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Not really. I don't 100% trust original thoughts in the character-driven portions of this quest due to how much my values and thought processes seem to differ from Powerofmind's sometimes.
I do try to keep to the spirit of a choice rather than the letter of it, but on a deathworld, in a post-apocalyptic feudal society, a lot of values and thought processes will be different from what one would expect. Taking FaSE as an example, I hadn't expected an elite assault on Brynus Lichtra's keep while trying to avoid taking casualties in open conflict to be viewed as dishonorable in a society of raiders, but that's just the way things are sometimes.

I like to think I've been fairly open about telling you guys how a write-in will be taken by those around you before I lock, though, so please don't feel so averse to wanting to include write-ins. Sometimes I really just didn't think of something that would be a good idea.
Taking FaSE as an example, I hadn't expected an elite assault on Brynus Lichtra's keep while trying to avoid taking casualties in open conflict to be viewed as dishonorable in a society of raiders, but that's just the way things are sometimes.
IIRC, the raid on Lichtra's keep was never seen as dishonorable by anyone other than the Lichtras themselves, but of course they'll be biased.
In a completely unrelated tack, let me lay out a (completely theoretical I swear) long term plan of action for review:

0) Send As-Abba to the necessary courts identified below to do diplomatic checks to see if this is even theoretically possible

1) Induce Knight Alus to Plot to overthrow Lord Vihrea, making the necessary fabrications on his part to be able to claim his title. At a suitable point, have him rebel. Have Lyra's forces have been 'hired' as mercenaries (not as an external invasion winkwink) in order to win the battle and install Alus as Lord, retaining a Favor over him.

2) Fabricate claims on King Vari's personal holdings at the Lord level

3) Invite Lord Rundus and use the Favor on the newly minted Lord Alus to Plot against King Vari for Independence and for you to seize his Lord level titles, dissolving the kingship of Vellum. This should be 2 Lords + Lyra vs King + 2 Lords, which should have rough parity given Lyra's outsized/overteched army. Then if one of the other Lords happens to be militarily weak or could be induced to stay out...? End ideal state is the allied Lords are now independent, Lyra gets a second Lord title, and there are 2 other Lords who are also independent but are unhappy and who can be picked off at someone's leisure.
What about Tourlag? I thought the teller was upset with it because it wasn't 'from the front'.
She's a Knight of Frost hardliner, whose MO tends to be 'honorable combat' and true victory is determined by superior tactics and soldiering spirit, instead of unconventional strikes or irregular warfare.

Thorlaug only represents the Knight of Frost's veiws on the matter. If she was a Teller of a different Progenitor, she'd have a different opinion on the matter.

Of the 'Sisters of War', only the Knight of Frost cares about fighting fair.
She's a Knight of Frost hardliner, whose MO tends to be 'honorable combat' and true victory is determined by superior tactics and soldiering spirit, instead of unconventional strikes or irregular warfare.
Ah, orthodoxy.

I mean, from an open enough point of view, performing an unconventional strike is a superior tactic. ;X
So...anyone else? There are more than 3 voters here and someone needs to either break the deadlock or talk about why everything is unacceptable to them. ;X
[X] Apologize profusely to the teller and have Anders apologize as well. Regardless of his beliefs, insulting a teller like that is inappropriate and reflects poorly on all of us.
-[X] Privately, you appreciate his loyalty and don't require that he be devout, but you need him to try and keep an open mind given the nature of the trip.

[X] Tell your men to stop beating Carlos and levy additional severe punishment duties on him for the duration of the trip. If he fails to perform the additional duties appropriately and be properly contrite and attempting to earn back the trust of everyone, then beatings may continue.
I have allowed this vote to go on long enough. With three different names for the same flavor ice cream;
[X] Apologize profusely to the teller and have Anders apologize as well. Regardless of his beliefs, insulting a teller like that is inappropriate and reflects poorly on all of us.
-[X] Privately, you appreciate his loyalty and don't require that he be devout, but you need him to try and keep an open mind given the nature of the trip.

