A Dragon of the North VIII: Whispers of War

Just a thought for you folks voting to let it lie (Joffrey's identity as the Fawn Knight): should he die in one of the jousts by our hand/lance, we'd get a ton of shit heaped on us, and any possible reveal about the incest and bastard children would be looked upon with great suspicion, because they would think we'd just want to justify our killing of the Crown Prince.
True, but he is also a mystery knight. We don't "know" who he is.

Also, please be polite and civil everyone.
What I am trying to get at is that we have a lot to go before we are friends let alone be a marriage option
Of course... Did anyone actually think that we would meet her once and Margaery would magically fall in love with Jon, Mace and Alerie would think he's fantastic and Olenna would suddenly approve?

Margaery is the most eligible heiress in the realm, it was never going to be an easy thing.
Man I wish Olenna would like us a little more. She is awesome and Droman hits her tone just right.
:cry: She would be an awesome ally/mother/grandmother figure for Jon. IF we marry Marg, I hope she comes to stay over for a while like she did in Canon after the wedding.
And that was the least uncivil and impolite post Bizuneh has ever made.
...this probably shouldn't have been so amusing :rofl:

Of course... Did anyone actually think that we would meet her once and Margaery would magically fall in love with Jon, Mace and Alerie would think he's fantastic and Olenna would suddenly approve?

Margaery is the most eligible heiress in the realm, it was never going to be an easy thing.
Was it not flat out said that it was likely gonna be a multi-season thing?
[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney.
[X]Plan 95spartans.
As I understand it, Droman was just asking him for how he thought Jon/Cerenna interactions would go. A bit of character reference while Droman built her up in his mind I guess.
I'm pretty sure he was actually writing something. Droman asked for the final product a few days/week ago. It believe it started out as a sort of oneshot interaction. At least, that's what it started out as; given where we are, it'll probably be the upcoming scene.
I'm pretty sure he was actually writing something. Droman asked for the final product a few days/week ago. It believe it started out as a sort of oneshot interaction. At least, that's what it started out as; given where we are, it'll probably be the upcoming scene.
Well yeah, he asked him to write some Jon/Cerenna interaction. To demonstrate. That's what I mean. Dunno if Droman will actually use it wholesale, or if cxjenious got the chance to write it at all.

It's not like it matters to us anyways.
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Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney
[X] Joffrey Myrielle Lannister (counts as two)
No. of votes: 1

[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney.
[X] Cerenna Daven Lannister
[X] Tyrion Lannister
No. of votes: 2
SwordsmanofS, KnightofTempest

[X] I'll let it lie - It does no good to break the mystery, and if Joffrey can earn his way to the finals, perhaps you might have occasion to split his skull with a lance.
No. of votes: 2
invinoveritas, Halcyon-Days

[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney.
[X] Plan Vesvius
No. of votes: 20
HanEmpire, Vesvius, meepo, Apalos, Nerox, TheNotoriousSMP, Bizuneh, Mazrick, Skybreaker, spudman, Akritedes, tato82, hmmbot, Hachichiyyin, Yew, Leafy503, butchock, Walkin' Man, HastyGaming, Kolekzionera

[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney.
[X]Plan 95spartans
No. of votes: 39
95spartans, Vanathor, ILurk, megrisvernin, Usernames, Arlint, oilworker, Cteatus, dragon, Parabola, Yun, Charcolt, Ezra, Kaioo, LordRevan, Icefyre, Kerfirou, unknown_xho, Francis D. Saber, Arimai, A Nation's Virtue, Matthew G, Van Ropen, Crimson Moon, Brandark, Molyneux, Edkose, oakes, inawarminister, Angelicon, Brandeis, jaques, Dovahsith, EzioKennway, TheNamelessHero, lordnyx, core_88, DragonParadox, Captain Hunt

[X] I'll let it lie - It does no good to break the mystery, and if Joffrey can earn his way to the finals, perhaps you might have occasion to split his skull with a lance.
[X]Plan 95spartans
No. of votes: 5
Goldfish, CharlBaal, CrossyCross, Kevin Mackey, argent
[X] I'll have it made known privately - Lord Jon Arryn needs to know, as do some acquaintances and friends competing in the tourney.
[X] Plan Vesvius
So something funny I just realised, and I don't know why it took me so long. When we were talking to Margaery she said Loras would carry her favour and win her the crown in the tourney. This is the same Loras who just took a bribe to lose and then did exactly that...

