[X] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.

Oh alright, fine, Appraisal is more important than XP, and a monster is probably worth more Appraisal power than anything else around here.
[X] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
[X] - Taking on the Harebite alone is too risky for me? Why not team up with Elena and hunt it together, so she can teach me?
[X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.

Be the Demon Lord! Start your monster army of cute fluffy bunnies!
[X] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
[X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.

Lets go to the tamer route!!!
[x] - Elena suggested I needed to practice erasing my presence if I wanted to sneak up on things, maybe I could try doing that instead? If I could sneak up to it and back without getting caught I feel like I'll have grown a lot!

If we get a leg up on the Tom Clancy stuff we could ditch that popsicle stand and the remoras on us to gain all the unsupervised XP we want in scary forests, dark alleys and convenient mine shafts. Easy choice!!
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Apr 9, 2022 at 6:18 AM, finished with 13 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
    [X] - Taking on the Harebite alone is too risky for me? Why not team up with Elena and hunt it together, so she can teach me?
    [X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.
    [X] - This world is dangerous, I need to learn how to fight at some point. If Elena can do it, why can't I? Let me try hunting it. (Initiate Combat)
    [x] - Elena suggested I needed to practice erasing my presence if I wanted to sneak up on things, maybe I could try doing that instead? If I could sneak up to it and back without getting caught I feel like I'll have grown a lot!

Good morning! It appears the "Don't engage and finish training Appraisal" votes are comfortably in the lead with 50% of the votes - although the runners up will certainly influence what Victoria might want to do in the future, the other half of votes will need to consolidate/bring the tally closer before say 18:00 UTC - if it's still a clear lead for Appraisal by then I'll close the vote and knock out another update speedy style.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Apr 9, 2022 at 6:18 AM, finished with 13 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
    [X] - Taking on the Harebite alone is too risky for me? Why not team up with Elena and hunt it together, so she can teach me?
    [X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.
    [X] - This world is dangerous, I need to learn how to fight at some point. If Elena can do it, why can't I? Let me try hunting it. (Initiate Combat)
    [x] - Elena suggested I needed to practice erasing my presence if I wanted to sneak up on things, maybe I could try doing that instead? If I could sneak up to it and back without getting caught I feel like I'll have grown a lot!

Good morning! It appears the "Don't engage and finish training Appraisal" votes are comfortably in the lead with 50% of the votes - although the runners up will certainly influence what Victoria might want to do in the future, the other half of votes will need to consolidate/bring the tally closer before say 18:00 UTC - if it's still a clear lead for Appraisal by then I'll close the vote and knock out another update speedy style.


BTW, is Appraisal 2 enough to get more information on what our skill options do? I'd love to have some idea of what we can expect with regards to Holy vs Unholy magic for instance.
[X] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
[X] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.

BTW, is Appraisal 2 enough to get more information on what our skill options do? I'd love to have some idea of what we can expect with regards to Holy vs Unholy magic for instance.

I can fold the answer to that into the next update, higher level Appraisal will slightly improve your ability to get information from different targets, but it won't necessarily be applied evenly across the board to everything. I'll share any major info that is revealed from having the upgraded version.
[x] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
Adhoc vote count started by Usotsuki Megami on Apr 9, 2022 at 2:08 PM, finished with 19 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] - Magic is my biggest strength and I don't know how to use it yet. I might be able to beat it without magic, but it seems risky. Let's just keep our distance and focus on Appraisal for now.
    [X] - Taking on the Harebite alone is too risky for me? Why not team up with Elena and hunt it together, so she can teach me?
    [X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.
    [X] - This world is dangerous, I need to learn how to fight at some point. If Elena can do it, why can't I? Let me try hunting it. (Initiate Combat)
    [x] - Elena suggested I needed to practice erasing my presence if I wanted to sneak up on things, maybe I could try doing that instead? If I could sneak up to it and back without getting caught I feel like I'll have grown a lot!

We have an easy win for more Appraising - working on cracking out another update tonight, shouldn't be as long as the last one.

