Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business

So this for sure. Otherwise I will contribute my abilities to two research actions... and lets try to lay low for awhile guys? We just gave the Illuminati some of our tech.

Shit is going down HARD.

I'll whip up a full vote in a while , but I'm going to recommend we strip the SCIENCE from the office building, transition to the bunker, and lay low for a couple weeks.

Meanwhile, we should fortify said bunker, churn out robots by the craptron, and maybe put that spacial manipulation to use. Perhaps shifting the bunker to the shadow plane?

Finally, I strongly suggest we keep the existence of M.A.D. a secret, at least from the public. Let the Illuminati think we've moved on, or been eliminated.
[] Run for High GM
[X] Vote for someone

[] Attack the Illuminati first
[] Fortify the base
[] Evacuate
[X] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business

[X] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints

[] Design a blueprint
-[] Details?
[X] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
- [X] Begin constructing a Dream Self. Use MAD SCIENCE!!! as necessary.

[] Hire Minions
-[] Details
[] BUILD Minions
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Acquire a new base
-[] Details?
[] Expand/Modify an existing base
-[] Expand the bunker
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Start a Front Business
-[] Details?
[] Acquire Other Funding
-[] Details?

[] Search for suspicious activity
[X] Write-In
- [X] Search for a wizard that is independent, learn their schedule and determine the best plan to capture and contain them.

[] Suppress an ill-advised action
[] Write-In

[] Research Training
[] Operations Training
[] Espionage Training
[] Combat Training

Will require editing later.
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Action 13: expand Lujan Partido Bunker
Roll 40 + 306 (manpower) + 25 (skill) + 755 (ROBOTS!) = 1,126
Success (56)

So, it turns out that massive hordes of robots make for light work. Extremely light work. You had only really intended to add a few rooms here or there, but by the time the week is over, MAD's underground supervillain base is eight times as large as it was when you started.

New Stats for: Lujan Partido Bunker
Luján Partido Bunker
Co-ordinates: -37.48, -59.05
Size: 64
Concealment: 5
Fortification: 6
Rooms: 10 Storerooms, 10 Laboratories, 5 Workrooms, 1 Security Checkpoint, 5 Garages, 5 Heavy Garages, 4 Infirmaries, Recycler, 7 Robot Maintenance Hub, 2 Server Rooms, 10 Living Quarters
Those aren't the rooms we meant to build.
Action 18: Dig out new rooms in bunker, make them even mix of Rooms for Bio-minions, Server Rooms, Robot Maintenance Hubs, and Replicator Hubs - 46 + 284 (manpower) + 725 (skill) = 1045 Epic Success (brute forced). 1045/20 = 52/4 = 13 units per room category.
You and your robots have successfully added the following to the Mine:
13 Living Rooms
13 Server Rooms
13 Maintenance Hubs
13 Replicator Hubs
... Those are though. Did we get both of those things somehow?
[x] Fortify the base
An unorthodox move, but I suspect that they will find out if we try to move the stuff out and ambush us.
We may lose the ability to use it stealthily, but we have them focus only on this one building.

[X] Design a blueprint
-[x] personal teleportation components.

[x] Write-In
-[x] Participate in nighttime raid.
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[X] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
[X] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[X] Computing
[x] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
-[x] Dissect alien corpse

Placeholder research actions right now, but I want to work on just research this turn with at least one action going into advancing a field.
How about researching teleporters? That way we can move around and no one will know. Also that way we will have portal weapons as well.
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Throwing out a suggestion for a response to the Illuminati:

[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
-[] Rig the building to self-destruct so that it blows up after the Illuminati agents are inside and takes both them and all the evidence with it
--[] Be sure to make it look like an accident; a gas leak or something like that.

Also, is it possible to get an update minion count so we know the total number of minions we currently have?
[X] Fortify the base
[X] Integrate Blueprints
-[X] Scranton Reality Anchor
-[X] C.A.T Room
[X] Design a Blueprint
-[X] Quantum Computer
[X] Research Training
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I still have to think about my vote vut I have a Crazy idea. We already have the lift system used in the egg mobile, What If we make a room version that turns a base mobile? Such a system would be easy to integrate using Fortress.

