I trust in Gally's skill as a QM enough to think that both perks are equally good. Beyond that, I find the idea that the Prince of Lies has power over his domain simply too appealing.

Changed my stat vote:

[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +2 Ath +2 Cha
Last edited:
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Trace your ritual's connection
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +1 Ath +3 Cha
[X] Annabelle
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Trace your ritual's connection
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[X] +2 Wits +1 Ath +3 Cha

I sure haven't voted in this quest in a while.
Something I've found kind of amusing while thinking about past updates and our boy's relationship with the knights is how his attitude in regards to the reincarnated person, and the one he knew is completely opposite when it comes to Annabelle and Gemma, with Annabelle his thoughts always seem to lead to the conclusion that the person he's seeing, no matter how she looks, even if she radiates his mother's sun, is not his mother, while with Gemma, the image of Gala never leaves, no matter the differences he finds.

So which is it, Mordred, are they the people you knew from before except masked by the modern day, and lost memories, or are they their own individuals, though touched and influenced by friends from long ago? Is this the real end game of the Gemma and Annabelle choice?
Well.... that felt kind of anti-climatic. We went crazy for a moment or something, Gemma nearly died, the Big Bad got away, and Annabelle was a no show (or fighting something else, i. Seems like the movie analogy broke down near the end.

[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

And yeah, let's take a breather. Gemma and Annabelle were long due, Matthew and Gavin together is an interesting mix, and I will be sorry to let this opportunity go.

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

The Prince of Lies argument convinced me.

[X] Stats
-[X] +3 Wits +2 Ath +1 Cha

With 6 Ath, we can reach 9 in the boosted form, which should be quite enough. I am a bit biased towards Wis cause Char already has a lot of conditionals.
Can I have a summary of what happened in the movie? I could never enjoy it whenever I went to read it so I stopped for a while.
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana
--[X] Alone

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.
Dimension hopping sword yesyesyes

[X] Stats
-[X] +2 Wits
-[X] +2 Charm
-[X] +2 Athleticism
We really do need that extra Ath. As much as Mordred is a schemer and a lier, he also a fighter. He the overall package.

And we really need some offensive power right now due to how weak we are compare to the knights or the other big threats. in the previous updates, we never truly fought or fought alot. it was more social or magical. I think that is about to change.
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Can I have a summary of what happened in the movie?
Morgan found himself in a Dreamworld, imprisoned by Sa'Lanyah, the Ophidian Queen of the Lucidian Pantheon. With the help of a parasite of unknown nature she took over the minds of the people in the dream - including the Knights, - and proclaimed herself their Empress. Her vessel/host was never named, but there are many indications that it was Lucy, Lorelei's incarnation.

Morgan was rescued by the Resistance, which consists of various unaligned supernaturals who didn't succumb to the parasite, and has chosen to seek out Lady of Bats who turned out to be Talia. You would be better off reading the contents of their conversation yourself since not all of it is decipherable, but she made a reference to the Source of All Lies that powered Sa'Lanyah's false world.
"You mentioned that before. The Source of All Lies," you say. "But I don't know what you're talking about. Sa'Lanyah is using it to control the Knights?"

"My apologies," Talia says. "The Source of All Lies is not its proper name, merely a moniker I've given it for myself. I do not know what you call it, but it is the veil which separates the magic of Earth from the mundane."

Your frown deepens. "The veil…"

"The firmament of neuromancy which courses through your world's collective unconscious," Talia offers, and you can see the confusion in her face.
"The spellwork that ensures the continual existence of the divine cycles? The ritual you used to hide your true name?"
"The Source of All Lies is the most advanced piece of human spellcraft I have witnessed, but I am not human, and it struggles to contain me fully." She tilts her head, staring at you from a new angle. "I can see its silken chains upon your own mind. Who is Lucy?"
"It's all connected, Morgan," Talia says slowly. "Your deceptions, the divine cycle, the sorcerous masquerade. It all flows from a single wellspring."
We decided to disrupt her control over whatever allowed her to manipulate it, and challenged Sa'Lanyah and the Knights to open combat. We fought off most of them, but then Gemma wailed on Rin and we had to kill her to save our comrade. Sa'Lanyah offered us a proposal: she returns Gemma's soul, and we let her host escape with the chrysalis. We took the deal, and here is where we are.

Come to think of, it isn't the first time the chrysalis is mentioned. Talia told us about it too. I guess I just forgot because it was so long ago.

in the previous updates, we never truly fought or fought alot. it was more social or magical. I think that is about to change.
Why? It's a matter of approach, and something that we have control over. I think the very fact that it was all about social and magical before is proof that Athletics is not required to solve problems.

