A Cause (Maybe) Worth Fighting For! SV Commands A GLA Cell OOC Thread (Now Recruiting!)


Really in the mood for ribs.


The word sounds so noble, so righteous, does it not? Then how does it explain where you are now, sitting in a bunker wondering if an American SEAL team is going to kick in your door and gun you all down. Hell, you weren't even involved until ROB, the rat-bastard, yanked you out of your room, dressed you up and sat you down here while an old VCR player started telling you the situation.

"Hello! So sorry that this was done in a rush, but I didn't want to give you the chance to refuse! You see, I've decided to do a study on terrorism and fundamentalist militarism and I knew you people provide such useful and informative results, so I've put you all in command of a GLA Cell in a world that will be suitably reactive to terrorist activities, and to spice things up there's some heroic figures who could probably dismantle you singlehandedly if you don't prepare for them. If you want to leave, it's simple. Amass a personal fortune in the numbered Swiss bank accounts provided as well as accomplishing any other goals I give you, and you shall return home. I'll even let you keep the Swiss accounts because I'm a nice guy like that."

And with that, the tape comes to an abrupt end, leaving you all looking at each other and wondering what the hell do you do now?

Hello and welcome to a cause that is possibly worth fighting for! In the self-interests of ROB, you have been placed in command of a low-level cell of the Global Liberation Army, and in a few hours the main command elements of the GLA are going to either die, betray the cause, or...no, that's it.

But basically, ROB has put you in charge of a cell belonging to an organisation that apart from your standard-issue 'Islamic' jihadist to anti-corporate anarchists, communist guerillas, drug cartels, and slave traffickers. And no amount of rebranding is going to stop people from wanting you all dead.

So what do you do? Getting money may or may not be easy, but what about the other mysterious 'goals' put forward by ROB? What about these 'heroic' individuals who basically sound like your stock-in-trade action movie hero? What else could ROB be doing behind the scenes? You've been in this situation before; sanity is going to be going the window fairly soon, but you had best be ready to withstand whatever bucket of shit was about to be thrown into your face.

This is a game for 2 to 6 players commanding the GLA in a world that is rapidly going to go to shit. Your goal is relatively simple; fulfill whatever ROB sets before you and line your pockets so that you can return home with a fat stack of cash in a numbered Swiss bank account. Money always makes things go better after all.

But there are some changes, as will be explained below.


Now, all turns take place within one week intervals. It's a modern world, a lot can happen in just one day, let alone a week. This of course means that research and production has been drastically changed.

Roles within the GLA:
Things have changed. It's not the usual list of actions taken by all players now. Now, there are roles.

This is the list of all standard actions that people familiar with me might know.

Well, that all changes now.

GLA Cell Commander:

This is the Boss, the guy in charge of everything. As such, the Cell Commander has their finger in every pie, and is the only individual who uses the full, standard list of actions above.

GLA Propaganda Master:
This guy is responsible for diplomacy and communicating with allies inside and outside the fractious GLA, meaning they can't waste time commanding forces in the field or engaging in spycraft.

GLA Operations Officer:

The Operations Officer is the best person for coordinating the unruly mob that is the GLA's military might, and as such they don't have time for social niceties or poring over research data.

GLA Chief Researcher:

The Chief Researcher has too much work to do in order to research better tech and design better units! Too much work! TOO MUCH!

GLA Procurement Officer:

The GLA needs guns, tanks, men, food, money, drugs, guns, chemical weapons and did we mention guns?

GLA Spymaster:

Someone needs to make sure that your Cell delivers its operatives where they need to go and get information back to the rest of the council.

Joining the game:

Without the concerns for race and borders that other factions have, the GLA is open to any ethnicity, any religion, any way of life, all to beat back the forces of neo-imperialism and oppression by way of the gun and money! All you have to do is rather simple!

User Name: What is your SV Name?
Alias: What will you be known by to the world at large should they discover your identity?
In-Character Quote: Make it memorable!
Physical Description: Photos must be SPOILERED to cut down on size issues.
Goal after surviving: What do you intend to do with the money?
Preferred Role: What do you want to do?
Preferred Region: Pick either Eastern Europe, Africa, or South America.

Spelling and punctuation counts! I want be able to READ your posts after all!

