A 40k Rogue Trader in the Multiverse

Voting is open
[X] Plan: An Even Hand

I like the plan but cn we do something bout the man that supplied the wepon or weapons? even if it is a simple sketch of him to keep a look on, it may be nothing now but could become a thing to worry later
[X] Plan: An Even Hand

I like the plan but cn we do something bout the man that supplied the wepon or weapons? even if it is a simple sketch of him to keep a look on, it may be nothing now but could become a thing to worry later

Good idea, I'll edit in sonething for that.

EDIT: Done, edit for info gathering added in.
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I think I forgot to open the votes, closing them anyway.

[X] An Even Hand Wins

3 votes
(being the only option, maybe because I forgot to open it, but, ok)
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Dove rolling, 40k, rogue trader
Rolling dices for the last actions

- [X] Workshop with your void-master about ship systems, get to know better how he works, chance to improve your teamwork

- [X] Deep study of Armageddon, history, resources and terrain

- [X] Discuss accounting and trade strategy with your seneschal, get to know better how she works, chance to improve your teamwork

Since the lower the better, they all succeed, the first one barely.
LordNymphys threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 163
60 60 55 55 48 48
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Narrative “Out of Fashion”, 40k, rogue trader
"It's so funny, Lord Rogue Trader, it's so funny!"
"Please, call me Hans!"
Jalna's mouth smiled, revealing hard white suns underneath.
Hans stared at her for a few long seconds.
"It's very easy… Hans." her fingers moved fast on the datapad's screen. She had big long hands and, while her fingers were long and delicate, the back of her hands were nervous and bony, a touch of masculinity in a very, very feminine body.
Smiling, she was explaining how to create encrypted dataport between the datapad and the deep, gargantuan memory banks of the ship's machine spirits. Hans felt like when a girl, back in his time, explained him how to use a QR code to connect on WhatsApp: out of fashion.
"Our IT is a bit different in my… planet" he just commented.
She continued to explain him how the onboard data was categorized for a few minutes, a task his engineering mind was well apt for.
"If you told me we were headed towards another Hive World I would have suggested a different cargo, my Lord"
"Hans, when we are not in public."
She smiled again.
"Well, another cargo, my Lord Hans." She winked.
"Because we onboarded lots of generic stuff that you can buy in a Hive world and sell somewhere else. But, being both Necromunda and Armageddon Hive worlds, most of our merchandise is not really profitable to be exchanged here. I already checked the system's exchange-rates once connected to the local Noosphere. Had I known, my lord, I would have more insistently suggested for us to purchase more chemical substances: Necromunda's chemical industry reached an economy of scale, and has such an advanced vertical integration in matter of supply chain, that many chemical products are from Necromunda are cheaper than in other Hive Worlds. We should've bought Xenopuric Gel and Ferracline Solution from Necromunda, where they're cheap to produce—both are essential for dissolving and processing plasteel. Armageddon's industries are desperate for them. Same with Aerox Compound, which neutralizes airborne toxins, and OxyPure Crystals that release oxygen—both vital for keeping the polluted hive air breathable. Then there's Meltacide and Vitriolax, highly corrosive acids perfect for refining metals and breaking down industrial materials. Armageddon's war factories would pay a fortune for them, but we make them, Necromunda makes them, for a fraction of the cost."
"Well, my bad, dear Jalna. As you certainly noticed, our warp drive is quite special, when we were shopping in Necromunda, I hadn't really decided where we were going next. Next time ai will consult with you… not totally sure, maybe next time we'll go to a feudal world."
"A feudal world, my Lord! Exciting!"
"Suggestions for what we should bring there?"
"Lord Captain, if we bring lasguns, autoguns, or even basic flak armor, we could traded them for entire estates on a feudal world, where their warriors still rely on swords and chainmail. Medicae kits and synthetic drugs would be priceless, and agricultural equipment like automated plows or enhanced seeds would have the lords begging for trade. But if arming them with advanced weapons seems too risky, we could manufacture primitive firearms—flintlock guns and cannons, using scrap metal right here on board. That way, we control their access to firepower without giving them too much. With a monopoly on both ammunition and weapons, we'd dominate the market for years. And with luxuries, refined fabrics, or high-grade steel, cheap products like binoculars or vox-casters, we could be bartering for castles and alliances, not just coins."
"Mmm… thanks for the suggestions. Maybe we can do some small purchase in Armageddon, just in case."
"Of course, Lord Hans!"
She nodded.
"You have a very light touch, my Lo… Hans. Most aristocrats aren't as affable as you are, and as charitable."
"Charitable? What do you mean by charitable?"
"Well, the affair with the two menial women stabbing each other, most Hive Lords or Lord Captains wouldn't have been so nice."
"Well, I don't think they deserved to be flogged or tortured or something like that. A few weeks inside the dirt cisterns seems more than enough. For them and for that weaseling Jhol."
"I respect your wisdom, my Lord Hans."
"It's not only matter of being charitable: the voidborns have been in this ship for centuries, while the folk from Necromunda only for a few weeks. Executions and nasty stuff born out of mutual incomprehension would just create division in our crew. The two women don't seem that bad, when they finish to dig dirt I could also invite them for a tour of the my quarters, oh, well, not in that sense." He dismissed the mischievous grin of the seneschal with a hand gesture. "What really worries me of this matter is that mysterious individual going around to incite lethal violence in our crew. I had an identikit prepared, the guy has a long nose, a dark skin complexion which looks bleached by the lack of sun and thick eye brows. A couple of people seem to have seen him over the course of the last year, which makes me think this guy is definitely part of the original void-born crew. The other times he didn't seem to be involved in criminal acts, once a group of menials swore to see him working on unscrewing a trapdoor and they remembered it because he said he was from another section of the ship, which they thought weird. But when we showed the identikit to the Deckmasters none really recognized the guy as member of their assigned crew."
"This ship is not big enough to have an under-ship population, my lord Hans, what we should be really worried about is not that this individual was arming the two menials, but that he is moving around unaccounted."
"Ya, on the same page. Caldan distributed the identikit to the troop officers. They have orders to arrest this man for questioning if they bump on him during patrols. I don't think we should mobilize forces just to search actively for him. After all we are still recovering from the the battle with the Orks and Caldan is still running some exercises with the troops."
She was listening to him.
"I was also studying our next destination, Armageddon IV. Apparently it was colonized a few centuries ago. And it developed his industry very fast."
"Actually, my Lord, I have been through those historic documents as well. I think everything before the 5th century of the actual millennium is probably fabricated."
"What do you mean?"
"Officially, the Administratum discovered repopulated Armageddon after being quarantined for a few decades because of an extremely deadly plague that turned into pandemic and exterminated the previous population."
"And why is that unrealistic?"
"They filtered data, but not old trade data. Imports of food in the nearby worlds declined in the whole sector in those decades, which shows a decline of the population, usually consequence of a major invasion or of a draft of man for a major military campaign, which, according to records, the segment didn't have. Imports of food to Armageddon itself declined by 30% over the course of two years, which is in line with an epidemic, then they declined 2% every year for 40 years in a row, to then decline 25% in the following ten years and then start climbing 10% year as they started to repopulate the planet."
"Which is weird why?"
"What kind of epidemic kills 30% over the population over the course of two years, to then kill only 2% per year, until they basically all die?"
"One that makes people infertile?"
"Maybe, My Lord. The certain thing is that this planet had seen a major war about 40 years ago. Armageddon War, they called it. One of the major military campaigns seen in this century Segmentum Solar-wise."
"Yeah, Caldan spoke about it. Happened a few years before she was born. Also read a bit about it."
"This planet is a major hive, My Lord, whatever decimated the original population, the Imperium made every effort to populate this hive world fast. According to the Administratum estimations the planet has more than 200 billion population, more than 300 billion before the war, for what those estimations are worth. It's less than one tenth of Necromunda, and, while Armageddon is also important for his great output of lasguns, Leman Russ and chimera tanks and lubricants, the true value is , the strategic importance due to its position relative to key neighboring sectors. To the west, we have the Gothic Sector, a critical naval stronghold that protects the Imperium's core worlds, while to the north lies the Scarus Sector, rich in resources but vulnerable to Chaos incursions. To the east, the Ryza Sector supplies advanced weapons, particularly plasma technology, vital for our armies. And to the south, we have the Macharius Sector, a key military staging ground. Armageddon sits at the crossroads of these powerhouses, making it a lynchpin for the defense of the Segmentum Solar and beyond."
"Ya, I read it."
"That's why after the Orks tried to invade this world, not only the Imperium fought back and sent the degenerate Xenos back to the void, but heavily fortified this system. There are more than 6 point 4 billion guardsman actually stationed here just for presiding the planet, plus two billion PDF, and two dozens Navy Warships presiding the planet, like our friends of the "His Rightful Wrath" , there are also advanced monitoring stations on the edge of the system. Apparently Mars Fabricatae, the best of the best that the Mechanicus can come up with in these days. There are also some Adeptus Adstartes stationed in the planet, multiple Chapters actually. Demand for military equipment is fulfilled by tithes, but certainly we could sell our Macrocannon shells for a profit. And everything related to soldiers entrainment, lho sticks or the joy girls for instance. Our ATC are useful if we want to trade with manufactorums which are paying tithes. We will get or need to procure Aquilae instead if we are dealing with the Astra Militares. They don't need Administratum Tithe Credits, of course. The Aquilae are also used to pay soldiers and they circulate as a strong currency also in the local economies, given that guardsmen on leave are spending them in the various Hives establishments. Basically they are steel coins gilded with a gold-copper alloy and with some any counterfeit feats, like a complex design in the Eagle's feathers. There are also some local coins circulating. The…"
"Ah, Seneschal, I get it. In Helsreach, they use Hels—tied to their promethium production, no doubt. And in Hades Hive, it's Yarrick Tokens, linked to their mines, right? Then there's Tempestora with Forge Marks, credits backed by their weapons factories. Infernus Hive trades in Thermals and Sulfur Chits, thanks to all that geothermal energy and chemical output. And of course, in Volcano Hive, it's Magma Bonds—shares of their geothermal power. I know how these hives currencies work."
"Impressive, my Lord, impressive. Having a small balance sheet in local currencies may be advisable."
"Do you know what could we buy from the hives?"
"Of course, Lord Captain. In Helsreach, we can secure not only vast supplies of promethium but also plastic products refined from it, which they use as a binder for plasteel manufacturing. Over in Hades Hive, we'll have access to iron ore, copper, and bauxite, crucial for refining aluminum and other metals. At Tempestora, their manufactorums can provide us with weapons, tanks, and heavy machinery. In Infernus Hive, we can obtain sulfur and silica, both harvested from their geothermal plants—sulfur for industrial processes and explosives, and silica for glass production and advanced materials. Finally, Volcano Hive offers its metallic magma, filled with raw minerals, rare metals, and molten iron, ideal for refining into high-value industrial materials or forging new weapons."
"Well, let's maximize our gains from this trip."


