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You were once a common mortal, a meaningless human soul inhabiting Terra in the 03 Millennium. Now you are in the 41st Millennium, awaking in the grimdark future you never imagined will come to be. After your initial confusion, above the rhythmic white-noise of grandiose yet unsettling baroque machines a half-man, half-machine awakes you, explaining that, using the wonderful marvels of the most sacred of tech-rituals, straight from their far-past your far-future fabled Dark Age of Technology, you have been recalled from the abyss of time and your soul had been bound to most Priestly and most Holiest Machine, sacred to the Omnissiah. The machine is like a Holy Warp Drive ("what the hell is a Warp Drive?", you think), but Holiest, since it can penetrate the veil between universes. Why you? The abominable mechanic man can't say, decades, maybe centuries of study will be needed and the Chrono Machine had been locked away, given that it revealed to be contaminated by the taint of Abominable Intelligence. And decades, maybe centuries will be needed to understand the inner-workings of the Holy Warp Drive now tied to your soul. You are now the only one who can sit at the helm of the Void Ship that can travel across the vastness of interstellar void, the empty eternity of time and the infinite complexity of parallel dimensions: a Rogue Trader, but with unique skills and privileges.
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The information the abominable machine man provided you is still overwhelming, in the meantime memories of your past life start to get to you.

You were a
-[X] select your gender
-[X] select your country of origin
and you were
-[X] select age [18+, but less than 80], for age I will choose a median among voting
and you remember you were a
-[X] your past profession.

You walk across the room, towards a synthetic glass circular window, stained by the fumes of chemicals floating in the outer athmosphere.

The landscape outside is nightmarish, if Dante would have imagined a mechanized Hell maybe it would have been like this: you are in a tall spire, taller than the orange-greenish clouds below you, another spire pierces the sky about 300 meters in from of you, like an obsessive prayer screamed to the dark night: it screams of might and of "orror vacui", with miriade of pipes, valves and grotesque statues decorating every minute crevice of its surface; mechanical abominations, more spiders than man, walking the alien walls; below you, far far below you, between wounds in the sick clouds you can see dead plains, gargantuan warehouses, crowded slums and a forest of menacing buildings, a whole ecosystem of human tragedy, you think.
"You are in the Great Mechanicus Enclave" the machine-man says "in the world of [X] [pick a very populated hive world]"

Your quest begins
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[X]Plan: Du hast

A person old enough to have participated in the '68 Protests, ideologically opposed to the exact sort of hell that the Imperium is.
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[X]Plan: Spanish Empire
-[X] Name: Luis Serra Navarro
-[X]Scientist: Biology

their appearance

Luis Serra Navarro

Luis Serra (ルイス・セラ, Ruisu Sera?) was a Spanish biologist native to an isolated region of Spain. After time elsewhere, supposedly Madrid, he was recruited by Osmund Saddler into Los Iluminados' research project on the Plaga parasite. While suspicious of the project, he continued to work on what...

remake resident evil 4

Let's go with a scientist who can do crazy things like in Resident Evil.

Necromunda (planet) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

  • Hive Secundus — Originally the second greatest hive city on Necromunda, around a century ago it fell to Genestealer infestation due to unsanctioned Adeptus Mechanicus biological research. The Inquisition was forced to intervene and destroyed the central spire. Despite this the Genestealers were not fully purged and remain alongside feral humans amongst the ruins, which are now guarded by a defensive line manned by Necromundan Conscripts and Penal Legion troopers.[8c]

Other Elements

  • Ironhead Squats – A clan of Squat miners[20]
  • Cold Traders – Operate a web of black market goods and do business with all aspects of Necromundan society. Selling all sorts of contraband, xenos artifacts, and military hardware, they wage a constant battle against the authorities of the Adeptus Terra.[10b]
  • Imperial Impostors – Charlatans who impersonate Imperial authorities to gain wealth and power. Due to the massive and slow nature of Imperial bureaucracy, this crime is surprisingly simple to pull off. Criminal enterprises exist solely to falsify ones records and impersonate nobility. Usually, they attempt to steal as much as they can before discovery.[10b]
  • Rogue FactoriaHereteks who operate networks of illegal manufactorums churning out non-STC approved designs. They exist in the depths of the Underhive, brutally working swathes of slaves in their factories. The most prominent Rogue Factoria syndicate is the Archwerks.[10b]
  • Narco Lords – Drug kingpins who oversee the trade of stimms. Without their drugs, the ruling elite could not extend their lives, work quotas would not be met, and the coffers of the ruling Planetary Governor would be lighter. Many of Necromunda's Ganger Houses, such as House Escher, are heavily involved in the narcotics trade.[7]
  • Rebel Lords – These are insurgent leaders, often from Fallen Houses that have since been removed from grace by Lord Helmawr. Rebel lords have high bounties placed on their heads and are formidable fighters, augmented with bionics and exotic weaponry.[10a]
  • Helot Cults – Such as the Corpse Grinder Cults[25] and covens of Rogue Psykers known locally as Psi-Syndica.[10b]
  • Genestealer Cults – Such as the Cult of the Slithering Star and Cult of the Second Son.[11a]