EDIT: Had a huge energy crash and need to have an early night, I'll have to finish this in the morning!
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[X] - Taking on the Harebite alone is too risky for me? Why not team up with Elena and hunt it together, so she can teach me?

[X] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.

I know I'm late to the vote, but in case I can still influence the runner ups I'm voting anyway. Being willing to work together with others (especially best sister) is a very good thing and something we want to encourage. Also, wanting to tame monsters and get minions is exactly the kind of mindset a cute, tsundere, future demon lord should have.
Here are our stats before levelup (which is missing from the character sheet) and taking all those perks for comparison:

CHARACTER: 「Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere」
RACE: 「Half-Demon」
AGE: 5 「Child」
LV: 「0」 XP: 「15」
HP: 「20/20」 SP: 「50/50」
MP: 「148/163」 PP: 「88/88」
STR: 「10」 AGI: 「25」
END: 「10」 SPD: 「25」
INT: 「23」 MAG: 「31」
CHA: 「65」 RES: 「27」

RACE: Adult Harebite
LV: 「1」
HP: 「17/17」 SP: 「34/34」
MP: 「10/10」 PP: 「12/12」
STR: 「10」 AGI: 「20」
END: 「7」 SPD: 「40」
INT: 「5」 MAG: 「5」
CHA: 「7」 RES: 「5」

If the Harebite doesn't immediately run, the fight probably won't be easy and it will run before we can finish it. I'd say that trying to sneak up on it offers the best chance to kill it and get anything out of the fight other than being beaten up and disappointed.

Also, no write-in option:
[] - Comment to Elena how weak the Harebite seems. If she doesn't refute that, try to sneak up and kill it.

"I'll meet you at the treeline, slowpokes!" I yelled back at them, sticking my tongue out defiantly.

"Eh? Hey, wait a-"
"What's a slowpoke?"
Elena put her hand on my shoulder and looked me up and down suspiciously. "No, seriously, I was sure I'd be able to outrun you, you weren't this fast on your Growth-Day. You've been bedridden since, how did you get faster so much quickly?"
How does she know that? Did she appraise us in our sleep?

Actually, should try appraising Elena now with our improved skill to see how our stats compare.
Yep, dodge the question and change the subject, that's the way forward! It's not like I can tell them up front that I've got the memories of my past life, and that I've been gaming the system, and that they've been treating a grown woman like a baby this whole time…that'd be awkward. No, more than awkward, they'd probably start looking at me suspiciously. Maybe I'd get locked up, or they'd think I'd possessed the real Victoria and try to have me exorcised!
Probably not anything so extreme. The condition is known in the world, and all others like us have achieved great feats. Elena would probably get all excited about us being one of those people. Tanya probably won't be surprised too much after our display of speed, if she doesn't already know. Mother most likely knows already, there's no way Elric withheld this from her.
[] - If it's like an overgrown rabbit, it's probably pretty docile, right? Maybe I can try using my charming presence to talk to it and befriend it.
Docile? Seems like Hino didn't hear much about wild animals.
I turned my gaze back to the woods with a cheeky pout."
Extra quotation mark.
23. Outdoor Training (Part 3)
「23. Outdoor Training (Part 3)」

My breath faltered for a moment as I was stuck with indecision – surely being a badass monster hunter was one of the perks of being stuck in this world, right? Riiiiiiight?

...haaaaaa...I guess I can pay attention to my studies for now. I wasn't much of a student before, so this whole applying myself now felt pretty tiring. Still, walking around with people you like isn't so bad, is it? Let's try appraising the Harebite again and see if it's consistent...

RACE: Adult Harebite
LV: 「1」
HP: 「17/17」 SP: 「34/34」
MP: 「10/10」 PP: 「12/12」
STR: 「10」 AGI: 「20」
END: 「7」 SPD: 「40」
INT: 「5」 MAG: 「5」
CHA: 「7」 RES: 「5」

Well, it was a success alright, but still nothing new. Come to think of it, my head feels pretty still, too. It's hard to describe, but when I appraise something I've never appraised before, I can kinda feel it in my head. Almost like I can sense the draining effect on my MP, I guess? This time on a repeat Appraisal, I didn't feel anything. Trying to appraise the trees I've already identified before isn't really helping, either. Guess that settles it – sticking around and appraising the same thing over and over again isn't really going to help, is it?

