Ah well. One day tactical genius. One day you shall dine in the halls of creed.

Now the question remains. Alcoholism or Annabelle?
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[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha

What we truly need is more Ath. Fighting is something i think we gonna do alot more in the future.

Also Annabelle is important. If I had to pick between annabelle and drinking with the boys, i pick annabelle.

I do wonder how horribly we puke when we found out about annabelle crush on us.

Oh my god.

I just realized this. Gally is gonna follow her mother example and try to take Annabelle love from her! This is fucking hilarious.
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I just realized this. Gally is gonna follow her mother example and try to take Annabelle love from her! This is fucking hilarious.

Well, by timeline, it's actually the other way around.
Annabelle is doing to Gemma what Lorelei did to Artura-
Wait. Lorelei was in that tourney waaaay back to win Gwynn's affection. Artura won instead, and got Gwynn. Lorelei KEPT that torch, and then things happened. Fast forward to now.
Gemma interacted with Mordy first, might have actually liked him a bit. Then Anna met him too, and he was kinda nice to her, and then the Party.

History is repeating itself. Only with Gala's incarnation instead of Lorelei's, and Mordred instead of Gwynn.
Holy Shit this is hilarious. And horrible because the Annabelle/Gavin/Lucy debacle just happened.
Well, by timeline, it's actually the other way around.
Annabelle is doing to Gemma what Lorelei did to Artura-
Wait. Lorelei was in that tourney waaaay back to win Gwynn's affection. Artura won instead, and got Gwynn. Lorelei KEPT that torch, and then things happened. Fast forward to now.
Gemma interacted with Mordy first, might have actually liked him a bit. Then Anna met him too, and he was kinda nice to her, and then the Party.

History is repeating itself. Only with Gala's incarnation instead of Lorelei's, and Mordred instead of Gwynn.
Holy Shit this is hilarious. And horrible because the Annabelle/Gavin/Lucy debacle just happened.

Hey can anyone make a omake bout mordred's reaction to finding out the reincarnation of his mother is interested in him (lol)
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

We are the Prince of Lies, and this is our prerogative. Also I'm hopeful that we'll have more encounters with the multiverse to pattern a level-up perk off.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha

History is repeating itself. Only with Gala's incarnation instead of Lorelei's, and Mordred instead of Gwynn.
Holy Shit this is hilarious. And horrible because the Annabelle/Gavin/Lucy debacle just happened.

Just one more reason we need to eventually sit down with the girls and simply talk about this. We have the power to shape and defy fate, we just need to use it. At the moment, propably tell them that we're not currently looking for a relationship, that should cool things off a bit, and I believe it's also true (Mordred is not in the headspace for it). Longterm, I also suspect that we're not willing to be in a relationship period if there's this level of envy and backstabbing involved (it reminds us far too much of Camelot), and I also suspect that we'll need to make it clear to Anna that just because someone's too intimidated by her to say no that doesn't mean they're actually okay with it, likely after she makes an ass of herself trying to insistenly pursue us after the first refusal. We're pretty much the only one who can outright defy her like that and refuse her straight to her face.

Hey can anyone make a omake bout mordred's reaction to finding out the reincarnation of his mother is interested in him (lol)

That bit's in the main story though?
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[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana
[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.
[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Ath +1 Wits +4 Cha
For the Athletics- focused people, we really shouldn't be trying to beat Annabelle at her own game. We should be aiming to outthink and outmaneuver her, and Wits/Cha is better for that kind of thing, esp. considering we'll be dealing with auntie soon.
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha

For the Athletics- focused people, we really shouldn't be trying to beat Annabelle at her own game. We should be aiming to outthink and outmaneuver her, and Wits/Cha is better for that kind of thing, esp. considering we'll be dealing with auntie soon.
We need Athletics because what happens when we face the knights of the round table ganging up on us we need to be strong so we can withstand them.