Imperial Fists

Necromunda is one of two official recruiting worlds of the Imperial Fists Space Marine Chapter, along with Inwit.[25] The Fists are based from the Spear of Dorn Fortress.[24]
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[X]Plan: Spanish Empire
-[X] Name: Luis Serra Navarro
-[X]Scientist: Biology

their appearance

Luis Serra Navarro

Luis Serra (ルイス・セラ, Ruisu Sera?) was a Spanish biologist native to an isolated region of Spain. After time elsewhere, supposedly Madrid, he was recruited by Osmund Saddler into Los Iluminados' research project on the Plaga parasite. While suspicious of the project, he continued to work on what...

remake resident evil 4

Let's go with a scientist who can do crazy things like in Resident Evil.

Necromunda (planet) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum

  • Hive Secundus — Originally the second greatest hive city on Necromunda, around a century ago it fell to Genestealer infestation due to unsanctioned Adeptus Mechanicus biological research. The Inquisition was forced to intervene and destroyed the central spire. Despite this the Genestealers were not fully purged and remain alongside feral humans amongst the ruins, which are now guarded by a defensive line manned by Necromundan Conscripts and Penal Legion troopers.[8c]

Other Elements

  • Ironhead Squats – A clan of Squat miners[20]
  • Cold Traders – Operate a web of black market goods and do business with all aspects of Necromundan society. Selling all sorts of contraband, xenos artifacts, and military hardware, they wage a constant battle against the authorities of the Adeptus Terra.[10b]
  • Imperial Impostors – Charlatans who impersonate Imperial authorities to gain wealth and power. Due to the massive and slow nature of Imperial bureaucracy, this crime is surprisingly simple to pull off. Criminal enterprises exist solely to falsify ones records and impersonate nobility. Usually, they attempt to steal as much as they can before discovery.[10b]
  • Rogue FactoriaHereteks who operate networks of illegal manufactorums churning out non-STC approved designs. They exist in the depths of the Underhive, brutally working swathes of slaves in their factories. The most prominent Rogue Factoria syndicate is the Archwerks.[10b]
  • Narco Lords – Drug kingpins who oversee the trade of stimms. Without their drugs, the ruling elite could not extend their lives, work quotas would not be met, and the coffers of the ruling Planetary Governor would be lighter. Many of Necromunda's Ganger Houses, such as House Escher, are heavily involved in the narcotics trade.[7]
  • Rebel Lords – These are insurgent leaders, often from Fallen Houses that have since been removed from grace by Lord Helmawr. Rebel lords have high bounties placed on their heads and are formidable fighters, augmented with bionics and exotic weaponry.[10a]
  • Helot Cults – Such as the Corpse Grinder Cults[25] and covens of Rogue Psykers known locally as Psi-Syndica.[10b]
  • Genestealer Cults – Such as the Cult of the Slithering Star and Cult of the Second Son.[11a]

Imperial Fists

Necromunda is one of two official recruiting worlds of the Imperial Fists Space Marine Chapter, along with Inwit.[25] The Fists are based from the Spear of Dorn Fortress.[24]

Characters from Alternative XXI Century Earths are fine, as long as their timeline doesn't fundamentally contradict 40K's timeline. For example, we can have a person from a Resident Evil's version of our century, but that excludes a zombie apocalypse, that would change the timeline of 40k itself. If this plan were to win Luis would come from a time where you had T-Virus and Umbrella corporation, but I would soften a bit the zombie element of his back story.
[X]Plan: Spanish Empire
-[X] Name: Luis Serra Navarro
-[X]Scientist: Biology
-[x] Necromunda
Since there is a new plan on the ballot I'll give it other two days

For "Du hast" and "Italian Republic" you haven't mentioned a planet @midnight77 and @Fortebraccio , you can simply revise it (old votes will still be counted -unless otherwise specified by the voter-).
If no planet is specified and one of your plans were to win, the Plan who expressed a planet will determine in which planet we are in (in this case Necromunda)
Du Hast and Spanish Empire both have 3 votes. I would like to go ahead, and accelerate with the quest.
Next votes will take less.
LordNymphys threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Even number Du Hast Odd Spanis Total: 2
2 2
The information the abominable machine man provided you is still overwhelming, in the meantime memories of your past life start to get to you.

