Lmao. I'm actually, legitimately upset. Like, I want to debate and dicuss cordially with you guys, but, it feels like no one's actually taking our actual future into account. The Emperor knows about us. There is a reason that the Seal exists.
Putting more points into Mark might seem like a provocative act. I don't think you guys realize that. It's not a good thing, especially right now.
Lmao. I'm actually, legitimately upset. Like, I want to debate and dicuss cordially with you guys, but, it feels like no one's actually taking our actual future into account. The Emperor knows about us. There is a reason that the Seal exists.
Putting more points into Mark might seem like a provocative act. I don't think you guys realize that. It's not a good thing, especially right now.


It's not like anyone's bothered to mention that "Oh hey we don't want you building that up." Actually, people have been doing a good job keeping Victoria in the dark about just about everything.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor's gameplan is to raise a Maou candidate friendly to the Empire's interests. Especially given the implication that Victoria was born with at least the basic Mark--there had to be something to encourage the Emperor to squelch, and a mere Half-Demon doesn't seem like enough of a potential asset to justify him taking such a risk (Since if it comes out that he protected a Demon Lord candidate, it's likely whatever church is around would flip their shit)
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[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord

I'm almost tempted to vote for this, just because of the name. :p

Putting this here in case anyone wants another pure mage option.

[] Plan: Ultimage!
-[] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
--[] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
--[] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]

Regarding perks, there is some reason to invest now instead of later, in that the perks that give boosts every level will start snowballing earlier, and thus we'll end up with higher stats.

[X] Plan: XP Snowball
-[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
--[X] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
--[X] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]

though I'd rather pick up Mark of the Demon King after Elric's Appraisal of us instead of potentiallyletting him see its already leveled up.

Thaaaaat is a very good point. It may be an extremely good idea to NOT have a perk that labels us as prime Demon King material right before we get appraised.
For everyone voting for The Tiniest Overlord, please bear in mind that if you pick Wizardly One or any other plan that saves a perk, you can simply vote for Mark of the Demon King AFTER we've been appraised by the guy that already didn't seem to like us very much even when we were a baby.
I want to do ultimate snowball so that we can start learning holy magic immediately, since the immediate level up should hopefully give us another chance to spend a point and with the additional EXP we should be able to afford Holy Magic Affinity.
@Spectral Waltz Appraisal is the absolute most useful skill we have. Once we level it high enough, we'll be able to tell relevant detail about the person we're looking at, including ourselves.
And, we currently need that. Our current character sheet is a bunch of question marks because our skill is too low to appraise ourselves. That is something that needs to be rectified post-haste.

And, it's really, really not bullshit. When people start voting on what's the cool option, It's hard for me to find common ground with them. It's a failing of mine, because I honestly do not care what the cool or interesting option is because I trust the GM to make whatever we choose cool and interesting. Uso has done a great job of that. So, I'm looking at what can benefit Vicky the most in the long and short term and others are just choosing what's cool. I'm not detracting from the choice but there is a disconnect there and I'm asking how to reach my fellow voters and being rebuffed.

For the record, I enjoy reading well thought out arguments for or against a course of action, and am often swayed by such.

As I just explained, it's security against a potential threat vector (Low ranking Demons showing up and deciding to grab the new potential Maou-sama), this explicitly gives us the power to boss around lesser demons--which are the ones that are most likely to show up here--probably because the higher ranking ones don't get to move very freely.

More importantly though, like I said, I'm totally in favor of becoming the Nicest Overlord in History if we can get away with it. Completely rejecting all of that makes me sad.

I could be in favor of that, yeah. Though as I already said, it seems pretty clear we already have the basic version.

If we have level one of Mark of the Demon King, we may be able to level it up later? The downside to that is that it may be much harder, and may involve sketchy rituals or attempting to order around a demon that is trying to kidnap us.
I too want to become the Nicest Overlord in History! Let's get out there and make the world a better place!
... Which I think we can totally do most easily as a mage. Possibly even without being able to control demons from an early age.
For the record, I enjoy reading well thought out arguments for or against a course of action, and am often swayed by such.

If we have level one of Mark of the Demon King, we may be able to level it up later? The downside to that is that it may be much harder, and may involve sketchy rituals or attempting to order around a demon that is trying to kidnap us.
I too want to become the Nicest Overlord in History! Let's get out there and make the world a better place!
... Which I think we can totally do most easily as a mage. Possibly even without being able to control demons from an early age.