Two days later: a bleak globe, a brown ocean, three continents, two polar, one in the middle, as big as Eurasia, two barren ends, a verdant strip in the middle. The shining mass of the hives. Looked cratered even from orbit: Armageddon.

[consequence: better understanding of ship's systems and better teamwork with your voidmaster]

[consequence: knowledge of Armageddon]

[consequence: knowledge of your seneschal accounting system and better knowledge of trading strategies and better team work]

We are now in Armageddon M41.985.
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Resource count, 40k, rogue trader
  1. 1 Orion Class voidship, the Vaduz
  2. 25,000 21,200 kilotons (21M tons) Prometheum Grade C (Standard Propellant for Voidships and other transports)
  3. .05 0.49 kilogram Antimatter Fuel (High-Efficiency Warp Drive Fuel)
  4. 20 Nuclear Pallets (Backup Power Source)
  5. 1 Nuclear portable field
  6. Menial Void Workers (Basic labor force for ship operations) -200,000 Voidborn Already on board
  7. -Extra 50,000, recruited in Necromunda
  8. 10,000 9,903 Assault Troops, of which 24 are out of use for 6 months (Highly trained combat units for security and boarding actions)
  9. 500 Floor officers and trained specialists (Highly trained specialists for ship operation)
  10. 5000 Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale)
  11. 100 Modified Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale)
  12. 60,000 59,936 Lasguns (Standard Issue Infantry Weapons)
  13. 60,000 50,887 Flak Armor (Basic Protective Gear for Troops), of which 514 damaged but still usable in emergency or sellable at a discount and 59,373 intact
  14. 10 9.9 Crates Medical Supplies (Advanced med-kits and pharmaceuticals)
  15. 60,000 Vox-Casters (Communication Devices for ground operations)
  16. 50 Crates Spare Parts for Voidship (Critical components for ship repairs)
  17. 532,000 482,000 man/years Synthetic Food Supplies (Sustenance for 1,000 crew for 1 year)
  18. 12,000 10,200 man/year Natural processed Food Supplies (Sustenance for 1,000 crew for 1 year)
  19. 2,000 1,900 man/year Natural Organic Food Supplies (Sustenance for 2,000 crew for 1 year)
  20. 44 units Water Purification Units (Ensure clean water for the crew)
  21. 100 sets Navigational Charts (Updated star charts and warp route data)
  22. 5,000 Adeptus Mechanicus Servo-Skulls (Automated Assistants)
  23. 10 Warp Beacons (Emergency Navigation Beacon)
  24. 4 Void Shields (Additional defense systems for the ship)
  25. 60,000 Imperial Guard Rations and kit (Supplementary food, long shelf life, 100+ years without freezing, includes, food, bendage, female tampon, antiseptics and simple drugs, caff pills, water ratio, multipurpose knife, flashlight, lighter)
  26. 60 Crates Lho Sticks (Luxury item for trade or crew morale)
  27. 1,000 Power Cells (Universal energy source for ship systems and heavy weapons e.g. las turrets)
  28. 1,000 Automated Defense Turrets (Ship's internal security systems -note, turrets can be dismantled and reassembled anywhere else e.g. planetary surface-)
  29. 25 Macrocannon Shell (for ship use or trade)
  30. 10 Digital Weapons (Concealable weapons for personal defense)
  31. 10 Mechadendrites (Adeptus Mechanicus personal augmentations)
  32. 20,000 Servitors (Generic)
  33. 1,000 Medical Servitors
  34. 20,000 Specialized Servitors (Cybernetic workforce for specialized tasks)
  35. (Specialized for surgery and medical care)
  36. 2 1.9 Crates Augmentic Spare Parts (Low level Replacements for crew augmentations)**
  37. 300,000 seals Purity Seals (Religious items, protect ship and crew)
  38. 150 Crates Hymnals and Religious Texts (For Ship Chaplain's use)
  39. 1,000 Books and Literature (Crew entertainment and education or for trade)
  40. 100,000 Spare Weapons, auto guns and mechanical, heavy (Extra armaments for the crew)
  41. 1,000 950Crates Spare Weapons, explosives, kreg granades (Extra armaments for the crew)
  42. 10 Spare Weapons, Melta bomb (Extra armaments for the crew)
  43. 100 Spare Weapons, power swords (Extra armaments for the crew)
  44. 100,000 Spare Weapons, knives, swords, bayonets (Extra armaments for the crew)
  45. 50,000 square meters Barracks Construction Materials (For on-board troop quarters)
  46. 1,000 Workers living hab, bunker beds and toilet, for 12 or 24 workers/ soldiers
  47. 10 Officer living hab. Sleeping and office space, includes optional space for a maid/ helper, includes functional but fine furnishing and toilet, wardrobe and safe.
  48. 20 Med living hab.
  49. 10 Workshop liv hab.
  50. 2.5M m2 Furnishings for Crew Quarters Upgrades "Livable" (upgraded from "Squalid" to "Miserable" and from "Miserable" to "Livable"
  51. 500,000 m2 "Good" Furnishings for Officer Quarters 500.000 m2 Upgrades from "Good" to "Prestigious"
  52. Luxurious furniture in the rogue trader's quarters 99k m2, 1K m2 Furnishings for Rogue Trader Quarters Upgrades from "Prestigious" to "Luxurious"
  53. 10 Arvus Lander (Short-range utility craft for intra-system transport)
  54. 1 Necromundan Pattern Orbit Heavy Lifter (Heavy-lift spacecraft for planetary-to-orbit cargo transport)
  55. 2 Aquila Lander.
  56. 100 99 Rejuvenate Treatment (Anti-aging procedure for senior officers and high-status crew)
  57. 100 Land Transport Necromundan Fieraris Motorbike
  58. 10 Land Transport Necromundan Fieraris Automobile
  59. 2000 Land Transport Necromundan Aranthor Armored Automobile
  60. 25 Leman Russ
  61. 9 Light construction or mining equipment
  62. 2 Heavy construction or mining equipment
  63. 10,000 kg Gold (Commodity metal for trade)
  64. 10,000kg Iridium (Commodity metal for trade)
  65. Extra 20,403 ATC (Administratum Tithe Credits
Acquired in the turn
  • 1,000 kilotons (1M tons) of machine lubricant
  • 50 chimeras
  • 300 Ork lasguns and autoguns
  • 135 Ork Power axes / power swords
  • Ancient 32nd millennia power armor Orgyn sized (cruder than space marine's but self rechargeable)
  • Commercial contacts in Semtextia, Pyran, Jopall