You were a
-[X] select your gender
-[X] select your country of origin
and you were
-[X] select age [18+, but less than 80], for age I will choose a median among voting
and you remember you were a
-[X] your past profession.

You walk across the room, towards a synthetic glass circular window, stained by the fumes of chemicals floating in the outer atmosphere.

The landscape outside is nightmarish, if Dante would have imagined a mechanized Hell maybe it would have been like this: you are in a tall spire, taller than the orange-greenish clouds below you, another spire pierces the sky about 300 meters in from of you, like an obsessive prayer screamed to the dark night: it screams of might and of "orror vacui", with miriade of pipes, valves and grotesque statues decorating every minute crevice of its surface; mechanical abominations, more spiders than man, walking the alien walls; below you, far far below you, between wounds in the sick clouds you can see dead plains, gargantuan warehouses, crowded slums and a forest of menacing buildings, a whole ecosystem of human tragedy, you think.
"You are in the Great Mechanicus Enclave" the machine-man says "in the world of [X] [pick a very populated hive world]"

Your quest begins

The information the abominable machine man provided you is still overwhelming, in the meantime memories of your past life start to get to you.

A Meadow in the Austrian Alps, pine-trees creak swinging under an impossibly blue sky, a fruity scent of honey and the smile of your mother, passing like a car in the autobahn. Your sweaty hands, it's a torrid summer in Berlin, your friends went for a weekend of camping in the woods, but in front of you the yellow pages of your thermodynamic text-book, you are biting the pencil nervously, the taste of wood and graphite on your lips. The Berlin Wall is fallen; from your open window you can see people swarming in the streets, you can hear them chanting, in your heart you feel the solemnity of the moment. The smoke enters in your lungs, the parched skin of your fingers holding the sigarette. You press the stub in the opaque crystal ashtray, harsh honeycomb motives. Harsh. The meadow, the blue sky. Anna is gone. She is gone. She was smiling, young and beautiful, you were both doing your master degree in Ingegneria Aerospaziale at the Politecnico di Torino. She left you plenty of books, now they are looming on the walls. In the space of a breath you are old man. A solitary tear is lost on your cheek.

You walk across the room, towards a synthetic glass circular window, stained by the fumes of chemicals floating in the outer athmosphere.

The landscape outside is nightmarish, if Dante would have imagined a mechanized Hell maybe it would have been like this: you are in a tall spire, taller than the orange-greenish clouds below you, another spire pierces the sky about 300 meters in from of you, like an obsessive prayer screamed to the dark night: it screams of might and of "orror vacui", with miriade of pipes, valves and grotesque statues decorating every minute crevice of its surface; mechanical abominations, more spiders than man, walking the alien walls; below you, far far below you, between wounds in the sick clouds, you can see dead plains, gargantuan warehouses, crowded slums and a forest of menacing buildings, a whole ecosystem of human tragedy, you think.
"You are in the Great Mechanicus Enclave" the machine-man says "in the world of Necromunda"

Your quest begins
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The docks of Necromunda were too busy. Too busy, verdammt nochmal!, Hans thought, while staring from the window at the human river of "void farers" below, a cacophony of people in the street below and, after the street and the stalls of street vendors on the opposite sidewalk, a metal fence, then a concrete empty expansion and, soon after, containers upon containers upon containers, forming a curiously geometric and ever changing landscape: he had been to New York a few times, both for vacation and for work, and the proportions of the stacked containers reminded him of Upper Manhattan. Thinking that this was a mere fingernail compared to the height of the Spire (not to speak of the Hive itself) was still feeling him with marvel. Unseen, after the containers imposing height, the actual dry docks he had seen the previous days: there huge, hulking spaceships were disgorging and engulfing containers at an astonishing rate, they were bigger than anything that ever flown in his time, bigger than an Antonov An-225 Mriya or than SpaceX Starship of at least two orders of magnitude: the "Necromundan Pattern Orbit Cargo Lifter" was capable of lifting to the planet's geosynchronous orbit more than 3000 tons of payload, thanks to a wondrous anti-gravity technology (Hans surmised after trying to interpreter the mysticism cloaked Mechanicus explanation), so that the ion thrusters had only to give kinetic energy to the spaceship, without fighting against the gravity well of the planet, what a great piece of technology, and thinking that it was only a speck of dust compared to the real things… the Interstellar (void ship they were calling it) spaceships parked in orbit; and they gave one to HIM, to HANS.

