So, you voted to keep listening. Time for another infodump!
PoV: ??? of Musubi
Someone is murdering people left and right, as the news reported. It was suspected that the one responsible was the demi-fiend, but he knew better. Then a video was leaked, and he got his confirmation. Taylor wasn't the one killing like that, but it was a fiend or something similar. But true fiend would have been much more powerful. He knew what that meant. There is another pseudo-fiend in the city. He knew only one other pseudo-fiend - the follower of Yosuga. Curious. That one is probably gathering strength like he himself, but without the discrection.
He considered allying with that one, but discarder the idea. Yosuga is too crazy. They are the stupid brutes that think strength is everything. If he offered an aliance, he would just be attacked for being weak or calling them weak. Still, he can use the situation for his benefit. Hopefully, that Yosuga idiot will kill Taylor. If not, maybe at least injure her, giving him an occasion to strike. He should also look into Taylor's father. He is likely to be protected by PRT, but it could be a good way to provide Taylor with additional distraction. He didn't think for a second that just taking her father hostage would be enough to kill her, of course, but with enough distractions she is likely to make a mistake at a crucial moment.
He burned the body he just killed. Hmm, he should also think about getting stronger faster. What he is doing right now works, of course, but it's just slow when compared to that Yosuga person. Maybe he could even blame the deaths on them? But that's for another day. He should be going back now. He wants to pretend he is just a normal human for as long as he can, no matter how humiliating it feels.
PoV: ??? of Yosuga
For a moment, she thought she saw Maiden through the window. Unfortunately, it was probably just her imagination, she couldn't find her anywhere after that. She left the area, and returned to the room she was using to interrogate the cape she caught.
The girl was her age and had the power to telekinetically control objects she touched. It could have been an interesting power, but the girl herself was weak. She started begging the moment she caught her neck. This weakness, it made her so angry that she severed her left arm before she regained control over herself. At least, she remembered to use some fire to stop the bleeding, you can't interrogate someone dead, and humans die so easly from just losing a bit of blood.
She started asking question. She remembered what her father told her once, about how people are interrogated. Spinless idiot that he is, he knew his stuff, so she used that memories when interrogating the parahuman. Well, that, and some torture.
The girl didn't even try to fight her, she just answered every question between her screams of pain and begging to let her go. She might have actually considered letting her go if she stopped this pathetic display and tried to break free, to show some strength, but to the very end the girl was just a pray. And a useless one, she didn't even know where she can find Kaiser. At least she found some clue - the girl knew the location of the house of Purity, and that parahuman should know where she could find Kaiser.
She also will never get used to how good Magatsuhi from parahumans is.
PoV: Doctor Father (Hikawa) of Shijima
Dammit, the Protectorate has no clue where to find Taylor Hebert! His people also lost the sight of Contessa, so she could be anywhere! Though, she is most likely in Brockton Bay. Not that it will help that much in the search for her, because someone is murdering PRT squads in that city and they are too busy looking for the killer to help him! That kill order is also being slow in passing!
Since Contessa disappeared, nothing was going right!
He might have to take out bigger guns soon. Obviously, what he is currently doing is not working good enough. His mind turned to the secret he was keeping even from Contessa... No, using it would be too rash. It would risk getting Scions attention, and the Entity was behaving strangely. He blamed it on the death of the other Entity. He wished he didn't kill Eden, but how was he supposed to know that the death of all humanity would be just a step in creating better world, and not the end of the world? He did what he did though, so now he had to replace the actions Eden would have taken to start the Conception. And prepare in case he had to replace Scion's role as well, even if that was unlikely.
But as for the demi-fiend and Contessa... If heroes aren't working, maybe Gaeans will? Hmm... Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. If he makes Gaeans attack those two... but which subsect? Maybe Fallen? No, making them visit Brockton Bay would be too hard, those fanatics. Hmm... Teeths should work. He will just have to make sure Butcher knows he can't take control over Taylor Hebert, but it should work...
He called, but Butcher didn't answer. That was fine, he can wait. Butcher is pretty busy most of the time after all, but he or she always calls back within two days.
PoV: Maiden Fortuna
Taylor wasn't saying anything. Was she just waiting for her to continue? Was she in shock? Was she just pretending to listen? She didn't know, her power was more useless against her than against Eidolon or Endbringers, it outright refused to work. She had to almost entirely ignore it, as it was suggesting how to talk with Faultline without taking into account how Taylor would react.
"Why would you even be telling us all that, Tyche? You think you can forget about Greg, Newter, and all the others you have hurt? That you can just say 'I'm one of the good guys now.' like in some cartoon for kids?" Speaking of Faultline, the woman almost sneered at her.
"The reason I left Hikawa is simple - I realized his way is wrong. It's one thing to accept doing actrocities to save the world, it's another thing entirely to accept them for ambitions of an insane man. I'm not seeking redemption or forgiveness - I've commited more crimes than you can probably imagine, I'm not foolish enough to believe I can get it. I'm an evil woman with good intentions, and now to help the world I feel the need to ally with T and kill Hikawa."