  • Navy cerimonial sword, donated by the Marshal of the "His rightful wrath;
  • Ork impressive electrowarhammer
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  • 1 Orion Class voidship, the Vaduz
  • 25,000 21,200 kilotons (21M tons) Prometheum Grade C (Standard Propellant for Voidships and other transports)
  • .05 0.49 kilogram Antimatter Fuel (High-Efficiency Warp Drive Fuel)
  • 20 Nuclear Pallets (Backup Power Source)
  • 1 Nuclear portable field
  • 4. Menial Void Workers (Basic labor force for ship operations)
  • -200,000 Voidborn Already on board
  • -Extra 50,000, recruited in Necromunda
  • 10,000 9,903 Assault Troops, of which 24 are out of use for 6 months (Highly trained combat units for security and boarding actions)
  • 500 Floor officers and trained specialists (Highly trained specialists for ship operation)
  • 5000 Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale)
  • 100 Modified Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale)
  • 60,000 59,936 Lasguns (Standard Issue Infantry Weapons)
  • 60,000 50,887 Flak Armor (Basic Protective Gear for Troops), of which 514 damaged but still usable in emergency or sellable at a discount and 59,373 intact
  • 10 9.9 Crates Medical Supplies (Advanced med-kits and pharmaceuticals)
  • 60,000 Vox-Casters (Communication Devices for ground operations)
  • 50 Crates Spare Parts for Voidship (Critical components for ship repairs)
  • 532,000 482,000 man/years Synthetic Food Supplies (Sustenance for 1,000 crew for 1 year)
  • 12,000man/year Natural processed Food Supplies (Sustenance for 1,000 crew for 1 year)
  • 2,000 1.9 man/year Natural Organic Food Supplies (Sustenance for 2,000 crew for 1 year)
  • 44 units Water Purification Units (Ensure clean water for the crew)
  • 100 sets Navigational Charts (Updated star charts and warp route data)
  • 5,000 Adeptus Mechanicus Servo-Skulls (Automated Assistants)
  • 10 Warp Beacons (Emergency Navigation Beacon)
  • 4 Void Shields (Additional defense systems for the ship)
  • 60,000 Imperial Guard Rations and kit (Supplementary food, long shelf life, 100+ years without freezing, includes, food, bendage, female tampon, antiseptics and simple drugs, caff pills, water ratio, multipurpose knife, flashlight, lighter)
  • 60 Crates Lho Sticks (Luxury item for trade or crew morale)
  • 1,000 Power Cells (Universal energy source for ship systems and heavy weapons e.g. las turrets)
  • 1,000 Automated Defense Turrets (Ship's internal security systems -note, turrets can be dismantled and reassembled anywhere else e.g. planetary surface-)
  • 25 Macrocannon Shell (for ship use or trade)
  • 10 Digital Weapons (Concealable weapons for personal defense)
  • 10 Mechadendrites (Adeptus Mechanicus personal augmentations)
  • 20,000 Servitors (Generic)
  • 1,000 Medical Servitors
  • 20,000 Specialized Servitors (Cybernetic workforce for specialized tasks)
  • (Specialized for surgery and medical care)
  • 2 1.9 Crates Augmentic Spare Parts (Low level Replacements for crew augmentations)**
  • 300,000 seals Purity Seals (Religious items, protect ship and crew)
  • 150 Crates Hymnals and Religious Texts (For Ship Chaplain's use)
  • 1,000 Books and Literature (Crew entertainment and education or for trade)
  • 100,000 Spare Weapons, auto guns and mechanical, heavy (Extra armaments for the crew)
  • 1,000 950Crates Spare Weapons, explosives, kreg granades (Extra armaments for the crew)
  • 10 Spare Weapons, Melta bomb (Extra armaments for the crew)
  • 100 Spare Weapons, power swords (Extra armaments for the crew)
  • 100,000 Spare Weapons, knives, swords, bayonets (Extra armaments for the crew)
  • 50,000 square meters Barracks Construction Materials (For on-board troop quarters)
  • 1,000 Workers living hab, bunker beds and toilet, for 12 or 24 workers/ soldiers
  • 10 Officer living hab. Sleeping and office space, includes optional space for a maid/ helper, includes functional but fine furnishing and toilet, wardrobe and safe.
  • 20 Med living hab.
  • 10 Workshop liv hab.
  • 2.5M m2 Furnishings for Crew Quarters Upgrades "Livable" (upgraded from "Squalid" to "Miserable" and from "Miserable" to "Livable"
  • 500,000 m2 "Good" Furnishings for Officer Quarters 500.000 m2 Upgrades from "Good" to "Prestigious"
  • Luxurious furniture in the rogue trader's quarters 99k m2, 1K m2 Furnishings for Rogue Trader Quarters Upgrades from "Prestigious" to "Luxurious"
  • 10 Arvus Lander (Short-range utility craft for intra-system transport)
  • 1 Necromundan Pattern Orbit Heavy Lifter (Heavy-lift spacecraft for planetary-to-orbit cargo transport)
  • 2 Aquila Lander.
  • 100 99 Rejuvenate Treatment (Anti-aging procedure for senior officers and high-status crew)
  • 100 Land Transport Necromundan Fieraris Motorbike
  • 10 Land Transport Necromundan Fieraris Automobile
  • 2000 Land Transport Necromundan Aranthor Armored Automobile
  • 25 Leman Russ
  • 9 Light construction or mining equipment
  • 2 Heavy construction or mining equipment
  • 10,000 kg Gold (Commodity metal for trade)
  • 10,000kg Iridium (Commodity metal for trade)
  • Extra 20,403 ATC (Administratum Tithe Credits
Acquired in the turn
  • 1,000 kilotons (1M tons) of machine lubricant
  • 50 chimeras
  • 300 Ork lasguns and autoguns
  • 135 Ork Power axes / power swords
  • Ancient 32nd millennia power armor Orgyn sized (cruder than space marine's but self rechargeable)
  • Commercial contacts in Semtextia, Pyran, Jopall

  • Navy cerimonial sword, donated by the Marshal of the "His rightful wrath;
  • Ork impressive electrowarhammer

I think we need to keep updated the resource count, I will reply to this post while we update it according to turns results.
I think a lot of this stuff should be abstracted away

I think the specific items it can be useful when we have open turns or when we are cut out of the imperium. Let's say we are in Middle Earth. Or in Westeros, it actually matters how many tanks we can deploy and how many lasguns we can sell to Gondor, for example.
And when we trade we can actually know how much we are making.

