A cyborg in the Wasteland [Fallout] [Self-insert]

So I seem to have missed something BIG, we know that the next universe is Mass Effect? Do we know anything else about the worlds?
So I seem to have missed something BIG, we know that the next universe is Mass Effect? Do we know anything else about the worlds?

Actually, I am going to put this in a spoiler tag but it isn't that big of one.
As in what planet inside the Mass Effect universe? No, not yet. Maybe no planet if she is a quarian. Timeline will be before the human first contact, and she won't be allowed to be a human. The manner of her transferrence into Mass Effect is, at the point where she would be transferred she will pick her Perk for "completing" Fallout, and her soul will be transferred to the Mass Effect universe.

Her body in Fallout will be placed on ice, being intangible and in stasis while she is gone. Time will travel at different rates, specifically it will generally move much faster for the universe she is in, and for the universe she isn't it will tend to move at the speed of plot. So, she could spend a hundred years in Mass Effect and likely return to Fallout around the time of FO:NV. (This gives me some chance to write some Alice side stories while Lily is gone.)
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I still don't see the alien insert as anything but a couple of chapters set up until lily can make herself a Custom body, as long as she doesn't lose the knowledge she has built up from the fallout verse with the higher quality of the general manufacturing level I dint except it to take her very long to upgrad.
Yeah, that makes sense. Fallout becomes incredibly boring when you have all the guns and skills. Probably why I'm hundreds of hours deep into fo4 with about 4 different characters and the farthest I've reached is the battle of bunker hill.

I'm thinking I should murder the brotherhood and the railroad...

Anyway, the Enclave lost their biggest gun. Unless they have a few Horrigan-lets running around then their firepower is just a bit better than the BoS. Hell, House can easily wipe them out now.

I just realized, I kinda wish Lily met the Storyteller, if only as a quest hook for far off locations.
I still don't see the alien insert as anything but a couple of chapters set up until lily can make herself a Custom body, as long as she doesn't lose the knowledge she has built up from the fallout verse with the higher quality of the general manufacturing level I dint except it to take her very long to upgrad.
Well... Depending on the perk chosen, ME!Lily might wind up having to re-bootstrap up from medichines in her bloodstream again.

A lot of what she's accomplished in Fallout has been on the basis of pre-existing tooling from Fallout. Granted, there's more ubiquitous tech and industry in Mass Effect... but it's a completely different tech-base, so she'd be having to "fill in the blanks" all over again.

Only this time she couldn't use live raider test subjects.

And of course, the "scale of operations" is quite different. Sure, she could build up to a Von Neumann cloud of star-eating microbots in order to contest the Reapers... but literally nobody else in the setting would accept that, and they'd voice that rejection with high energy impactors deployed via orbital mechanics mathematics.

So again she's in a position to need to expand her base much further than she currently has, simply because her largest designs currently are Jerry-rigged upwards from anti-personnel equipment and Humvee scale machines. She's done a lot with that, but even with a completely free hand she's spent years upgrading Megaton. Having to justify her economic expenses enough to upgrade pre-existing fleets of merchant-marine frigates to her standard would take even under the best circumstances several years. And given how utterly cutthroat Citadel space is... what do you really estimate her chances of having the best circumstances as?
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I still don't see the alien insert as anything but a couple of chapters set up until lily can make herself a Custom body, as long as she doesn't lose the knowledge she has built up from the fallout verse with the higher quality of the general manufacturing level I dint except it to take her very long to upgrad.
She won't lose her knowledge, but she will be going in as an infant. Also, the cosmology between Universes isn't necessarily 1:1. Some universes have magic, some universes like Fallout and Star Wars lasers are more like ray-guns rather than actual lasers like we'd think of them in our world. Mass Effect is a little bit harder sci-fi than Fallout (but not that much, I mean their guns are ridiculous), in that a hand-held laser weapon might permenantly blind the user if it was really effective. That doesn't mean she won't be able to use most of what she learned in Fallout and Eclipse Phase, though.

I won't let any straight-out MacGuffin technology transfer though, for example, if she learns how a G.E.C.K. works and can build dozens, they won't work unless she goes to say... Star Trek where they already have matter to energy technology as a matter of course. I'm doing this for narrative reasons.
Theres a lot to explore in the Fallout verse, but the MC has access to the orbitals now and cheap nuclear explosives, and eventually whenever she eventually gets either Dr House's quantum processors or can reinvent the Eclipse Phase ones will be on an exponential growth trajectory. Unless she starts a war with the actual alien nation that is behind the Zetans then all that remains is riskless build-up.

