A cosmic divine Entity wants to destroy the world! again... (Worm/Shin Megami Tensei series)

Arc 1: Demi-fiend - VIII
Short, very short chapter this time, but we are getting close to the end of first arc. Still, sorry about that.

In the end, you decide to go back home. This might be the last occasion you get to do so, as soon your home is going to be under heavy observation from PRT, if it isn't already. Still, at the very least, you wish to know if Leet answered you. You don't really have anywhere else to go anyway, so...

You move fast, keeping to the darker alleys. You don't encounter any problems, except for few thugs that run away the moment they saw you. The last part of the road to your home requires you to go near your neightbours, so you can't really hide. You just hope no one was looking through the windows.

Thankfully, there are no signs of PRT yet. You enter the house and get to your room. First, you check the PHO. A message, from Leet. The content... it all boils down to that Leet doesn't want to meet neither a troll nor a completly unknown cape. You almost scream from frustration. Dammit, will anything go well today?

You look over the room. Not much to take with you. You don't really need more clothes, in the vortex world you used to run around in just shorts and some strap to hide your chest after all, and there isn't really something very important to you. Well, maybe mother's flute, but you can't take it - it would get destroyed in the first fight against parahuman. You find some $50, and the money in the end is the only thing you take from your room. You get down, and look over the rest of your house, thinking if there is anything else you need. No need for sleeping bag, you don't need to sleep, one of the perks of being a demi-fiend. Some food might be useful, you won't have an easy access to magutsuchi, unless you start kidnapping humans. A backpack to carry the things you take. Some medicine, as it has an interesting effect of healing demons instantly, despite the slow effect it has on humans. A lighter in case you find yourself in total darkness. Another $50. And... is that all? You did travel very lightly in vortex world, but still...

[] Write-in if you wish for Taylor to take something else (only stuff that can fit into backpack, and she might not find it in the house if it's something rare)

Done with the search, you take a moment to look at the house you have spent childhood in for probably the last time. That thought saddens you, though a little hug from Pixie makes you feel better. You let yourself sit on a sofa, and think. Since you have some time in relative safety, you could change magatama if you wish...
[] Don't change magatama
[] Change magatama
-[] Kamudo
-[] Ankh
-[] Narukami

Anyway, this moment of safety should be spent thinking about the future. You can't stay there, and you can't stay at Emma's house. For some reason, heroes are hunting for you, so you shouldn't expect help from PRT, Protectorate or New Wave. For the same reason, you can't just work as a Rogue, you are already labelled villain. You can't go to school (not that you really care) and you have no way of hiding your identity. Leet declined your offer, so those guys are out as well. What does that leave you with? There are the gangs - Empire, ABB, Merchants, Faultline's Crew, Undersiders, Coil and his guys. Contact with any parahumans is dangerous though, as you seem to make some of them very aggresive towards you. You can stay independent, but then you will have no base, so no place to rest without a huge risk. Well, you don't need that much rest, but it might be dangerous if someone finds you tired. And even if you went that route, what would you do? Mug some random muggers? Attack gangs? Attack heroes? Search for the reason you were attacked? How would you even start?

[] Go to one of the gangs
-[] Empire
-[] ABB
-[] Merchants
-[] Undersiders
-[] Faultline's Crew
-[] Coil
[] Stay independent
-[] Spend time attacking gangs, especially parahumans
--[] Start with which gang?
-[] Beat up some normies
-[] Attack PRT and Protectorate members
-[] Just attack anyone you find
-[] Look for the reason of PRT's attack on you
--[] How?

