Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 23: We Wonder Where Who Wanders When Watchers Wane

Pre-Vote Running Tally: Who Are Your Top 3 Choices For Orichalcum?

  • Total voters
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building
-[X] STUNT: "Let's set her aside for now. There's something I've been considering since this started," I said, hoping to move away from the unpleasant emotions she brought up. "Candidates without Parahuman powers. People such as Glenn Chambers, Emily Piggot..." After hesitating, I brought up another contentious nomination, for it was my duty to leave no valid possibility unexamined. "...or Doctor Mother."
[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management
-[X] STUNT: Emily Piggot stood at the edge of what was an intersection and stared down into a mass of tunnels waiting for Tinkertech. "You're sure it will work?" she asked over her shoulder. "With all variables controlled-," Accord began. "Not you. Her," Piggot snapped. "This is but the snare. I am the knife," Prayer answered. Piggot nodded. "Then get the bastards."
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[X] STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation.

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Does Not Go To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Doctor Mother
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Alexandria

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X] WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X] FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X] AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X] EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○

Updated my vote with a couple stunts (one copied, one original) and some XP expenditures. Reposting rather then adjusting initial post to make it obvious.

One issue with B.B. Rain's argument, imo, is that it does not take into account that DM has significant doubt/mistrust regarding us and/or Autochthon (IIRC anyway). Why would she want to become an Ori Caste Alchemical?
My argument is designed to convince the voters to explore the possibility. Once she isn't being dismissed out of hand, and brought up in-story, then we turn to convincing her.

EDIT: Having just remembered the Word Of Grom about Piggot's effectively impossible unwillingness to be Exalted, I nonetheless consider my mention of her above acceptable.

In addition to Taylor not necessarily knowing just how hard a sell she'd be, Emily Piggot is still one of the better examples of an Exaltation-worthy non-parahuman, and a decent starting reference to broach the topic, even if the Assembly would quickly agree she'd be too hard a sell to seriously pursue.
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We don't have quite enough exp for taylor to spend 4. Even with the extra 2 we'd only be able to have her spend 3 without cutting into the Aisha-list.

Also we can buy artifacts in installments?
As a note, I limit Stunts to ~60 words (preferably less than that) so as to avoid meandering Stunts that try to cover too many bases. It's more difficult to write Stunts when they're shorter, yes, but I've found that it helps focus the idea and encourages wittier diction. Also, the Vote Tally programs only catch the first "paragraph" of votes, so Stunts that have a paragraph break in them don't work - try to keep them as one solid block of text.

Oops. My apologies, give me a sec to trim them down.
Oh right

I can vote now

[X] Narrative Focus: PhillyBureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: CamdenBureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Bonesaw
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Doctor Mother
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

[X] Support Holy Crusade, Get Boyfriends

I'll leave stunts and things to people who actually know what they're doing
All of our candidates have a track record for what they do given power. Armsmaster, Doctor Mother, Alexandria and even Accord have built and or led organisations. They've pursued laudable goals (in amongst the squalid and selfish ones.) They've worked their socks off doing it - which is important as the grand project reaches crunch time and we still don't know what the assembly needs to do apart from run interference for Iris.

Ciara wandered about doing mass murders for a bit then sat in a hole waiting for her prey to come to her. She de-aged herself because she couldn't even be bothered to lust.

Riley has been a serial killer since the age of six under the tutelage of Jack Slash. At age 12 there is hope that she can grow into something else but a murderhobo minion is all she knows how to be right now. In many ways she's a very young 12. Far less rounded than Missy for instance, endlessly indulged in her tinkering but not schooled in anything else, not really able to relate to other people and with moral judgement trained out of her. She has the Slaughterhouse 9 where 6 years of core personal development should be.
Exactly my objection to Ciara, she sat and waited, she didn't build some giant god-machine to make the cycle progress better/faster, she didn't stir up and ferment conflict in the name of the cycle, she talked big about Scion and the fairies but she didn't do much of anything with it.

