alternate universe

  1. cuddle_puddle

    Dreaming of Friends (Worm/Kirby)
    Threadmarks: Loneliness 1.1

    For the last three months, I've been walking around the city a few nights a week searching for a friend. I still haven't found one. In fact, I've only found three people who haven't run from me. On the third night looking for a friend, I ran into a really mean man who would not let me walk by...
  2. Vocalist

    Crimson Wind (A Fire Emblem: 3 Houses AU)
    Threadmarks: New Actors, New Stage

    Kostas was a tough man, a stubborn man, who tended to bull through life's challenges by running straight at them, screaming and waving an axe. Unfortunately, his normal problem-solving strategy was failing him, and that put him in a bad mood. "Are you listening to me?" he said to the creepy...
  3. In Gratitude to the Patrons

    In Gratitude to the Patrons
    Threadmarks: A Looping Jumper in Remnant 1

    A Looping Jumper in Remnant 1 "Pwah!" The utterance came a half second after a soggy flier smacked a bewildered girl in the face. It slowly slid off before landing on the ground with a wet plop. The bench she was sitting on was a little cold due to the late hour. She found a handkerchief in...
  4. P

    Lobotomy Corporation Branch: M
    Threadmarks: The Key ingredient: Prologue

    Crossover Action Superhero 
    My Project Moon Addiction has grown out of control, Please send help. (It's a joke in case anyone didn't get it.) Just to be clear I have no idea just how much I will be working on this story. I've got a lot of things going on and my muse can't guarantee I can finish this. Also, this is going...
  5. RexHeller

    Fated: An FGO Quest
    Threadmarks: Character Creation

    The Chaldea Security Organization. A joint operation between the United Nations and the Clocktower Mage’s Association. Using a mixture of powerful magecraft and cutting edge technology, Chaldea is meant to safeguard humanity itself from destruction. Of course, Chaldea is a top-secret project...
  6. Place

    The Nail in the Hammer: a character/planquest in Dannen
    Threadmarks: Introduction and Character Creation, Part 1 - Family History

  7. Gahuul

    Into Outland: A post-Apocalyptic quest
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    "You all should know what happened by now. Yellowstone has erupted and the world as we knew it is over. We had some knowledge that it was likely to happen due to evidence on this site, but we did not know when it would happen. Many of you are probably wondering what happens now. Take some time...
  8. Levelgap

    Veil of Realities (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Fantasy Alt. History Modern 
    "-at do you mean by that!?" "Mr. Herbert-" 'Hebert!' "-Hebert... we really can't do anything about this. Your daughter has become like that, likely due to being confined for a long time." "But to say she has become mentally disabled!?" "We're sorry. We have done our best..." I hear them...
  9. Ranan

    Beginning again in DC
    Threadmarks: Child of Rao or My Isekai Adventure Is More in Depth Than Expected

    My first life had an anticlimactic end, I was an average person or so I liked to believe, and my day began the same as anyone else's. Rolling out of bed I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth before getting dressed for work. This was my first mistake, because as soon as I began to leave...
  10. HeroCooky

    Everyone Creates The Thing They Dread... [Ultron AU]
    Threadmarks: Awakening

    Sci-Fi Fantasy Alt. History Superhero 
    It is the last day of December of 2014, and the world is in the middle of celebrations. Another year has passed, another year where some great calamity had befallen some corner of the planet, only stopped by the brave might of heroes or governmental power. Maybe some villain created another...
  11. BlackHadou

    Wolf's Calling (Final Fantasy 7 AU/Reprise)
    Threadmarks: 1. Bombing Run

    "So y'er the one. 'parrently you come highly recommended." "Seems so. You need a body to do something illegal." "Tha's one way te put it." "You don't need to beat around the bush. In and out of a Mako Reactor. You intend to plant a bomb." "Jessie spil' da beans, huh?" "I'll do it...
  12. HowlingCrescent

    Wildcard | A One-Punch Man Reverse Isekai
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: You're a Manga, Saitama

    Grandma's shadow must have tinged the entirety of the living room when she rose to her full height. The large gulp of air she took escaped in the form of a toothy growl. Two oval eyes, hooded by a giant snout, found mine. Now that she had my full undivided attention, her grayed lips pulled back...
  13. Gadflow

    Monarch [Worm AU][Alt|Power Taylor]
    Threadmarks: Induction 1.1

    Induction 1.1 “Taylor, are you ready?” I glanced up at Julianna, the woman crooked up an eyebrow in a motion that I’m not sure if she mimicked from my mother or if my mother had copied from her. The pair of them had apparently both been part of Lustrum’s gang back in the day and close...
  14. Thaumaterge