Huh? The Harebite had abandoned its burrowing and turned to face our group suddenly.

...wait, what is this? I feel somehow betrayed. Have I been lied to?

Aren't bunnies supposed to be cute?

This thing looks hideous! What a gross, gnarled little pudgy face and such huge teeth! And what's with the red eyes?! That little thing doesn't look intimidating to me!

"It seems you've provoked it with your Appraisals, Victoria-sama," Tanya informed me.

"P-provoked? Just by looking at it? How did it even know?"

"Haven't you experienced it before? From time to time you'll be able to detect when you're Appraised. The stronger the Appraiser's magic, the less likely they are to be detected, but even with a significant advantage it's hard to be sure. What's more, most monsters and wildlife are likely to take such a detection as a direct threat and will be ready for a fight."

Attack?! Was I about to get into a fight even though I didn't want to?

The Harebite sniffed in our direction a few times, then turned and dashed under the brush. A wave of rustling fronds and undergrowth rippled deeper into the forest until all signs of the Harebite disappeared into the distance.

"Um...I thought you said-"

Tanya tutted and wagged her finger. "I said they'd be ready for a fight, not that they'd attack. Weaker monsters are likely to run if they think they're outclassed, after all. Still, what a waste, we could've had it for lunch if I'd acted a little sooner..."

The thought of a hot lunch made my stomach growl audibly, eliciting a laugh from Elena.

"It is just about lunchtime, isn't it?" My sister threw an arm around me. "Wanna go back for lunch and celebrate you levelling Appraisal?"

I folded my arms thoughtfully, then nodded. "Okay. I don't think I'm going to get much more out of this place anyway, not unless we spot any more monsters. Let me know if you see something new so I can try appraising it – I'm not getting anything out of the stuff we've already done."

Elena nodded and – w-what was this?! HEY PUT ME DOWN! She's just picked me up and sat me on her shoulders like it's nothing! I can walk just fine!

"You can see better from up there, right? Keep a lookout for anything you haven't appraised yet on the way back. Let's go!" She began marching back in the direction of home.

...well, I guess I can live with this...

The trip back took no more than half an hour. Although we'd been out there a long time, it seems like the trails were quite winding and we'd backtracked several times, meaning we weren't too far from the manor after all. As I feared, the trip back wasn't too productive in terms of appraisals, except for one thing...

RACE: Hunting Butterfly
LV: 「1」
HP: 「5/5」 SP: 「24/24」
MP: 「6/6」 PP: 「5/5」
STR: 「2」 AGI: 「32」
END: 「3」 SPD: 「21」
INT: 「2」 MAG: 「1」
CHA: 「3」 RES: 「5」

Weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak...seriously, I know these were meant to be beginner monsters, but would a shrimp like that even give me any XP? Probably not even worth the effort.

Strangely enough, on our return, a table and set of chairs with a large parasol had already been set up for us. Servants were bringing out freshly prepared sandwiches and salads, pitchers of iced juice and setting up vases with neatly trimmed flowers. Wasn't their timing a little too impeccable?

"Lunch is ready, Victoria-sama. Time to eat."

Elena let me down and I climbed up into my chair, absolutely starving. I started to reach out for a sandwich before my mind flashed back to the gruelling hours of etiquette training they had tried to drill into me. Slightly sheepishly, I withdrew my hand, did the proper thing, and prepared my napkin and plate.

"Thank you to the Gods who give us this food," I said while clasping my hands together in gratitude.

But of course, my heart screamed ITADAKIMASU!

As soon as the others had finished, I took a pair of tongs and eagerly transferred food to my plate, wolfing it down with a tremendous appetite. My muscles were fine, I didn't feel any burn from the long walk nor did my feet hurt, but man I was HUNGRY. So hungry that my limbs were starting to feel a bit wobbly from the lack of food. I helped myself to several more large portions. I'm a growing girl after all, it can't be helped, can it?