[X] Tell your men to stop beating Carlos and levy additional severe punishment duties on him for the duration of the trip. If he fails to perform the additional duties appropriately and be properly contrite and attempting to earn back the trust of everyone, then beatings may continue.
wins with two votes.

These votes aren't meant to be rocket science. I point to your earlier selections as examples of what you're actually voting for on the pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage of Lyra, 6
Pilgrimage of Lyra Zhao-Fan 6

You interpose yourself between the feuding parties easily enough, the pilgrims content to group up and look angry while your men have the discipline not to get into a brawl with unarmed peasants. "Anders, apologize at once!" you intone, facing the suddenly chastened man. Your head swivels and your bow your head slightly to the clergyman when he flounders, pausing too long. "I am deeply sorry that my honor guard has spoken so crassly, apprentice. We have had a difficult trip thus far and the remaining members of my group are all on edge."

The teller, a bit taken aback, still seems to nurse his new grudge. Fortunately, Anders bows deeply, his wits finally coming around. "It is as the Lady says," he says. "It is no excuse, but at near every turn we are beset with woes. I... allowed my temper to get the better of me."

You mentally sigh in relief, but you're not finished just yet. The teller seems pleased, but the pilgrim who caught sight of the beating still casts fearful glances. "I agree with you, teller, on the other issue that brought this about," you say. "Punishment should be reserved for some other time, or for those who deliberately and continuously act against others."

The look you send each of your honor guard is pointed, the look reserved for Carlos especially so. You will him to hear your thoughts, so help me, if you cause me trouble like this again... Something of your inner monologue must have reached your expression, because Carlos swallows nervously from his place near the pilgrims, where they pulled him after they confronted the rest of your men.

What a nightmare.


You find that your efforts at calming everyone goes well enough, though tensions continue long into your travels. With the addition of your temporary fellows and their horse-drawn carts, the trip is a little slower, but in the safety of the eastern steppelands it is of little consequence. You end up with a lot of free time in the intervening weeks, and take time for personal reflection...

[] In prayer and meditation
[] In reading religious texts
[] With Cado


A group of tribesmen come down from the border fort before you can cross into Vale proper. "Halt, pilgrims!" the champion among them calls. "Tensions are high in Vale these days, and you're about to pass into Scion lands. There have been claims of highway robbery and murder on the road ahead from other passing pilgrims. I ask as a fellow adherent that you find another way, perhaps by taking to the sea and traveling to the Valesian Kingdom's harbor?"

It seems the rumors of rising tension have more truth to them than fiction, in this case. You could attempt to pass through by land, but you may be crossing into very hostile tribal territory, and you will eventually have to cross the Scion-adhering Facet Confederacy. A trip by sea is likely to be expensive, however...

[] Travel through the tribe of Gela and the Facet Confederacy by land. You are mighty and a powerful lord, at that. They would not dare infringe upon your passage, not without angering your liege, and possibly your Emperor...
[] Travel through the tribe of Gela, but take a shortcut across the bay between Suxia and Vale when you reach the progenitorist tribe instead of going through Facet. The High Chieftain of Facet is a man of equal standing to your emperor, and holds great legitimacy among his member Chieftains for bearing a son who inherited his semblance. You can trust an independent chieftain to be wary, but not him.
[] Perhaps this champion has a point, you should book passage for your group across the Verdant Sea. You went on this pilgrimage to connect with your faith, not to slay Scions thinking you an easy target for thievery.
-[] Just travel to the Bay of Suxia, on the Valesian side. A shorter trip and less cost, but you'll have to see about traveling across the rest of the kingdom to reach the ancient home of the Progenitors.
-[] Book a trip to Autumn bay, north of the Old Kingdom, on the southern side of the peninsula bordering Halcyon Kingdom. The closest port to the Old Kingdom, which also sports the King's Highway all the way from the port to the ruins.
-[] Book a trip through the White Inlet, the thin strip of water that marks the between Halcyon and Vale. It is said that to see the cliffs of the White Inlet as you pass between them is an experience bordering on religious, though it's also said the two kingdoms it separates both charge tolls to travel it. A lesser holy site rumored to have housed the Progenitors for a time sits along the road, a place called Mountain Glenn.
[] Write-in? If you have some clever means of sneaking through infidel lands, by all means...