Yeah, she is getting to the point were there isn't much to 'challenge' her in Fallout.

Moving Lily out of Fallout, maybe giving her some limited ability to talk back to Alice.

Lily: Its like talking though a dial-up connection in the 1970s. Sending text is fast enough, but trying to send you Terabytes worth of data for a better fusion reactor is a real pain.

Alice: I'm trying to figure out how your current tech works! Gary is pulling his hair out, trying to keep everything running and stopping the local Brotherhood from trying to force me to make them a plane to go fight the NCR. Mistress... HELP!!! I'm so over my head!

Lily: Non-sense, you seem to be doing fine. Excuse me, I have to go kill a cybernetic space cuttlefish, brb from your view point.

Alice: What? I can't be reading that right.
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Theres a lot to explore in the Fallout verse, but the MC has access to the orbitals now and cheap nuclear explosives, and eventually whenever she eventually gets either Dr House's quantum processors or can reinvent the Eclipse Phase ones will be on an exponential growth trajectory. Unless she starts a war with the actual alien nation that is behind the Zetans then all that remains is riskless build-up.

So what you say is somewhat true, but its mainly because she won't have anyone around that could contend with her and that gets a little bit boring after a while. Mass Effect is a much larger universe.

That said, she won't lose complete access to the Fallout universe when she "leaves."
Why leave at all?

Why not make it so that Fallout is part of the ME-verse?

After all, AFAIK, Pre-War nations hasn't ever reached Mars yet.

So there might be a Prothean ruin buried there.
fun to see the mc expanding her orbital assets and taking care of the problem of the nuke over head

as for the next universe MA could be fun but with the mc obsession with robots could get into problems rather fast. other option would be star wars and show the cis what a true robot army is like ^^
Is the MC going to be sending up any kind of security or asset-denial satellites? Since now that the American Rail-gun Satellites are gone OTHER people can send up Satellites too, like new weapons. Or they could launch one of the likely many Nukes that remain, or make their own and launch them...
It would also be good as a means of combating the Aliens.

I am honestly surprised there has not been more genetic therapies. Ghoul Immortality without ghoulification, Beauty/"Charisma" mods, Enhanced Intelligence Mods, Strength mods, etc...

I wonder how she plans to secure/protect this "Satellite Library" from tampering. I also kinda feel like starting this project before the Institute is dealt with might be a bad idea... I dunno, just them with MORE knowledge seems bad.

I was honestly kinda expecting her to setup a kind-of Resident Evil Style HIVE Complex/City Beneath Megaton as well as building outwards. Maybe take all the research and capabilities of the Vaults and Vault-Tech, then use that to build an underground home/city that is infinitely better than what Vaul-tech made, while having the bonus of not having been designed for some horrifying experiments. Though I would not be surprised if she included all kinds of personal designs so she remains in control or something.
Why leave at all?

Why not make it so that Fallout is part of the ME-verse?

After all, AFAIK, Pre-War nations hasn't ever reached Mars yet.

So there might be a Prothean ruin buried there.
I think I've read a fanfic with that premise.

However, mainly for the same reasons I don't expand the Fallout part of the story to deal with the Zetans. The expansion of the story and turning Fallout into a space opera makes it lose some of its cool Falloutness. In my opinion.

Also, unless the first contact happened now then that still is decades where Lily slowly becomes Ruler of Sol before finding the Prothean ruin/relay then finding eezo, then building mass effect ship, then finding the Sol mass effect relay covered in ice, then discovering the Citadel races and then at that point her status in the slowly rebuilding humanity is way too high for her to just have adventures around the galaxy. She'd have a huge entourage, or she would flee from having a huge entourage.

I say this because Lily will have no knowledge of Mass Effect. I mean, it could take her a hundred years to explore Mars. it isn't really a priority with the Earth being a pile of dogshit.
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fun to see the mc expanding her orbital assets and taking care of the problem of the nuke over head

as for the next universe MA could be fun but with the mc obsession with robots could get into problems rather fast. other option would be star wars and show the cis what a true robot army is like ^^

Could always be evil and show her that Fallout isn't that bad, and send her off to Borderlands.

Lily: I'm on Pandora... there aren't enough curse words to cover this.

Depending on things, she might have to deal with Jack and his robot army.
I think I've read a fanfic with that premise.

However, mainly for the same reasons I don't expand the Fallout part of the story to deal with the Zetans. The expansion of the story and turning Fallout into a space opera makes it lose some of its cool Falloutness. In my opinion.

