"It's so funny, Lord Rogue Trader, it's so funny!"
"Please, call me Hans!"
Jalna's mouth smiled, revealing hard white suns underneath.
Hans stared at her for a few long seconds.
"It's very easy… Hans." her fingers moved fast on the datapad's screen. She had big long hands and, while her fingers were long and delicate, the back of her hands were nervous and bony, a touch of masculinity in a very, very feminine body.
Smiling, she was explaining how to create encrypted dataport between the datapad and the deep, gargantuan memory banks of the ship's machine spirits. Hans felt like when a girl, back in his time, explained him how to use a QR code to connect on WhatsApp: out of fashion.
"Our IT is a bit different in my… planet" he just commented.
She continued to explain him how the onboard data was categorized for a few minutes, a task his engineering mind was well apt for.
"If you told me we were headed towards another Hive World I would have suggested a different cargo, my Lord"
"Hans, when we are not in public."
She smiled again.
"Well, another cargo, my Lord Hans." She winked.
"Because we onboarded lots of generic stuff that you can buy in a Hive world and sell somewhere else. But, being both Necromunda and Armageddon Hive worlds, most of our merchandise is not really profitable to be exchanged here. I already checked the system's exchange-rates once connected to the local Noosphere. Had I known, my lord, I would have more insistently suggested for us to purchase more chemical substances: Necromunda's chemical industry reached an economy of scale, and has such an advanced vertical integration in matter of supply chain, that many chemical products are from Necromunda are cheaper than in other Hive Worlds. We should've bought Xenopuric Gel and Ferracline Solution from Necromunda, where they're cheap to produce—both are essential for dissolving and processing plasteel. Armageddon's industries are desperate for them. Same with Aerox Compound, which neutralizes airborne toxins, and OxyPure Crystals that release oxygen—both vital for keeping the polluted hive air breathable. Then there's Meltacide and Vitriolax, highly corrosive acids perfect for refining metals and breaking down industrial materials. Armageddon's war factories would pay a fortune for them, but we make them, Necromunda makes them, for a fraction of the cost."
"Well, my bad, dear Jalna. As you certainly noticed, our warp drive is quite special, when we were shopping in Necromunda, I hadn't really decided where we were going next. Next time ai will consult with you… not totally sure, maybe next time we'll go to a feudal world."
"A feudal world, my Lord! Exciting!"
"Suggestions for what we should bring there?"
"Lord Captain, if we bring lasguns, autoguns, or even basic flak armor, we could traded them for entire estates on a feudal world, where their warriors still rely on swords and chainmail. Medicae kits and synthetic drugs would be priceless, and agricultural equipment like automated plows or enhanced seeds would have the lords begging for trade. But if arming them with advanced weapons seems too risky, we could manufacture primitive firearms—flintlock guns and cannons, using scrap metal right here on board. That way, we control their access to firepower without giving them too much. With a monopoly on both ammunition and weapons, we'd dominate the market for years. And with luxuries, refined fabrics, or high-grade steel, cheap products like binoculars or vox-casters, we could be bartering for castles and alliances, not just coins."
"Mmm… thanks for the suggestions. Maybe we can do some small purchase in Armageddon, just in case."
"Of course, Lord Hans!"
She nodded.
"You have a very light touch, my Lo… Hans. Most aristocrats aren't as affable as you are, and as charitable."
"Charitable? What do you mean by charitable?"
"Well, the affair with the two menial women stabbing each other, most Hive Lords or Lord Captains wouldn't have been so nice."
"Well, I don't think they deserved to be flogged or tortured or something like that. A few weeks inside the dirt cisterns seems more than enough. For them and for that weaseling Jhol."
"I respect your wisdom, my Lord Hans."
"It's not only matter of being charitable: the voidborns have been in this ship for centuries, while the folk from Necromunda only for a few weeks. Executions and nasty stuff born out of mutual incomprehension would just create division in our crew. The two women don't seem that bad, when they finish to dig dirt I could also invite them for a tour of the my quarters, oh, well, not in that sense." He dismissed the mischievous grin of the seneschal with a hand gesture. "What really worries me of this matter is that mysterious individual going around to incite lethal violence in our crew. I had an identikit prepared, the guy has a long nose, a dark skin complexion which looks bleached by the lack of sun and thick eye brows. A couple of people seem to have seen him over the course of the last year, which makes me think this guy is definitely part of the original void-born crew. The other times he didn't seem to be involved in criminal acts, once a group of menials swore to see him working on unscrewing a trapdoor and they remembered it because he said he was from another section of the ship, which they thought weird. But when we showed the identikit to the Deckmasters none really recognized the guy as member of their assigned crew."
"This ship is not big enough to have an under-ship population, my lord Hans, what we should be really worried about is not that this individual was arming the two menials, but that he is moving around unaccounted."
"Ya, on the same page. Caldan distributed the identikit to the troop officers. They have orders to arrest this man for questioning if they bump on him during patrols. I don't think we should mobilize forces just to search actively for him. After all we are still recovering from the the battle with the Orks and Caldan is still running some exercises with the troops."
She was listening to him.
"I was also studying our next destination, Armageddon IV. Apparently it was colonized a few centuries ago. And it developed his industry very fast."
