So Panacea and Kaiser to make exotic raw materials, use Amy's power to make biological refineries to start resource gathering for Tinker bootstrapping.

Then go with Dragon + String Theory (assuming she isn't an Eden cape) to make that G-Driver, possibly loading in Bakuda from time to time for extra exotic effects.

Now switch to Flechette + that cape that never misses that became the Butcher, and use those powers to fire the Super G-Driver you just made at Scion to punch a hole through his avatar into his real body.

Now launch all the String Theory enhanced Bakuda bombs through that hole and win the game.

You may need to spend time using combos of Bakuda, Leet, Dragon, and Armsmaster to make a precog blocker first, it depends on whether or not Scion runs his PTV at any time other than when he is fighting.

Oh Richter + Dragon to become the ultimate programmer, you can easily make Ascalon useless then.
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I am this close to doing this myself while trying to figure out where I was going with my own work. Thank you for introducing me to this.

And thank you for being funny.
1.2 I am a pawful person.
And so, my first steps into the wormverse begin. Mistakes were made and I immediately regret all of my decisions.

Let the chaos begin..

I'd like to say my first glimpse of Taylor was one of her in her best light, where her determination, will to live and beauty shined through.

I was sorely disappointed. Angry tears and soaked to the bone in all manner of fruit juices was what I was presented with as I rode the empty bus with her. While not ugly, Taylor was, for lack of a better word? Average. Oh she did have a small pooch, her arms and legs were a bit thin, her facial features were as described in the story but it wasn't an ugly look by any means. Just... average? Huh. Well I could do something about that... not that I thought she needed it though. Given a few more years, a better diet, a rigorous exercise plan and a bit of make-up to highlight the best parts of her features, she could be practically stunning. But that wasn't the point here.

Adolescence is a time where body image is... well, practically everything. And Taylor? ...Yeah, her self esteem was shot right to hell. If I was going to get on the good side of one of the most powerful parahuman's on this planet then I needed a game plan. Sure, she wasn't much to speak of right now; She had no discipline, no skills, no experience. But what she did have, was the mindset to keep going and a preternatural ability to game the hell out of her powers.

Rob wanted me to entertain him, at least I'm assuming it's a him... then I was going to blow canon right the fuck out of the water.

This was my first step, lets make it graceful.

"Banzai hahahaa!" I leapt over the back of my seat with a hearty laugh, landing adjacent to Taylor with a loud thump of ass on cushion. The yelp the girl let out and her subsequent turtling up into the corner of the bench was practically heartbreaking. "Heyo, I know it's not that polite to sit next to someone without asking but I was getting bored sitting there all by myself." Did I sound like a spaz? But of course, I needed to come off as carefree and genuine. I was suitably concealed as well, with my tail hidden, a hat on my head and a pair of Panacea-power crafted contacts over my eyes to hide the cat pupils. It wasn't fool proof and under a suitable amount of scrutiny I'd probably be given away, but it did the job. "Names Shiro, what's your name?"

Those dark eyes stared at me for several moments, a dull buzz that even my prodigious hearing could only barely pick up tipping me off that Taylor was already starting to dump some of her emotions into her swarm. The girl's anxiety was palpable, if a bit sad and infuriating. I swapped to Tattletale and Uber, letting the former feed me information while the latter I focused on improving my negotiating skills.

Bullied. Bullied by person close to her. Best friend bullies her. Subconsciously suicidal, seeks escape from her situation, Plans to go out and patrol the streets as a Hero. Is a Parahuman. Insects nearby moving under conscious control. Can control insects.

Stuff that I already knew but good try, power.

"T-Taylor." She finally responded, her voice sounding rather quiet and reserved.

Anti-social. Wants validation. Cautious. Fearful. Will latch on to supportive influences. Control issues. Needs to be in control of the situation.

So I had to comfort her without coming across as manipulative and allow her to lead the conversation... huh. Well Uber's power was helping in that regard. Being a near instant master at manipulation feels weird. Tastes kinda like purple too. "It's good to meet you." I smiled, tilting my head in just the right way to seem genuine, the subtle pull of Ubers power moving my hand out for her to shake, palm up so that she can cover my hand with her own.