AN: Huh, things happened...
[X] In prayer and meditation
[X] Perhaps this champion has a point, you should book passage for your group across the Verdant Sea. You went on this pilgrimage to connect with your faith, not to slay Scions thinking you an easy target for thievery.
-[X] Book a trip through the White Inlet, the thin strip of water that marks the between Halcyon and Vale. It is said that to see the cliffs of the White Inlet as you pass between them is an experience bordering on religious, though it's also said the two kingdoms it separates both charge tolls to travel it. A lesser holy site rumored to have housed the Progenitors for a time sits along the road, a place called Mountain Glenn.
[] With Cado

@Powerofmind I would like to ask the champion for more information about the highway robbers, such as size/appearance of danger/possible allegiance and so on.

Further, I would like reference from the relevant scriptures what is the 'proper' thing to do in this situation. For example, do we have an obligation, as an armed group and a powerful Huntsman, to deliberately try to 'trigger' this group and fight them to bring them to justice?
[] With Cado

@Powerofmind I would like to ask the champion for more information about the highway robbers, such as size/appearance of danger/possible allegiance and so on.

Further, I would like reference from the relevant scriptures what is the 'proper' thing to do in this situation. For example, do we have an obligation, as an armed group and a powerful Huntsman, to deliberately try to 'trigger' this group and fight them to bring them to justice?
There's not much to go on. They're clearly not being dealt with by this guy's peer across the way, but it's not like they're using professional arms and tactics, so nobody can call foul. The situation seems like benign neglect and plausible deniability, but you can't be sure how the Gelans would react to you in an official capacity. You're worth a lot of money, or if they want to, they could simply elect to capture and execute you as a show of power. Facet is riskier than Gela for all the same reasons and the High Chieftain can take more chances politically, even though you'd only have to cross a rather small strip of land, two days hard march if you push it.

You're not obligated to go looking for a fight in any sense, and most sects of the Knight prefer that you think before you do something potentially dangerous, even if it's the right thing to do. Basically, since you know it's at least in part religiously motivated, and the local Chieftain could bring a dangerous amount to bear on you, you get a pass. The Thorned One or The Sun Dragon would have more serious expectations here, but The Knight isn't about justice and fairness for the sake of justice and fairness; she's more focused on the civil aspect of justice, namely that it keeps the peace and brings contentment to those beneath you. That said, if you do choose to go for it, it can be spun as a religiously motivated decision.
There's not much to go on. They're clearly not being dealt with by this guy's peer across the way, but it's not like they're using professional arms and tactics, so nobody can call foul. The situation seems like benign neglect and plausible deniability, but you can't be sure how the Gelans would react to you in an official capacity. You're worth a lot of money, or if they want to, they could simply elect to capture and execute you as a show of power. Facet is riskier than Gela for all the same reasons and the High Chieftain can take more chances politically, even though you'd only have to cross a rather small strip of land, two days hard march if you push it.

You're not obligated to go looking for a fight in any sense, and most sects of the Knight prefer that you think before you do something potentially dangerous, even if it's the right thing to do. Basically, since you know it's at least in part religiously motivated, and the local Chieftain could bring a dangerous amount to bear on you, you get a pass. The Thorned One or The Sun Dragon would have more serious expectations here, but The Knight isn't about justice and fairness for the sake of justice and fairness; she's more focused on the civil aspect of justice, namely that it keeps the peace and brings contentment to those beneath you. That said, if you do choose to go for it, it can be spun as a religiously motivated decision.
Okay, I was more trying to find out if the reported attacks are at the level that would threaten your average small pilgrimage group (a single technical, a few burly guys with horses, etc) but that Lyra would walk over or if it's higher than that, then the added info that you gave on if they wanted to they could send a lot of official forces and crush Lyra and there's not a lot she could do about it if that's what it came to.

Can you please check below that I have interpreted the route info you gave correctly?