Adhoc vote count started by Hejtan on May 18, 2019 at 7:45 AM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Stay independent
    -[X] Spend time attacking gangs, especially parahumans
    --[X] Empire
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Go to one of the gangs

    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew

Adhoc vote count started by Hejtan on May 18, 2019 at 7:46 AM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Stay independent
    -[X] Spend time attacking gangs, especially parahumans
    --[X] Empire
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Go to one of the gangs

    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew

Adhoc vote count started by Hejtan on May 18, 2019 at 7:46 AM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Hejtan on May 24, 2019 at 1:47 PM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Stay independent
    -[X] Spend time attacking gangs, especially parahumans
    --[X] Empire
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Change magatama
    -[X] Ankh
    [X] Go to one of the gangs

    -[X] Faultline's Crew
    [X] Go to one of the gangs
    -[X] Faultline's Crew
[X] Change magatama
-[X] Ankh
[X] Stay independent
-[X] Spend time attacking gangs, especially parahumans
--[X] Empire

I don't know anything else that can be useful to take.

I'm changing to Ankh mostly for the bonus we get to luck, but getting fast retreat can be useful.

I have no idea on what to do after that, but maybe going after the gang with the most parahumans can be a good idea? It's not like they would ever let us join them.
have no idea on what to do after that, but maybe going after the gang with the most parahumans can be a good idea? It's not like they would ever let us join them.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure they'd actually be happy if we joined. Most gangs enjoy extra firepower. The main issue is the hostility aura we've got in relation to Scion triggers. Instead of attacking the most powerful gang and drawing their ire, it'd be more prudent to attack the Merchants if we'd be attacking any gang. They have the least firepower, since they lack heavy hitters and the mass of capes that the Empire can bring to bear.
Who in Worm has access to death, and Ailments?

What is your policy for Omakes?
Death? I can't think of one right now. It would be someone with instakilling powers. Ailments? A lot. Canary, Clockblooker, Gallant, Glory Girl... pretty much anyone with powers that weaken or affect you in some non-damaging way

Omakes? Feel free to write them and I'll pot them in Apocryphia, or Threadmark if I decide to make them canon. You get +10 for non-canon or +20 for canon omake to one roll, which you can spend on a failed roll, on near-crit to make it a crit, or whatever else you feel like doing.
Arc 1: Demi-fiend - IX
A bit late, sorry about that. Still, I'm finally here, and with me the chapter! The voting was a close one, but in the end, you have chosen to search help from Faultline's Crew. You are also changing the magatama to Ankh, which means you get immunity to expell and weakness to death... Two elements no parahuman in Brockton Bay (and almost no parahuman in the world) has. Well, I guess it's skills you care about.

As much as you would like that, you can't just walk around attacking gangs or something. This isn't vortex world, if you behave like back then, all parahumans from Brockton Bay are sure to gang up on you. The fight with Battery already showed you aren't right now on the top of food chain, so that's something to avoid. And that means you need some help. In Vortex World, you always had allies who helped you fight, but right now only Pixie is there to help you. If you don't gain more assistance, you will be killed before you regain enough of your strength.

Faultline's Crew seems like the best bet. For one, they are mercenaries. They are neither heroes nor villains, so they won't try to force-recruit you. For another, it's known that two of their members are Case 53, the so called monstrous capes, and seeing your own apperance they might be at least willing to talk. And finally, their base is known, so you won't have to look for them.

Decision made, you grab the backpack and leave the house. You move fast, through dark alleys and avoiding other people, just as you did before. It's getting harder though. The evening is near, and with it more people on the streets. Still, you somehow get to the club owned by Faultline, Palanquin... If only world was that easy. But it's not. And now you are staring at Velocity, while he is staring at you. To think that, after avoiding the heroes for this long, you would just crash into each other when turning on a corner. The situation was so ridiculus that instead of attacking right away, you both just looked at each other, surprised.

