Next time, on Sitting in a Park while your Sword Tries to Kill You!
-[] Put a priority on attacking instead of defending yourself from attacks.
-"faster than I can cut you to pieces with that piece of junk in your hands. So let me show you
-[] Focus on defending until a weakness shows itself, and then attack.
-"live through this next one, maybe I'll show you something special, Ichigo! Fail and I'll- no wait, I can't
-[] What's this supposed to prove anyway? You needed hakuda, not zanjutsu.
-"thought yeah." He slows the spin of his blade. "That's actually a fair point. Fuck, okay. Here's a new
-[] Wait, wait... Can he explain about what he meant by the other guy?
-"Usually people try to stay out of the medical wing." The hapless student informs you as she hoists