With lunch finished, I patted my belly in satisfaction. Nothing more than some good eating to brighten up your day, right?

Well, before we decide to go anywhere else, I wanted to explore Appraisal more – now that I had level 2, I was hoping I'd be able to unlock more interesting Appraisals...

First of all, let's try Appraising myself again.

CHARACTER: 「Victoria Hope Winifred Valenmere」
RACE: 「Half-Demon」
AGE: 5 「Child」
LV: 「1」 XP: 「49」
HP: 「37/37」 SP: 「115/115」
MP: 「213/213」 PP: 「101/105」

STR: 「23」 AGI: 「34」
END: 「24」 SPD: 「34」
INT: 「36」 MAG: 「47」
CHA: 「79」 RES: 「41」

「System Error 3741: Corrupted Actor Data」 「System Error 16421: Failed to Read Repository (Judgement of Magi)」 「Divine Blessing」 「Soul Trauma」

「Bloodline: Lilith Lv.1」「 Mark of the Demon King Lv.2」「Gifted Soul Lv.1」「Sharp Mind Lv.1」「Lightfooted Lv.1」 「Mighty Physique Lv.1」「Preternatural Agility Lv.1」「Willpower Lv.1」「Lucky Lv.1」

「Appraisal Lv.2」 「Boxing Lv.1」 「Charming Presence Lv.1」 「Imperial Language Lv.3」 「Shadow Magic Lv.1」

「Child's Noble Dress, Blue」「Child's Valenmere Jacket, White」 「Small Caubeen Hat, White」「Sturdy Child's Boots, Brown」「Parasol, White」

Ohhhh, isn't this a huge development?! I think this is the first time I've successfully appraised myself!

I leapt onto my chair and fist pumped. Let's goooooooooooooo!

Hm, it seems like I've grown a fair bit since the Public Appraisal – all those XP I invested in stat boosters seemed to be having a big effect, and that was without the additional boosts I'd get from leveling up. Come to think of it, if I can find a way to squeeze out more XP without leveling, couldn't I really game this system and become a crazy overpowered cheat?

A smug grin crossed my face. Obviously this was inevitable, when you're just as talented as me, you can't help but be overpowered, right? This child's body held me back for awhile, but by the time I was grown up, this world was going to feel the full power of Hino Toya!

Hm...I tried appraising more skills, but no new info was provided. Same with the stats. Drat. It seems like the game designers didn't want me to see the full picture of what's going on behind the scenes – or maybe I just needed to keep leveling this thing up? I guess it's hard to predict what will happen if I do so.

"Are...are you having fun?" Elena stifled a giggle at my pose. Is...she making fun of me?

A little embarrassed, I sat back down and looked at her. Come to think of it, if I was able to appraise myself now, perhaps I could do her too?

"Elena, can I try appraising you again?"

"Hm? Sure, why not?" She bit into her latest sandwich. I thought I was a glutton, but truthfully she was just as bad – I guess we're a whole family of big eaters.

Well, enough of that... I felt something forbidden and long lost rise up from my youth, as I covered one eye and chuckled, swept up in my newfound sense of superiority.

CHARACTER: 「Elena Pearl Adefila Valenmere」
RACE: 「Human」
AGE: 10 「Child」
LV: 「2」 XP: 「128」
HP: 「59/59」 SP: 「124/124」
MP: 「132/132」 PP: 「84/84」

STR: 「29」 AGI: 「36」
END: 「30」 SPD: 「29」
INT: 「19」 MAG: 「28」
CHA: 「29」 RES: 「56」

I...I'd done it?! I began to fistpump excitedly. I'd finally broken through the wall! Well, I couldn't see her status effects or skills or anything, but wasn't this a big first step? With the power of Appraisal I could finally get a sense of how I compared to the world!