Orichalcum should be people who do things, every exalted should be really, but the orichalcum's whole job is to take on big projects and make them work.

Accord and Armsmaster are the real project lead types, and of the two, Armsmaster gains the most benefits from immediate exaltation due to his martial bent making age a problem for him.

Accord probably needs to be the next Nowhere-Ori, and if we start handing out soul gems he needs to be on the short list for that as well.
Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[x] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[x]STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation.

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Support Holy Crusade, Get Boyfriends

[X] WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X] FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X] AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X] EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
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Interlude: Lung
(Credit to @Ridtom for most of this!)​
Ah, almost forgot - @Ridtom sent this to me in a PM way back in December of 2014, and I told him then that I'd probably use it around Arc 9. Took three years but... I finally did! Since it never saw the light of day until now, it never got original credit so... +1 for the original, then +2 for being canonized! Thanks again for the help! +3 XP!​
Also we can buy artifacts in installments?
Nnnnnot really, no - Equipment and Artifacts that haven't been fully paid for either won't be reliably accessible or still run the risk of getting yoinked/destroyed off-hand, though the more XP poured into it the lower that risk gets.

I will point out that XP Debt is a thing we can use if we feel strongly enough about securing something immediately. Basically, we can spend more XP than we have at the moment, which puts that XP pool into the negative and prevents any further spending from that pool until it goes back up to at least 1 XP in its pool (not just back up to 0). For an example:

Say we want Shiny Thing A for Saki. Shiny Thing A costs 9 XP, but Saki only has 1 XP and the Assembly Pool only has 3 XP in it. We can vote to buy Shiny Thing A, which empties Saki's XP pool then pulls the rest from the Assembly pool as usual - making the final total -5 XP in the Assembly Pool. This means that Saki now has Shiny Thing A, but no further purchases may be made from the Assembly XP pool until it gets back up to 1 XP.​

This has always been the case, for what it's worth, it's just that we haven't really made use of it outside of a few rare times.
Orichalcum candidates... I'm really conflicted now.
My personal favorite is Ciara. But this is mostly because of her parahuman ability - it is very strong and i'm really curious how will it change after exaltation. And because i like her character.
But her personality is not as good.
While she is cute, and i'd love to see more of her, as far as i understand it she was mostly guided, not guide. Now she is guided by Saki and Taylor, earlier she was guided by her power, post-canon she is guided by Protectorate.
And as i see it Orichalcum Alchemicals are meant to be leaders.
So nether she, nor Riley, are not good candidates from that point. While they, most likely, will be loyal (and loyalty is problem i see with most of other Ori candidates), there is a chance they would be too loyal and not independent enough. In fact, i was surprised to even see them as Ori candidates.
The ideal person from that point of view would be Alexandria.
However, i would prefer Taylor to remain Leader of our Assembly. And exalting Alexandria will put it at risk. Armsmaster and Accord most likely will not challenge her leadership behind the scenes - they may become nominal leaders, but not real. Doctor Mother is opposite - she is better in working behind the scene, and lacks charisma. But Alexandria is someone who works both behind the scene and in the front lines, she is charismatic (not as charismatic as Legend, but still), initiative, and uses any means nessassary to get things done. She would be really good Orichalcum, but maybe too good.
DM... i just personally don't like her.
So Armsmaster and Accord remain. For now i like Accord better of two.
So... Basicaly, my votes are my personal preference, one who fit spot best in my opinion and one who i think is good balance between "like" and "fit".
Orichalcum candidates... I'm really conflicted now.
My personal favorite is Ciara. But this is mostly because of her parahuman ability - it is very strong and i'm really curious how will it change after exaltation. And because i like her character.
But her personality is not as good.
While she is cute, and i'd love to see more of her, as far as i understand it she was mostly guided, not guide. Now she is guided by Saki and Taylor, earlier she was guided by her power, post-canon she is guided by Protectorate.
And as i see it Orichalcum Alchemicals are meant to be leaders.
So nether she, nor Riley, are not good candidates from that point. While they, most likely, will be loyal (and loyalty is problem i see with most of other Ori candidates), there is a chance they would be too loyal and not independent enough. In fact, i was surprised to even see them as Ori candidates.
The ideal person from that point of view would be Alexandria.
However, i would prefer Taylor to remain Leader of our Assembly. And exalting Alexandria will put it at risk. Armsmaster and Accord most likely will not challenge her leadership behind the scenes - they may become nominal leaders, but not real. Doctor Mother is opposite - she is better in working behind the scene, and lacks charisma. But Alexandria is someone who works both behind the scene and in the front lines, she is charismatic (not as charismatic as Legend, but still), initiative, and uses any means nessassary to get things done. She would be really good Orichalcum, but maybe too good.
DM... i just personally don't like her.
So Armsmaster and Accord remain. For now i like Accord better of two.
So... Basicaly, my votes are my personal preference, one who fit spot best in my opinion and one who i think is good balance between "like" and "fit".
it bares repeating that Grom's said that we should vote to exalt people that we want to see more of in story, so if Ciara is someone you want to see more of then vote for her.
Okay here are my votes.

Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management

[X] Narrative Focus: Danger-Zone Patrols
-[X]STUNT:Charles ducked below the windowsill as his confederates popped up to pour gunfire into the street, their salvaged tinkertech maintaining a steady rate of fire as they yelled obscenities at the PRT troopers. Reloading his weapon, he raised his head over the parapet, just in time to stare into the business end of a very large railgun. "Say hello to my friend".(62 words).

[X] Narrative Focus: Relief Camp Patrols
-[X]STUNT: A line stretched out in front of the hastily-opened federal aid office, with people showing up to register for disaster relief and unemployment benefits. Above the crowd, a flock of birds flew loops over the block and stood vigil on the roof edges, with only their numerical distribution as an indicator that their movements were not their own. (59 words)

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)
-[X]STUNT: The foreman took a final look around the construction site, and at the PRT officers keeping gawkers at bay behind the caution lines. "We're clear. Let her rip." Thirty seconds later the heterodyne whine of heavy-duty agrav drives presaged the arrival of the cogdragon construction drone. Multitools unfolded as it began to stump over to the bombed-out electrical installation. (61 words)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Glaistig Uaine

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○

Glaistig Uaine is my Ori choice.
I just included the other top two candidates to round out the numbers.

The XP Expenditures are ESSENTIAL, and we have the XP for them.
But I'll write up the full argument for it later tonight.
Just trust me.

Taylor goes to the Charity Concert because it allows the GM to spin a story.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Nov 9, 2017 at 10:34 PM, finished with 80 posts and 37 votes.
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Computer's glitching out and wonky, I'm gonna drop my basic vote and try and repair it. Sorry guys, can't really copy paste stunts on a phone, at least if I want to continue enjoying the quest.

Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Relief Camp Patrols
[X] Narrative Focus: Therapy Sessions
[X] Narrative Focus: Assembly Building

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: None. You are all unworthy.
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: None. You are all unworthy.
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: None. You are all unworthy.

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Trans-Chosen Emulator + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - AcceleratedResponse System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
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Chapter was well worth the wait. 20k words, that's at least a decent-sized novella or small YA paperback, and it's just one of MANY chapters for us. :D

One thing that bothered me, though - when you mentioned all Breakers having their bodies destroyed and replaced for the Breaker state. Wouldn't Changers fit better here? Not to mention, not all Breakers have their bodies visibly changed, I think Velocity is technically a Mover/Breaker and the only effect is that he affects the environment less, and is affected by it less, the faster he goes, so it's a dial there anyway.
One thing that bothered me, though - when you mentioned all Breakers having their bodies destroyed and replaced for the Breaker state. Wouldn't Changers fit better here? Not to mention, not all Breakers have their bodies visibly changed, I think Velocity is technically a Mover/Breaker and the only effect is that he affects the environment less, and is affected by it less, the faster he goes, so it's a dial there anyway.
Well, the entire point of "Breaker" powers is that your body becomes different in some way - and as robust as the human body is, our brains are significantly less tough. All parahuman shards are running concurrent models of their host's brain, it's just that Breaker-like powers require the shard to basically either take over the personhood for a bit (if there's a full-body replacement) or... 'reinforce' the person's consciousness by filling in gaps caused by the power doing weird things to their brain. In a case like Velocity, his own brain isn't equipped to process the increased speed he moves/can act - the mental speed boost is actually his shard basically increasing the clockrate of its own simulation and pumping that into Velocity's meatbrain.