Choose to be buff, and you would have an option to brute force your challenges. It may come in handy, too. But it is hardly a necessity.
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[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[] The Subtle Sword
-[] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.
Honestly, this just sounds more interesting (story-wise) than the ability to no-sell lies.
[X] Stats
-[X] +3 Wits +2 Ath +1 Cha
Morgan tore down Camelot with a scheme, not by individually trouncing each knight. But, nonetheless, having some extra Ath seems rather handy. Finally, Cha. gets dumped a bit, if only because it seems as though we might have to deal with a bunch of powerful sorceresses in the near future.
[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha
Annabelle is a valid choice. Our dream connection seems to trigger after interactions in the real world, and I am strongly curious about that. What happened with the curse we warned her about? What do people remember about this Dreamworld debacle? We can't talk about this as Morgan, but Mordred is a different matter, and so far it's the only way we can manifest safely.

That's not to mention that she is an interesting character in her own right.

And Gemma makes sense because all of what happened. Morgan is starting to question a lot of things about his life. His resolve, his convictions, his ties and his goals. He needs to sort this out.
My concern isn't that either is a bad choice but rather the combination is a bad one. We've recently had 'the Inquisitor' walk up to us and say stop stringing them along, we can't deal with the cat fights. The fact that we've done nothing flirtatious and the two seem to have jumped on us because of a combination of low self esteem and being supportive at a vulnerable time, doesn't seem to factor into the equation.
Well, by timeline, it's actually the other way around.
Annabelle is doing to Gemma what Lorelei did to Artura-
Wait. Lorelei was in that tourney waaaay back to win Gwynn's affection. Artura won instead, and got Gwynn. Lorelei KEPT that torch, and then things happened. Fast forward to now.
Gemma interacted with Mordy first, might have actually liked him a bit. Then Anna met him too, and he was kinda nice to her, and then the Party.

History is repeating itself. Only with Gala's incarnation instead of Lorelei's, and Mordred instead of Gwynn.
Holy Shit this is hilarious. And horrible because the Annabelle/Gavin/Lucy debacle just happened.
Mordred runs away screaming.
We should not be fighting the Knights 1 vs 5, that's a losing setup no matter how high you stack Athletics.

We should be playing smarter, not harder.

And beating up one knight is exactly enough. As prologue shows, they'd sooner look after their fallen than chase Mordred while ignoring injured on their side.

Besides, our sword will soon cut holes in reality. When can we not escape?
I'm of the belief that the most used stat should be the highest. I don't believe that stacking wis will change the options we're given therefore it has nothing to do with fighting smart.
Unless of course the useless lie detector option wins

And by the way when i say useless i mean really useless our enemies will most likely use half truths and ommisions this is especially the case for fae afterall fae dont lie, but their reeeaaally good tricksters.

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.
This argument is rather full of Strawmen.
You are assuming that our enemies know about the lie detector and that it is too inflexible to recognise a half truth. Otherwise I would be surprised if any but Twyleg would habitually speak in half truths.
Not an argument you raised but one I've seen elsewhere is that we might not know what the lie is. For starters the example given was ridiculous, why do we care about some random people going to the pub but it also removed two extremely important pieces of social interaction we'd have. Context and the ability to react to the information.
Regarding Cha conditionals, we can't drag a guitar with us all the time. Give the boy some extra charm!
I can damn well try. And I'll get the haremettes as well if need be. :V:V:V
[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha

...Hey, was there anything in the deal with Sa'Lanyah, that would prevent Mordred from going after her now that she's left and saving the host?
[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.
Honestly, this just sounds more interesting (story-wise) than the ability to no-sell lies.
[X] Stats
-[X] +3 Wits +2 Ath +1 Cha

@Nevill Thank you for the summary.
So we only really have 4 contenders for the three action slots we have. Time for a tally

Edit -- on phone so it's hard to actually manage the vote
Adhoc vote count started by Blonddude42 on Sep 13, 2017 at 6:43 PM, finished with 3043 posts and 33 votes.
Last edited:
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Annabelle

[x] Clear Eyes
-[x] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Ath +1 Wits +4 Cha
[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

Human lie detector for teen drama is a cheat code we need enabled

[X] Stats
-[x] +2Wits +1 Ath +3Cha
Last edited:
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +1 Ath +3 Cha
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +2 Ath +2 Cha
Last edited:
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +2 Ath +2 Cha

I find it moderately hilarious that so many people are voting for alcoholism, when it's been established that it's impossible for Morgan to actually get drunk unless he's literally poisoned with something else.
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +1 Ath +3 Cha