Code Of Conduct For the Game and OOC Threads:
1: You are playing the GLA, not ISIS or Al-Qaeda or whoever else. You are not going to be allying with such, not that I expect you would if given the chance.
2: Only someone too stupid to miss the difference between real-life and fantasy would flame the players or other posters here. Don't be that fucking stupid.
3: No politics. If you bring politics into this game, you are a retard who needs better hobbies. Also you will be kicked out.
4: No religion. I don't give a shit if you worship Allah or Dagon, don't bring your religion in here because it's going to be satirized pretty badly anyway.
5: White Knight all you want, just don't bitch to me when the rest of the world still comes down on you like a pile of bricks.

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Jesus fuck this looks interesting.

*looks at nearly a dozen other RPs he's in and mountains of class work due tomorrow*

Eh.. what the hell, I could do another. I probably won't even get in!

Sign me up.

For the Physical Description, can it be anything we want so long as it's human?
User Name: Generic_Generica
Alias: Ethan Spencer
In-Character Quote: "This is the part where I say something witty and memorable. No wait, this is the part where I say something witty and memorable. Did I mention I was supposed to say something witty and memorable right about now? Yes? Okay."
Physical Description:
Goal after surviving: Buy an island. Fortify the fuck out of that island. Fortify the island some more. Retire and live a lazy life in the lap of luxury. Full on hedonistic lifestyle here.
Preferred Role: Spymaster
Preferred Region: Eastern Europe

I'm hyped. Let's go.
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Changes to Production and Research
In previous games, it was fairly easy to rush towards certain technologies since there was no cost involved, only a good dice roll.

Similarly, production could be spammed by just paying for everything.

Now, that has been changed. From now on, production and research have been changed to take longer.

Research now requires Research Points (RP) generated automatically at a set base rate that can be increased by building research facilities and other means of boosting research. Every week, a set number of RP is budgeted into ongoing research topics which can be decreased or increased by using a Research Action to change the RP budgets.

The same is true for Production. Now, when production is started, a set amount of Industrial Output Units (IOU) and Supply Points (SP) is budgeted to the unit. Using a Production action can, like Research Points, be used to increase or decrease the amount of IOU given to each production project. However, you can also pay Twice (2x) the IOU cost in Money to instantly finish a project as cash is spent to acquire the necessary materials, ammo, and workforce to complete the project.
How the Master Data Sheets will change
The Master Data Sheet is a post on the first page of the IC thread that contains all the information about your faction. If you ever need to know what you can do, what needs to be done, and what should be done, always refer to the threadmarked Master Data Sheet.

To prevent clutter, the Master Data Sheet will be divided into additional 'pages' so that each can be dedicated to specific areas of your faction's capabilities, from production to active military operations, to research and covert operations.

With luck, this will reduce clutter and give you an easier time finding the info you need.
User Name: Zedalb
Alias: Daniel Patterson
In-Character Quote:"You haven't lived until you've had a combat boner"
Physical Description
Goal after surviving: Give it to a large number of charities keeping just enough to retire comfortably.
Preferred Role: Cell Commander.
Preferred Region: South America
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Did you want what we wear, or what we look like under disguises?
Character Sheet

User Name: Sablonus
Alias: Vincent Thomas
In-Character Quote: "Propaganda? That's too much work. How about i just play Muse's Supremacy and Uprising across the world instead?"
Physical Description:
Goal after surviving: Disneyland! Find a nice, quiet, hole with WiFi and pizza to live out the rest of my days.
Preferred Role: GLA Propaganda Master
Preferred Region: Eastern Europe
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Yes. No playing as elves or talking dogs or robots or what have you. :p
Well, well :V

User Name: Hannz
Alias: Brenna Riverra
In-Character Quote: "Nikes for everybody!"
Physical Description:
Goal after surviving: Dive into a pile of cash.
Preferred Role: GLA Operations Officer
Preferred Region: Asia

As you can see, I may have drunk a little too much of something to come up with an more serious app. :smile:

I'll go and change it if needed.
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Well, well :V

User Name: Hannz
Alias: Brenna Riverra
In-Character Quote: "Nikes for everybody!"
Physical Description:
Goal after surviving: Dive into a pile of cash.
Preferred Role: GLA Operations Officer
Preferred Region: Asia

As you can see, I may have drunk a little too much of something to come up with an more serious app. :smile:

I'll go and change it if needed.
Hm.. in light of your appearance, this team desperately needs someone who looks-

We have two operations right now, any chance I could go cell commander?

I have been dying, to find a strategy game I can sink my teeth into and this seems perfect.
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Lol, let me get coffee and reread the rules. Might make a application.