She reached out nervously, placing her hand on mine which allowed me to switch Lisa's power out for Panacea. In that second or two of contact I had her entire body mapped out. To facilitate an easier time of ingratiating myself to her, I tweaked her Serotonin levels a bit and sent her Endorphins trickling through her system in tiny amounts. When I let go of her hand the change wasn't quite noticeable but she clearly started to relax some in my presence as the happy-happy feel-good chemicals worked their magic. I swapped back to Tattletale and continue the conversation. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but why is your clothing stained like that?" Just a touch of concern said in just the right way.

Taylor seemed to wilt at that question, mumbling something about bullies and trying very hard not to make eye contact.

"Well then those bullies are assholes." I remark imperiously, a scowl on my face. "Just the worst sort of people." I pause, turning toward the front of the bus, sitting quietly, waiting.

"Y-yeah, they really are." Hook, line and sinker. "They... they've been bullying me for... a long time now."

My expression softens, empathy tactfully measured to get the best response. Taylor blushes slightly at the positive attention- and isn't that a sad thought? "Why haven't you told anyone about it? If it's gone on for as long as I'm assuming it has, then either you can't tell the faculty or you wont tell them?"

Again with the depressing kicked puppy look. Jesus, Taylor you need all the hugs. After this you're getting a hug. Fuck it, Amy's getting a hug too. In fact? Hugs for everyone. Except Coil, because fuck Coil.

Actually no, don't fuck Coil, he doesn't deserve the nookie. Also, how the hell am I going to hug an Endbringer? Hrm, you know what? Fuck it, I'm going to hug an Endbringer at least once while I'm here, just to fuck with everyone in the battle, hopefully the Endbringer too.

Ignorant of my...reasonably insane ramblings, Taylor was explaining her situation at school, slowly bleeding off some of the stress I could see in her body, which Tattletale's power helpfully pointed out and labeled. Tenseness in the neck? The girls slumping put pressure on the nerves in her back, causing headaches and generally giving her a crappy attitude. Slight twinge in the hip? A previous fall, likely from getting pushed down the stairs, had bruised her hipbone and perhaps even damaged the bone some. It wasn't anything major but it was creating some inflammation which was making it uncomfortable for her to walk. Must have been hell while she was running.

On and on her problems went, every little injury, every tiny emotion, all of it was observed and taken into account. By the end Taylor had tears in her eyes and wouldn't look at me, though I suppose having someone actually listen to her problems for once had been a kind of attention she'd been lacking for... years now. Emma, Sophia, Madison? You three are officially on my shit-list. God those three were monsters if even half of what Taylor said they did was true... and I had no reason to doubt her, the girl was smart and had a good memory, that and she had all of the incidents recorded back at home. She wouldn't forgive or forget so easily.

I rubbed a hand gently on her back, comforting the girl as best as Uber's power would allow. I couldn't push too hard this early I had already manipulated her into sharing what her bullies were doing, but this was merely the first step, the first lynch pin in my greater plan.

Granted my greater plan basically boiled down to "Wing it and pray." but it always worked before, there was no way it could fail, no way at all. Completely fool proof.

"Um... Why do you have cat ears?"

Mother! Fucker!

Feel check. Yep, hat had pulled back a bit over the course of the conversation and one of my ears was poking out from under it. I quickly pulled the hat back over my head and looked around, there wasn't anyone else on the bus but you could never be too sure. Uber's power piped in then, directing me towards a semi truthful explanation. "Shh, keep your voice down." I mutter, ducking my head down, my ears twitching in response under the hat. I sighed, laying on the annoyance real thick. "I'm a case 53." I respond helpfully, though Taylor is only tangentially aware what that means apparently. "Monster cape ring any bells?" And there's the light bulb...and a little bit of fear, shit "Oi, none of that." I chastise lightly, throwing on a moping veneer. "Getting sick of people doing that, just because I got some animal parts doesn't mean I ain't human."

And now she's flickering through guilt, curiosity and... affection? Seriously, Taylor what the fuck?

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare..." She looked away. "I... I don't think you're monstrous at all, in fact they look really-" She fidgeted, blushing slightly. "Really cute."

