If corruption is necessary for possession to take root and multiple people can be corrupted at once, that still doesn't mean multiple people can be possessed at once.

This also in no way changes my Occam's razor-oriented point about how 'subverted the Scouters' fits at least as well and is a far simpler explanation than jumping immediately to that, for already observed reasons.

Try not to get sidetracked fiddling with degrees of canon accuracy (which is admittedly generally important) while trying to digest authorial input - time and a place, yannow?
Fair enough.
[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.
[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.
So how IS the vote looking so far?
Vote Tally : A Cooler Broly Saga (DBZ) | Page 222 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.3.2

[13] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.
[11] - ???
[9] - Take a breath. The Herans - some of them at least - seem to suspect they've bitten off more than they can chew, so you'll deny them the time to fully process their mistakes.
[6] - Brutalize them. You haven't had a chance to properly fight in years, and spars can only do so much. How thoughtful of the Herans to volunteer!
[4] Toy with them: They probably have useful techniques to steal. Steal everything of value from them and only then erase them from existence.

Total No. of Voters: 43
[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.
[X] - ???

I'm doin' it. In Golem Quest the Mystery Box stuff was pretty amazing for us, and fun to read about. One Lucci Quest Mystery Box would've gone badly, but I think another one would've wrapped up the Moon Fight about as effectively as the write-in eventually did, give or take.

They're fun, they're weird, and they're shiny. I wouldn't even call them high-risk, high-reward, necessarily, because it's more... there's a sure risk, but also a pretty probable potent benefit.

If not following me in the pursuit of the Shiny, please do recall, as Bob himself notes, that Broly has been seeming dissatisfied with lack of big combat. Even in the updates we've been in his head for, he's been bored and frustrated by how easy the fights have been.

Let's, uh, at least try to nip that in the bud before he starts provoking strong people to try and get good fights in and then trying to report around it to look justified to Cooler when he gets checked on? Because I'm pretty sure he could do that, at this stage, or at least try, and it'd be a problem we don't want to have to deal with -- largely because we cannot control him if he decides he don't get no satisfaction.
[X] - ???

This is the first time I've seen a mystery box option come up and been around to vote on it. I feel as though I shouldn't let the option pass us by. It may horribly frack us over, but I'm sure it'll be INTERESTING, which at this juncture is what I want.
[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.

Switching to this so the mystery option doesn't win.
Casual reminder that Brolys frustration level is a real thing

And if he casually wipes out the active Canon threats then Broly may eventually turn towards looking for challenges on his own

Which will be an issue once we take control of Cooler again

So...even if you don't want the mystery box, just casually one shotting the Herans has its own potential issues
Now that Bulma has a glimpse of that level of that power level, Broly can probably challenge her to make something he can't easily murder and use that as his argument ender whenever Bulma brings up beating him in tech

I mean she could make training ground that was relevant to Vegeta well past the series, I'm sure if Broly gives her the motivation, she'd make something that makes perfect cell seem like an insect by comparison

Well, even more of an insect

The part where it could possibly be mass produced as PTO troop is just a bonus
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Now that Bulma has a glimpse of that level of that power level, Broly can probably challenge her to make something he can't easily murder and use that as his argument ender whenever Bulma brings up beating him in tech

I mean she could make training ground that was relevant to Vegeta well past the series, I'm sure if Broly gives her the motivation, she'd make something that makes perfect cell seem like an insect by comparison

Well, even more of an insect

The part where it could possibly be mass produced as PTO troop is just a bonus
Except she never could. Killing sub-seibahmen level individuals is one thing

Challeging someone on a fast track to rival Bills is a whole other level of impossible.

The mystery box is interesting. The eraser cannon is not only not interesting, it presents a possible future risk.