The humming of the cybernetic man awoke him from his day dreaming.
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Hans turned his attention back to the room: it had been clearly chosen for its nondescript location and outlook, yet it was clear that some efforts had hastily been done to add some luxury finishes to it, just for the purposes of hosting the VIP present at the meeting.
"Prime Hermeticum!" said the high-ranking Administratum functionary, speaking to the higher-ranking Magos in the room "we can't allow the adventurism of the Mechanicus to go unchecked, as if messing with unstable Dark Age of Technology isn't bad enough!"
The Prime Hermeticum answered with an annoyed mechanical whizz: "Adeptus Karlys Kraz, the Abominable Intelligence uncovered by our Explorators is neutralized and in a secure location"
"On the way to the closest Forge World so that you can play with it, I guess!"
"The Cultus Mechanicus doesn't play with Heretek, suggesting otherwise is a grave accusation; our Magi must uncover the best rituals to destroy it and only deep analysis of the artifact can achieve the desired neutralization result."
"In my opinion attach it to a cyclon torpedo and detonate it would be safer, easier and faster, but this is the domain of the Mechanicus, not the Administratum's. Yet" the Administratum high-ranking functionary continues raising a hand "It's opinion of my Terran superiors that the new Warp Drive must be tested for the good of the Imperium under a … neutral leadership. That's why my lord has conferred via Chorus Astropathicum the Letter of Marque to our friend here, so that he can act in the wider interest of the Imperium and not in the particular interest of one of his branches."
"Possibly, Prime Hermeticum. Now LORD CAPTAIN Hans Zimmerman, unfortunately the budget authorized by the Administratum for this endeavor is not so vast, not until we can prove this technology to be … useful. But, on the other hand, the budget spending is completely at your disposal, so that our friends of the Mechanicus can't accuse the Administratum of puppeteering, as it is the choice of your crew and the Voidship Pattern at your disposal, among a certain range of Patterns that our friend are confident can be retrofitted with the new Warp Drive."

"Let's start with the voidship"
Hans nodded, as the Aeronautic Engineer he was, he immediately looked at the impressive specifications of the three different options:
[X] Orion Class
[X] Jericho Class
[X] Carrack Class
As a side note in the data-pad, he noted that the Orion Class ship, despite being superior in theory, was just partially repaired after a violent skirmish with an alien race oddly called Orks.
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(I will post different initial settings, the senior crew is a separate vote from the ship and how to allocate the budget will be a separate vote after we have choose the ship class)
Bummed that Spanish empire didnt win. I think the Orion is the only transport ship where you can install a gun at its Keel which means it can shoot at every direction while all other ships in Rogue Trader at most had 90° firing arc plus its fast!

[X] Orion Class

Edit: wolfpack strategy with lots of Orion-class transports is amazing.
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[X] Jericho Class
We need to do some renovations, for example: add weapons, sensors, defenses, a more powerful normal engine and give a renovation to improve the storage of goods.
Crew choice
From the personal notes of Hans Zimmerman

[…] after a few days I have been able to narrow the choices to two/ three candidates for each role


The candidate is a woman from the planet Armageddon (apparently a war-torn overpopulated planet) . Born and grown in the Hive city of Volcano, she served in the planetary militias from the age of 18, fighting for over 10 years in the local jungles, infested by an invasive alien species called Orks. She distinguished in the field […] subsequently hired by the private mercenary company "Manes Manesca" left the planet […] field experience of 3 years in the planet of Jiima, a Death World (Imperials seems to use the term for particularly dangerous planets, like if they weren't all dangerous and deadly!), with an atmosphere and a local fauna heavily toxic […], later employed by above mentioned company as contracted by the local world of the Feudal Planet (a primitive medieval like world) Schiermii to ease a dynastic crisis and the uprising of the local indentured servant class, later sent to Necromunda for a classified operation, later her contract expired.
Seems to be a boot on the ground person, she seems a bit a character out of Apocalypse Now or some other American B movie. Money is a motivation for her, but, when I interviewed her I think I noticed she seems weary of mindless violence of the horrors she has seen, maybe motivated also by the need of belonging to a team.

Started as the member of a smaller hive gang, later joined house Cawdor, famed implacable warrior, she has experience in urban warfare and guerrilla. She has been exiled in reason of some dogmatic disagreement with her house (apparently she showed her face, which is forbidden by their beliefs). As a note she showed up at the interview with an uncanny mask. Her main motivation seems to leave the planet ASAP.


