End of the day, also when things start to really branch out - 13
OOC: Procrastination you ass.

[X] Plainly state what happened
-[X]Use illusion magic to show what happened as well

"You see," I waved my hands and created a chibi recreation of what happened. "I had planned to steal Saber with my Rule Breaker and to do that I had to distract the group with something as I used my Presence Concealment to hide myself." The Chibi version of myself placed itself inside a cardboard box and snuck its way to a corner. "But as you know my Presence Concealment sucks." The chibi knight had a big red exclamation mark over his head as he pointed at the cardboard box. "So I had to improvise and modify my plan." Chibi me bursts out of the box and begins shouting at the the four people.

"So what happens then?" Rin asked.

"Eh," I gave a shrug. "I made magical girl illusion of myself." My chibi self summoned a chibi girl magical version of myself, lights and explosions included. Rin's faced paled as some sort of old traumatic memory begin to resurface in her mind but I simply waved it off. "Anyways, the results was Archer using this event to crawl away to safety, your friend I guess was just standing there like an idiot while that knight simply went and laughed." The chibi knight fell over laughing while the chibi girl went and tried to stop her. "It surprised me as well master. Now using this opportunity I tried to use my noble phantasm on the girl but..." My chibi avatar was kicked mid air by a laughing knight. Leaving a comical bump on the head. "At least I got some of that girls hair." I took out some of the hair I manage to snip off out of my pocket. "I bet we can use these for something." I pocketed them back as I continued with my report. "Anyways seeing as I don't want to deal with a extremely powerful Saber I casted a flash bang spell, took the kid with me and ran all the way to rooftop (thank Zeus for disengage) and promptly grabbed you, teleported the three of us and here we are." I dispelled my illusions and simply gave Rin a blank face.

For a while she she stood there not really sure what to do, then she simply held out a hand and said. "Pillow."

Grabbing one of the pillows that seem to be literally made of golden threads, I threw it at Rin where she caught it mid air before smashing her face into it and screamed for about 10 minutes straight. Finally letting go of the pillow, she seemed to have finally calmed down. "I needed that. Thanks."

"No prob." I gave a thumbs up.

"So... you're all magi?" We froze. Slowly turning we were faced with a cross legged redhead with a curious look.

"Wait, you know magic Emiya?!" Rin was caught off guard. I on the other hand having already known this through strange means give a curious look.

He gave a shrug. "A little."

"Huh... Guess we got a lot of explaining to do..."

"So you're embroiled in a seven way death match being held here in Fuyuki..."

"That's about right."

"You're an ancient hero of times gone by..."


"Your family was one of the three people to have created this ritual."

"The other two being being the Matou clan and the Einzbern clan."

"The reason why you look like Tohsaka is because it's a magic disguise using Tohsaka as its base?"


"And you Emiya, you're actually a spellcaster this whole time and somehow you manage to slip under my nose for ten entire years without either you or me knowing?"

"Uh huh."

"And not only that but you also barely know how the world of magi works?"

"Dad only told me the bare basics. Secrecy and the length to which magi would do for their research but other than that..." He shrugged.

Rin held a hand to her head, clearly feeling a head ache coming in. "This day... too many things happening at once...."

"You're not the only one..." Shirou rubbing his head before he looked around the living room. "So Tohsaka... whose house are we in?"

"Mansion." I corrected. "The mansion is owned by one Luviagelitta Edelfelt. One of the seven masters here in the Holy Grail War, an investigator sent by the Mage Association and at the moment we're currently in an unofficial alliance with her."

"She's not a bad person right?" He seems worried.

"She's got a bit of a grudge against my family due to certain events in the Third Holy Grail War." Rin gave a shrug. "But other then that she seems to be a mostly reasonable person." Rin answered. "Why'd you ask?"

"Tohsaka," Shirou started giving a serious look. "There's been strange murders and disappearances happening all over Fuyuki. If this war..."

"I see you noticed too." Rin said plainly. "Don't worry about it Emiya, as the Second Owner of Fuyuki it's my job to to supervise this land."

"That's good to know at least." He gave a small smile.

"Huh, first time hearing this." I said offhandedly. "I guess it slipped your mind?"

"I guess I did." She was rubbing her forehead. "Tell you what, I'll explain the murder situation after I get a good night's sleep. I'm feeling really stressed right and I need to unwind... Emiya, you're okay with getting back home right?"

"Sure just tell me which neighborhood we're in."

"Oh wait," Rin slapped herself. "We're in a forest... okay technically that isn't really a problem since we're about 30 meters from my place so yeah... you do know where my mansion is right Emiya?"

"Yeah, I passed by it a few times, so... which directions do I need to go to?"

"Eh, I'll just show you on the way out. Besides we're currently waiting for-" The sounds of a door opening and feet shuffling enter the air. "Oh, here's Luvia now and... oh crud..."

Luvia does not look good. Her skin looks pale while there's bags under their eyes. Her hair while still in that fancy drill style now has strands sticking out and her sweat glands are being pushed to the limit as she's sweating a waterfall. Overall her entire body is having a hard time standing. It's almost like she has a prana guzzling Berserker instead of an extremely efficient Archer. Of course that wasn't the case. She was being held up by her maid and Servant. "Set me down here Margaret, get to the gem vault and fetch me my emergency prana gems please?" The maid nodded and headed somewhere in the building before laying her mistress against a wall. Shirou being himself went over to Luvia and asked if she was fine, she gave a small confused blush before saying she was fine. Damn, better be careful around that guy.