Wait, what?

That's when my powers chimed in with the oh so helpful 'Too many Endorphin's you fucktard!'

Fucking hell, I messed up with panacea's powers and now she was getting high off her own body chemicals to where it was starting to affect her actions. Taylor wouldn't be this forward otherwise, dammit.

"Do you... do you have a tail too?"

...Where the hell was this going? I nodded, slowly. Jesus. "Yeah... I have a tail." I hesitantly pulled it free and let it swish back and forth behind me. If anything Taylor's breathing grew deeper.

Oh, fuck no! I know this game, I am not playing it.

"Could I... Could I touch your tail... it's just so... fluffy."

And she fucking says it anyway... It was about that time Uber's power chimed in that I should probably let her touch fluffy tail as it would allow me to adjust the chemical imbalance without coming across as an asshole. Resigned, I sacrificed my dignity to let Taylor get her Hora on. Curling up to where I could look at her, I laid the tail between us. "Fine, but no tugging, it's not a toy."

Taylor reached a hand out, hesitantly. When one of her fingers touched the hair I got to work easing back on the Endorphin's and lowering the rest of her arousal down.

Then her hand grasped the limb gently and started stroking.

My eyes kind of crossed there for a moment and goosebumps rocketed up my spine.

What. The. Hell!? I laid there, trying not to gasp as it felt like my guts tried to uppercut my fucking lungs. Back and forth, scritching and scratching. I swear I thought I saw stars there for a moment as Taylor's other hand reached up under my hat to gently start rubbing and scratching at my ears.

ROB you are an asshole, a wonderful, infuriating, bless-you-you-crazy-motherfucker-and-damn-you-for-the-same, asshole.

I slumped, curled up like the cat I was on Taylor's lap as she continued turning me into a limp noodle.

And yes, I can purr somehow, don't ask me how because I don't know... This was just a wonderful first step along my path to adventure.

Can you taste the sarcasm in that sentence? Good, because I hope you choke on it.


By the time Taylor's stop arrived, my dignity in regards to her was most assuredly gone...but that was fine, I could deal with it. On the plus side, she was far, far more comfortable with me than she would normally be. Granted, it's hard to be afraid or suspicious of someone when you just spent the past hour treating them like a house cat...

But then the uncomfortable moment arises as we both get off at her stop.

" Have to go home now." And she honestly looked kinda sad at that, having someone to talk to and have some comforting physical contact with was probably a major booster to her confidence.

"Yeah, I suppose you do." I shrugged, there really wasn't an not-awkward way to say this.

She seemed to hesitate. "Um." She fidgeted again, the buzz from her insects a bit stronger than normal due to her nervousness. Tattletales power was feeding me all kinds of fun facts about the situation too. The key point here was that she wanted my phone number but didn't know how to ask. Sadly.... I sigh. "I don't have a phone, cell or otherwise."

"Ah..." She grimaces, the buzzing increased a little bit.

If she was going to be this awkward then I might as well throw out the elephant/grizzly bear in the room. "Actually I don't really have a home either come to think about it."

Taylor stared at me, like what I'd just said was crazy. Okay, so not having a home for this girl, while terrifying, wasn't something she had to really worry about. There was no frame of reference for her, she'd always had a home so not having one was, anathema to her.

"I..." I cleared my throat. "I don't really have a place to live... Case 53 remember? Wake up in an alley, don't know who you are, kinda wander around for a bit until someone finds you then it's Protectorate or Wards? That Case 53?" I shrug. "I've only been aware of myself for." I glance up at the sky and snowball a number. "Probably about 16 hours now. Kinda had an altercation with some goons calling themselves the E88, met some lady named Miss Militia, turned down her offer because I really, really didn't like the sound of the Wards, too much like a sales pitch for comfort." Was I steering her away from the Wards and towards Independent? Fuck yeah I was. Last thing she needs is to meet up with Sophia at the PRT building and there's been so many Undersider Taylor stories out there it might as well be cliche. So no. No standard team for Taylor. I was going to create a team, or at least have us as a duo for the moment because I'd genuinely had a good time with Taylor.