Officer of Necromunda's PDF. He distinguished himself in the local military. Extensive experience in dealing with the armed bands of the wastelands. Gives me the idea of the squared soldier, loyal, obedient and ready to give everything for what he believes in. He is a very pragmatical man and his main motivation seems to be: travel beyond the system, in a role with a better salary and a longer life expectancy than the Guard (the Imperial army), while being able to serve a greater purpose.

[…] Seneschal

[X] Barrius Kormalch
Started as a street vendor in Hive Secundus, Necromunda; created and managed a small commercial conglomerate. The conglomerate "Kormalxh Industries" had been expropriated by the Hive after an investigation (initiated by competitors) concerning tax evasion and embezzlement. Under the local laws he is forbidden from being shareholder of any new business. The only way for him to go back to business would be doing it from the shadow or in some illegal industry or outworld. Despite the recent scandal, his ability to manage complex business situations is undeniable. His main motivation seems to regain social standing, wealth and to leave the planet, building a reputation anew.


From a middle-upper class family, he graduated with laude in the equivalent of a local business university . He managed the sales team of a small industrial valves reseller "Schsllash Brothers", performing excellently. He was then appointed Production Manager of a small Manifactorum, producing gloves, bringing production up 204%, cutting costs by 30% (mostly finding better channels for the import of raw materials) and increasing profit overall by 500%. Klimond is young, ambitious.


This young lady comes from the middle class of Hive Primus, her family is not very wealthy, she got a scholarship, graduated with maximum grades, then entered in the acquisition and consultancy firm "Hessa Value Enterprise", she has less managerial or entrepreneurial experience than the other candidates, but she managed the acquisition of some firms in a brilliant way and she seems to have better analytical skills than the other candidates. As a personal note, I found Jalna full of life and enthusiasm and I would enjoy more having her in the crew.


Experienced Void-Master of a local sub-light intra-system ship "the Golden Aranea XVI", even if he never served in a warp capable ship (as so he will have to rely on others for the management of the Warp Drive and the Gellar Field), he has over 40 years of experience as Void-Master, managing a crew and the ship's systems. Motivation seems career progression and serving in a true interstellar ship.

Necromunda male native. Served 7 years in two different void-ships, the Carrack "His Gracious Hand" and the Jericho's "Glory of the Seven Suns". Served two years as second in command of the "Glory of the Seven Suns" own void-master. Motivation seems both career progression and to change employer.


Terran native. She served for ten years as the deck-master for the Macro Cannon deck of a Lunar class cruise, the "Silver Vendetta", which had been recently destroyed in battle against Chaos forces. Although she never managed a whole ship, she is the only candidate that served in a true war-ship and managed a whole deck. Her motivation seems both to career progression and to find a new home after her previous ship was destroyed.

Ship Astropath

Native of Hive Prime, she is a young yet capable Astropath that worked for House Helmawr, the ruling House of Necromunda. She is very capable, according to her impeccable scores in relying communications. However, she insisted to meet in secret and basically begged me to take her, for half the salary I was advertising. I believe she is in some kind of trouble with her employer, that her life is somehow in danger and that she wants to leave the planet as soon as possible.

Young and capable, worked for a short period in the orbital station above the planet. The guy seems capable, but I perceived something uncanny while interviewing him.

Ship's Chaplain

[…] I'm not very experienced about the God Emperor's religion, everyone insisted that traveling without a priest would be worse than traveling without fuel […]

A young priest just graduated in the Shrine World of "Sacerrima", he seemed very relaxed and meditative person, he gave me almost a Zen vibe. The guy kept talking about "The Light of the Emperor" for the Whole time.

Local Necromundan priest. Worked as a missionary in the underhive of Hive Primus. Seems a very tough and down to earth guy.

The guy has very good verbal skills. Watched the recordings of his sermons and they seem inspiring even for a person that doesn't know so much about their religion. The guy seems a bit too much full of himself, but may be really good for motivating the crew.

[…] note, apparently I will drive the ship myself and the Dark Age of Technology drive doesn't require traditional navigators […] the Mechanicus will send directly their representatives to the ship, the Prime Hermeticus insisted this specific point is to be managed by them. […]
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-[X] Arch-Militant
-[X] Seneschal
-[X] Void-Master
-[X] Ship Astropath
-[X] Ship's Chaplain
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[X] Carrack Class

I vote for carrack class it might not be fastest or carried more cargo but it was versatile enough to survive in unknown galaxy.
Voting is open