A cyborg in the Wasteland [Fallout] [Self-insert]

at least, it's much better than how they made coffee beans... by having animals shit the beans out and then roasting them in the sun. one of the reasons why I don't drink coffee.
I will have you know that only the most expensive guormet coffees use the racoon-shit method. Also, while it SOUNDS gross, it is actually perfectly healthy after the beans have been washed. I still don't want any, but that is more "coffee isn't worth that much money" rather than anything else.
How far West is Gary going? If he is going West, suggest West Virginia, or Greenbriar.

Depending on the reality, the Hotel had a bunker under it, for A President. If he is going closer, a suggestion of Harpers Ferry, Why? A River is near there, Make a power, a Hydro Dam.

But.. does he not want to go to Rivet City and Norfolk to the East? Newport News? A Navy Man?
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I thought that being the hand behind the military forces was basically what Lily wanted? Not because of greed or something but because it's the only thing necessary to be free to do whatever she wants. As in being part of the gobernemt bad, but having a force that answers only to you good? That's why she subverted the whole sheriff office and basically Megaton army (That she built herself xD).

Now you're telling me that she agreed to give it to Gary just to work as a judge? I feel like you forced the "give things to Gary" a bit too much. Just all the logistics, materials, security, etc to create his own "republic" is more than enough. Heck, it's too much already.
I thought that being the hand behind the military forces was basically what Lily wanted? Not because of greed or something but because it's the only thing necessary to be free to do whatever she wants. As in being part of the gobernemt bad, but having a force that answers only to you good? That's why she subverted the whole sheriff office and basically Megaton army (That she built herself xD).

Now you're telling me that she agreed to give it to Gary just to work as a judge? I feel like you forced the "give things to Gary" a bit too much. Just all the logistics, materials, security, etc to create his own "republic" is more than enough. Heck, it's too much already.

She still is in control of the military, and it was specifically called out that if she disagreed with what Gary decided she still had the ability of Veto by overwhelming firepower.

Gary just wanted enough men to actually make a functioning police force work.
How far West is Gary going? If he is going West, suggest West Virginia, or Greenbriar.

Depending on the reality, the Hotel had a bunker under it, for A President. If he is going closer, a suggestion of Harpers Ferry, Why? A River is near there, Make a power, a Hydro Dam.
The Greenbrier is known as The Whitesprings in Fallout, it has an Enclave bunker under it ran by an AI like Eden named MODUS. He killed all the Enclave humans because they tried to kill him.

Harpers Ferry is now the center of a mutated jungle. Why? Because some crazy conspiracy theorists visiting a Vault thought said Vault's GECK was a 'brainwashing machine' and proceeded to shoot it. This caused it to malfunction and activate resulting in a mutated jungle/swamp biome also the deaths of everyone in said Vault.

West Virginia also has an infestation of giant mutant bats called Scorchbeasts that carry the Scorched Plague, a highly infectious illness that forms a rudimentary hive mind with the Scorchbeasts at the top, it also slowly cooks humans alive leaving behind petrified bodies. Given a cure/vaccine was created and distributed but only to the Settlers and Raiders who call the region home.
I'd assume that Lily is going to keep expanding Megaton over time. I expect her stop condition is when there are neighbours rather than raiders at the gate; neighbours future raiders will need to go through to get to her, and neighbours that will hopefully be buying wall construction material from Megaton.

I imagine that 'west' will be the next settlement west of the wall when Gary wants to leave, so she has a friendly neighbour in that direction.

I expect that she might encourage other people to do that so Megaton ends up surrounded by civilization, rather than expanding to eventually civilize the continent by conquering it.
The Kudzu is supposed to draw the radiation underground, but one of it's benefits is that it's roots are edible, seems like contradictory goals unless you want people eating radioactive roots haha.
Btw when I checking 'The Pit' in google image I noticed this image here, so are there more of this alien tech in the fallout 76 ? And will you use it ? (at least for that alien power armor in the middle though )
Perhaps she could adjust the chlorophyll to also be reactive with alpha or beta particles?
Chlorophyll absorbs light because it has a very delocalized electron cloud that has electrons free to jump up an energy level and interact with neighboring chlorophylls- there's resonance across basically the entire molecule. That's also why it can only absorb specific wavelengths. It wouldn't be able to do anything with alpha radiation since it's not electromagnetic. No known chlorophyll can absorb something in the gamma ray spectrum afaik.

Radiotropic fungi use melanin instead of chlorophyll with a very similar mechanism (except it's in the cell wall). They gain energy from gamma radiation, the other types don't give energy but trigger growth towards the radiation source.