Edit: Or we could leave the building and rig it to be filled With feltionizer?
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[X] Create an Espionage 4 NSM.
[X] Help Siris Reinier with making an Operations 4 NSM.
[X] Create a Blueprint:
-[X] Create a LEARNER compatible version of the Mechanogoblin.
[X] Serve as the template for the Espionage 4 NSM.

@Rotekian As agreed upon I expect you to do your part. Creating an NSM is a Free Action, but serving as template is not.
[X] Production
-[X] 53 Research Navis
-[X] 53 Espionage Navis
-[X] 52 Buzzkill
-[X] 52 Orobots
Dedicating half of this turns production to fighting robots, since it looks like Combat will start revving up. The other half is split between research and espionage, equally important things. No operations quite yet, because I'm planning on making a better Operations bot.

Speaking of, @Speed53066 Wanna try to make the next version of the Replicators?
[X] Research
-[X] Improve Replicators
--[X] Integrate that telekinesis effector so that they can better move themselves and manipulate their surroundings. Quantum comunicators allowing for greater coordination between them. And Matter transmutation to turn junk matter into the desired components.

I'll do the rest of my vote in 5 hours when i get home.
Action 20: Expand/Modify an existing base Expand Mines A few Recyclers, for ore processing Even mix of Server Rooms and Robot Maintenance Hubs Dig out new rooms as needed - 90 + 202 (manpower) + 510 (skill) = 802 Epic Success (genuine). 802/20 = 40/3 = 13 units per room category.

You and your workers have successfully added the following to the Mine on top of the rooms added by the robots:
14 Recyclers
13 Server Rooms
13 Robot Maintenance Hubs
Something I just noticed. We asked for a few Recyclers, not an even mix with the others. What would we even DO with 14 Recyclers? I dont think they stack that much. Does it let us extract more "funds" from our mines?
@Trondason I lacked the energy to figure out what the optimal # of recyclers was and just divided things by category.
Here are some options:
If you want a different arrangement of rooms then take some recyclers, divide them evenly into living and server rooms, and @ me. Also, please offer more formal ratios in the future.
If you want, you can basically consider the equipment created within the base free up to the output/turn of the mine. I.e., the mine's effective output is doubled.
Lastly, it could allow you to use a free action to update server rooms, replication hubs, robotic minions and equipment into later versions costing only whatever difference exists between the newer and later versions, with a negative difference being received as credits usable for the aforementioned categories.
@Trondason I lacked the energy to figure out what the optimal # of recyclers was and just divided things by category.
Here are some options:
If you want a different arrangement of rooms then take some recyclers, divide them evenly into living and server rooms, and @ me. Also, please offer more formal ratios in the future.
If you want, you can basically consider the equipment created within the base free up to the output/turn of the mine. I.e., the mine's effective output is doubled.
Lastly, it could allow you to use a free action to update server rooms, replication hubs, robotic minions and equipment into later versions costing only whatever difference exists between the newer and later versions, with a negative difference being received as credits usable for the aforementioned categories.
I didn't even know there was any math to do for the optimal number, since Funds was abstracted and we were given no info on how Recyclers stack, if at all. It's not really a problem, we have tons of housing either way, i was just curious what was going on.

Options two and three would require data that, as far as i know, isn't being tracked anymore. We don't know how much any room costs or how many "funds" the mine is producing, I Just Write having abstracted our money.

Something that does need to be settled though, is what's going on with the bunker. It has two different actions for expanding it, each saying we got different things built despite using the same group of bots.
I didn't even know there was any math to do for the optimal number, since Funds was abstracted and we were given no info on how Recyclers stack, if at all. It's not really a problem, we have tons of housing either way, i was just curious what was going on.

Options two and three would require data that, as far as i know, isn't being tracked anymore. We don't know how much any room costs or how many "funds" the mine is producing, I Just Write having abstracted our money.