...hey, I'm supposed to be a cheat prodigy, right? One of a chosen few with overwhelming power? Isn't she kind of crazy too? I mean I've got an edge in magical ability, but without an ability to use magic, wouldn't I be no match for her at all? Well, I knew she was a cool and a prodigy too, but I felt a little bit of competitive jealousy boiling up inside. She might be older than me in-game, but I've got 17 years of experience outside of this game! It's unfair that I'm getting beaten out by this kid!

"Um...did it work? I thought it worked but now you look unhappy..." she looked concerned for me.

"...it worked." I sulked and pulled a bit of candy out of my pocket – a little extra I'd been keeping around for incidents where I'd taken damage. Popping it into my mouth, I sucked on it thoughtfully.

"You're pretty cool, sis." I stated matter-of-factly. I couldn't let a 10-year old know I was jealous of her natural gifts. Sometimes part of being a cool adult is taking the high road, right?

"Huh? Where's that come from?" She looked confused and blushed sheepishly.

"You're done eating right? I wanna go explore some more. I won't be satisfied until I reach level 3 Appraisal!"

"Is that so? Well, I'm supposed to be taking lessons this afternoon, but if Tanya doesn't mind..." Sis looked to my maid apprehensively.

"Don't worry, Elena-sama. I will take good care of your sister." She bowed respectfully, then looked back at me. "Victoria-sama is well behaved and wouldn't try to run off again, right?"

I felt a chill come down my spine. I know I caused a bit of trouble before, but I really wasn't planning to do anything crazy!

"O-of course not! I just want to try and finish the dumb old man's quest as soon as I can! If we can get to level 3 today then I'll be free to do what I want until he comes back!"

Jumping down from the chair I picked up my parasol and looked over the landscape while Tanya helped stack up our plates and prepare to leave.

Decision 23-1: What were we going to do out here on this bright and sunny day?
[] - [Training] - There are a bunch of open gardens and greenhouses near the house. With so many different types of plants there, I'm sure that will help me improve my Appraisal quickly!
[] - [Training] - There's a paved trail that leads down towards the river and I think what looks like the estate wall in the distance, I'd like to get away from the manor house and enjoy something I've never seen before! I'm sure there will be stuff to Appraise out there too.
[] - [Training] - I can occasionally see estate staff moving around and working in the fields – I wonder if people without magic are easier to appraise? One way to find out!
[] - [Training] - There's a big hedge maze just beyond this fountain. Maybe I'll find unusual things to Appraise there?
[] - [Training] – I know I said I'd focus on Appraisal, but seeing my new stats, I feel a lot more confident about hunting monsters now. Let's go back to the woodlands and search for something!
[] - [Training] – I can't escape Tanya with a footrace, but it'd be nice to have some independence for once. Maybe I can sneak away when she's distracted?
[] - [Training] - Write-In

Unspent XP: 49
[QM's Note: In order to simplify game turns and keep the pace steady, any time you want to purchase or upgrade a skill, please put a vote with the appropriate skill in and muster some support for it from your fellow players. If we get a majority of people voting to acquire a skill, then we'll buy it. If there's mass interest in buying skills but no clear consensus, or if a decent number of people ask for one, I may call a moratorium and focus a vote entirely on what you'd like to pick up next.]

「QM's Note: I probably won't be able to update again before Tuesday, so I'll leave the vote running until then.

Here are our stats before levelup (which is missing from the character sheet) and taking all those perks for comparison:

Also, no write-in option:
[] - Comment to Elena how weak the Harebite seems. If she doesn't refute that, try to sneak up and kill it.

As Victoria was unable to Appraise herself, I left the stats anonymized to represent uncertainty around how they changed after acquiring skills. Now that she's able to Appraise herself, the Character Sheet should remain up to date in the future.

I did fail to put in a Write-In option, but I'm pretty much always open to Write-Ins as long as they're reasonable - the options I put down are driven by what I feel the character is most likely to be thinking at the time.」
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[X] - [Training] - There's a paved trail that leads down towards the river and I think what looks like the estate wall in the distance, I'd like to get away from the manor house and enjoy something I've never seen before! I'm sure there will be stuff to Appraise out there too.

