Didn't have time to comment on the last chapter so I'll do it now.
Definitely hope to have something like this in the future. Would probably require some insane Legilimency & Occlumency investment though so I will be a while. But being able to have a familiar of some sort and see through their eyes and feel their thoughts sounds all sorts of useful.
This doesn't sound like it will be a happy story either. Glad we didn't overburden Jacob this month, sounds like the Book has given him enough stress.
This is the best Binns I have ever read. When he gets excited about a subject he can share some insightful commentary. I also like how you didn't go for what most people would consider the obvious solution, which would be to 'raise Goblins up'. Binn's said that you could do that, but that in doing so Wizards would also lose their supremacy and that there are costs in either scenario. Truly a great teacher in that he is trying to get his students to think.
Sad, but not unexpected. I honestly think we shouldn't really try to train Attributes that need a DC 40 to pass. To much chance to waste an action. Thoughts on this? Should we switch to training the lower rated attributes and stick to level-ups to raise this attribute now? Or should we give it one more shot? Personally, it is too close to a 50-50 chance for me to put an action on it.
Glad Jacob had time to bond with his year mates. He needed it after the week he has had. It also shows his fellow Ravenclaws that he isn't that distant. ..well maybe he is, but that he doesn't bite if you approach him.
Nice. Glad we got it down. Though I don't think we will finish it this year. Our basic defense is good enough for now. If we tackle the other spells on our list then we can see where we are at then and if we have the time for it later on in the year then I say go for it. I would rank this after the Patronus in priority though.
Regarding the vote, for me it is between 2 or 3. Tracey seems open to having a friendly rivalry, and I would like to oblige her. Our relationship with her is unlike any other one we have with a fellow classmate and I would like to cultivate it further.
[X] "You guide the way." - You like dueling, clearly, but you don't have any aspiration to it. While trying your very best may be a bit much, you will invest some brain matter into developing your skills to further improve. But this is not an overly important matter to you in the end.
Edit: Changed to this. BeepSmile convinced me. I like their reasoning.