Sure we can beat one of them at a time and get in a stalemate with Annabelle but what if we can't escape using our wits and charm we will need to fight our way out.
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We should not be fighting the Knights 1 vs 5, that's a losing setup no matter how high you stack Athletics.

We should be playing smarter, not harder.

And beating up one knight is exactly enough. As prologue shows, they'd sooner look after their fallen than chase Mordred while ignoring injured on their side.

Besides, our sword will soon cut holes in reality. When can we not escape?
We should not be fighting the Knights 1 vs 5, that's a losing setup no matter how high you stack Athletics.

We should be playing smarter, not harder.

And beating up one knight is exactly enough. As prologue shows, they'd sooner look after their fallen than chase Mordred while ignoring injured on their side.

Besides, our sword will soon cut holes in reality. When can we not escape?

Unless of course the useless lie detector option wins

And by the way when i say useless i mean really useless our enemies will most likely use half truths and ommisions this is especially the case for fae afterall fae dont lie, but their reeeaaally good tricksters.

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.
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Besides, our sword will soon cut holes in reality. When can we not escape?
When there is something else at stake, most likely.

I am not a fan of becoming more fight-oriented (I'd like to preserve the idea behind the original build, with WIS as our leading stat - a shame we don't get to use it very often), but Ath is undeniably useful.

I disagree with justifying the increase by pointing at the Knights - there will never be enough if we go by that metrics. We should not try to beat them at their game. We are a loner with a bunch of contacts of... varying nature, while they are a team of superqualified individuals. And the recent events make me think that perhaps we should not try to beat them at all.
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[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Trace your ritual's connection

[X] Clear Eyes
-[X] Even when not expressed, Caledfwlch will warn you of any lies spoken in your presence.

Guys this is crazy powerful. Don't give it away for the new shiny.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Ath +2 Wits +3 Cha
Eh, lie detection is highly situational. Say we hear someone say "I'll meet Peter at six o'clock at the bar" and it pings as lie. What exactly does it give us? Will they meet Sam instead? Will they meet at midnight at the cemetery? Are they staying at home to watch a tv and this is just an excuse?

Just an example, obviously, but people rarely give information in easily verifiable chunks.

When there is something else at stake, most likely.
Point, but if it comes to that we won't be making our way out by overpowering knights, either :/

No, really.
We have people to chat up, both as Morgan and as Mordred, some of those people are magical, or dangerous, or both, like aunt, and Teg, and Ophelia, and it's not the kind of danger where brute force counts for much.

It seems wasteful to focus on a scenario where we might want to fight everyone and their dog, when we could focus on getting better at rituals (which came useful already) and talking people into being our friends.

Also y'all want to impress Gemma, well guitar playing is a Cha skill, so there ;)
Also a reminder - our Heraldry adds +3 to Athletics. If you are in a situation where you need to go all-out, you have it effectively at 7 already.

No such boosts exist for WIS and CHA, as far as I know.
[X] Annabelle
[X] Gemma
[X] Matthew & Gavin
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +2 Wits +1 Ath +3 Cha
Yeah. There are other ways to achieve interdimensional travel, but being able to sense lies is a very strong social buff. Considering we are a social build that's super useful.

As much as I like both options, there's another thing to consider:
Most people who we would expect lies from will probably pick up on our lie detector. So instead, half-truths and technical truths. Those aren't lies.
Also, lies in our presence. Does that account for long range communication? Phone, magic, etc.? Or is it face to face only?
Things to think about.
Here is another thought. Interdimensional travel is a Get Out Of Dodge card that we can play when shit hits metaphorical fans. I think it's worth the investment.
[X] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Matthew & Gavin

[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats: +1 Wits +2 Ath +3 Charm
[] Gemma
[X] Annabelle
[X] Investigate the Source of All Lies
-[X] Find Morgana
[X] The Subtle Sword
-[X] Caledfwlch can cut through the Walls-Between-Worlds.

[X] Stats
-[x] +1 Wits +3 Ath +2 Cha
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