Fiction is illusion. It is not real. Never was and never will be.
Any fictional work has accepted deviations from how reality works, made for the sake of providing fun.
Your tolerance to bullshit is rather a spectrum, which is based on accumulated experiences and personal tastes. But it doesn't make any particular fiction any less bullshit. You just conditioned yourself to kinda ignore logical flaws of particular fictional works, you find to your liking.
Embrace your madness!
I know when to suspend my disbelief. That particular moment in this story was not one of those times. I'm not saying I hate this story, I'm saying I hate that specific part, because it's frankly, quite terrifying even without the iota of thought put into it. Just the direction of it all felt perverted, and not in the good kind of way, definitely not in the fanservice kind of way.
"Embracing your madness" is an excuse and a cop out. Repeating that over and over again doesn't make it true. This isn't even about comedy- I've seen and read far more absurd things without batting an eye. I've seen stupid crap like Jesus Christ getting mistaken as a Yakuza.
I've read Golden Boy. This one, though? I can't. I've already expressed my reasons why.
But let me explain one more time, this time with slightly different words, maybe this time my point can come across clearly.
Great stories, no matter what genres they have, have internal consistency. It doesn't matter how they play their cards- subverting or just making really good representation and execution of them- they all follow along their own line of thinking. This fic already set up it's own conventions- the world playing the straight man to the main character's comedy routine. There wasn't any indications of it anything but the vanilla as-is, no AU or anything of the sort save for the butterflies the SI's existence will cause. I took the fic as such, so when I come across a scene that breaks character of not one, but two characters, all seemingly to move the story along (operation get a house), and does it in such lackadaisical way I can't help but call out the BS because it already broke it's own internal consistency.
Anyways, that's it. No more addendum, explanations or counter arguments from me, because it's making me sound like I hate this story, when I really don't.