Also, unless the first contact happened now then that still is decades where Lily slowly becomes Ruler of Sol before finding the Prothean ruin/relay then finding eezo, then building mass effect ship, then finding the Sol mass effect relay covered in ice, then discovering the Citadel races and then at that point her status in the slowly rebuilding humanity is way too high for her to just have adventures around the galaxy. She'd have a huge entourage, or she would flee from having a huge entourage.

I say this because Lily will have no knowledge of Mass Effect. I mean, it could take her a hundred years to explore Mars. it isn't really a priority with the Earth being a pile of dogshit.
Actually, hasn't Lily has experience as Shadow Ruler?

You said that at some point in her Anarco-Cyborg life, she single-handedly fund and support a faction that (I assume) has a measurable renown and impact on the Solar System.

Since she's already trying to throw away the responsibility delegate her task into other people, why not do that and just, fade from public view?

Beyond certain point, the Civilization game will bore her. And she'll just gallivant and research what she fancies.

While her current face is well-known, and I'd assume Lily, Grand Empress of the Solar System's face will be too...

She can always build another face, no?

And then build an empty (or maybe mostly autonomous?) clone with her face that she can control remotely if she needed to show her Ruler-Face.

Meanwhile, her actual self could just play with science and shit.

On the time span of getting to the Mars, You could always use timeskip.

My point is that using a jumpchain mechanic again feels, cheap and such a cop out, I guess?

Especially compared to Lily's drive as Spider-Scientist.

But if you feel that it's what you want to write, I will still read it.

I can't say this enough,

Thank You for the story.

Keep up the good work.


If you think jumping Verse is best, maybe make it so that it happened due to an accident with Transportalponder or something?

This way it happened because of what Lily actually does, not due to this unknowable, incomprehensible being that moved her.

Once is enough, methink.
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My point is that using a jumpchain mechanic again feels, cheap and such a cop out, I guess?

From my view point, I've seen way to many people try to merge two fictional universes badly.

I would think that Lily would be the type of person to see a Mass Effect relay and get super paranoid about it and rip it apart. And with all the advantages that would come from a Fallout world in ME, you might as well start singing the curb stomp song.

Instead, Lily by herself is dropped into ME and she has to learn slightly different physics.

Lily: My laser rifle just melted from the heat it puts out, that didn't happen in my last world.

And then build an empty (or maybe mostly autonomous?) clone with her face that she can control remotely if she needed to show her Ruler-Face.

You think this didn't cross her mind for Fallout? She still has to do the ruling, which she hates.
at that point her status in the slowly rebuilding humanity is way too high for her to just have adventures around the galaxy.
Leave an alpha fork behind to hold the bag?

More seriously, on the ME race thing... I'd honestly find an Elcor, Volus or Hannar reincarnation hilarious. Though, on consideration, just about every species that isn't human has some pretty nasty problems for her typical build up. Asari though would be my own pick. Being a biotic is going to give her a significant reason to retain the flesh she was born with. On the other hand, it could be kind of interesting if she was reborn with the geth or an AI of all species. It could give her some pretty unique insights into her existence and would play somewhat to the strengths that was really curtailed in the fallout universe.
Leave an alpha fork behind to hold the bag?

More seriously, on the ME race thing... I'd honestly find an Elcor, Volus or Hannar reincarnation hilarious. Though, on consideration, just about every species that isn't human has some pretty nasty problems for her typical build up. Asari though would be my own pick. Being a biotic is going to give her a significant reason to retain the flesh she was born with. On the other hand, it could be kind of interesting if she was reborn with the geth or an AI of all species. It could give her some pretty unique insights into her existence and would play somewhat to the strengths that was really curtailed in the fallout universe.
Hey! I have it on good authority that the Volus race is the only one that has a true biotic god amongst their members.
I love that last idea, it sounds amazing. Tho if Lily wants ME tech to be useful in the future she's going to have to de-eezo-fy it, cause I rather doubt eezo works outside the apparently pretty loose physical laws of the ME verse. Its actually quite ironic that for a sci-fi series the physical laws of the ME verse are probably looser than FO's, which is a weird thought.
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I dunno how I feel about the jump mechanics to be honest, I would be more comfortable, if Lily jumped wholesale. More bodies just invites confusion. Also how are Souls with Forks? Does each Fork have its own soul? Are they connected to Lily "Prime"? Can they exist without a soul? If they are connected is there a limit to the connection? My idea was why not just leave a fork in Fallout and go to ME, if you want to leave the body in FO. That brings problems as well: due to the time dilation communication might no be feasible, forks developing at different timeframes and universes can invite problems too, since the ME fork would be a century more advanced + more advanced tech base. It could argue that it is superior and should subsume the FO one instead of a merge.