Evaluating changes in growth and pigmentation of Cladosporium cladosporioides and Paecilomyces variotii in response to gamma and ultraviolet irradiation - Scientific Reports

Melanin-containing fungi (black molds) have the capacity to thrive under extreme environmental conditions such as the elevated radiation levels inside the former Chernobyl reactors. These fungi have been hypothesized to grow toward and use gamma radiation as an energy source, but the literature...
Melanin is also relatively good at blocking all forms of ionizing radiation, a plant could hypothetically be engineered to grow towards radiation, absorb gamma rays with melanin, and surround the radiation source with melanin and lead deposits. It would also turn black in the presence of a radiation source, which could act as a warning.
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Is Apprentice going to say Dictator is a wrong word? Lily is not a Dic.

Is she going to make up another to call her?
Btw when I checking 'The Pit' in google image I noticed this image here, so are there more of this alien tech in the fallout 76 ? And will you use it ? (at least for that alien power armor in the middle though )
That is from an event, it's canonicity is so-so. The stuff exists amongst the Zetans but they didn't actually invade West Virginia nor The Pitt.

The only 'canon' Zetan troops on the ground are the 'Flatwoods Monsters'; Psionic, Teleporting, Cybernetic Zetans. They're also assholes because they teleport and mind control creatures into attacking the player.
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Socialism and Capitalism aren't necessarily opposed. You can have a Socialist Society where everyone's basic needs are met (food, water, shelter, and healthcare) but it can also be Capitalist in that more luxurious items can be worked for and purchased. Want a bigger fancier house? Find a job, earn currency and purchase one. Want something fancier than the government supplied food? Buy it.

Eh, sorta but not really. Socialism vs. Capitalism is defined based on who controls the means of production rather than discreet policies. A state with a robust social safety net, as Megaton seems to be turning in to, will still be capitalist and subject to the inherent contradictions of capitalism so long as the capitalist class is still the owning class.

It's like how nature repeatedly evolves organisms into crab-like forms. After enough iterations you're likely to stumble upon a common optimal solution, the crab. A lot of shit runs better under a central government. Funnily enough, American socialists started the first public sewer service in the 19th century.

Ahem. 'Socialism (as defined by things people who are socialists tend to like, like doing stuff that involves putting together a welfare state, strong investments in centralized infrastructure that is designed for the common good, and methodically removing certain aspects of society from being controlled by market forces and instead putting them under government control) and Capitalism aren't opposed. Socialism (as defined by whether private property exists in a market economy where labor is paid for by a class that owns private capital or whether instead the means of production are controlled collectively by the population or not) and Capitalism are opposed. Note that all of the above allows for differences in wages and salary and such; true socialism is broad enough that there are plenty of versions and schools of thought that wouldn't remove currency completely.'
Mushrooms are actually grown on shit, so that's a far more direct route. Then again, mushrooms are NASTY, so...
Mushrooms are delicious and anyone who says otherwise shall be whipped with a wet noodle. Thrice.
Besides, it's not like other plants aren't also grown in shit. They just mix it with dirt first. That's what fertilization is. The mushrooms are also grown in a mixture of dirt and crap, or a log rendered down to dry rot, or any number of substrates. Crap is nutrient-dense and plants of any kind go wild for it. Except human crap, we're too efficient at stripping it of useful stuff and don't even have the decency to load it with biodegradable fibers instead.
She's making kind of an empire then?

I bet I'd detect or imagine extremely minute leftovers and therefor wouldn't be able to eat it.
I wonder if you can taste the vomit flavoring in chocolate? They added it because Americans got so used to the taste of chocolate made with expired milk that they didn't like it when they finally started using fresh milk.
It was disgusting... but on the other hand, at least fewer people were starving to death in her streets. It was unsightly and gave people a bad impression of her city!

I think at this point your city is the best in the country, Madam! I mean you just admitted that you have perfectly clean water, food and bread, and a way to solve the housing problem, electricity and a good army. I doubt that you could find a place just as good anywhere, in the world even!
I wonder if you can taste the vomit flavoring in chocolate? They added it because Americans got so used to the taste of chocolate made with expired milk that they didn't like it when they finally started using fresh milk.

I'm gonna call BS on this one? I've eaten chocolate with fresh milk and it was the best thing ever. and I'm an American. o_O
I'm gonna call BS on this one? I've eaten chocolate with fresh milk and it was the best thing ever. and I'm an American. o_O
It is BS. Other people I've seen online have said similar things using the presence of Butyric Acid as 'proof' even though milk literally 10 minutes after leaving the cow develops it, it is also present in cheese and butter. It's a false rumor started because Hershey's uses sour milk, not expired.

They've never used expired milk.