FaeryG: What do you all do piss Droman off this time
Brandark: The Oberyn thing, I think? It's been pretty quiet for a while.
one hmmbot disconnected, 1 remaining
Sidhenlae: I thought that was just Droman's way of showing affection
CrimsonMoon joined
hmmbot left
CrimsonMoon: Droman-senpai is so tsun~
FaeryG set the topic to: Please notice us, Droman-sempai!
FaeryG: kek
Brandark: I was holding that in! Why must you give in to the temptation?
CrimsonMoon: Because I can resist everything but temptations
Brandark: lol
FaeryG set the topic to: Droman-sempai so kawaii! Desu!
FaeryG: heh
FaeryG: kek
Brandark: You sure like to live on the edge, Faery.
FaeryG prepares himself for teh rage
CrimsonMoon: ...oh god I can't unsee Droman as a waifu in an harem anime
CrimsonMoon: Why did you do this to me Faery, why?!
FaeryG: top.
FaeryG: fucking.
FaeryG: kek.
Brandark: The update withdrawal has reached terminal stage.
Sidhenlae: ^
CrimsonMoon: We have gone beyond terminal I'm afraid
Brandark: Subjects, please imagine Droman's current avatar as haremm anime waiu. I want to note down your reactions.
Brandark: *waifu
CrimsonMoon: ...you are into furry shit Brandark?
Brandark: Nope. Just bored.
CrimsonMoon: Okay, good.
Sidhenlae: Please refrain from aggressive outburts, this session is merely meant to assess your mental health and advise us on further treatment.
CrimsonMoon: ...better than that, imagine Droman, Mazrick and Zooboss as anime characters
Sidhenlae resists giving in to the madness.
Brandark: The update's gonna be delayed by an year or so ater Droman reads the logs.
Droman joined
Brandark: *after
FaeryG: kek
Brandark: ...
Brandark: Dat timing!
Sidhenlae: Impeccable timing, as always, Droman!
hmmbot joined
Droman: update will indeed be delayed by a year
Brandark: ...
Droman: enjoy the next 365 days, folks
Droman: and yes
CrimsonMoon: Completely worth it.
Droman: this is legit
Droman: bye
FaeryG: look at what I made with editing the html!
Droman left
Brandark: Well...
FaeryG set the topic to: Totally Worth It
hmmbot left
Brandark: That happened.