A Frozen Light [Ranma 1/2 / Destiny]

From the looks of things, the story is set some time between the SIVA crisis and the Cabal invasion, since "Young Wolf" didn't get that particular title until they were named as the newest Iron Lord. Before that they were just "Guardian", regardless of their instrumental role in shutting down the Black Garden, Crota, The House of Wolves, and Oryx.

Largely thanks to that first accomplishment leading into them reaching out for help with the third, relations between the Vanguard and the Awoken have thawed somewhat, though not entirely where the Awoken are keen on letting them into their inner sanctums yet.
That is actually a really good point. I was thinking more along the lines of guardians with better overall technique in close combat and less willingness to fling themselves into certain death, and learning to use the Light in entirely new ways.

But the Forces of the City gaining access to Ki, even if not putting them to the level of Guardians, would be a big positive in the defense of the City. And it could be explored through new lenses. There were old medical techniques and artifacts involving Ki in Ranma iirc - it's been a long time since I read the source material - but the use of Ki could lead to crafting new exotics, for example. It'd take time to spread, certainly, but if there are tangible material benefits to it I could see a lot of people pushing hard to learn it.

Agreed. It would be hard, not impossible, and most Guardians look at the merely hard as something to be relentlessly overcome. Couple that mindset with what happened to Shaxx and you have the stirrings of a sea-change... It's something someone can do in a relatively short period (for a Guardian) and is demonstrably better than one person human wave tactics.

It's a cool new technique, and effective tactics, all at once. They'll dive on it in droves.
So, Ranma will be the First of a New Class? With the backing of an AI that Worships her.

I say Ryoga will just Bull through enemies, but I do want to see the reaction to meeting Ranma, the interactions.

I believe the Young Wolf is actually Nodoka. But.. it could be the Tendo mom. It is something different?
So, Ranma will be the First of a New Class?
Nah. I'm pretty sure Ranma is going to be primarily a Hunter due to her instincts and mindset although she will at some point try to learn st least some of the skills and abilities of the other two classes if only to incorporate what works for herself into her personal style of Anything Goes.
Ranma might be the first of a new Arc subclass due to the fact she invented a new Arc Super though(like in D1 we had Bladedancers while in D2 we have Arcstriders).