alternate universe

  1. Lordxana

    Dollhouse [Worm alt-power]
    Threadmarks: In Media Res 1

    Mature Novel Superhero 
    Taylor Hebert I had promised myself that this was going to be a short and comfortable run before heading back home and trying to get some studying done, and at the start I really was following that promise to the letter. I did about half my normal route, having tossed on a hoodie to deal with...
  2. Randino Treviani

    Inside Job: Favors Between "Friends"
    Threadmarks: A call with the Ripleys

    Illyrio set down a black briefcase next to his would be assassin. The man was still masked, as Illyrio cared little for his Identity. Illyrio's "Friends" abroad would have an easy enough time confirming his suspicions. "Smmp! Mlml thk!" Illyrio ignored the man, and opening the case. Inside...
  3. Galer

    Bionicle Chronicles Of Earth: Aberrant Island. (Bionicle A.U)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: welcome to Our Twisted Home

    Sci-Fi Fantasy Modern 
    Artificial island of Isiva-Nui. Location: the Equator near Panama. Condition: currently in crisis and quarantined due to recent events, retaking efforts by the Locals and Toa team currently in progress. year 20XX March 22 human and Magnan calendar. ------- The humidity of the forest made...
  4. Galer

    The Second Chance Of Two souls (RWBY S.I A.U)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Low-security Museun

    Fantasy Action 
    The Second Chance of Two Souls Prologue: Low-security museum. Noel Arc yawned stretching his arm along with school uniform those hands promptly fall back in their previous position with the right hand scratching his chest no doubt messing up the white undershirt inside the green shirt, his...
  5. nezexyzzar

    Taylor, Time Tinker! [Worm Alt-power AU]
    Threadmarks: My Name is Taylor Hebert

    Mature Novel Mystery 
    “Corner of Welldocks and Falcon, she said?” “Y-Yes sir! Near the docks,” Agent Melody chirped nervously in his ear. “She said she got Lung and the Undersiders contained just behind the warehouse there.” Colin struggled to stifle a sigh. “Acknowledged, Control,” he said instead, signing off the...
  6. Dab master

    The Tjao Chronicles
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Bitter Introductions

    Original Mature Supernatural 
    THE TJAO CHRONICLES: CHAPTER ONE Bitter Introductions Hate. That was all Tim felt for the men before him. The soldiers fired at him fruitlessly, his incantation turned their bullets to water and a single wave of his hand caused spikes of ice to erupt from the floor and tear through their...
  7. Shadow Hunter: Pokémon/One Punch Man [Oneshot]

    Shadow Hunter: Pokémon/One Punch Man

    Original Crossover 
    I’ve written a chapter! Yay!
  8. Nugar

    People Lie, redux, rewritten
    Threadmarks: People Lie chapter 1

    People Lie redux, rewritten Everyone in the class turned to look as the door slid open. Even Shikamaru, who had gotten pretty good at impromptu naps over the past several years, hadn’t had time to fade out for his morning ‘me time’. Naruto Uzumaki walked in, almost an hour late. “Naruto...
  9. Pinklestia

    I am a Lombax? I thought I was a Cape! (Worm / Ratchet & Clank AU)
    Threadmarks: 01 It is called biology!

    I thought I was a Cape. I am actually an alien called a Lombax. What. I stared at my mother, my mother who changed to look a lot like my new form, only older and... well of the two of us I know who will get to turn heads more. Of course before the explanations there was some confusing...
  10. A Little Leavanny's Sideways Story [Pokémon AU, Reincarnation]

    Little Leavanny In The Big City [Pokémon, Reincarnation]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Vibrations

    Available on AO3! Available on SB! SB and SV are the primary ways to interact with me if you have feedback or questions. Also available on RoyalRoad! I have been making edits as i've posted on RoyalRoad. While there aren't plot changes for RoyalRoad, I have changed and massaged a LOT of the...
  11. Krieg Schnee

    Schnee: Hero or Huntress (RWBY/MHA)
    Threadmarks: 1-1

    "Let's see what the Schnee name really means." "I'm more than just a name." "Hm, then prove it." Weiss was losing, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. Despite being a part of one of the top first year teams at Beacon Academy, having killed numerous Grimm throughout the school...
  12. ecoolasice

    Para Ex Machina (Worm Quest)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    I awoke to agony. Every thought pounding in my skull is a constant call to the pain in my side. Pain so total and complete, I do not know how long I laid there or if I even stayed conscious. Eventually, I can start thinking, slowly and with stutters, but thinking of something other than the...
  13. Bland Eggplant

    Faunuisance - White Fang CK2-Style (Kinda) - [RWBY AU]
    Threadmarks: Creation 1 - Choosing New Face