Don't worry, I will keep track of most of this stuff myself.
I think the specific items it can be useful when we have open turns or when we are cut out of the imperium. Let's say we are in Middle Earth. Or in Westeros, it actually matters how many tanks we can deploy and how many lasguns we can sell to Gondor, for example.
And when we trade we can actually know how much we are making.

Don't worry, I will keep track of most of this stuff myself.
you should still abstract some of this stuff , like this bookkeeping is growing a bit out of control like this is the third or fourth update that is basically boring number porn maybe you should consider copying the system from the Owlcar Rogue trader RPG with some modifications

like you have Profit Factor which represents the rogue trader's net worth and the amount of wealth he can mobilize for use

then you would have Assets which would represent stuff like military formations sworn to the rogue trader's service, ships in his private fleet, worlds in his protectorate , chartist captains and their ships sworn to the dynasty in vassalage ..ect

and lastly Resources which would be based on the same categories from the Owlcat Rogue trader RPG
you should still abstract some of this stuff , like this bookkeeping is growing a bit out of control like this is the third or fourth update that is basically boring number porn maybe you should consider copying the system from the Owlcar Rogue trader RPG with some modifications

like you have Profit Factor which represents the rogue trader's net worth and the amount of wealth he can mobilize for use

then you would have Assets which would represent stuff like military formations sworn to the rogue trader's service, ships in his private fleet, worlds in his protectorate , chartist captains and their ships sworn to the dynasty in vassalage ..ect

and lastly Resources which would be based on the same categories from the Owlcat Rogue trader RPG

Yeah, I see your point, bro.
But I want a game were being strategic matters. Were it's actually relevant to the game if we are buying ferrocrete or ceramite. It's not inconsequential either. If we go in a place like Westeros, for example, alluminium (similar resistance to their medieval grade steel, 1 third of the weight, no rust) will be worth it's weight in silver, for example, so it actually matters if we bought alluminium or iron, for example.

Or, if we are finishing our Prometheum, or if we are out of lasguns, I want to keep track of it.
If it becomes too messy we always have time to simplify, but if we don't keep track at the beginning is meaningless to do it later.
Vote, 40k, Rogue Trader
Voting Proposal: Visit Two Hives of Armageddon – Choose Your Resources

As we venture into Armageddon, you will have the opportunity to visit two hives and select three resources from each to aid in our mission. The prices listed are in Administratum Tithe Credits (ATC), but there is an opportunity to maximize our profit:

• If we pay directly in ATC, we will lose ~10% on the conversion rate with local currencies.
• However, if we sell our own merchandise first and exchange it for the hive's local currency, the prices will be 10% lower.
• Additionally, if we sell our goods in Aquilae first, prices will be 9% lower in all the hives.

Our Inventory for Sale:

1. 5,000 Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale) – (0.26 ATC per joy girl – we paid them 0.13)

2. 100 Modified Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale) – (10 ATC per modified Joy girl –we paid them 1.03 each)

3. 2,000 Land Transport Necromundan Aranthor Armored Automobiles – (5 ATC per vehicle, we paid 2 each)

4. 60 Crates Lho Sticks (Luxury item for trade or crew morale) – (20 ATC per crate, we paid them 2 ATC per crate)

5. 25 Macrocannon Shells (for ship use or trade) – (1,500 ATC per shell, we paid 1,000 each)

6. 20,000 Servitors (Generic) – (1 ATC per servitor, we paid 0.5 each)

7. 1,000 Medical Servitors (Specialized for surgery and medical care) – (5 ATC per servitor, we paid 2 each)

8. 20,000 Specialized Servitors (Cybernetic workforce for specialized tasks) – (4 ATC per servitor, we paid 2 each)

We can sell anything from our inventory, but those are the items we can sell at a profit, for any other items we have to roll if we want to get read if something.

Note that selling the joygirls is basically akin to trafficking. 40k society doesn't give a shit about slavery for profit. Since Hans is contemporary human being he could have.
Note also that servitors selling servitors means decreasing the efficiency of our ship operations.

Now, onto the resources and prices you'll encounter in each hive:

Hive 1: Helsreach

1. Promethium (Grade C)
• Description: Standard fuel for voidships, vehicles, and transports.
• Price: 1 kilotons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC if purchased in local currency after trading).

2. Plastic Products
• Description: Refined from promethium, used as a binder in plasteel manufacturing and other industrial or consumer products.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

3. Heavy Mining Equipment
• Description: Machinery capable of processing up to 500 tons of ore per hour.
• Price: 1 machine for 100 ATC (90 ATC in local currency).

4. Refining Machines
• Description: Industrial equipment used to process up to 1,000 tons of raw ore into usable metals per day.
• Price: 1 machine for 500 ATC (450 ATC in local currency).

Hive 2: Hades Hive

1. Plasteel
• Description: Strong, versatile material used in armor and vehicle production.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 10 ATC (9 ATC in local currency).

2. Iron Ore
• Description: A primary material for steel production, critical for industrial use and war manufacturing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

3. Copper
• Description: Essential for electronics, wiring, and ship repairs.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 5 ATC (4.5 ATC in local currency).

4. Bauxite (for Aluminum)
• Description: Ore used for producing aluminum, crucial for light industrial applications and weapon systems.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 4 ATC (3.6 ATC in local currency).

Hive 3: Tempestora

1. Chimera Tanks
• Description: A versatile infantry fighting vehicle, used for troop transport and fire support.
• Price: 1 Chimera for 10 ATC (9 ATC in local currency).

2. Leman Russ Battle Tanks
• Description: Heavy armored tank with powerful weaponry and thick armor.
• Price: 1 Leman Russ for 20 ATC (18 ATC in local currency).

3. Heavy Construction Equipment
• Description: Machinery used for constructing industrial complexes, capable of moving 200 tons of material per hour.
• Price: 1 machine for 400 ATC (
(3.6 ATC in local currency).

Manufactured Components: Parts used in the assembly of tanks, weapons, and other military gear.
• Price: 100 units for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC after trading).

Hive 4: Infernus Hive

• Geothermal Drill Bits: High-durability tools used for deep-earth drilling in geothermal energy extraction and mining operations. Turn-key to operate either geothermal or oil or deep aquifer well.
• Price: 1 units for 100 ATC (90 ATC after trading).

2. Sulfur
• Description: Key chemical used in explosives and industrial processes, such as refining metals.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 2 ATC (1.8 ATC in local currency).

3. Silica
• Description: Used in the production of glass and advanced materials.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

4. Refined Sulfuric Acid
• Description: Extracted from geothermal processes, used for refining metals and producing chemicals.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 4 ATC (3.6 ATC in local currency).

Hive 5: Volcano Hive

1. Metallic Magma
• Description: Contains rare metals (titanium, iridium), molten iron, and other raw minerals for industrial processing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 5 ATC (4.5 ATC in local currency).

2. Molten Iron
• Description: Ready for refining into steel, vital for construction and weapons manufacturing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 2 ATC (1.8 ATC in local currency).

3. Rare Metals (Titanium, Iridium)
• Description: High-value metals for advanced technology, aerospace, and weaponry.
• Price: 1,000 tons of titanium for 12 ATC (10.8 ATC in local currency), 1kg of iridium for 1.4 ATC (1.26 ATC in local currency).

