[x] Fly Away
Right, you nod to yourself. This isn't going to work. So thinking, you take wing, and climb towards your room.
The trip takes a while, since you're only able to fly about as fast as a human can move on the ground. And not like Usain Bolt either. Still, it gives you time to think.
You went off half cocked. You had no plan and no knowledge of the area. What you need to do is make a plan and stick to it. You see a number of options:
First, you can go to the city attempt to learn the language by total immersion. This could probably be done either while visible to people or not.
Second, you could find someone and try to convince them to teach you their language.
Third, you could stalk somebody while invisible and try to pick up the language that way. Although apparently you won't actually be invisible to some people.
You could also abandon language for trying to do experiments about the world you're in, since it is very clearly not earth. But that won't let you interact with people.
[] Go to the city and try for total immersion. While material.
[] Go to the city and try for total immersion. While immaterial.
[] Try to find somebody to teach you how to speak the language.
-[] Farmer?
-[] Someone in the City?
-[] Someone else entirely?
[] Stalk someone invisibly to learn the language
[] Go do experiments to learn about the world instead.
[] Something else?