Still, you stealthly use Analyze on him. Surprise is one thing, but you aren't going to play it stupid.
Warrior Parahuman
Repel: none
Drain: none
Void: none
Resist: physical, ice, wind
Weaknesses: poison
Power: Increases speed while reducing the ability to affect the world
What does the 'Warrior' part mean? Anyway, you can already tell this fight is going to be annoying. Velocity is probably much faster than you are, and even if his attacks won't really hurt you (something you aren't sure of), he can still stall you until other capes arrive. What's more, physical attacks won't be very effective, so you will have to use lighting... Or maybe you can avoid fighting at all? You send mental note to Pixie to use her Seduce skill.
40 (demon) + 22 (LCK) + 40 (young female to male) - 20 (very small body) + 41 (1d100) = 123 vs 20 (parahuman) + 20 (Zion Shard) + 20 (well trained) + 2 (1d100) = 62 SUCCESS!
"Well hello there, pretty guy. I must say, bodytight costumes are a really great invention. I love those muscles of yours..." As she said that, she flew closer to him and... she started molesting him. The hero instantly blushed, the fight completly forgotten. You don't care what Pixie says, there must be some Master or Stranger effect in Seduce skill, otherwise how the hell could a fairy the size of your hand seduce a fully grown man?

"T-thank you..."

"No problem, hottie! But man, those biceps already feel great, what if there wasn't this costime in the way? Mind showing me? I. Can. Return. The. Favor..." The last words were whispered by Pixie right into his ear. If the man was blushing previously, now he was as red as his costume.

"I-I mean-I shouldn't-I'm working-I-..."

"Shhh... You don't have to say anything. I understand... You are a man worth respect, not letting a girl as beautiful as me to get in the way of your duties. I like that..."


"But if it's the duty stoping both of us from having a time of our lives, I can wait. Go, perform your duty, my hero, and after you are done, return to me... I promise you won't regret it. It will be our sweet, little secret..."

He gulped, nodded, spoke something so fast you couldn't understand it, and run away without looking back. You just kept silent when Pixie winked at you and refused to comment the situation. It was already weird enough. Instead, you continue running to the club.

It seems it was too early for the club to be open, so you wouldn't have to deal with other people inside. You approach the doors and knock, Pixie sitting on your left shoulder. At first, no one answers. When you start considering knocking again, it finally answers, showing a figure of Newter. Someone else might have been shocked by his orange skin and tail, but you have seen stranger stuff.

"Hello Newter."

"Hello strangers! Palanquin is closed right now, but I'm guessing you are here for other reason?"

Hmm... he seems too happy to be affected by this effect that makes parahumans aggresive towards you. Lucky for you. "Yes. I'm..." Wait, you didn't think of a cape name for you! "Well, I don't really have a cape name yet, but I guess you can call me Fiend until I think of something better. And this on my shoulder is Pixie."

"Hello orange guy! I like the color!"

"Thank you! I must say, those wings are pretty as well, Pixie! And it's nice to meet you, Fiend! Those glowing tattoos are cool."

"Thank you. You are the first one to actually say so. But before I start talking about my business, I think I should ask you something. Are you getting some instinctual feelings or something like that to hurt me?"

That seemed to surprise him. "... No?"

"That's good. For some reason, many parahumans react very violently towards me. PRT seems to think it's some sort of uncontrollable Master effect that works only on parahumans, but not all of them. I know at least that Battery is immune, but Assault, Armsmaster, Miss Militia and Dragon aren't. And it seems you are immune as well."

"That must suck."

"It does. Still, since you are immune, could you get other members of your group to look at me or something and see if they become aggresive? There is something I would like to talk with you about, but supernatural anger isn't good for negotiations..."

"Don't worry about that, others are already watching you. I and Gregor felt something was off with how guarded others became, but now we know why."

"Well, if it helps, Dragon discovered that as long as she couldn't see and hear the real me through cameras, she wasn't affected, so we can communicate through paper and pen of something..."

"I'll see what Faultline has to say. Would you like to come in? As long as you don't climb the stairs and don't touch our stuff, and I know it's not pleasant to stand somewhere everyone can see when one looks like... this." He gestured to both himself and you.

You answer with a nod and enter the building. You have never been in a club before, so you can't tell if it's a good or a bad one. Newter climbs the stairs and soon disappears from the view. You just stand there, while Pixie goes exploring.

You have to wait a bit before Newter comes back, but when he does, he comes with a phone in his hand.

"You and Dragon were right, when others left the room with monitoring, they stopped being strange. Faultline agreed to talk with you by sending messages on the phones, but before you start, I have one question first. Do you have a symbol of omega somewhere on your body?"