4.High-Grade Steel Sheets and Rods: High-quality steel used in constructing warships and heavy machinery.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 6 ATC (5.4 ATC after trading).

*note, for every 3 ton of material we buy we have to buy or consume stockpiles of 1 ton of Prometheum.
This is true for every good that has to escape a gravity well.

How to Vote:

• Choose two hives to visit.
• From each hive, select three resources to aid our mission.

Example Vote:

1. Hive Helsreach: Promethium, Heavy Mining Equipment, Refining Machines.
2. Hive Volcano: Metallic Magma, Molten Iron, Rare Metals (Titanium).

Let the voting begin, and may your trades lead to profit and glory!


Event1: Your Archmilitant is native of Hive Volcano. She was born a lowly manufacture worker. When she left, 20 years before, she left behind her sister, Friga and her mentally challenged brother, Alon. She also had an infant niece and her sister was pregnant.
She asks you leave to find her family and to bring them onboard.

[consequences: for one turn you can't use Caldan and she can't do actions. You'll have to pay for the living expenses of her family and host them in the officer quarters. You deepen your bonds with your archmilitant]

[X] Refuse Caldan's Request
[X] accept Caldan's request


Action choose one:

-send your priest, Gemmo Flickster on a Hive of choice, he will interact with the local Ecchlesia and bring on-board 1d4K faithful. They are basically spiritual pilgrims motivated to fund an independent town. They can act as free, unspecialized colonists. They are religious people and will ask you to create a church when deployed.

Most guards don't outlive their first weeks of combat, yet, by mere statistic probability, some survive their 40 years serving period. While guardsmen are then technically free, few have the means to go back home. In Armageddon there are millions of stranded guards. Send Caldan Farà to recruit 1d4K of them. They act as free troopers, but, after two years of service, they will ask you to release them from the service and to give them suitable land. Consider they are experienced, warriors but unaugmented humans in their 60s/70s. This action can't be done in the same turn in which Caldan Farà is searching for her family.

The two actions can't be done in the same turn.


1 turn equals = 1 month spent in Armageddon


[X] Vote

[X] spend another month/ turn n Armageddon (extra action, normal resource consumption)
[X] leave
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Voting Proposal: Visit Two Hives of Armageddon – Choose Your Resources

As we venture into Armageddon, you will have the opportunity to visit two hives and select three resources from each to aid in our mission. The prices listed are in Administratum Tithe Credits (ATC), but there is an opportunity to maximize our profit:

• If we pay directly in ATC, we will lose ~10% on the conversion rate with local currencies.
• However, if we sell our own merchandise first and exchange it for the hive's local currency, the prices will be 10% lower.
• Additionally, if we sell our goods in Aquilae first, prices will be 9% lower in all the hives.

Our Inventory for Sale:

1. 5,000 Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale) – (0.26 ATC per joy girl – we paid them 0.13)

2. 100 Modified Joy Girls (Indentured service workers for crew morale) – (10 ATC per modified Joy girl –we paid them 1.03 each)

3. 2,000 Land Transport Necromundan Aranthor Armored Automobiles – (5 ATC per vehicle, we paid 2 each)

4. 60 Crates Lho Sticks (Luxury item for trade or crew morale) – (20 ATC per crate, we paid them 2 ATC per crate)

5. 25 Macrocannon Shells (for ship use or trade) – (1,500 ATC per shell, we paid 1,000 each)

6. 20,000 Servitors (Generic) – (1 ATC per servitor, we paid 0.5 each)

7. 1,000 Medical Servitors (Specialized for surgery and medical care) – (5 ATC per servitor, we paid 2 each)

8. 20,000 Specialized Servitors (Cybernetic workforce for specialized tasks) – (4 ATC per servitor, we paid 2 each)

We can sell anything from our inventory, but those are the items we can sell at a profit, for any other items we have to roll if we want to get read if something.

Note that selling the joygirls is basically akin to trafficking. 40k society doesn't give a shit about slavery for profit. Since Hans is contemporary human being he could have.
Note also that servitors selling servitors means decreasing the efficiency of our ship operations.

Now, onto the resources and prices you'll encounter in each hive:

Hive 1: Helsreach

1. Promethium (Grade C)
• Description: Standard fuel for voidships, vehicles, and transports.
• Price: 1 kilotons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC if purchased in local currency after trading).

2. Plastic Products
• Description: Refined from promethium, used as a binder in plasteel manufacturing and other industrial or consumer products.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

3. Heavy Mining Equipment
• Description: Machinery capable of processing up to 500 tons of ore per hour.
• Price: 1 machine for 100 ATC (90 ATC in local currency).

4. Refining Machines
• Description: Industrial equipment used to process up to 1,000 tons of raw ore into usable metals per day.
• Price: 1 machine for 500 ATC (450 ATC in local currency).

Hive 2: Hades Hive

1. Plasteel
• Description: Strong, versatile material used in armor and vehicle production.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 10 ATC (9 ATC in local currency).

2. Iron Ore
• Description: A primary material for steel production, critical for industrial use and war manufacturing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

3. Copper
• Description: Essential for electronics, wiring, and ship repairs.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 5 ATC (4.5 ATC in local currency).

4. Bauxite (for Aluminum)
• Description: Ore used for producing aluminum, crucial for light industrial applications and weapon systems.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 4 ATC (3.6 ATC in local currency).

Hive 3: Tempestora

1. Chimera Tanks
• Description: A versatile infantry fighting vehicle, used for troop transport and fire support.
• Price: 1 Chimera for 10 ATC (9 ATC in local currency).

2. Leman Russ Battle Tanks
• Description: Heavy armored tank with powerful weaponry and thick armor.
• Price: 1 Leman Russ for 20 ATC (18 ATC in local currency).

3. Heavy Construction Equipment
• Description: Machinery used for constructing industrial complexes, capable of moving 200 tons of material per hour.
• Price: 1 machine for 400 ATC (
(3.6 ATC in local currency).

Manufactured Components: Parts used in the assembly of tanks, weapons, and other military gear.
• Price: 100 units for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC after trading).

Hive 4: Infernus Hive

• Geothermal Drill Bits: High-durability tools used for deep-earth drilling in geothermal energy extraction and mining operations. Turn-key to operate either geothermal or oil or deep aquifer well.
• Price: 1 units for 100 ATC (90 ATC after trading).

2. Sulfur
• Description: Key chemical used in explosives and industrial processes, such as refining metals.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 2 ATC (1.8 ATC in local currency).

3. Silica
• Description: Used in the production of glass and advanced materials.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 1 ATC (0.9 ATC in local currency).

4. Refined Sulfuric Acid
• Description: Extracted from geothermal processes, used for refining metals and producing chemicals.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 4 ATC (3.6 ATC in local currency).

Hive 5: Volcano Hive

1. Metallic Magma
• Description: Contains rare metals (titanium, iridium), molten iron, and other raw minerals for industrial processing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 5 ATC (4.5 ATC in local currency).

2. Molten Iron
• Description: Ready for refining into steel, vital for construction and weapons manufacturing.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 2 ATC (1.8 ATC in local currency).

3. Rare Metals (Titanium, Iridium)
• Description: High-value metals for advanced technology, aerospace, and weaponry.
• Price: 1,000 tons of titanium for 12 ATC (10.8 ATC in local currency), 1kg of iridium for 1.4 ATC (1.26 ATC in local currency).

4.High-Grade Steel Sheets and Rods: High-quality steel used in constructing warships and heavy machinery.
• Price: 1,000 tons for 6 ATC (5.4 ATC after trading).

How to Vote:

• Choose two hives to visit.
• From each hive, select three resources to aid our mission.

Example Vote:

1. Hive Helsreach: Promethium, Heavy Mining Equipment, Refining Machines.
2. Hive Volcano: Metallic Magma, Molten Iron, Rare Metals (Titanium).