I turned back to Rin. "So Rin, how're you feeling about your first day in the war?"

"So far, not what I've been expecting." She turned her attention to Archer as she approached us. "So Archer, how was your fight with Saber?"

"I prefer fighting Berserker to him. At least with Berserker his insanity makes him easier to predict, it's far more challenging to fight ones with brains though it wouldn't be fun if all my fights were easy." She gave a shrug. "As you can see, my master got a good chunk of her prana drained out of her. Had to go sneak back into the school to scrounge up whatever non-denonated gem we can grab to stabilize her body. Though they weren't meant for emergency prana exchange. The rest of the gems we had to detonate to remove all magical evidence."

"Yeah it's kinda scary seeing from it over here." Rin looked at Shriou and Luvia as they both share a laugh together. "You sure you two will last long?"

"Don't worry about me, I didn't become the most infamous military genius of Japan by not winning against impossible odds." She gave a smirk. "Now excuse while I go to my room, gotta plan a rematch with that knight." She walked off to another part of the house, where? Fuck if I know, this place wasn't mine to begin with.

The maid came back with a large ruby in her hand as she placed it in the palms of her mistress. "Öffnen." The crystal glowed brightly before crumbling into dust. She sighed deeply as colour returned to her skin. "That feels quite better, though I rather go and get my beauty sleep. Help me up will you?" The maid nodded as she lifted an arm over her shoulder as Shirou did the same with her other arm. Much to the surprise of Luvia (who was now blushing more) and earning a glare from Margaret. "Oh... uh... you don't have to do this... uh..."

"Shirou, Shirou Emiya." He gave a small smile. "I just like helping people."

Looking away for a bit. Luvia hid an even bigger blush before regaining her composure. "Luviagelitta Edelfelt. You best remember it." Shirou nodded while the maid gave a pout.

Looking back at Rin for a bit, I saw that she was giving a slight fume. Oh teenage hormones, what will I ever do without you? "Oh? I see you're jel-" A swift reinforced elbow met my stomach as Rin turned to me with a beaming smile.

"What were you saying?" She gave a cute cock of her head.

"Nothing." I managed to wince out as I held my stomach.

We waited until Shirou came back before we said our goodbyes and escorted Shirou out of the forest and back into the familiar urban landscape of Fuyuki. "So Shirou was it?" I said the the redhead.

"Yeah, you're Natsi Kinoko right? I remember that name from when you were introduced to History Class."

"That's just my cover kid. Call me Assassin."

"Okay then Assassin. We'll use it as your nickname then." I gave a nod of approval as he turned around, giving a waving of goodbye as he disappeared behind a corner.

"Okay, now that's over, I'm going to bed. Keep watch over the mansion Assassin."

"Sure sure," I said as we both entered. Rin was so mentally tired that she didn't even bothered to make and eat dinner. She simply took off all her clothes minus underwear and crashed on top of her bed. I on the other hand...

[] Fuck it, go to sleep
-[] Sleep next to Rin Rin Route
-[] Sleep on couch
-[] Sleep in the guest room

-[] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[] Make disguise potion
---[] Drink said potion Illya's conscience route
-[] See if you can make Illya tracking device
-[] Mess with your item construction...
--[] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route
--[] Write in

[] Go spy on someone...
-[] Check the Matou home from a safe distance Rider route
-[] Check Shirou's place Father/Son Reunion
-[] Explore city randomly RUN

[] Just explore the mansion

[] Write in
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-[X] Mess with your item construction...
--[X] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route

I have no regrets, this is the only path.
-[X] Mess with your item construction...
--[X] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route

Will we ever be able to turn Shirou into pretty princess Illya-chan?
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-[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[X] Make disguise potion
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-[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[X] Make disguise potion
---[X] Drink said potion Illya's conscious route

Loli looks here we come
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Personally I want something like this to happen

Assassin: Here Shirou drink this *Hands Shirou the potion*

Shirou: *Drinks the potion* What was that? Some sort of magical protection?

Assassin: Close, it's going to turn you into a Loli Girl.

Shirou: What!! *Transformation happens*
Personally I want something like this to happen

Assassin: Here Shirou drink this *Hands Shirou the potion*

Shirou: *Drinks the potion* What was that? Some sort of magical protection?

Assassin: Close, it's going to turn you into a Loli Girl.

Shirou: What!! *Transformation happens*

And then Shirou was the Illya
-[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
--[X] Make disguise potion
---[X] Drink said potion Illya's conscience route

I want to do this and make Rin waking up to us looking different be a running joke.
-[X] Mess with your item construction...
--[X] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route
Guys please don't go the cracky route, the other quests suffered from a crack overdose. I understand a little crack but we can't go full addict or else the quest might overdose.
-[X] Mess with your item construction...
--[X] Go make a Masked Rider transformation belt for Rin
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The votes so far.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 26, 2017 at 4:30 PM, finished with 23 posts and 7 votes.

    -[X] Mess with your item construction...
    --[X] Go make a magical girl belt for Rin The very crack route
    -[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
    --[X] Make disguise potion
    ---[X] Drink said potion Illya's conscious route
    [X] Fuck it, go to sleep
    -[X] Sleep next to Rin Rin Route
    -[X] Go and experiment with Illya's hair
    --[X] Make disguise potion
    ---[X] Drink said potion Illya's conscience route
    -[X] See if you can make Illya tracking device