Omega? The greek letter? Why is he asking... he thinks you are a Case 53, doesn't he?

"No, I don't have. I don't think I'm Case 53, even though I look like that and can't hide this stuff."

"I see."

He doesn't say anything else as he hands you the phone. On it, some app is already on and the first message from someone says 'Good afternoon, Fiend. I'm Faultline.'

You answer, while Pixie seems to get involved into a discussion with Newter.

'Good afternoon to you too.'

'I've heard you wanted to talk with us about something?'

'Yes. Frankly speaking, I was hoping to get some help here.'

'What help are you speaking of?'

'Anything I can get, really. I have no way of hiding my identity, no allies, only $100, most parahumans react to me way the way you did, and I live in Brockton Bay, a place filled with people like Lung or Kaiser. Not to mention, despite me not doing anything other than refusing to join Wards, the Protectorate and PRT seem very motivated to arrest me, so much that they don't even ask me to give up and proceed right to attacking.'

'I see. And why ask us?'

'Who else would I ask? Heroes are already gunning for me and villains would either press me into their gangs, kill me, or are Uber and Leet and already refused to meet with me. As for the Rogues, I don't see a single reason for either Canary or Parian to help me.'

'We don't really have a reason to help you either.'

'But I can give you one. I can heal. Pixie can heal as well.'

'Who is Pixie? Another cape?'

'No. Think of her as a fairy I can summon as a part of my powers.'

Faultline took a while to answer after that.

'How strong is your healing ability? What can it heal?'

'I don't know how strong it is exactly, and it works a bit differently on my body and on other humans, so I didn't really have a way to check it. It won't regrow an arm anyway, though I think it can reconnect it. And it works on injuries only. Crushed bones, bleeding out from multiple cuts or burns are healed, and healed fast. It will do nothing to a sickness or poison or scars already on the body though.'

You don't mention that you could heal this stuff as well if you got a right demon.

'And memory loss?'

'No, unless it comes from a recent brain injury.'

'What are your other powers?'

How should you answer that? Which of your powers should you share? The more you share, the more useful you would be, but also they more they know, the harder it will be for you to fight them if it comes to blows.

Please vote in form of a plan. Choose for a plan as many of options below as you wish:
-[] Brute rating
-[] Heat Wave
-[] Shock and Zio
-[] Seduce
-[] Lunge
-[] Analyze
-[] Changable immunities and weaknesses from Magatama
-[] Ability to grow stronger and gain new powers
-[] Nothing, it's not her business (if you choose this, don't choose the others)

Writing the part with Pixie and Velocity was strange. I felt at the same time amused, lost and uncomfortable.
[X] Plan we are also a trump
-[X] Brute rating
-[X] Shock and Zio
-[X] Analyze
-[X] Ability to grow stronger and gain new powers

Revealing to them that we can grow stronger it means a lot and nothing at the same time. It will also justify why we aren't telling them all of our powers. They may not believe at our statement, but I think it is worth mentioning.

Analyze can be seen like an op ability to a parahuman, especially if you have the strenght to back it up.
Last edited:
Arc 1: Demi-fiend - X
So you are a trump? Well, that will raise your value for everyone who hears that. Good thing Faultline's Crew is the only group that will hear it for now.

In the end, it's important that Faultline sees your value. As such, presenting yourself as a trump seems like a good idea. You will have an excuse for other powers you show in future, and you won't have to share everything you can do.

'Actually, I'm a trump, one that gets stronger and can gain new powers over time. I know I have hard limits on both, and I can't really control what powers I gain. I'm not even sure when I gain them. But I do. Currently, I also have a brute rating, a blaster power that shoots lightning that I have little control of and a thinker power that let's me... analyze parahumans to see how their power works and if they have some sort of weakness or immunity, like being more damaged by fire than normal or having immunity to poison.'

It took a while for Faultline to respond.

'Can you prove that?'

'Which part? Me being a trump? I don't have control over gaining powers.'

