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-[] Anglefield 1.7.2 - Projects a series of forcefields around the user which passively sequentially redirect projectiles back at the source or around the user and can be actively shaped so as to direct projectiles (or sound, or light) originating from the user around corners. This effect can also be used to generate lift through a helicopter effect, a halo-esque visual artifact, and "wing"-shaped forcefields capable of slicing through steel embedded with carbon nanofiber.
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-[] Utility Fog - a cloud of nanobots, this fog can create and disperse electromagnetic effects; alter, disperse, condense matter given time; and store information and intelligences so as to act as an exomind for its wearer. These abilities allow for unparalleled assistance and protection from both directed effects and the environment.
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-[] Shishi/Kitsune - A dual variant dog-cat-fox hybrid animal intended for use in war and espionage. The larger variant, shishi, is intended to be easily mistaken for asian dog variants and possesses a thick protective layer of fur, hide, and fat, as well as a group orientation, a tendency to feel protective toward "pack," and obedience for their creator (cough Krista cough). The smaller version, kitsune, is intended to be mistaken for regular foxes and possesses a keen mind, eyes, and ears. Its coat is mottled so as to fit in with its surrounding environment and is shed and replaced by appropriately colored hairs in order to do so. Both of the aforementioned are equipped with telepathic circuits so as to allow for the formation of a group-mind, the transmission of silent and complex plans, and - in the case of the kitsune - the projection of misleading images and sensations.
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-[] Chenzeme Philosopher Cell - A spore-based organism, each cell is an individual intelligence that creates plans, retains libraries of information, and shares these plans with its neighbors in order to come to an overarching agreement. An agreement which is then communicated to the host or nearby organisms and other colonies through the dispersal of highly varied, unique pheromones and microbes. In effect, the Philosopher Cell is a highly portable and high-powered computronic minds that are immune to EMP and largely immune to other sources of damage - i.e., gunshots are ineffectual, viruses inferior, only significant sources of heat and radiation have any effect.
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-[] Chenzeme Spaceship - A complex and internally heterogenous spaceship directed by the Philosopher Cells, this ship is made up of two separate parts. A "hardware" part that creates guns, shifts mass around, stores and processes information too complex to be contained by a philosopher cell - thus acting as a computer for computers. And an "engine" part that consists of incomprehensible colonies of organisms creating exotic matter which, upon contact with a specific wavelength of light, decays, creating significantly more energy than required to originally create it. Such energy can be used to propel the ship and release immensely powerful beams of light that can be as strong as planet killers and as weak as signal lasers; as focused as an engraver and as dispersed as an EMP shockwave.
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-[] Prophet - An altered humanoid form, this entity is intimately familiar with adapting to societies around them and establishing benevolent communion. It constantly sheds beguiling pheromones and complex molecules - some of which establish a symbio-parasitic organism rooted inextricably, ineradicably, in the target nervous system. The resulting structure allows for the other molecules shed by the Prophet and similarly affected individuals to alter emotions and instill ideas, allowing for the creation of a transcendent society that skyrockets in technology and happiness as the fires of rebellion and dissent gutter without fuel. More pragmatically, the goals and loyalties of the Prophet can be set on creation and it, and its followers, will obey them without even knowing they are.