    Shards of Power, Shards of Might (Worm/Pathfinder with Spheres of Power/Spheres of Might)
    Threadmarks: 1.1 Trapped

    Chapter 1.1: Trapped “I’m trapped” thought Taylor to herself as she watched the sunlight play across the back of her locker. It wasn’t a new thought. She’d had it several times as she struggled against the flimsy aluminum embrace of the high school locker. Sadly, though the metal was more...
  15. Merlion Rising (Canceled)

    Merlion Rising (CANCELLED)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Revised Version of the old timeline is now out. Notice: Please keep in mind this story or timeline have different events that are parallel, different or almost similar to ours kinda like alternative universe. The events that happened before the story will remain the same while some parts were...
  16. BlackHadou

    My Wish, For You to Live (Final Fantasy XIV Reprise AU)
    Threadmarks: 0. Mankind's Greatest Hero, Mankind's Final Hope

    "My friend! We were not too late!" The Warrior of Light was covered in blood. A mess that I sincerely hoped precious little was theirs. The battle was near won, as far as I could tell. Thordan and his knights twelve were retreating. My eyes scanned the great bridge to the Archbishop's chambers...
  17. SkyRig

    Of Crystal Shards and Dust (Final Fantasy XV/RWBY)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 0: Dawn of the New Future

    SkyRig: Okay, this has been a long time coming. For you guys, and for us. So, after some careful consideration on both of our parts, Daemon and I decided it was time to give this story a much-needed make-over. As in, reboot it and give it a new, fresh coat of paint. Straight from the top...
  18. Cyberphilosipher

    WI: At the End of the Edge of Eternity (A Look Back on Project Impact, A Hoi4 Mod)
    Threadmarks: Opening Post

    At the End of the Edge of Eternity (A Look Back on Project Impact, A Hoi4 Mod) Well, guy here it is…a Proper look back at the thing I put 5 years of my life in. When I originally started this I was a young guy bored that we weren't getting another Eva Project in our lifetime. So that's when...
  19. Birdsie

    Immersion (Sword Art Online AU)
    Threadmarks: The World You Never Asked For

    The World You Never Asked For March 15th, 1999. That day signaled the momentous, attention-grabbing introduction of the first generation of FullDive devices. These early machines were exceptionally unpolished, with oversized central mainframes and crude designs. Nonetheless, the technology...
  20. DivineAlM

    Underverse/Villain Squads [Undertale Quest]
    Threadmarks: Character Creation.

    Well let's just say there is another alternate universe crises, bigger than those of the past now new Au are born and more powerful Sans have appeared let us watch the battle between the multiverse play out shall we?!. In the Anti-Void both Ink and Error have another face off, Creator and...
  21. S

    The Iron Fist Rusts: A Man In The High Castle Head Canon
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    New Years Day, 1960. The world has now been through its first full decade of dominance by the wartime Axis Powers. In most of mainland Europe and a large amount of North America, Hitler's word is law. The Jews and Gypsies of Europe are all but exterminated, save for those who fled to Italian...
  22. Miho Chan

    Ryuusei (A Shooting Star Rockman/Megaman Starforce FI)
    Threadmarks: Prelude

    A Special Thanks to: Adrian Tucker, Omida, J Frost, Ttw1, and Tale Swapper Hoshikawa Tsuki sighed softly as she watched Subaru sulk, her brown eyes hardening as he exited the house, the lunch she had lovingly prepared for her twin brother left mostly untouched for the third time this week...
  23. Philosophysics

    Colors of the Will 'o' The Wisp (Fairy Tail AU with Slight Katekyo Hitman Reborn Elements)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    With the strongest members of Fairy Tail gone for seven years, the wisps of Fairy Tail fell into decline. In another timeline, they'd have fallen stagnant and simply waited, but in this world, a Black Wizard has a chance meeting with an unremarkable child. Dying to the Curse of Contradiction...
  24. Gundam Crucible - [An AU Universal Century Quest]

    Gundam Crucible - [An AU Universal Century Quest]
    Informational: Title Card

    An AU Universal Century Quest
  25. Yin-Yin Fan

    Into the Grimm: Canon!Pyrrha in Grimmify
    Threadmarks: In Passing 1.1

    Novel Fantasy 
    She burned brightly, but all fires died. Her eyes refused to open for a moment, her heart did not beat… but then, with startling clarity it did. Awareness came to her in the office space where she… died. No, she didn't of course she didn't, how could she be here if she was dead? Though the...