'The thinker part.'

'Well, I can use it on Newter and tell you the results I get, but since his power is known to public, I don't know if that is going to convince you.'

'Not everything about him is known.'

Well, if that's what she wants...

"Hey, Newter?"


"Faultline wants me to use a thinker power on you to prove I have it. Do you mind?"


Well, if he doesn't mind...

Thinker Parahuman
Repel: nothing
Drain: poison
Void: nothing
Resist: nothing
Weak: ice
Power: Modified body structure. Improved physical capabilities, mostly agility. Production of hallucinogens in every fluid of body. Absorbtion of toxins to speed up body recovery and production of hallucinogens.

Drain poison? Weak to ice? Surprising.

'Done. My power told me that his power modified his body structure, improved physical capabilities, mostly agility, produces hallucinogens in fluids of his body, and let's him absorb toxins to heal and increase the production of hallucinogens. He is also weak to ice.'

'Interesting. I hope you know not to spread this around?'

'Of course.'

'Good. Is there anything else this power told you?'

'There is one more part, but I can't really understand it. As of yet, Newter and Velocity are the only ones I used this power on. My power called Velocity "Warrior parahuman" and Newter "Thinker parahuman", even though it didn't tell me about Newter having any thinker power.'

'I see.' She stayed silent for a while. 'I would like to confirm something. Could you use it twice more? Gregor and Spitfire will come down, then return as soon as you are done checking them. Tell me if they are Warrior or Thinker parahumans, or something else.'


Gregor is the first one to get down, Spitfire behind him. The moment she sees you, she takes a combat stance. As to not annoy her, you Analyze her as fast as possible.

Warrior parahuman
Repel: nothing
Drain: nothing
Void: nothing
Resist: fire
Weak: force
Power: production of a chemical that ignites on contact with air and an ability to spew it from mouth

You then turn to Gregor the Snail next.

Thinker parahuman
Repel: nothing
Drain: nothing
Void: nothing
Resist: nerve, fire, poison
Weak: nothing
Power: Modified body structure. Improved physical capabilities, mostly vitality. Production of different chemicals inside the body, and projection through skin.

"Ok, done. You can go back."

Spitfire looks ready to answer, but Gregor grabs her by her arm and drags her upstairs.

'Gregor is Thinker and Spitfire is Warrior. You think it has something to do with case 53?'

'Possibly. Can you use this power on yourself?'


'As expected. Even so, you have given us a lead.'

'A lead?'

'As a job given by Gregor the Snail, my crew has a long term mission of solving the mystery behind case 53. Now, we know there is a bigger difference between case 53 and other parahumans than just the looks and lack of memories. And the fact that you used the words Warrior and Thinker is something to think about. From what we have seen, it's also possible that those Warriors are the ones aggresive towards you, while Thinkers aren't.'

'That's a good point, but Battery didn't react to me with aggresion.'

'Was she a Warrior?'

'I don't know, the Analyze power is a new one I gained only after escaping Protectorate.'

'A shame, but there will be other ocassion for you to check it. Also, I forgot is ask, but is there an omega symbol on you body?'

'No, as I told Newter, I'm probably not a case 53, given that I have my memories.'

'I see.'

'So, how about we make a deal?'

'I'm listening.'

'What I need is a safe place to rest, food, and to find out what's going on with Protectorate attacking me. Money is a secondary concern. What I can do for you is heal, analyze capes, and possibly fight other capes, though not together with you, as other than Newter and Gregor, with the effect I have on you I wouldn't trust you with my back.'

'Understandable. I'll look into Protectorate to pay you for the information you have already given us. I can also provide you with food and a safehouse if we get you to be an on-call healer. As for analyzing capes and mercenary work, how does $500 for every analyzed parahuman (their powers, weaknesses and Thinker/Warrior/?) work for you? As for the mercenary work, we can discuss it when we actually feel the need for your assistance.'

[] Accept the offer
[] Decline the offer
-[] Provide counter-offer (required write-in)

A bit on a short side, but hopefully you like it.