Because I really doubt that Bob is going to waste an update by having a fight scene consisting solely of

"Broly fired Eraser Cannons until the minions died"

This is also probably helping to determine how Broly handles Bojack as well, and just one shotting him merely adds to that level of frustration
Can someone come up with an idea for how to make sure Toddler doesn't get to do anything then, at least.
Because I'm paranoid as fuck about that jackass getting to do anything.
If I could get some guarantee that "no Toddler won't get to do any planner bullshit", I'd feel much better about anything else picked.
Can someone come up with an idea for how to make sure Toddler doesn't get to do anything then, at least.
Because I'm paranoid as fuck about that jackass getting to do anything.
If I could get some guarantee that "no Toddler won't get to do any planner bullshit", I'd feel much better about anything else picked.
Earth is surrounded by an Energy Shield

He isn't getting in

Broly is covered by an Energy Shield

Any infection would have to get past that first.

Its very unlikely to happen.
if the other choice is the mystery box I'll actually vote, and vote for this thanks >.>

[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.
[X] - Erase them. The Eraser Cannon is the truest staple of your signature technique line, and to those unaware of its nature it looks deceptively weak… right up until it detonates.

This would seem to deal with most unpleasant surprises before they pop up.
Earth is surrounded by an Energy Shield
Broly is covered by an Energy Shield
Any infection would have to get past that first.
Its very unlikely to happen.
This is a rather critical point that I think a bunch of people with Toddler/Baby fears are really not considering - Broly's first ever original technique is sealed well enough for space travel, and was so when instinctually made as a baby.

He has since then only gotten stronger and more skillful at the technique, and it's kind of awesome as a defensive tech.

He also seems entirely comfortable using it as a barrier to keep entities from getting to whatever the Energy Shield is guarding.

It would further seem highly relevant to Broly's risk of being infected by Baby/Toddler, and similarly highly relevant to the risk of infection anything that Broly Energy Shields would have to deal with.

Caution is fine and dandy and often even laudable - but make sure you're actually looking at the situation clearly, and not fearfully.
if the other choice is the mystery box I'll actually vote, and vote for this thanks >.>
You know that this, being unilaterally averse to something because once it did something you didn't like, nevermind all the times it was fun and you enjoyed it, is the same thing as people being irrationally afraid of Pitbulls to the point of wanting to just ban them.
This would seem to deal with most unpleasant surprises before they pop up.
No, that would be the timestop option - dealing with things before they're an issue is unassailably the realm of time magic, yo.
Yay, now Brolly's going to have issues.
It's funny how many voters don't seem to consider relevant tropes in the setting they're playing in - like say, the many iconic shounen tropes DB established.
@Bob's Beard if Brutalize them or Toy with them had a chance of winning this I would vote for them, I never vote for mystery box options however, not in any quest, it's not just your quest, every time I've seen one win it's ended up kicking the questers in the nuts in one way or another, or just made things worse somehow or at the very least not made anything better /shrug
I wanna give a speech about Bulma before blowing these guys the fuck up.

Or just take the mystery option. Seriously, every other option is a variation on trying to crush them asap.
[X] - ???

I wanna have Broly string them on all long as he can, giving them every chance to defeat him before brutalizing them and taking them as prisoners to Cooler.

I mean, this is DBZ and we haven't had one ridiculously long fight that was mainly grandstanding yet. Maybe take down frustration levels a tad, as prisoners for Cooler would be harder to do then simply annihilating them and they could be questioned about Toddler and its abilities.
@Bob's Beard if Brutalize them or Toy with them had a chance of winning this I would vote for them, I never vote for mystery box options however, not in any quest, it's not just your quest, every time I've seen one win it's ended up kicking the questers in the nuts in one way or another, or just made things worse somehow or at the very least not made anything better /shrug
Except, if I'm remembering right that you were around for at least two or more mystery boxes worth between Golem and Lucci quest, that's not true.

It hasn't kicked the questers every time, and the distinction between 'how often/bad things actually were' and 'how bad they feel when you off-handedly recollect them' is... well, critical.

And even if you weren't around for any of those, that doesn't change the fact that per at least some of the voters who've been in my quests for past mystery boxes, they haven't felt kicked in the nads. In fact, the only mystery box that might have been such, Hattori's potential asplosion... wasn't voted for.

So while I understand innate aversion, please try to contextualize it around the quest you're actually in, okay?
I wanna give a speech about Bulma before blowing these guys the fuck up.
That is certainly something write-ins can do, though I'll note they're already charging at you.