    The White Fang is in turmoil, threatening to split at least in two, as many involved faunus argue over the news. A group of human supremacists refusing the White Fang convoy to pass through resulted in a fight, in which two things happened: First – Ghira Belladonna had been wounded. Second -...
  14. Spawn and Storm (An ASOIAF/Dragon Age Quest)

    Spawn and Storm (An ASOIAF/Darkspawn Quest)
    Threadmarks: 1. From Blights to Birth

    Crossover Mature Fantasy Romance 
    1. Blights to Birth It dripped... Roaring in your mind was the commands of the Dragon, the Old One. CORRUPT! DEFILE! CONQUEST! The only words you could recognize, the ichor in your body pumped and your eyes could only do so much as to look up into the eyes of the sneering Grey Warden...
  15. Kaernetron

    Worlds on Fire - a Snippet Thread with delusions of Plot
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    I'm sure most of you know the feeling: While reading a fan fiction, you're reminded of parts of a novel you read about two decades ago. The memories spark ideas, the ideas spawn a few plotbunnies. The little fluffballs get shoved into a dark corner of your mind; to stop them distracting you...
  16. Levelgap

    Card Fantasy
    Threadmarks: 1.1

    Fantasy Modern 
    Winter break is as dull as it gets. Despite the holiday fast approaching, the house is as quiet as it is. There are not much in the way of decorations and the interior is almost untouched, if not for the fact that there is a garland on the wall and some designs on the curtains here and there...
  17. happynslappy

    Our Shining Savior (Celestial Forge/Worm)
    Informational: Rules and concept

    I have returned from the dead! Huzzah! In all seriousness I'm currently stuck in a motel room with a crappy little phone and am slowly going insane with my muse screaming in my ear. So on to the writing. I'll be using Celestial Forge v3 for my stuffs with 100 points every 1,500 words (not a...
  18. Sonic4EverShadow

    The Finest Warrior of Mewni (SVTFOE / Star VS The Force Of Evil - OC/SI)
    Threadmarks: Wake Up And Live A New LIfe!

    AN: SVTFOE/Star VS The Force Of Evil don't belong to me but only to Disney. If it was mine i will change MANY things, BUT IS NOT! Belong to Disney! AN2: I know exist some kind of book about SVTFOE and his universe but i NEVER read it, i see only the show and this story is written by the show...
  19. Junebugtwin

    The Two Pawns (Worm Au)
    Threadmarks: Taylor 1- Foreboding

    Each gasp from Emma was a gunshot in the quiet of her room, face red and blotchy and eyes sore and hot. Her hands, normally elegant and steady, were shaking terribly in Taylor's bony grasp. Taylor felt her own eyes leak tears sympathetically, the feeling all the worse for how long it'd had...
  20. ScipioSmith

    SAPR: Interlude 2 - Vale
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - The Silver Swan

    The Silver Swan Although it was still late summer, and fall had not yet crept upon the world, nevertheless, the air was chill and crisp as everyone waited outside the funeral parlour. It was probably appropriate. Everyone – everyone bar the Atlas Academy students, Sunset should say; they...
  21. StellaStarMagic

    Our Fading Light
    Threadmarks: CH.1: Her Mother's Roots

    It had been too long. Only very vague memories were left of the last time she had been to Vale, more than a decade ago. Now, being back here, having just arrived at the Docks, was a very odd feeling – a mix of melancholy and coming home. Her gran – not by blood, but she was ancient and she had...
  22. ScipioSmith

    SAPR: Interlude 2 - Atlas (RWBY/MLP)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - Every One Thinks Meanly of Themselves

    Every One Thinks Meanly of Themselves Every one thinks meanly of themselves for not having been a soldier. That was a quote by a man who had, amongst other things, compiled the first dictionary. He had never been a soldier himself, so presumably, he spoke from his own personal experience...
  23. Rosemary102

    Bloodbag (Worm AltPower)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    She picked herself up off the ground, a spike of annoyance shoving through the cloud of brain fog waking her up faster, as she started to remember what had just happened and – "Fuck!" Backpedalling away from the rapidly growing pool of blood, only to then see Taylor unmoving, face-down in the...
  24. Pinklestia

    Relic Hunter (Hunter X Hunter AU SI)
    Threadmarks: The Saint Job

    Chapter 01 The Saint Job "Never try to fool children, they expect nothing, and therefore see everything." - Harry Houdini ****(The Criminal)**** Coal. The miners take it from the Earth. The factories use it as fuel. And is what almost killed me. I was a just a street rat as a child, then...
  25. Danganimorphs: Brain Slug Academy

    Danganimorphs: Brain Slug Academy
    Threadmarks: #1. The Impact

    Crossover Sci-Fi Modern 
    My name is Kirigiri Kyoko. That's all I can tell you about myself up front. I'd been raised to believe I was someone exceptional, a student above all others. I have no idea how I can believe that now. My first inclination that something unnatural was afoot was when I spied an eerie set of...