Granted I spent eighty percent of that time being used as a fluffy stress ball but one cannot be too choosy in the grimmy darkness of Earth Bet.

Anyway. "After that I've just been walking around and..." And Uber's gift of Master Manipulator chimes in oh so helpfully that now was a good time to drop a bombshell. "And I kinda... saw you, walking by yourself all covered in juice." Here I forced a blush, though one not that hard to fake with just a few thoughts on the sensations my ears and tail had given me. "I couldn't help it, you looked so sad, sooo." I stressed the word, like it was poison on my lips. "I kinda followed you, to try and cheer you up." Was I laying the shy on thick? Perhaps, but by the way Taylor's face splotched red all the way down to her neck the buzzing growing a bit louder into a pulsing heartbeat that only I could hear.

I think she appreciated my stalker-ish/friendly neighborhood catboy attentions.

God, said like that I sounded like such a creeper...

And now another bomb for the bomb god, apparently "And I sorta, kinda, might know you're a Parahuman." I said this in a rush, as low as possible so that only she could hear.

The buzzing stopped.

Oh shit.

"What?" The flat tone coming from Taylor was terrifying.

Uber you fucker, first chance I get you're getting kicked in the nuts.

"I said." I gulped, already feeling a couple of bugs alighting on my body, mostly flies. I made the conscious decision not to slap at them. "I know about your...uh little friends. I can apparently determine certain things on touch... when we shook hands I... sorta found out?" The end came out more as a question than a statement but she continued to stare at me, the swarm started up again. This was probably terrifying to her, like a sucker punch to the gut. Some random person making her feel great while at the same time being completely at her mercy? Would make anyone feel better about themselves. But here? I was treading upon holy ground, something she'd kept secret for a quarter of a year now, while being paranoid as fuck.

And I'd just threw my knowledge of it in her face, just... just perfect. Fuck you Uber, I will make your capture as painful as physically possible.

Thankfully, the swarm did not descend and I did not have a chance to scream like a little girl. Also, Taylor lost that blank just-edging-on-terror filled face and replaced it with something a bit more... resigned? "So what are we going to do?" She sounded tired now, like she didn't know what to do. Hell, she probably didn't.

"Okay." I say slowly. "I didn't want to scare you but this seemed about as good a time as any to tell you. I didn't want me knowing your secret to cause some problems later on down the line. I didn't want to hide it from you." Annnd defeated look is a go. "If it's any conciliation my real name-well the name I chose for myself when I woke up, is Schrodinger."

Taylor blinked at that, resignation falling away to something bordering gratefulness and a hint of curiosity. "And your power?"

"Powers." I corrected her. "Near as I can tell, I can copycat any two powers from any Parahuman I know of." I switched Tattletale out for Skitter... and then let my mind into the swarm.

Whoa that feels fucking weird.

Taylor jolted as if she'd been slapped as I gently took control of one butterfly, alighting it on her cheek for a moment before releasing the ability and allowing Tattletale's to resume its functions.

The butterfly zoomed off, as fast and as far away as a creature such as it could move. Taylor was breathing heavily now, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't do that again." I assured her, holding up my hands. I didn't want to hurt our relationship this early, so I walked forward gently, bringing her hands into my own. "Just allowing you to see that I'm not bullshitting you." And here I smiled. "I have one other power though, one that you might be interested in."

I felt the flick of a switch within the back of my mind, then something traveled along the connection between me and Taylor and settled into her mind.

Taylor froze, a sudden jolt of whatever alien feeling my Shared Power Perk gave her, completely stopping some key thought processes for a moment.

"I can share with one person my ability to copy any two powers." Was I smug? Hell yes I was.

The hands in my grip tightened, becoming slightly uncomfortable as I assumed Taylor took on some Brute package, probably Aegis if Tattletale's power was anything to go by. Easy knowledge of what the teen's powers were, on top of Taylor's seemingly intuitive ability to use powers and... well...yeah.

Why didn't I like that look in her eyes...

Oh shit...

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I became the Hebert family pet.

Somewhere, somehow I just know ROB is laughing at me.