Let the voting begin, and may your trades lead to profit and glory!


Event1: Your Archmilitant is native of Hive Volcano. She was born a lowly manufacture worker. When she left, 20 years before, she left behind her sister, Friga and her mentally challenged brother, Alon. She also had an infant niece and her sister was pregnant.
She asks you leave to find her family and to bring them onboard.

[consequences: for one turn you can't use Caldan and she can't do actions. You'll have to pay for the living expenses of her family and host them in the officer quarters. You deepen your bonds with your archmilitant]

[X] Refuse Caldan's Request
[X] accept Caldan's request


Action choose one:

-send your priest, Gemmo Flickster on a Hive of choice, he will interact with the local Ecchlesia and bring on-board 1d4K faithful. They are basically spiritual pilgrims motivated to fund an independent town. They can act as free, unspecialized colonists. They are religious people and will ask you to create a church when deployed.

Most guards don't outlive their first weeks of combat, yet, by mere statistic probability, some survive their 40 years serving period. While guardsmen are then technically free, few have the means to go back home. In Armageddon there are millions of stranded guards. Send Caldan Farà to recruit 1d4K of them. They act as free troopers, but, after two years of service, they will ask you to release them from the service and to give them suitable land. Consider they are experienced, warriors but unaugmented humans in their 60s/70s. This action can't be done in the same turn in which Caldan Farà is searching for her family.

The two actions can't be done in the same turn.


1 turn equals = 1 month spent in Armageddon


[X] Vote

[X] spend another month/ turn n Armageddon (extra action, normal resource consumption)
[X] leave
Yeah, I see your point, bro.
But I want a game were being strategic matters. Were it's actually relevant to the game if we are buying ferrocrete or ceramite. It's not inconsequential either. If we go in a place like Westeros, for example, alluminium (similar resistance to their medieval grade steel, 1 third of the weight, no rust) will be worth it's weight in silver, for example, so it actually matters if we bought alluminium or iron, for example.

Or, if we are finishing our Prometheum, or if we are out of lasguns, I want to keep track of it.
If it becomes too messy we always have time to simplify, but if we don't keep track at the beginning is meaningless to do it later.

Vote is open
Well I for one see no reason not to accept Caldan's Request. The old bears may be useful but we should consider getting some regular colonists to go with them when settling where ever we put them, but at least we won't have to build a temple. I would also like for us to get the Refining Machines perfect for setting up a colony with the Heavy Construction Equipment and Heavy Mining Equipment we already have but we could get more of those as well. The Geothermal Drill Bits are also rather tempting.

For what we to sell I say we can safely sell half of our Land Transport Necromundan Aranthor Armored Automobiles (1,000). Other than that @Shadoweddrake what do you think would be good?
Right, I think the only things I'm comfortable trading here are the Macrocannon Shells and Lho Stick Crates (EDIT: plus the Aranthor vehicles, sorry, almost missed that bit), both because of the good return on sale, and because I don't want to sell off any of our joy girls or servitors. Here's my proposal:

[X] Plan: Baby's First Trade

Sell 800 Aranthor Armored Automobiles (4000 ATC), 3 Macrocannon Shells (4500 ATC), and 15 Lho Stick Crates (300 ATC) for a total of 8800 ATC worth of local currency.

[X] Hive Helsreach: Prometheum (Grade C), Heavy Mining Equipment, Refining Machines
[X] Hive Hades: Plasteel, Copper, Bauxite

Specific Purchases

[X] 3800 kilotons of Prometheum (Grade C) - 3420 ATC
[X] 2 Heavy Mining Equipment - 180 ATC
[X] 2 Refining Machines - 900 ATC
[X] 30,000 tons of Plasteel - 270 ATC
[X] 40,000 tons of Copper - 180 ATC
[X] 50,000 tons of Bauxite - 180 ATC

This will leave us with a sum of 3670 ATC worth of local currency.

[X] Accept Caldan's request

Please let me know if I got any of my actions or numbers wrong. I'm also open to possibly changing the exact trades around.
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I hate to be that guy and keep going on like a broken record but this is not how a rogue trader operates right now the MC is acting like a chartist captain not a rogue trader , he supposed to be an explorer, conquistador, privateer, adventurer and venture capitalist not a merchant

like rogue traders don't buy and sell goods like this ,they buy and sell whole business, mines, hive cites, continuants and factory complexes that produce those goods, they only involve themselves at this low level of common trading at one degree removed specifically by securing the vassalage of chartist captains

for those who don't know , chartist captains are the "civilian" merchant navy of the imperium they operate with a great deal of independence but little freedom by a document called a charter hence the name , the charter gives the captain the legal right to travel and trade through a specified area of explored imperial space but not outside of it , this area or route could be a few dozen planets , a subsector or even a whole sector but they are stuck with the area or route they have be granted and getting the charter changed is process that could sometimes take life times , which means if something happens to the chartist's route like half of it being eaten by tyranids , a warp storm cutting them off wholes worlds or the area turning into a warzone the chartist is screwed especially if the remaining part of his route isn't profitable enough to afford his ship's necessary services like repairs ,resupply and fuel

Enter swearing vassalage to a rogue trader they would then be operating through the rogue trader's warrant rather than their charter and be part of his Dynesty this gives them the freedom to travel anywhere in the imperium and even trade in xeno goods provided the rogue trader authorized them to do so (there is paper work and adminstratum bullshit involved here) not to mention the incredible wealth this level of freedom of trade allows them (mind you the rogue trader does get a percentage cut of the profits), but the catch is that they loses their relative independence as the chartists now answers directly the rogue trader so if he's told to pick up and deliver cargo from point A to point B then that is the chartist's new number one priority , another example is at times the rogue trader could be waging a campaign to conquer a planet with the chartist being given the job of ferrying supplies for the campaign for the war effort and sometimes the rogue trader will go exploring beyond the imperium's border and need to resupply at which point he will contact one of his chartist captains and tell them to meet him at some system beyond the imperium's borders with fresh supplies (which is extremely dangerous)

there are always chartist captains with ambition to be found somewhere who we can off load this low level trading to them while raking in the profits from our cut

The Armagedón system sits on a major cross roads , is a large exporter of goods and has a large naval base and drydock present in the system so the place should be lousy with chartist captains to approach
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Right, I think the only things I'm comfortable trading here are the Macrocannon Shells and Lho Stick Crates (EDIT: plus the Aranthor vehicles, sorry, almost missed that bit), both because of the good return on sale, and because I don't want to sell off any of our joy girls or servitors. Here's my proposal:

[X] Plan: Baby's First Trade

Sell 800 Aranthor Armored Automobiles (4000 ATC), 3 Macrocannon Shells (4500 ATC), and 15 Lho Stick Crates (300 ATC) for a total of 8800 ATC worth of local currency.

[X] Hive Helsreach: Prometheum (Grade C), Heavy Mining Equipment, Refining Machines
[X] Hive Hades: Plasteel, Copper, Bauxite

Specific Purchases

[X] 3800 kilotons of Prometheum (Grade C) - 3420 ATC
[X] 2 Heavy Mining Equipment - 180 ATC
[X] 2 Refining Machines - 900 ATC
[X] 30,000 tons of Plasteel - 270 ATC
[X] 40,000 tons of Copper - 180 ATC
[X] 50,000 tons of Bauxite - 180 ATC

This will leave us with a sum of 3670 ATC worth of local currency.

[X] Accept Caldan's request

Please let me know if I got any of my actions or numbers wrong. I'm also open to possibly changing the exact trades around.

I think is right.
Only thing, specify in which currency are you selling our items. Hive Helsreach have Hels. Hive Hades has Yarrick Tokens (they just rebranded the currency in honor of a famous hero ;) ).