Something that does need to be settled though, is what's going on with the bunker. It has two different actions for expanding it, each saying we got different things built despite using the same group of bots.
That can be chalked up to tallying errors and multiple writers.
I didn't even know there was any math to do for the optimal number, since Funds was abstracted and we were given no info on how Recyclers stack, if at all. It's not really a problem, we have tons of housing either way, i was just curious what was going on.
That was partially an excuse. I was just really tired w/ life when writing. I assume one would probably treat recyclers in a multiplicative rather than additive way. 35% w/ 1 -> 47% w/ 2 and so forth, reducing as more are added. (i.e., .35^2 = .1225; .35^3 = .0429)

R.e. mine output, you could petition for it to be de-abstracted; I think I would place it ~100, as exhausted or for-some-reason-unworked, non-diamond mines are likely less profitable than, say, even a branch of Monsanto. I think its income has been abstracted because dealing with #'s is irritating and the fun of a mad scientist quest is seeing what ideas people come up with, not their plans and administrative skill.

Something that does need to be settled though, is what's going on with the bunker. It has two different actions for expanding it, each saying we got different things built despite using the same group of bots.

Action 13: expand Lujan Partido Bunker
Roll 40 + 306 (manpower) + 25 (skill) + 755 (ROBOTS!) = 1,126
Success (56)

So, it turns out that massive hordes of robots make for light work. Extremely light work. You had only really intended to add a few rooms here or there, but by the time the week is over, MAD's underground supervillain base is eight times as large as it was when you started.

New Stats for: Lujan Partido Bunker
Luján Partido Bunker
Co-ordinates: -37.48, -59.05
Size: 64
Concealment: 5
Fortification: 6
Rooms: 10 Storerooms, 10 Laboratories, 5 Workrooms, 1 Security Checkpoint, 5 Garages, 5 Heavy Garages, 4 Infirmaries, Recycler, 7 Robot Maintenance Hub, 2 Server Rooms, 10 Living Quarters
This looks like the better arrangement to me. The main difference would be that if @them8 is included the skill bonus is +25 and manpower +2. Meaning that the end total is 1,153. 1153/20 = 57.6. So you'd get ~2 more rooms than prior.
Edit: Oh, you said "those aren't the rooms we meant to build." Hmm. True. There isn't an even balance of server rooms and living quarters, for one. Maybe suggest a satisfactory resolution? If you're willing to wait I'll be back in ~7 hours and can work out something then.

Oh right, I need to vote.

@Space Jawa @Lizard Knight Help, plz.

[X] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
[X] Create a Blueprint
-[X] Upgrade Dryad
--[X] Improve intellectual capabilities and reduce initial cost.
[X] Create a Blueprint
-[X] Warren, an organism-agnostic room that creates and counters the cost of minions at the same rate as a Replicator hub until its currency pool is fully tapped out. If the space supply is capped before the currency, the remaining currency can be used akin to the Forging Furnace. tldr, it's the GOCM but bigger & cooler. Ideally it's created by planting a tree which then digs out a cavern underground, creating (glowing) capsules filled with a goo which are accessible by a narrow passage. These cells create creatures and nourish and heal those which sleep inside of them, offering a full rest within two hours and a full restore within a week. Function example: Create an Empty Warren, Warren spends 80 (or whatever) virtual currency on creating minions. The next turn, it spends 80-upkeep cost of existing minions on creating minions. The next turn it... Until its currency supply is fully occupied. It needs to be told what to make (to save effort).

Where is the Pilar Office Building, again?
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[X] Research
-[X] Improve Replicators
--[X] Integrate that telekinesis effector so that they can better move themselves and manipulate their surroundings. Quantum comunicators allowing for greater coordination between them. And Matter transmutation to turn junk matter into the desired components.

Cool, I'm on it. @I just write, can we research the commanders matter to energy processing? Like mine matter from a farther away place, and have it available everywhere that is connected to the network.