Canon? What canon? I don't see any canon, nothing but butterflies for miles. Sorry Japan, you gotta take another one for the team.

Also, again, only lightly looked over, couldn't sleep so decided to bust out this chapter over the butt crack of 'tomorrow'. Took a bit longer than I expected, unfortunately. Gonna go sleep now. Like always will fix things in the morning.
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It occurs to me that Jack Slash's power set would be very useful in any parahuman interactions you may have, which is to say, most of Schrodinger's interactions.
On the one hand, I don't understand how anyone finds the Eidolon-lite powerset in any way interesting...
On the other hand, catboy. Taylor's pet catboy to be specific XD

Looking forward to how she's going to present that to Danny lol
It occurs to me that Jack Slash's power set would be very useful in any parahuman interactions you may have, which is to say, most of Schrodinger's interactions.

Yeah, that's quite true. Tattletale + Uber is probably a good combo for manipulating your average joe. But for parahumans specifically, Jack Slash + Tattletale is pretty damn potent. Both are already damn good at messing with people, for good or ill, alone. Working in tandem it's almost unfair. :)

Though honestly, Tattletale's power in general is pretty broken when properly leveraged. Tattletale + Yanghban power enhancer is potent as hell. Or for planning Tattletale + Accord. And when fighting, Tattletale + the Yanghban strategist Thinker.

Never mind how stupidly broken (Parian + Flechette) + (Galavant/Power Enhancer + Tattletale) is for just being this unkillable whirlwind of death.
Well if you don't care who knows what you're doing, just go Heartbreaker + Canary. Make a public announcement for everyone to gather in the city park, then own the city.
Taylor: Dad I brought a friend home-
What is this?

Danny: It has come to my attention that you need help. So I invited some of the most trustworthy people available.

Taylor: Yourself?

Danny: Well, me from different worlds. Some where the locker didn't even happen.

Taylor: I'm going to take my cat into my room now.

Danny: Taylor that's a-

Danny2: Shh. This is perfectly acceptable.

Danny3: It's either a power thing or she made a new friend.

Danny4: Or she kidnapped someone.

Danny6: Yes. Like 2 said.

Danny69: What happened to 5?

Danny 64: He was insane. Spouting nonsense about how Taylor was mentally okay. He's in the home for Danny's now.
Wouldn't Flechette+Tattletale basically be the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception? Like, "Here is the spot that would utterly destroy this. Let's poke it with a stick."

On a related note, any Uber combination has the chance to be extraordinarily unfair. I watched Fury Road with an Engineering student. I got tips on how to improve The Citadel using only things shown in the movie and the ICS Mechanics Handbook. There's a copy with the pieces of an old scale sculpted into the V8 Symbol on my shelf now. That book and any thinker will make tinkers green with envy, because you don't have to break the laws of physics if you know enough. And Uber always knows enough.
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Pretty sure they're laughing even harder at the fact that no matter how embarrassing something might be, it can ALWAYS get worse... Having a typo there just ruined my diaphragm completely.
ROB, singular. My Random Omnomnomnipotint Asshole didn't give a name, just the title. So I am cursing him in particular and asshole ROB's in general.

It occurs to me that Jack Slash's power set would be very useful in any parahuman interactions you may have, which is to say, most of Schrodinger's interactions.
It occurs to me too, funny that in story me will likely have out of story me's reactions to stimuli, so if I fuck up and choose an inefficient combo while writing that can be reasonably assumed that it's something I would use in story because I wouldn't have thought of anything better unless power shenanigans were in play, which they weren't.

On the one hand, I don't understand how anyone finds the Eidolon-lite powerset in any way interesting...
On the other hand, catboy. Taylor's pet catboy to be specific XD

Looking forward to how she's going to present that to Danny lol
The Eidolon-lite powerset is for ease of shenanigans. Catboy is just for evulz on ROB's part.

Danny is probably going to take it about as well as can be considered. Incidentally. I'm probably going to have to go down to the RPT to have them legally become my guardians. Thats going to be fun. I have so many trolly ideas.

Well if you don't care who knows what you're doing, just go Heartbreaker + Canary. Make a public announcement for everyone to gather in the city park, then own the city.
Thats also a very quick way to get a kill order and have Alexandria packages intentionally deafen themselves to come kill me.