Changers are likely to have full-blown replacements like what Taylor mentions here, yes, but I felt it took away from the solemnity of the thought if she started to get all technical in that bit.
There is specifically a WoG that Breakers start getting more and more shard influence if they go "deeper" into their powers for a long time, and so on. It's about breakers who don't have some sort of external limit on their power, so more like Sophia than the example here, but it heavily implies that the breaker state is what lets the Shard get hooks in, and it being a dial doesn't change anything for that? You'll get more of the Shard affecting your brain if you go deeper, or something, but it's still going to mess with you.

And the comparison for that mental influence is to Khepri, so the shard just taking over for you at a certain point is heavily implied.
And the comparison for that mental influence is to Khepri, so the shard just taking over for you at a certain point is heavily implied.
Also Ashbeast, Butcher parasite, Echidna's lower half's influences, Accord to a certain degree, and apparently in this 'fic GU. There's actually several examples in Canon showing that both Natural and Cauldron Capes are subject to the same affect (Cauldron Capes less so) even without being a Breaker with C53s being exempt by nonstandard biology. So it's not just Breakers or [Khepri].
Can't Handle All This Competency: (Choose THREE, ONE Stunt Allowed For Each)
[X] Narrative Focus: Tinkering
[X] Narrative Focus: Philly Bureaucracy/Relief Management
[X] Narrative Focus: Camden Bureaucracy/Relief Management

Let's Make Iris Nervous: (Choose ONE, ONE Stunt Allowed)
[X] Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair (Infrastructure Drone)

There's No Way This Ends Well: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Taylor Goes To The Charity Relief Concert

Not All That Glitters Is Gold: (Choose THREE, NO Stunts)
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Accord
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Armsmaster
[X] First Round Orichalcum Candidates: Alexandria

We Have Always Been At War: (Choose ONE, NO Stunt)
[X] Denounce Holy Crusade, Forever Alone

[X] AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X] AISHA - 5XP - Trans-Chosen Emulator + Dedicated Slot
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X] AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X] EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 6XP - Manifold Transhuman Implants[Supernatural Quickness] + General Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
WoG that we are being allowed to finish buying charms for Aisha up till she shows up.
This is important because any charms we buy now we get their submods for free.
And currently Aisha's charm bank is almost empty, with 4 empty slots.

So to describe the buy proposal:

-Omnitools Implant is familiar. Taylor uses it for Tinkering and Medicine.
For Aisha, it's the charm that would allow her to crack a safe undetectably, to hotwire a car, hack a computer, pick a lock, to perform first aid , to defuse a bomb or make one, to field repair broken tech, to deactivate a security system.

Buying it now, it and it's submods costs 2XP. If we try to buy it later, it and it's submods that Aisha qualifies for cost 8XP.

-Pheromone Regulation Systems is the Jedi-mindtrick charm. She smells so good she can talk people into agreeing with her.
It allows her to talk her way into a room or a meeting. Or get someone to come along with her quietly. Or to create a mickey and slip it into a person's drink. And it even has a scent function that repels animals and people.

Buying it now costs 2XP. Trying to buy it later costs 6XP.

-Accelerated Response System is part of her survival charm package.
It allows her to run, or dodge, without being so overwhelmed by incoming fire or distractions that people can hit her.
Costs 2XP.