It's not on our XP chart, which suggests it's something that only opens up in Evolution charts.

The Uniques are the only things that we can't buy with XP.

It's not like anyone's bothered to mention that "Oh hey we don't want you building that up." Actually, people have been doing a good job keeping Victoria in the dark about just about everything.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor's gameplan is to raise a Maou candidate friendly to the Empire's interests. Especially given the implication that Victoria was born with at least the basic Mark--there had to be something to encourage the Emperor to squelch, and a mere Half-Demon doesn't seem like enough of a potential asset to justify him taking such a risk (Since if it comes out that he protected a Demon Lord candidate, it's likely whatever church is around would flip their shit)

Bear in mind that everyone thinks that we are as smart as your average 5 year old. They probably have no idea that we know how to build up levels in the Mark. Keeping us in the dark may be specifically so that we don't figure out how to level it up.
I like the idea of an Empire-friendly Demon King, but I figured he just didn't want someone related to him to get hurt. Our mother is related to him, right? It's possible that he is just looking out for his favorite niece after an unfortunate tragedy or something?

It's not on our XP chart, which suggests it's something that only opens up in Evolution charts.

The Uniques are the only things that we can't buy with XP.

Darn, it would be nice if we could work on that in our own time rather than having to pass up a perk for it.

Also, thank you very much for specifying that we level up the Mark after we get appraised. That makes me a lot less concerned about getting dragged off to be exorcised. :p
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
-[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
-[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2 (But get this one after the Appraisal)
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: XP Snowball
[x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[]Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
-[]Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
--[]Mighty Physique Lv. 1
--[] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2
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If we really are going to spend perks then I'd rather spend on the ones that give us more future options. As someone noted we probably already have mark of the demon king so that makes this kind of a no brained

[X] Plan: XP Snowball

This will give us more options and take the unique we don't already have while buffing our ability as a caster a bit more
A Note on Trap Options
Sticking in a quick tally, since we're neck and neck. Every vote counts at this stage.

EDIT: I'd note that I don't usually add options which are outright traps on their own, although some options could be better or worse depending on your circumstances, all of them have definite pros and cons. If you care about minmaxing, then yes, some will be stronger than others, but for the most part, I'm more interested in telling an interesting story with these options than punishing or rewarding you for optimal decisions.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Dec 29, 2017 at 6:10 AM, finished with 88 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
    [X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    -[X] Mighty Physique Lv. 1
    -[X] Mark of the Demon King Lv. 2 (But get this one after the Appraisal)
    [X] Plan: XP Snowball
    -[X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    --[X] - [Attribute] - Sharp Mind Lv.1 - A strong mind and personality are bestowed, giving the character a small immediate boost to intelligence and charisma, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    --[X] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
    -[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
    [X] Plan: Example Vote
    - [X] - Pick one Perk, save the other for later.
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Fire Resistance Lv.1 - The character's body is unnaturally resistant to heat-based attacks and environmental damage.
    [X] Plan: Strong Inner Self
    - [X] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    - [X] - [Attribute] - Willpower Lv.1 - The character is better able to resist mental attacks and traumas through great force of will. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [x] - For some reason, I'm worried about giving up all that information publically. Refuse permission.
    [x] - Pick both Perks! Invest early, invest often!
    [X] Plan: Gifted and Lucky
    [X] - [Attribute] - Gifted Soul Lv.1 - A strong and stable soul is capable of better channeling magic without adverse side effects, giving the character a small immediate boost to magic and resistance, plus an additional boost every level. [Cost: 0 XP]
    [X] - [Attribute] - Lucky Lv.1 - Good fortune is bestowed, tweaking the dice of fate to ensure that events fall in the character's favour a little more often than they would otherwise. [Cost: 0 XP]
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[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.

[X] Plan: XP Snowball

Though I want Gifted Soul, I'll pick this for now. Hopefully we'll pick that one next with our bonus XP later.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[X] Plan: The Right Perks At The Right Time
[X] Save both perks for later so we can think this through, there's no rush to this.
Since we're currently at a deadlock, I'll leave it open for a few more hours to give anyone who wants to a chance to change vote, then flip a coin if we haven't settled by later tonight.
[X] - I trust mother, this must be important, and I'm kind of curious to find out how it works.
[X] Plan: The Tiniest Overlord