On the topic of species, I would say Asari would be a very safe bet, not many fics with Asari protags so that would be another nice fresh ME fic for me to read(I LOVE YOU KRELL. Do not worry, Krogan is still the best). Also CYBER SUPER-BIOTIC commandoes. Minor species? I feel like you could play around since the lore is rather abysmal with Hanar, Elcor and Volus. But that would be boring/weird in my opinion. Human? Rather not, way too many fix everything with Shepard fics around. Other Council species? Salarian would be problematic since she would no doubt be branded a Lystheni and either jailed, jailed and forced to work for the STG, exiled to the Terminus, etc. Turian? I find them a bit boring, she would be either drafter or drafted and put into Research and Development to make shootier guns. Krogan could be cool, but you would have to compete with Turtle Space Jesus Nakmor Krell...you do not compete with Turtle Space Jesus Nakmor Krell. The Geth? Could be interesting, she could be like an experimental program that gained independence, but that would be just snowballing until the Reapers come and then stomping. The Geth would just copy what she did, become full-on Artificial Super Inteligence and use the power of SCIENCE to snowball from there. Quarian would be my second choice after Asari, Crazy Engineer? Check! Kinda already full of cybernetic enhacements? Check! In need of a good Biotech boost? Check, first thing would be fixing the stupid Immune system.
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The second story featuring this MC is still in the outline phase, though. I may start writing it right away, or I may wait a while. I'm not sure.
Is this a sequel or an alternate insertion of the exlipse phase/flat hybrid, what will the new setting be?
Lily's diplomatic envoy to mister house stops off at cheyenne mountain to check out the zax and discovers a strange ring?

Exploration of the outer solar system pick up strange readings from the dwarf planet Charon?

Initial experiments with Zetan FTL drives seem to catch the eye of alien observers, precipitating a first contact with peaceful pointy eared aliens?
she would have found his Tranquility Lounger and put several armour-piercing rounds through it.
I mean, his lounger is in the Overseer's office. Though the game doesn't actually let you shoot through them.
Is this a sequel or an alternate insertion of the exlipse phase/flat hybrid, what will the new setting be?

Lily's diplomatic envoy to mister house stops off at cheyenne mountain to check out the zax and discovers a strange ring?

Exploration of the outer solar system pick up strange readings from the dwarf planet Charon?

Initial experiments with Zetan FTL drives seem to catch the eye of alien observers, precipitating a first contact with peaceful pointy eared aliens?
Maybe read the spoilers and conversation? The next universe is decided.

Personally, I want her to be an Asari, around the same age as Liara. We haven't seen much of the main plot of Fallout because Lily started multiple years before it. I want to see her play with Shepard.
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A shame she doesn't have her FO4 memories. A grand fuck you would be to slip into the starter vault and leave a detailed "your synths suck also gib teleporter please" essay in the system for old shaun to find when he releases the sole survivor by remote. One final middle finger before swapping universes.
I love how the MC is opposed to the possibility of people being sentenced to involuntary servitude, but is completely fine with those same people being sentenced to involuntary cranium ventilation. Not really any concern for other people, one of those just makes her feel icky. The "justice" system of Megaton seems like it's better than in gameplay (accidentally clicked an ashtray? Die!), but still pretty far from anything we'd consider reasonable today.
Could always be evil and show her that Fallout isn't that bad, and send her off to Borderlands.

Lily: I'm on Pandora... there aren't enough curse words to cover this.

Depending on things, she might have to deal with Jack and his robot army.

Haha :D. Yeah, but if she knew about 40K verse (@SpiraSpira does she know about that reality?), she'd probably kiss that planet's sandy desert ass and be thankful about it.

I love how the MC is opposed to the possibility of people being sentenced to involuntary servitude, but is completely fine with those same people being sentenced to involuntary cranium ventilation. Not really any concern for other people, one of those just makes her feel icky. The "justice" system of Megaton seems like it's better than in gameplay (accidentally clicked an ashtray? Die!), but still pretty far from anything we'd consider reasonable today.

That's because shes very pragmatic. As dead people make no crime. (Also loved the way you described someones heading being blown off. Classy.)
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Quarian would be my second choice after Asari, Crazy Engineer? Check! Kinda already full of cybernetic enhacements? Check! In need of a good Biotech boost? Check, first thing would be fixing the stupid Immune system.
Ooh, seconded for Quarian. That's probably where the best jumping-off point is for a technology and power base. Plus they're not pricks like the asari. Blending in when everyone else hates AI will be a problem, but that would be an issue no matter what species you were iirc.