2 Spooky (A Ghost Pokemon Trainer Quest)

ah ok, i'm assuming you are using the omega ruby/saphire locations?
and i'd also like to ask whether or not you can catch sea pokemon by fishing that you usually have to surf for, that's a part that once again made some sense only to game mechanics (namely to stop the difference in levels) but not in real life.
...and maybe i missed it, but did we get an old-rod from that fisher dude?
...and lastly, how are you handling wild/lost/dropped items on routes? do you already have a system (are you not doing it at all?) or are you doing something simple like a roll on a d100 to see if she finds something and a if so a roll on a treasure list appropriate to the area?

[X] teach mimikyu bulk up...
- if tms are reusable.

You can catch sea pokemon from your rod.

You didn't get an old rod from the fisher dude. You could probably buy a fishing rod.

I'll do a 1d100 to find something on a treasure list appropriate to the area.
[X] Your Family

"Mom, I won my first gym badge!" Alia exclaimed into the phone. She was hopping around in joy around the face to face terminal with Stuffy, Spooky, and Scarlet all around her.

"What really? That was so short." Mom said, surprised. Stuffy swayed on her left shoulder while Spooky obnoxiously took her right.

"Show me the badge!" Jake demanded, jumping up and down. Alia laughed and then opened her gym badge box to show off her Knuckle badge.

"Oooh, awesome! It's so shiny!" He said, ecstatic. Dad scooped him up and gave her an apologetic smile.

"He's had one too many cookies. C'mon let's go play outside." He said.

"So how did it go?"

"Nooooott as smoothly as I'd like," Alia admitted. "Spooky ended up in a tie, both of them knocked out, and Stuffy was amazing, but she got really hurt too. I don't know if I could have gotten my new sableye to obey me well enough in battle if Stuffy got knocked out."

"Hmm, sounds like you need more training! Do you need more money or anything by the way?" Mom asked.

What do you ask for?

[] Money

[] Advice

[] Write In
[X] Advice
We seem to be fine on money? I guess?
But, advice is priceless.
[X] Advice

"Advice? Hmm ... " Mom said, mulling it over.

"Don't take the airport. Backpack everywhere. You'll meet a lot of cool people and pokemon that way." She said firmly. "You'll grow stronger that way. Remember to train all your pokemon before a gym challenge. Brawly's fairly easy going, but the others are going to test you harder now that you've got your first badge."

"Ghost pokemon aren't popular in this region so go find a professional trader and a ghost breeder if you have to. Catch an aron, they're popular and hard to get out of Hoenn." She continued, wagging her finger. "A professional trader will hook you up with any pokemon you want as long as you have a correspondingly rare pokemon to match. Buy a bicycle, Ultra Balls, and a fishing rod, some of the gym towns don't have roads for cars because they'll hurt Pokemon habitats. Don't mess around with catching pokemon, you'll just waste more money in the long run if you use regular pokeballs. That's how stores make money. Oh and be careful dear, there's been some trouble in the region lately."

Alia blinked and furrowed at the disconcerted look on her mom's face.

"What do you mean?"

"Not legally allowed to speak about it yet, but just keep your nose out of people's business, I know how nosy you can be." She said, looking worried. Alia bit down on her first words, because her mom rarely looked that worried.


Which Gym do you head to next?

[] Write In
Arons are common in the Dewford cave. Maybe we could catch one before we go?
Norman is pretty much the closest and also weak to us, as long as we have non-ghost moves.
However, the latter is also a reason to keep him for later when the fights are harder.
So...Mauville City, over Slateport City?

Edit: Spent too much time looking for Hoenn maps...
[X] Mauville Gym
we have ghost type which if i remember right are not affected by rock type moves (correct me if im wrong)
You are wrong...going by the games. Ghost is only immune to Fighting and Normal.
However, the anime is rather inconsistent in what affects and doesn't affect ghosts.
[X] Mauville Gym

ok, while we are not strong or weak vs rock types they tend to be weaker at higher levels compared to ghost types so im for saving mossdeep gym, rustboro gym, and petalburg gym for last (in that order) mostly because mossdeep despite using psychic pokemon can be pretty strong at high levels and we are only super effective vs them and have no defense of our own vs them.
[X] Mauville Gym
- Buy a fishing rod
- Stay here until you catch a Frillish
- Teach Mimikyu bulk up (if tm's are reusable)
[X] Mauville Gym

Alia stepped onto the crunchy Slateport beach, ready to take on the world. She adjusted her backpack, not used to the weight of the fishing rod she bought.


Alia looked down to see her pokegear ringing. Answering it, she held it in front of her.

It was Galina! She answered, with a smile. Galina looked slightly rumpled but otherwise okay. Spooky and Stuffy stared at the screen, obnoxiously intruding into her space.

"Alia! Nice to see you!" She said brightly.

"Nice to see you too Galina! I got my first badge by the way." Alia bragged, feeling proud.

"Oh that is nice! Show me, show me." She asked, with Alia clicking the badge case open.

"Ah, the knuckle badge! So you used type advantage." Galina said knowingly. She frowned down at her phone. "Ah I must head out to class. I shall see you later?"

"It's a promise!" Alia said chirpily. She closed the pokegear and looked around with a frown.

There was a lot of things she could do before she could head to the Mauville city ...

What do you do? Write In Four.

[] Fish for pokemon
-[] Write In

[] Battle Some Tainers. (X2 or X3 if you want more.)

[] Shop at the Markets
-[] List What you're looking for

[] Look for Reputable Breeder

[] Look for Reputable Trader

[] Write In
[X] Battle Some Tainers. (X2 or X3 if you want more.)
[X] Battle Some Tainers. (X2 or X3 if you want more.) x2
[X] Look for Reputable Breeder
[X] Look for Reputable Trader
[X] Plan Training is Key (But Friendship is Sweet)
[X] Battle Some Tainers.
- [X] Spooky
[X] Battle Some Tainers.
- [X] Stuffy
[X] Battle Some Tainers.
- [X] Scarlet
[X] Spend time getting to know all of your Pokemon and formally introduce them to each other.