Guess her favour is up for grabs again!
I was wondering if someone noticed that. That bit of the tourney would have happened during and after the Tyrell visit, meaning Margaery would have said that only a few hours before Loras dipped his lance.

He wrote me 1,500 words of Cerenna and Jon, from her perspective. Quite informative .
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Non Canon Omake 01
Cerenna Stormcrown (Non Canon Omake 01, by cxjenious)
Cerenna curtsied deeply. "My lord."

Lord Jon returned her curtsy with a bow equally deep. Was he mocking her?

"My lady."

No. Not mocking.

What was it Tyrion said...

"Lord Stormcrown is an upstanding young man; respectful, courteous, terrifying. He would be the pride of any father... even mine. And he appreciates my humor, so that wins him points. He's still a rather solemn lad. Or man, rather. Can't call someone like that a lad."

"I expected you to be taller, my lord." Not that he wasn't tall. Or muscled. Heavily muscled. He was even comely, in a rugged way, with long features and thick, dark hair.

He quirked an eyebrow. "Taller, my lady?"

"Taller," she repeated, smiling her best smile, "and much, much uglier. According to Joffrey, anyway. He doesn't seem to like you much."

She hadn't failed to notice the way his face darkened upon the mention of the Crown Prince. Something like fear shivered up her spine; she hoped he never had cause to look at her that way.

Terrifying indeed, Cousin Tyrion.

"The feeling is mutual," he ground out.

Cerenna rested her hand on his arm, smile returning full force. It was even half genuine. She hadn't expected to like him so soon. Or at all. "Then you have something in common with many in my family." Except for Myrielle. "And please, call me Cerenna."

"Then you must call me Jon."

He took her on a tour of Harrenhal. It certainly wasn't the ruin others had made it out to be. Not even close, in fact.

"You're turning Harrenhal into a city," she said, looking upon the contruction. An eagle circled high overhead, making lazy loops above them.

"Aye," he said. "The castle can sustain itself no other way. But it will take many more seasons before everything is done."

She made an appreciative noise in the back of her throat. "Quite an ambitious project."

"Ambitious," he agreed, "and very necessary."

She looked at him, really looked at him, and smiled. Strange, that a man that had accomplished so much was still so young. Young enough to be molded, Aunt Genna had told her. Her smile quickly turned to a frown. "I, ah... my lord?"

He turned his head to stare down at her, a faint red tint to his cheeks, a slight frown on his face. "Yes, my lady?"

"Sorry, Jon, I- I believe that there is- there are... bird... droppings... in your hair." He reached up to rub his hair. "Don't touch it!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand. "I'll wash it out. Show me to your chambers?"


Word of the Trial of Seven had reached her long before Jon's return. Wings were swifter than hooves, after all. She'd been with Amerei, and Fair and Fat Walda in her solar, sampling the cream-filled pastries Fat Walda had coaxed the cooks into making when the ravens came.

The cakes were sweet, and buttery, and so very good; but when Maester Tucker came with letters for her from King's Landing and Casterly Rock - from the Queen, from Lord Tywin, from her Father, and from her cousin Malyssa Lefford, one of the Queen's handmaidens - that sugary goodness turned to mud and ash.

"That Yohn is a bloody pain," Fair Walda said after the Maester left, her smirk taking the edge off her words. "Every time I turn around, there he is, ready to poke me with his sword."

"Is it a long sword, at least?" Amerei asked around a pastry.

"Quite," Fair Walda replied.

Amerei looked to Cerenna. "I never managed to get my hands on Lord Jon, but mayhaps Cerenna will finally tell us... or let me join in?"

Fat Walda giggled. "You know she won't. Unlike you, she's an actual lady. I'm surprised you haven't pushed out a nine-fingered bastard yet."

"Quiet, Walda," Cerenna said, parchment clenched tight in her fingers.

Fat Walda snickered. "There's two of us, your most beautiful Lannisterness. A fair one and fat - "

"Shut up!" she snapped, scowling. Fat Walda looked taken aback, and Fair Walda's eyes were wide with disbelief. Amerei matched her scowl. Cerenna's frown softened, and she smiled as best as she could.

"My apologies, Fat Walda," oh, how she disliked that name, no matter its aptness, "It was wrong of me to snap at you... but I have just received some rather stressful news, and I would appreciate your silence, for the time being."

Lord Jon - her Jon, the sweet, solemn fool, had killed the Mountain. And it hadn't been a close affair either, from Malyssa's words. But... but what if he had died? Where would she be then? She needed him...