Alas, we picked the wrong choice.
[X] - [Training] - There are a bunch of open gardens and greenhouses near the house. With so many different types of plants there, I'm sure that will help me improve my Appraisal quickly!
That butterfly has surprisingly high HP.

Notably, our MP is back to full by the time we finished eating. The unexpected hunger was probably from MP expenditure, too.

...hey, I'm supposed to be a cheat prodigy, right? One of a chosen few with overwhelming power? Isn't she kind of crazy too? I mean I've got an edge in magical ability, but without an ability to use magic, wouldn't I be no match for her at all? Well, I knew she was a cool and a prodigy too, but I felt a little bit of competitive jealousy boiling up inside. She might be older than me in-game, but I've got 17 years of experience outside of this game! It's unfair that I'm getting beaten out by this kid!
Nevermind the fact that you have stats comparable to someone twice your age and two (or one?) levels above, who according to Elric is a genuine prodigy and not a cheating OP reincarnate.

Although Elena does have notably high RES. Probably got some attribute going for her there.

For the vote, I'd stick with the advice we've been given:
"Ah, but simply appraising the same thing over and over isn't enough, and the easier something is to appraise, the fewer skill points you'll get. Eventually if it becomes too trivial, you stop gaining them altogether, so growing a skill means that you will always need to challenge yourself. Incidentally, this is not just the case for Appraisal, but it will work for any skills and attributes that you use frequently."
So, now that we can appraise animals, time to push further:

[x] - [Training] - There's a paved trail that leads down towards the river and I think what looks like the estate wall in the distance, I'd like to get away from the manor house and enjoy something I've never seen before! I'm sure there will be stuff to Appraise out there too.
[x] - [Training] - I can occasionally see estate staff moving around and working in the fields – I wonder if people without magic are easier to appraise? One way to find out!
-[x] - [Training] - In fact, start with Tanya.
[x] - [Training] - Try appraising specific object properties, e.g. the size of grass, the materials of the parasol. What about properties that don't show up on that object, e.g. the materials of grass? Could focusing on the specifics be a way to push past what is normally available at your Appraisal level?
[x] - [Training] - Try appraising places and locations at the estate and the grounds. Does the size and complexity of the appraised area make a difference? Does distance to it?

As Victoria was unable to Appraise herself, I left the stats anonymized to represent uncertainty around how they changed after acquiring skills. Now that she's able to Appraise herself, the Character Sheet should remain up to date in the future.
I meant the level itself:
[] - [Unique] - Blessed with Ancestral Wisdom - The character receives a large immediate boost of available XP and also levels up immediately. [Cost: 0 XP]
So Victoria should be level 1 by now.
[X] - [Training] - There's a paved trail that leads down towards the river and I think what looks like the estate wall in the distance, I'd like to get away from the manor house and enjoy something I've never seen before! I'm sure there will be stuff to Appraise out there too.
[X] - [Training] - There's a paved trail that leads down towards the river and I think what looks like the estate wall in the distance, I'd like to get away from the manor house and enjoy something I've never seen before! I'm sure there will be stuff to Appraise out there too.
I meant the level itself:

So Victoria should be level 1 by now.

Dang, you're right, I totally messed up somewhere in my notes. I'll update her Appraisal/character sheet now, as she's actually going to have slightly higher stats thanks to the level up. Thanks for pointing that out!

EDIT: Done. Still not quite enough to overcome Elena but slightly higher across the board.
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[X] - [Training] - I can occasionally see estate staff moving around and working in the fields – I wonder if people without magic are easier to appraise? One way to find out!
[x] - [Training] - I can occasionally see estate staff moving around and working in the fields – I wonder if people without magic are easier to appraise? One way to find out!
-[x] - [Training] - In fact, start with Tanya.

Probably the best way to level up fast.

[X] - [Training] - There are a bunch of open gardens and greenhouses near the house. With so many different types of plants there, I'm sure that will help me improve my Appraisal quickly!
- [X] Try appraising specific qualities. Edibility, if it's poisonous, potential uses and medicinal properties, etc.

Herbology, potion-making. Maybe we can find something that synergizes with our goddess-like charisma.
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