Since I'm a pedantic asshole; It's canon, not cannon.
You might use a cannon to blow canon out of the water.
Well, cannons are for shooting cannonballs.

Wouldn't Flechette+Tattletale basically be the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?

Just like yes, the other combos in this thread are pretty op. Just, my in story self has to both remember these combo's and think of their use, sometimes on the fly and sometimes with half remembered ideas. If I can't remember them with my completely ass memory then he wont either.
ROB, singular. My Random Omnomnomnipotint Asshole didn't give a name, just the title. So I am cursing him in particular and asshole ROB's in general.

It occurs to me too, funny that in story me will likely have out of story me's reactions to stimuli, so if I fuck up and choose an inefficient combo while writing that can be reasonably assumed that it's something I would use in story because I wouldn't have thought of anything better unless power shenanigans were in play, which they weren't.

The Eidolon-lite powerset is for ease of shenanigans. Catboy is just for evulz on ROB's part.

Danny is probably going to take it about as well as can be considered. Incidentally. I'm probably going to have to go down to the RPT to have them legally become my guardians. Thats going to be fun. I have so many trolly ideas.

Thats also a very quick way to get a kill order and have Alexandria packages intentionally deafen themselves to come kill me.

Just like yes, the other combos in this thread are pretty op. Just, my in story self has to both remember these combo's and think of their use, sometimes on the fly and sometimes with half remembered ideas. If I can't remember them with my completely ass memory then he wont either.
Also, displayed in Therapy,
Panacea+Parian=Master of Puppets
ROB, singular. My Random Omnomnomnipotint Asshole didn't give a name, just the title. So I am cursing him in particular and asshole ROB's in general.
ROB might find it sexist that you refer to it as male, or be insulted that you assign gender to it altogether. I would very much prefer not to incur its wrath and/or attention as you seemed to have foolishly done (although you may just be quite unlucky), therefore, I used the gender neutral pronoun they. Even if it is unlikely given their seeming casual usage of the English language when explaining your predicament, one can never be too safe when it comes to sexuality and ROBs. Especially the imaginative one that is responsible for Taylor's Catboy Schrodinger.
If I can't remember them with my completely ass memory then he wont either.
I like that honestly.
Let's be honest, what's so realistic/fun about a hyper-competent min-maxer right?
Plus min-maxing takes a lot of the fun out in stories imo, too much focus on the mechanics of the power, rather than the affects of the SI's presence in the Bay.
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Alexandria packages intentionally deafen themselves to come kill me
And that would be useless as heartbreaker's power is the same as Asimov's mule. Voice is not needed, just to have a brain and he'll twist your emotions. Canary was for range.

Just like yes, the other combos in this thread are pretty op. Just, my in story self has to both remember these combo's and think of their use, sometimes on the fly and sometimes with half remembered ideas. If I can't remember them with my completely ass memory then he wont either.

Be careful around thinker powers then. If you slot in miss militia you'd remember everything. If you slot accord you get all the plans and Jack slash too. And we'll know.
Thats also a very quick way to get a kill order and have Alexandria packages intentionally deafen themselves to come kill me.
Alexandria is physically incapable of deafening herself and not immune to Heartbreaker, but yes.
But at the point where you're willing to go Heartbreaker + Canary you probably already have a kill order on your head.

Besides you don't need to use both at the same time. You can use Grey Boy + Canary to lure your victims in, then Grey Boy + Heartbreaker to take them. As far as I know, Grey Boy is more or less the most difficult to kill amongst all natural triggers.
Even Lung, Alabaster or Nice Guy are easier to contain. With Grey Boy the only option you have is a powerful trump - such as happened in canon, with Faerie Queen taking him.

Incidentally, Fairy Queen is a natural trigger, right? What happens if the MC takes her power, uses it to retrieve a few powers, then drops it. Can he still use the retrieved powers the next time he calls on FQ?
If so, unobtrusively collecting powers using her is a good way of having 4 powers to call on in a particularly tight spot and maybe even getting your hands on some cauldron powers.
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