[1] Travel through the tribe of Gela and the Facet Confederacy by land. You are mighty and a powerful lord, at that. They would not dare infringe upon your passage, not without angering your liege, and possibly your Emperor...
[2] Travel through the tribe of Gela, but take a shortcut across the bay between Suxia and Vale when you reach the progenitorist tribe instead of going through Facet. The High Chieftain of Facet is a man of equal standing to your emperor, and holds great legitimacy among his member Chieftains for bearing a son who inherited his semblance. You can trust an independent chieftain to be wary, but not him.
[] Perhaps this champion has a point, you should book passage for your group across the Verdant Sea. You went on this pilgrimage to connect with your faith, not to slay Scions thinking you an easy target for thievery.
-[3] Just travel to the Bay of Suxia, on the Valesian side. A shorter trip and less cost, but you'll have to see about traveling across the rest of the kingdom to reach the ancient home of the Progenitors.
-[4] Book a trip to Autumn bay, north of the Old Kingdom, on the southern side of the peninsula bordering Halcyon Kingdom. The closest port to the Old Kingdom, which also sports the King's Highway all the way from the port to the ruins.
-[5] Book a trip through the White Inlet, the thin strip of water that marks the between Halcyon and Vale. It is said that to see the cliffs of the White Inlet as you pass between them is an experience bordering on religious, though it's also said the two kingdoms it separates both charge tolls to travel it. A lesser holy site rumored to have housed the Progenitors for a time sits along the road, a place called Mountain Glenn.
Okay, I was more trying to find out if the reported attacks are at the level that would threaten your average small pilgrimage group (a single technical, a few burly guys with horses, etc) but that Lyra would walk over or if it's higher than that, then the added info that you gave on if they wanted to they could send a lot of official forces and crush Lyra and there's not a lot she could do about it if that's what it came to.

Can you please check below that I have interpreted the route info you gave correctly?

[1] Travel through the tribe of Gela and the Facet Confederacy by land. You are mighty and a powerful lord, at that. They would not dare infringe upon your passage, not without angering your liege, and possibly your Emperor...
[2] Travel through the tribe of Gela, but take a shortcut across the bay between Suxia and Vale when you reach the progenitorist tribe instead of going through Facet. The High Chieftain of Facet is a man of equal standing to your emperor, and holds great legitimacy among his member Chieftains for bearing a son who inherited his semblance. You can trust an independent chieftain to be wary, but not him.
[] Perhaps this champion has a point, you should book passage for your group across the Verdant Sea. You went on this pilgrimage to connect with your faith, not to slay Scions thinking you an easy target for thievery.
-[3] Just travel to the Bay of Suxia, on the Valesian side. A shorter trip and less cost, but you'll have to see about traveling across the rest of the kingdom to reach the ancient home of the Progenitors.
-[4] Book a trip to Autumn bay, north of the Old Kingdom, on the southern side of the peninsula bordering Halcyon Kingdom. The closest port to the Old Kingdom, which also sports the King's Highway all the way from the port to the ruins.
-[5] Book a trip through the White Inlet, the thin strip of water that marks the between Halcyon and Vale. It is said that to see the cliffs of the White Inlet as you pass between them is an experience bordering on religious, though it's also said the two kingdoms it separates both charge tolls to travel it. A lesser holy site rumored to have housed the Progenitors for a time sits along the road, a place called Mountain Glenn.
That's accurate.

Reported attacks are all over the place. A dozen highwaymen, villages suddenly closing their doors and forcing pilgrims to forage for supplies, mob violence... You could be attacked by a particularly vindictive normal hunter trying to knife you all in your sleep, or you could be attacked by a moderately sized mob of serfs numbering over a hundred, led by particularly bloodthirsty Priests. Depending on how much anyone important knows about your passage and if they think they can get away with it, they might authorize an official arrest of you, which would be difficult to escape without abandoning the other pilgrims, or possibly cars/supplies/your own people if things are bad enough.
That's accurate.