Out of simplicity they both convert 1:100K ATC.

Also specify if you wanna spend a second turn (one month in real time) in Armageddon, or leave.

Also remember we are not limited by the amount of goods we are selling, we still have reserves of ATC, ofc paying directly in ATC makes things more expensive.

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I hate to be that guy and keep going on like a broken record but this is not how a rogue trader operates right now the MC is acting like a chartist captain not a rogue trader , he supposed to be an explorer, conquistador, privateer, adventurer and venture capitalist not a merchant

like rogue traders don't buy and sell goods like this ,they buy and sell whole business, mines, hive cites, continuants and factory complexes that produce those goods, they only involve themselves at this low level of common trading at one degree removed specifically by securing the vassalage of chartist captains

for those who don't know , chartist captains are the "civilian" merchant navy of the imperium they operate with a great deal of independence but little freedom by a document called a charter hence the name , the charter gives the captain the legal right to travel and trade through a specified area of explored imperial space but not outside of it , this area or route could be a few dozen planets , a subsector or even a whole sector but they are stuck with the area or route they have be granted and getting the charter changed is process that could sometimes take life times , which means if something happens to the chartist's route like half of it being eaten by tyranids , a warp storm cutting them off wholes worlds or the area turning into a warzone the chartist is screwed especially if the remaining part of his route isn't profitable enough to afford his ship's necessary services like repairs ,resupply and fuel

Enter swearing vassalage to a rogue trader they would then be operating through the rogue trader's warrant rather than their charter and be part of his Dynesty this gives them the freedom to travel anywhere in the imperium and even trade in xeno goods provided the rogue trader authorized them to do so (there is paper work and adminstratum bullshit involved here) not to mention the incredible wealth this level of freedom of trade allows them (mind you the rogue trader does get a percentage cut of the profits), but the catch is that they loses their relative independence as the chartists now answers directly the rogue trader so if he's told to pick up and deliver cargo from point A to point B then that is the chartist's new number one priority , another example is at times the rogue trader could be waging a campaign to conquer a planet with the chartist being given the job of ferrying supplies for the campaign for the war effort and sometimes the rogue trader will go exploring beyond the imperium's border and need to resupply at which point he will contact one of his chartist captains and tell them to meet him at some system beyond the imperium's borders with fresh supplies (which is extremely dangerous)

there are always chartist captains with ambition to be found somewhere who we can off load this low level trading to them while raking in the profits from our cut

The Armagedón system sits on a major cross roads , is a large exporter of goods and has a large naval base and drydock present in the system so the place should be lousy with chartist captains to approach

Generally speaking I agree.
The reason why we are trading individual items is that:

A. When we get into other universes we can't resupply like normal Rogue Traders, so we need to know what's on-board specifically.

B. By Rogue Traders standard we are still utterly poor.

Ofc we need to struck deals at an higher level. But we still have to build our network, reputation and leverage.
B. By Rogue Traders standard we are still utterly poor.
being utterly poor does not mean anything here as we have a warrant of trade and all the power and freedoms it entails just that alone would allow us to approach various chartist captains to make deals with them , they become vassals of our dynasty , accept us as their direct liege lord , give us a percentage of their profits in exchange they gain the patronage of a rogue trader and operate under the remit of his warrant of trade instead of the limits of their charter allowing them free trade and travel across the whole of the Imperium instead of being stuck to the areas mandated by their original charters which would allow them to become fabulously rich beyond anything they could imagine and remember these people own private warp capable star ships so they are already as well off as imperials get so when I say rich I am talking filthy levels of it

we can do this right now , Armageddon is a major system which would have a great many chartists operating in it , we will need to negotiate with every individual captain of course which would be its own affair

once we have a few captains sworn to us we are set to go , as we would gain a constant stream of passive income from them so large as to be measured not in currency but cold hard profit factor representing units of raw economic power which can be used to pursue venture capitalist endeavors like setting up a lasgun factory over there , a Lemen Russ plant that away , buy a hive spire to get some real-estate in our portfolio ..ect

cause you see their is no such thing as a poor rogue trader, the sheer amount of power and freedom their warrant grants and the ways they can be used makes it impossible for all but the most utterly inept mouth breathing moron to fail to making a profit
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being utterly poor does not mean anything here as we have a warrant of trade and all the power and freedoms it entails just that alone would allow us to approach various chartist captains to make deals with them , they become vassals of our dynasty , accept us as their direct liege lord , give us a percentage of their profits in exchange they gain the patronage of a rogue trader and operate under the remit of his warrant of trade instead of the limits of their charter allowing them free trade and travel across the whole of the Imperium instead of being stuck to the areas mandated by their original charters which would allow them to become fabulously rich beyond anything they could imagine and remember these people own private warp capable star ships so they are already as well off as imperials get so when I say rich I am talking filthy levels of it

we can do this right now , Armageddon is a major system which would have a great many chartists operating in it , we will need to negotiate with every individual captain of course which would be its own affair

once we have a few captains sworn to us we are set to go , as we would gain a constant stream of passive income from them so large as to be measured not in currency but cold hard profit factor representing units of raw economic power which can be used to pursue venture capitalist endeavors like setting up a lasgun factory over there , a Lemen Russ plant that away , buy a hive spire to get some real-estate in our portfolio ..ect

cause you see their is no such thing as a poor rogue trader, the sheer amount of power and freedom their warrant grants and the ways they can be used makes it impossible for all but the most utterly inept mouth breathing moron to fail to making a profit

Yes, I agree, legally we can grant any new trade routes to any chartist captain and get a share of their profits.
The point is that atm we don't have any unexplored new routes. We could simply grant them new trade routes within the Imperium, but this means pissing off other people, like other chartist captains operating under the patronage of someone else. For example, if we grant the route to Pyran to a chartist captain who has only the route to Ryza (both averagely safe and averagely trafficked routes), we are going to piss off the people that have been doing the route Pyran-Armageddon for centuries.
This may or may not be a problem, depending who these guys are working with.

None will really mind if a passing by Rogue Trader is doing business in a world. But people competitors
could resent the ten merchant ships that are now regularly competing with them.

A powerful rogue trader, with connections and wealth, can pass over this and threaten begrudging planetary corporations or merchant houses with war.
But a rogue trader with one, small ship, almost no wealth, a tiny army and with just some connections in the Administratum and Mechanicus (connections that atm are treating him more like an expensive guinea pig, than an even partner in business), isn't in that position of power yet.

We can always partner with a powerful merchant house (that can defend her own interests) and just gives our name for the sake of legality and is willing to give us a small royalty.

If we have new routes (or routes out of the Imperium), ofc selling rights for those is totally another affair. Way more profitable and that doesn't offset any balance.

Btw next turn there will be an open action vote and you will be able to propose any compact trade agreement with chart is captains or merchant houses.
Scheduled vote count started by LordNymphys on Oct 13, 2024 at 7:54 PM, finished with 8 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Baby's First Trade
    [X] Hive Helsreach: Prometheum (Grade C), Heavy Mining Equipment, Refining Machines
    [X] Hive Hades: Plasteel, Copper, Bauxite
    [X] 3800 kilotons of Prometheum (Grade C) - 3420 ATC
    [X] 2 Heavy Mining Equipment - 180 ATC
    [X] 2 Refining Machines - 900 ATC
    [X] 30,000 tons of Plasteel - 270 ATC
    [X] 40,000 tons of Copper - 180 ATC
    [X] 50,000 tons of Bauxite - 180 ATC
    [X] Accept Caldan's request

Baby First Trade wins

I assume we are spending another turn / month in Armageddon.
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Narrative “The Salesman, the twisted organ, and the girl”, Vote, 40K, Rogue Trader
There is a second event in the Turn, quick vote and then we'll go to next turn with an open vote



Hans stood in the thick, oily smog of Hive Helsreach, barely able to make out the looming shape of the hive itself, a gargantuan silhouette rising like a rotting titan above the poisoned coastline. Through the filthy, cracked glass of the window next to him, the sea stretched out as a black, bubbling sludge, slick with thick oil that coated everything in its path. Bubbles broke the surface, as if the entire ocean were some kind of living, festering tumor.