"Perhaps... perhaps we could help?" Fat Walda ventured. "We are cousins, of a sort..."

Could she trust them? They were close enough, true, but that was more because they all lived in Harrenhal together than any genuine affection. She liked them... but she simply didn't know them well enough. Hadn't spent enough time with them. Had been taught, by her dear Aunt Genna, to distrust the progeny of Walder Frey.

A weasel can only beget other weasels, she'd said.

Her brother didn't think much of them either, and Lord Tywin only ever considered people for their value to him. Like me. Most of her time in Harrenhal had been spent with Jon, in his solar and in his bed. She was the wife of a powerful lord now, and she intended to make the most of that power, build upon it, advance, make it into something great and grand...

"My husband fought the Mountain," Cerenna said suddenly. The girls gave all the appropriate sounds of shock and alarm. Fat Walda even gave a little shriek.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Cerenna," Fair Walda began -

"He isn't dead," Cerenna said, cutting her off. More shock. "He crushed the mountain. Broke him." She tried not to smile too wide. It was unbecoming of a lady to delight in violence. She wasn't as bloodthirsty as Myrielle could be, but she could appreciate a good death, especially one caused by Jon.

She'd seen him fight in the Flowstone Yard, seen his grace and skill with a blade. None could stand against him; most could hardly even compare. Men shat themselves when standing across from the Mountain. And her Jon had killed him. "But that isn't the stressful part."

"Then what is it?" Fair Walda asked.

Cerenna gave her a look. She paled.

"Oh," Fat Walda said. "Oh."

"Oh what?" Amerei asked. Fat Walda dragged her thumb across her neck. "Ohhh. One of those oh's."

Cerenna gave a rueful smile. "Yes. Oh." She sighed. "The Queen is in a rage. Lord Tywin is... upset. And both of them expect me to- to follow their orders like some common servant!" She was yelling by the end. She loved her family, truly, she did, but they seemed to forget that she was Cerenna Stormcrown now, not Cerenna Lannister.

Perhaps if Jon had been a man like the king, careless, uncouth, quick with his anger, and unrepentant of his faults, she might have kept to Lord Tywin's plans for her marriage. If he had been a man like Aunt Genna's husband Emmon, a tedious, dim-witted, spineless fool, she would've thought nothing of poisoning him, or slitting his throat in his sleep...

But Jon wasn't like Robert Baratheon or Emmon Frey. He wasn't like anyone. He was strong, and generous. Chivalrous, but not foolish. He had honor, but he was pragmatic enough to think past it. He was willing to get his hands dirty... get them bloody.

He had grand ambitions to match hers, men who loved him, men who feared him, and even though Amerei and Pia both had been trying to worm her way into his bed, to say nothing of the women he'd met in his travels, he hadn't lain with a single one.

She wouldn't have cared if he did, such behavior was almost expected of a lord, but the sentiment was touching. He was was hers, and hers alone. He had the King's favor, the Hand's favor, he was tied to two Lord Paramounts by blood, and even Lord Tywin feared him, though he wouldn't be caught dead admitting it.

Why else go to such lengths to bind Jon to the Lannisters after all, with the dowry she'd been handed?


Jon made her feel strong. Powerful. And power was addictive.

"What will you do?" Fat Walda asked.

She stood, walked over to brazier beside the door, and thrust the letters into the fire. "I will do what I must."

Lord Tywin thought her just another spoke on the wheels of his great Lannister legacy...

She would be no one's spoke.
Author's Note: Timeline's quite wonky on this, but @Cxjenious had lost his first version and wrote this on the fly.
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Interesting character.

I still prefer Margaery I think due to her own snark and the Olenna-wit. But nice.
Meh, Marg didn't display as much wit or snark as Olenna, though she didn't get as much dedicated to her. Cerenna though...I like her. I like her a lot. We can get a mole among the Lannisters this way, as a bonus.
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I let out a wistful sigh just now. I miss Cxjenious' writing so much... Still its nice to know that her character is strong enough to stand up to the rest of her family.

#Edit... Fricking I Pad.
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Meh, Marg didn't display as much wit or snark as Olenna. Cerenna though...I like her. I like her a lot. We can get a mole among the Lannisters this way.
Excepting the fact that pretty much every word that her hand maiden said was Marg by proxy - in point of fact, saying the things that Margaery herself felt she could not get away with politely - with that taken under consideration I find it perfectly good and acceptable levels .