Reported attacks are all over the place. A dozen highwaymen, villages suddenly closing their doors and forcing pilgrims to forage for supplies, mob violence... You could be attacked by a particularly vindictive normal hunter trying to knife you all in your sleep, or you could be attacked by a moderately sized mob of serfs numbering over a hundred, led by particularly bloodthirsty Priests. Depending on how much anyone important knows about your passage and if they think they can get away with it, they might authorize an official arrest of you, which would be difficult to escape without abandoning the other pilgrims, or possibly cars/supplies/your own people if things are bad enough.
1) Do we actually think those things are likely, no information, or just that those are possible?

2) Booking a trip across the sea will include passage for the cars? Can the pilgrims afford this, would they split off, or would we spot them? How expensive is this? Especially the added tolls for Option #5?

3) Why are Scions/Progenitors tensions so high right now? Is there less concern about Progenitors/Child of Remnant relations in Vale?

4) How long/fast is the trip across Gela?
Well, at least we managed to calm the tensions, some what.

-[] Book a trip through the White Inlet, the thin strip of water that marks the between Halcyon and Vale. It is said that to see the cliffs of the White Inlet as you pass between them is an experience bordering on religious, though it's also said the two kingdoms it separates both charge tolls to travel it. A lesser holy site rumored to have housed the Progenitors for a time sits along the road, a place called Mountain Glenn.
As nice as this would be, we aren't unfortunately made of money.
1) Do we actually think those things are likely, no information, or just that those are possible?

2) Booking a trip across the sea will include passage for the cars? Can the pilgrims afford this, would they split off, or would we spot them? How expensive is this? Especially the added tolls for Option #5?

3) Why are Scions/Progenitors tensions so high right now? Is there less concern about Progenitors/Child of Remnant relations in Vale?

4) How long/fast is the trip across Gela?
1) These are pretty solidly the case. There haven't been a ton of lynch mobs or deliberate murders yet, and most pilgrims can usually escape with their skins intact.

2) Perhapsolutely. Maybe you'll get a larger craft... or maybe they'll all have had their services purchased, or been laden down with trade goods, and you'll be stuck with a smaller clipper or sloop. Passage on a ship is likely to be cheaper than usual, though it's probably not going to be free. You're going to be saving a fairly impressive amount of time traveling by sea, so a good chunk of the cost will be abstracted away as supplies and lodgings you ended up not paying for by taking a land route. The toll for the White Inlet is likely to be costly, anywhere from 40-70 Lien, easily.

3) Both of them are likely to try to get one over on you, that's what the White Inlet toll is about. Vale just extorts pilgrims, they get a pretty penny from it. Valesian Scions tribes are just trying to put a squeeze on the big rival empire, so they're looking the other way when the uneducated engage in bigotry and religious violence. Most of the tensions are really between Children and Scions; pilgrims just tend to get stuck in the middle of a religious travel embargo.

4) It'll take at least two weeks, possibly a little more or less depending on conditions.
[X] In prayer and meditation

[X] Perhaps this champion has a point, you should book passage for your group across the Verdant Sea. You went on this pilgrimage to connect with your faith, not to slay Scions thinking you an easy target for thievery.
-[X] Just travel to the Bay of Suxia, on the Valesian side. A shorter trip and less cost, but you'll have to see about traveling across the rest of the kingdom to reach the ancient home of the Progenitors.
--[X] Accept no passage until you can transport your cars.
---[X] If within a week you cannot find a proper ship, expand your options to ships heading to Autumn Bay. If within week after that you still cannot find a proper ship, continue by land.

I'd prefer avoiding the volatile tensions in the Confederacy, but at the same time we don't have lot of money and we're going to need our vehicles in the future. If we cannot find a proper ship, we have to travel by land.
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--[X] Attempt to find a ship big enough for both your entourage and your vehicles. If you cannot, travel through land.
This is a given. You will naturally attempt to book passage on a large enough craft(s) to carry your vehicles. The problem comes in if you can't get any. This addon would be better served as 'Accept no passage until you can transport your cars,' though that carries some risk of sitting around in port for a few weeks.
This is a given. You will naturally attempt to book passage on a large enough craft(s) to carry your vehicles. The problem comes in if you can't get any. This addon would be better served as 'Accept no passage until you can transport your cars,' though that carries some risk of sitting around in port for a few weeks.
Understood and modified.
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