Everywhere he looked, endless queues of grim-faced workers marched toward rusted oil rigs and refineries that sprawled across the shoreline. Their boots left black stains on the already scorched earth, the grimy trails a reminder of the toxic industrial cycle they were part of. Towering pipes snaked across the landscape, leaking streams of oil that seeped into the soil, turning it into a sticky, poisonous muck.

The air was thick with the smell of chemicals and burning fuel, and the sky above was lit by the constant orange glow of flames roaring from the oil wells. Rusted piers jutted out into the polluted sea, where massive tankers moved back and forth—some hauling unrefined promethium from the rigs to the refineries, while others carried processed fuel out to sea, destined for distant war zones.

Helsreach felt alive, but not in the way a city should. It was like the hive itself was a massive, breathing organism, feeding off the land, poisoning everything in its endless hunger for promethium. The workers seemed more like blood cells, circulating through the system, drained of purpose except to keep the machine running.

Hans had seen industrial wastelands before, but nothing like this. Helsreach made the oil rigs of his time seem like toys by comparison—this was brutal, relentless, and reeked of decay. And now, here he was, negotiating the purchase of promethium, watching this industrial leviathan consume the world, one barrel at a time.

From the vantage of the steel tower, Hans could see the sprawl of Helsreach stretching out beneath him, a decaying behemoth of industry. The tower itself, an intricate lattice of rusted steel beams, reminded him of the Eiffel Tower or the old antenna tower in Milan's Parco Sempione. But this was no tourist destination. From the small, lavishly deteriorated office high up in the structure, the hive below churned like a machine long past its prime. The window, streaked with grime, barely filtered out the black haze of oil fumes and smog rising from the refineries below.

The office itself was an odd contrast to the brutal, industrial landscape outside. It was like stepping into an era of forgotten luxury—carta da parati clinging to the walls, once ornate but now faded, torn in places, and stained with age. The carpets, soft underfoot, were threadbare, and the furniture, dark wood and heavy, was scuffed and scarred with time. The whole room had the feel of something lavish that had long ago begun to rot. It was a bird's nest of excess, high above the filth, yet decaying all the same.

Across from him sat the refinery's salesman, an extravagant figure who seemed out of place even here. Obese, he was a hybrid of features—Caucasian and Eastern Asian, like many Hans had seen on Armageddon. His clothes were garish, embroidered in gold and rich fabrics that clashed with the tired surroundings, and he was drenched in perfume, a sickly sweet scent that barely masked the undercurrent of decay and corruption that clung to him.

"You surprise me, Lord Trader," the man began, his voice dripping with mock reverence, "a man of your standing, coming here to broker a deal for mere promethium yourself. I'd have thought you'd leave such trivialities to underlings." His eyes darted to the corner of the room where a young woman, thin and Asian-looking, silently poured drinks into worn crystal glasses. The girl moved with precision, eyes cast downward, avoiding any attention, though Hans noticed the way the salesman's gaze lingered on her.

The man waved a hand dismissively at her, and she flinched as though she expected a blow. "Quickly, girl," he barked, his tone suddenly vicious, "we have important business here."

Hans felt a knot form in his gut as he watched her scurry to serve them, her hands trembling slightly as she placed the glasses in front of them. There was something in the way she moved—fear, exhaustion, maybe both. He held his tongue, though. He was starting to see that the Imperium was nothing like the world he came from. The liberal society of his past, where people at least had the veneer of rights, was far from this grim, oppressive reality. Here, cruelty was woven into the very fabric of life, and unpleasant business partners like this one would become all too familiar.

"I hear," the salesman continued, leaning forward with a glint in his eye, "that you've been selling armored vehicles from Necromunda. Impressive stock. Perhaps… you might be willing to part with one?"

Before Hans could respond, the room began to vibrate. The windows rattled, and the floor seemed to tremble as a small tanker spaceship fired up its engines from the refinery below, preparing for a short hop to orbit. The noise was deafening, a reminder of the relentless cycle of extraction and transport that ruled Helsreach. Hans glanced out the window, watching as the ship rose slowly, its engines cutting through the murky haze.

When the noise faded, the salesman leaned back in his chair, his voice suddenly slippery, almost conspiratorial. "Of course, promethium is just one commodity… I have other interests. Tell me, Lord Trader, are you… interested in other items? Rare ones, perhaps? I've heard whispers of Ork weapons… things that certain parties have managed to collect after the War. Hard to come by, you understand, but I have… connections."

Hans raised an eyebrow, immediately recognizing the game the man was playing. Dealing in xenotech was illegal for most, but for a Rogue Trader? The rules were… flexible. Yet the man knew better than to speak plainly.

"Of course," the salesman added with a sly grin, "introducing you to such an opportunity would come at a cost. Say, one of those Necromundan armored vehicles as a gift… and perhaps … ten million Hels, if the transaction is fruitful."

Hans swirled the drink in his hand, the bitterness of the liquor matching the mood in the room. His mind flickered to the young woman, still standing silently in the corner, her eyes downcast. As much as he hated to admit it, he was already thinking of how he might turn this situation to his advantage. The thought crossed his mind—could the girl be part of the deal as well? It was a dark notion, one that made him uneasy, but this was the Imperium, and here, sentimentality was a weakness.

He stayed silent for a moment, weighing his options.


[X] a. Take the Prometheum and go.
Buy only the Prometheum, don't meddle with Ork tech.
(Requires no dice roll, narrative for the end of the turn and directly to next turn)

[X]b. Take the offer.
Don't negotiate, go to see the merchandise.
(Requires no dice roll, narrative and other roll for the actual purchase: costs 1 Arathor armored car now and 100 ATC worth of Hels -10M Hels- only if you buy the merchandise)

[X]c. A car for a girl.
As part of a mutual trust plan negotiate the car for the girl, don't negotiate the commission (requires to roll, failure 5 with the d100 dice. costs 1 Arathor armored car now and 100 ATC worth of Hels -10M Hels- only if you buy the merchandise, plus you acquire the girl as part of the deal)

[X]d. Negotiate the commission.
Give the car now, negotiate the commission (requires to roll, failure 20 or lower with the d100 dice, every 10% higher 10% discount. costs 1 Arathor armored car now and X ATC worth of Hels -XM Hels- only if you buy the merchandise,)

[X]e. The most audacious proposal.
Give the car now, negotiate the commission, get the girl (requires to roll, failure 25 or lower with the d100 dice, every 10% higher 15% discount. costs 1 Arathor armored car now and X ATC worth of Hels -XM Hels- only if you buy the merchandise,)

[X]f. Much for much, less for less.
We don't know the value of the things we may end up spending. Propose the salesman a 10% commission. It may be more or less than the 10M Hels he proposes. And the car for the girl. You don't want to pay for something that could be a pile of rust.
(Roll for success, 20 or more with d100)

[X]g. The Pious Cinic.
Hans fakes to be shocked by the proposal of dealing with xenotech. He has strong connections in the Administratum… one word and the Prometheum salesman… will be bathed in Prometheum.
But he could forget what he heard for a 19% discount on the Prometheum, plus the girl.
{roll d100, 30 or more success: save 342 ATC on the Prometheum purchase and acquire the girl}

*Note 10M Hels is only the commission of the salesman. You will have to negotiate with the hive gangers for the actual purchase.
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I will keep this open only for 1 or two days, since it's a relatively minor event and I want to get to the next turn and there will be another vote in the turn if we decide to get to see the Ork stuff. No need to open the voting.
Voting is open