output remains impressive bordering on the terrifying.

Always found it somewhat odd that so much emphasis is put on the quirks. A lot of quirks are nigh-worthless for the overwhelming majority of hero work.
The real factor is how far up the Charles Atlas scale you have climbed.

[ ][Trigger] You pop!
Mew, the psychic god of cuteness. Shame I have seen 'character turns into Mew' done so often before.
Not sure about the other crossover.

[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright

[X][Stats] Plan Fear The Average
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[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright

[X][Stats] Plan Blinding Izaku
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 5 = 10.
- [X] Martial 5
- [X] Stewardship 5
- [X] Intrigue 5+ 5 = 10.
- [X] Learning 10 + 2 = 12.
- [X] Prowess 4+ 4 = 8.
[X][Trigger] You pop!

I dunno if synchronize will be a mechanic here, but Bakugo burning himself when he inevitably tries some bullshit seems very apt.

I'll agree mew is a common crossover pick, but much less so with a writer who actually knows what the hell they're doing.
[X][Trigger] Emerald Lightning

[X][Stats] Learning Curve
-[x] Diplomacy 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Martial 5 + 2 = 7
-[x] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Learning 10 + 2 = 12
-[x] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8
[X][Stats] Plan Fear The Average
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Martial 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 8
- [X] Learning 10 + 0 = 10
- [X] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8

[X][Trigger] Blinding Bright
[X][Trigger] Emerald Lightning]
Having a stockpile quirk is fitting plus the fact Bakugo is the reason Izuku didn't develop it is

[X][Stats] Cannon Izuku
-[x] Diplomacy 5
-[x] Martial 5 + 3 = 8
-[x] Stewardship 5 + 3 = 9
-[x] Intrigue 5 + 3 = 9
-[x] Learning 10 + 3 = 13
-[x] Prowess 4 + 4 = 8

I feel like this represents cannon Izuku the best. Izuku is very smart giving him a high Stewardship, Intriuge and Learning. He's surprisingly good at scrapping due to having lot of experience fighting, which would give him a boost in Martial and Prowess. But his greatest weakness is talking to people, which would leave Diplomacy as his weakest stat.
[X][Trigger] You pop!

[X][Stats] Cute and Strong
-[X] Diplomacy 5+5 = 10
-[X] Martial 5+5 = 10
-[X] Stewardship 5+0 = 5
-[X] Intrigue 5+2 = 7
-[X] Learning 10+0 = 10
-[X] Prowess 4+4 = 8

Wanted to have a slightly higher focus on diplo and martial since those are pretty major stats for a hero. Tossed a bit towards Intrigue too since our Learning is pretty good already and if we go for you pop, it could be handy
Always found it somewhat odd that so much emphasis is put on the quirks. A lot of quirks are nigh-worthless for the overwhelming majority of hero work.
The real factor is how far up the Charles Atlas scale you have climbed.
Same. Eraser head, to me, is a prime example of this. What exactly is his power? To turn of Quirks. To even the playing field essentially. Course that doesn't mean much when the other guys base state is a gawddamed Titan or grows metal plates on their knuckles. Or they have a tail. Or trains just as hard to get their body up to snuff. Or the majority of Deku and Bakagou's classmates in the opening episode.

By the way: Are we Izuku or another classmate in the OG school?
And do we have a chance at that One For All power?
We are Questing as Izuku.

[X][Trigger] You pop!


[X][Stats] Plan Analysis and Friendship
- [X] Diplomacy 5 + 7 = 12
- [X] Martial 5 + 7 = 12
- [X] Stewardship 5
- [X] Intrigue 5
- [X] Learning 10 + 2 = 12
- [X] Prowess 4

This feels something like the "appropriate" stats for Izuku, with exact numbers aligned to minimize the number of stats in need of training.
  • MAR for analyzing fights
  • DIP to inspire people and befriend them, like a Shounen protagonist
  • LRN is both easy to get to 12 and sort of fits the "does lots of research"