That wasn't the whole truth, of course. But Faultline, she wouldn't believe her if she told the truth. After all, she still barely believes it herself. That all her life was just one big lie, but also that one demi-fiend (that can't even remember her from what it seems) restored her hope in humanity.
"Was there something else I needed to explain? Ah, yes, there is that. I've said before that there are very few people with powers coming from a source different from the usual two, and that T is one of them, right? Well, one of the important parts of those people is their immunity to pre-cogs of all kind, including mine own. As such, I'm pretty sure that the one responsible for the recent killing spree in Brockton Bay is one of those people. Be careful, T. I don't know if that person works for Hikawa, but in any case they might be aggresive towards you due to you being, well, an anomaly."
She was serious. She knew Taylor would read between lines, she is smart enough for that. She was sure that the one killing people was a pseudo-fiend, otherwise her power wouldn't out right refuse to work. Even Eidolon or Endbringers, while she couldn't just see their future, she could still simulate them. And demons just made her power give wrong results, not stop working. No, only fiends and such produced this reaction. But a true fiend is so powerful, she would feel it from here. Since Taylor wasn't the one killing them, it only left pseudo-fiends, which meant either Musubi or Yosuba. Probably Yosuga though, as Musubi would be more discreet.
And a follower of Musubi would definitely have an axe to grind with Taylor.
"Hey, you talk about anomalies and all that, by why is Fiend attacked by all Warrior parahumans?"
That voice... Pixie? Yeah, Pixie. So Pixie is with Taylor on the phone? She should have expected that. But what was that about Warrior parahumans?
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, that every parahuman with Warrior shard gets crazy at the sight of Fiend or anything! She can't even talk with Faultline without making her feel like killing my friend!"
She blinked. Warrior, that's how Taylor called Scion... Oh god. Eden and Scion were made by Great Will, weren't they? And Taylor pissed off Great Will when she refused all the Reasons and returned the world to prior state. Eden is dead, so her Shards would be unaffected, but Scion isn't. But then, if that's the case, why isn't Scion himself attacking Taylor? Why are only Shards aggresive?
"I don't know. I suspect it has also to do with T being an anomaly. Eden is dead, so powers from her don't affect minds of parahumans, but Scion is very much alive, and powers from him already do affect minds, such as the conflict drive. I can imagine this being also the reason why those parahumans get aggresive towards T, but that's just a theory."
No answer through the phone. Contessa looked at Faultline, but the woman also stayed silent.
"Well, unless you have more questions, I think that's it. How do you feel about meeting me now, T?"
She didn't answer for a bit, probably thinking. Then, she...
[] Agreed to meet, and gave her location.
[] Refused to meet.
[] Ask some questions first.
-[] About (write-in).
PoV: Jyoji Hijiri
His plans to kill the boy were being delayed. Empire seems to be panicing, what with all the killings in their territory, and some of them were making moves into ABB territory. He was ordered by Lung to deal with them, and so he did, but now Lung is being careful, preparing in case of gang war exploding, and he won't just follow after him.
He has seen the video, the one showing for a short moment the one responsible for all the killings. Just one look was enough for him to know what's going on. A pseudo-fiend, follower of Yosuga, was gathering strength from Magatsuhi posessed by the humans she was killing. He didn't know what to do with it. On one hand, with her gone, Empire would calm down and Lung would stop being so careful. On the other hand, a gang war is just what might give him an occasion to get Lung to kill that boy. There is also the fact, that strong followers of Reasons might kill demi-fiend, and he can't allow that.
There is also the problem of his strength. He is good, really good, but his body is that of a normal human, so currently he stands no chance against the more powerful demons or parahumans. If only he could get his hands on a summoning device... The constant connection to demons would infuse his body with their energy, letting him grow truly powerful once more. But no, that's impossible. He checked, this worlds Stephen is dead, killed by Simurgh. And while he knows much, how to make such device isn't one of those things.
There are those who summon demons without any sort of device, but he doesn't know how to do that either. So, unfortunately, for now he is limited to just human strength. At least the equipment he bought is of high quality. His costume resembles his outfit from the time he was fighting as a gladiator, with an addition of domino mask, and his cape name is supposed to be "Hawk". Oh, such irony.
Well, for now, he will bade his time, and wait for other events. Something will happen in the future, he is sure of that.
PoV: ???
He is getting iritated. He can't spend a day without someone approaching him to have him join some organisation or gang. Many of them even think they can force him to it! Hah, jokes on them, now their wallets are empty and his is full. How was the last one called anyway? Butcher? What kind of stupid name is that? And he even kept shouting something about being a voice in his head. And wore clothes like a barbarian. That was freaky.
Not as freaky as being approached by nazi though. This world still has real nazi, like real real nazi! What the hell?!
He got a nice cape from one of them. Since everyone keeps calling him cape, he might as well have one. It made him look like a hero, even. He chuckled. Him, a hero? Yeah, right.