-Paramagnetic Tether Beam is a cross between Spiderman's webshooters and Magneto's kinesis.
She can swing like Spiderman, pull her weapon back to her from where she threw it, catch falling people(as long as they're wearing clothes), disarm people of their weapons at range, pick up a motorcycle, pick a pocket, tie shoelaces together, trip people trying to run away, and so on.

Buying it now costs 2XP. Trying to buy it later costs 8XP.

-Trans-Chosen Emulator is the charm that allows her to disguise her anima.
This means that she can change her lightshow to look like Taylor or any other Assembly member, giving them an alibi if/when they need to be somewhere else. An alibi that would fool even Thinkers.

And, importantly, it allows her to impersonate the lightshow of other Alchemicals that we will meet when we get into contact with Autochtonia.
Costs 2XP now. If we try to buy it later it costs 3XP.

Pursuant to GM statement, replaced Trans-Chosen Emulator with Manifold Transhuman Implants. Which allows her to go even faster.

-Essence Irradiation Corona is the only pure Alchemical combat charm she gets. And we can install it without consuming personal motes.
Buy it now, it costs 2XP.
Try to buy it and the submods Aisha currently qualifes for later, it costs 3.5XP

Buying these now costs 12 XP for the charms + 6XP for the slots = 18XP.
Trying to buy it later costs 28.5XP. Saves us 10XP off the bat.
More importantly, this is the last opportunity we get to buy charms for her until whenever in the future we get a vat complex.

Please do not leave her half-equipped.

Bureaucracy is the skill with which she interacts with large organizations, like the PRT or the Youth Guard.
It determines how easily she can work the organization to get what she wants, like a vacation for Saki, or withdrawal of the kill order on Riley, or Tinkering supplies, or access to classified records, or permission to equip heavy weapons on her drones, or to cause minimal fuss with her Exalt candidates.

Given that ALL of our remaining Exalt candidates are Problematic from the PoV of the organizations we're working with(too young, too powerful, too criminal), we need to increase this.

Her new (human)boss is Piggot.

If her boss's an Ally, the easier her job will be, because her boss will whole-heartedly try to cooperate with her, and will give her the benefit of the doubt when necessary. Not try to sabotage her like we saw with canon Weaver and her bosses. This is important to Sirkalla because Cauldron is about to dump a ton of C53s on her, and she'll need all the help she can get.

And when Cauldron is eventually outed, the more senior officers we can get to listen to us, the better we can shape the response.
Plus, buying Ally dots for a person means they won't get killed off-screen without you getting an opportunity to save them.
This was what saved Accord's life when Saint attacked us at the Brockton Bay Crater.

Bodyguard robots. That do the whole knight thing. So much delicious stunt fodder for Saki to play off of.

We currently have this much XP:
Taylor 1XP
Sirkalla 3XP
Saki 3XP
Assembly 23XP

We can afford this, and not buying it now will cripple or hurt our Alchemicals later.

Include the XP Plan in your vote. At least half of the voters need to vote it for this for it to pass.
At the moment only 12 of 32 voters have voted for XP expenditure of any sort, and only 8 of those voted for the entire range.
This is important.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Nov 10, 2017 at 1:03 AM, finished with 87 posts and 39 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Nov 10, 2017 at 1:55 AM, finished with 90 posts and 41 votes.
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[X]WoRI - 3XP - SoTI Armament (Autonomous Dragonsuit Version 4.82.M) ●○○○○
[X]FPoP - 3XP - Ally (Emily Piggot) ●○○○○
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Essence Irradiation Corona + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 5XP - Trans-Chosen Emulator + Dedicated Slot
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Omnitools Implant
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Pheromone Regulation Systems
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Paramagnetic Tether Beam
[X]AISHA - 2XP - Accelerated Response System[Dodge]
[X]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○
Alright, you've convinced me. Editing my vote now.
Thank you.
Am I missing any xp item? Mobile, hard to check
Yup. You're missing:
-[]EOA - 4XP - Bureaucracy ●●●●○.
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Nov 10, 2017 at 6:54 AM, finished with 95 posts and 44 votes.