"Actually, my Lord, I have been through those historic documents as well. I think everything before the 5th century of the actual millennium is probably fabricated."
"What do you mean?"
"Officially, the Administratum discovered repopulated Armageddon after being quarantined for a few decades because of an extremely deadly plague that turned into pandemic and exterminated the previous population."
"And why is that unrealistic?"
"They filtered data, but not old trade data. Imports of food in the nearby worlds declined in the whole sector in those decades, which shows a decline of the population, usually consequence of a major invasion or of a draft of man for a major military campaign, which, according to records, the segment didn't have. Imports of food to Armageddon itself declined by 30% over the course of two years, which is in line with an epidemic, then they declined 2% every year for 40 years in a row, to then decline 25% in the following ten years and then start climbing 10% year as they started to repopulate the planet."
"Which is weird why?"
"What kind of epidemic kills 30% over the population over the course of two years, to then kill only 2% per year, until they basically all die?"
"One that makes people infertile?"
"Maybe, My Lord. The certain thing is that this planet had seen a major war about 40 years ago. Armageddon War, they called it. One of the major military campaigns seen in this century Segmentum Solar-wise."
"Yeah, Caldan spoke about it. Happened a few years before she was born. Also read a bit about it."
"This planet is a major hive, My Lord, whatever decimated the original population, the Imperium made every effort to populate this hive world fast. According to the Administratum estimations the planet has more than 200 billion population, more than 300 billion before the war, for what those estimations are worth. It's less than one tenth of Necromunda, and, while Armageddon is also important for his great output of lasguns, Leman Russ and chimera tanks and lubricants, the true value is , the strategic importance due to its position relative to key neighboring sectors. To the west, we have the Gothic Sector, a critical naval stronghold that protects the Imperium's core worlds, while to the north lies the Scarus Sector, rich in resources but vulnerable to Chaos incursions. To the east, the Ryza Sector supplies advanced weapons, particularly plasma technology, vital for our armies. And to the south, we have the Macharius Sector, a key military staging ground. Armageddon sits at the crossroads of these powerhouses, making it a lynchpin for the defense of the Segmentum Solar and beyond."
"Ya, I read it."
"That's why after the Orks tried to invade this world, not only the Imperium fought back and sent the degenerate Xenos back to the void, but heavily fortified this system. There are more than 6 point 4 billion guardsman actually stationed here just for presiding the planet, plus two billion PDF, and two dozens Navy Warships presiding the planet, like our friends of the "His Rightful Wrath" , there are also advanced monitoring stations on the edge of the system. Apparently Mars Fabricatae, the best of the best that the Mechanicus can come up with in these days. There are also some Adeptus Adstartes stationed in the planet, multiple Chapters actually. Demand for military equipment is fulfilled by tithes, but certainly we could sell our Macrocannon shells for a profit. And everything related to soldiers entrainment, lho sticks or the joy girls for instance. Our ATC are useful if we want to trade with manufactorums which are paying tithes. We will get or need to procure Aquilae instead if we are dealing with the Astra Militares. They don't need Administratum Tithe Credits, of course. The Aquilae are also used to pay soldiers and they circulate as a strong currency also in the local economies, given that guardsmen on leave are spending them in the various Hives establishments. Basically they are steel coins gilded with a gold-copper alloy and with some any counterfeit feats, like a complex design in the Eagle's feathers. There are also some local coins circulating. The…"
"Ah, Seneschal, I get it. In Helsreach, they use Hels—tied to their promethium production, no doubt. And in Hades Hive, it's Yarrick Tokens, linked to their mines, right? Then there's Tempestora with Forge Marks, credits backed by their weapons factories. Infernus Hive trades in Thermals and Sulfur Chits, thanks to all that geothermal energy and chemical output. And of course, in Volcano Hive, it's Magma Bonds—shares of their geothermal power. I know how these hives currencies work."
"Impressive, my Lord, impressive. Having a small balance sheet in local currencies may be advisable."
"Do you know what could we buy from the hives?"
"Of course, Lord Captain. In Helsreach, we can secure not only vast supplies of promethium but also plastic products refined from it, which they use as a binder for plasteel manufacturing. Over in Hades Hive, we'll have access to iron ore, copper, and bauxite, crucial for refining aluminum and other metals. At Tempestora, their manufactorums can provide us with weapons, tanks, and heavy machinery. In Infernus Hive, we can obtain sulfur and silica, both harvested from their geothermal plants—sulfur for industrial processes and explosives, and silica for glass production and advanced materials. Finally, Volcano Hive offers its metallic magma, filled with raw minerals, rare metals, and molten iron, ideal for refining into high-value industrial materials or forging new weapons."
"Well, let's maximize our gains from this trip."
Two days later: a bleak globe, a brown ocean, three continents, two polar, one in the middle, as big as Eurasia, two barren ends, a verdant strip in the middle. The shining mass of the hives. Looked cratered even from orbit: Armageddon.
[consequence: better understanding of ship's systems and better teamwork with your voidmaster]
[consequence: knowledge of Armageddon]
[consequence: knowledge of your seneschal accounting system and better knowledge of trading strategies and better team work]
We are now in Armageddon M41.985.