If you have confidence in your Energy Shield - which, given it's relevance to Broly I think is more than fair - then hey, there you go.
Or just take the mystery option. Seriously, every other option is a variation on trying to crush them asap.
I don't think I've ever made a rule you couldn't try to slot a speech onto a mystery option vote - if you want, you could shoot for that!
That is certainly something write-ins can do, though I'll note they're already charging at you.

If you have confidence in your Energy Shield - which, given it's relevance to Broly I think is more than fair - then hey, there you go.

I don't think I've ever made a rule you couldn't try to slot a speech onto a mystery option vote - if you want, you could shoot for that!
Admittedly I wasn't being entirely serious, but I really want Brolly to cut loose and enjoy the strongest foes he's ever faced. I also assume the question marks represent something that won't do this, but I really wanna know what it is.
Let's see, going on the Mystery Boxes I remember:

Three in Lucci Quest, two in Golem Quest.

In Lucci they'd have given us the full infusion of the Moon Sin without the invasion later, landed one of the little Sin-filled guys on the thing we were carrying our disciples on so we'd know about that earlier and have ways to prepare, and killed Hattori (though it's notable that in terms of power or whatnot that would've put us in touch with Hanzo, and while it'd have been right sad at the time that doesn't mean that no good could have ever come from it narratively). I know there was at least one more earlier that I think turned out pretty amazingly but it was before I was voting.

In Golem they souped up our cannon something fierce, put 'Rick in touch with a deeper part of himself, got us some non-MC viewpoints for a bit, and massively changed the nature of the region -- though both of those followed a non-Mystery Box that did far more of the fuckery than the Boxes did, even if they took most of the blame. Like, I know it seemed smart at the time, but holy hell we really could have expected what happened.

So, yeah, there's not no negative. But don't assume worst-case scenarios, either.

Here are some more likely bad outcomes than Toddley-infection or Earth-destruction:
  • Broly's PL gets outed to some degree;
  • Broly ends up letting one or more of the Herans escape and has to stay near Earth for a while;
  • Bulma realizes just how much power is getting slung around in comparison to what she can do herself;
  • We accidentally a non-Earth planet;
  • The Kais come and watch and try to take Broly to the Otherworld for a bit;
  • Broly has too much fun and needs to lie down for a minute, missing Cooler's call to return immediately and missing a meeting with King Cold.
Buuut in so doing we might get Bulma working on things useful to Broly, or new techniques of our own rather than cobbled-together shit from the Herans (Broly is one of the few I'd wager could actually work out a Kaio-Ken sort of move on his own if circumstances struck him to), or wow the planet into loving us and gaining their loyalty for the PTO/Cooler, or getting in good with the Kais who come to watch the fight thanks to Skotty, or whatever.

Really, let's be real here. We don't know what will happen with any of these results. We can strongly suspect outcomes based on the clues left in the quest so far, but those results will have other impacts, and so on. So here's some doomsday naysaying about all the other votes, because I'm contrary:
  • Destroying them is going to be using way too much power. Broly will be bored (though, hey, getting to use ultimate technique, cool), and likely blow up a planet or two by mistake.
  • Brutalizing them means getting in close and likely leaving a negative impression on anyone that's watching. You know someone is watching.
  • Erasing them is still likely boring-ish, and still likely to accidentally explode a planet or something. Also works best on them one-at-a-time, likely.
  • Taking a breath is still going to be uninteresting, but if the Herans could threaten the Kais that includes Skotty, so they probably have some counter to time fuckery that I'd rather not experience in case it isn't just more time fuckery.
  • Ascending will likely either have us losing control at some point such that a planet gets wasted or they run away and actually manage to escape somehow.
Stretching a bit? Sure, but so is most of the fear with the Box.

This is Bob. If he says it's not something entirely bad then I believe him -- he'll avoid answering more than lie, and while he can bend things very well to not give hints he's mostly just pointing out some of the reasoning here, I think. We don't know what it is, but the Shiny is not inherently a trap. They also don't come up all that often, generally.